(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Liz: all loan cleared liao. so just the levy la. I went there before, they say just bring the maid back lor. ok..8:30pm is fine...dun knw what time dh will be back.

ehh cruel anot ah...tell her last min n ask her to just pack n go?


I think u be nice and tell her u need to send her back lo.

Give her some time to pack but u monitor her packing la.

If u feel bad, can give her a small angbao lo.

vic ma, I had received my itmes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My mens finally came after 15months [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

its up to u. if u trust her u can let her know now. but if she becomes siao want to kill herself. I dont think u can handle alone hor - esp with gabby around.


i think better not to tell her cause my maid nearly went to jump off when we told her beforehand we want to send her off. the other one just ran away after knowing. Wait till ur DH is home then tell her. Like vic said, sekali she siao go kill someone or herself.


GOOD noon, wah finally see u here, i thot we scare u off leh after the gathering last time.

wah!! BBdust so drama meh?!!??! wan to jump down. I will wait for dh to come back then say. Later she do smething to me how? choy!

alison... yeah, i agree lor... better to wait for DH to come home... don't wait she impulsive create trouble or wat, you cannot handle.


yeah sounds drama hor but its true. our house in on the 4th storey mah then got a roof landing at 3rd storey. the nxt min we found her she already standing there liao..xia dao ren.

i told u we met a lot of drama maids before loh cause everytime we also kena bad ones...ai ~ change maids machiam like change clothes.

ok, i think i better go and rest liao. need to get better for this weekend. peng san. goodnight everyone. talk to you all again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

alison, all the best with the maid thing...

ANdrea usually cycle 30 days can start CD 12, if 28 days can start CD 10.

did u get my email on my own instructions else email me again i forward to u

bbdust: KNN so scary. This is the 2nd time she got sent back to agency liao. Hopefully she wun be too drama la. ehh now u got maid right??

Dorie: Thanks Gal! U rest well...n enjoy your time ALONE! hahehhee!

LIz: His name is Uranus Von Heisenburg. Dun ask me why the breeder gave him uranus wor...but I am calling him uri la.


dont know leh my mum said her hands not nice smelling always kena suay maids.. really one is eat human one, one is pros, one is dont bathe one wah really drama leh. but that was a few yrs back after she kena all the drama ones, the goods one start to come hhehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dunno is i weird or what..

the team seated behind me, keep talking non-stop.. noisy lor.. other teams quiet quiet de.. behind on keep talking on non-work related stuffs.. machiam they very free.


keke we thought u got scare off by us cause we very noisy ... sorry leh u too far so didnt really talk to u... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


eat human tribe... she said she never eat wor.. but her tribe people eat... OMG..my mum so scared nxt day send her back liao.


we are having a gathering again on 30th Dec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


she go ask her loh... cause talking talking mah then she said abt the human eating tribe they do exist hor just that we dont know nia.. xia dao ren again. she told my mum her parents told her it taste like normal meat OMG


venue to be cfm nearer to date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think no one in sg can be as suay as us liao lah when it comes to maid. ai ~

alison my friend told me she got rid of her maid of 20 yrs (since she was young i think)

now can BD LOUDLY! haha!

the children sleep OK.



no need tell awbb la.

V ma, got to experience all over herself de! :p

rem to place towels underneath hor.

coz "first-time" pop cherry, might bleed wor.

wahahaha.. :p

