(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


ohh.. icic.

tot only eggs will freeze, didn't know soldiers also can freeze...


dun think so far ba.

for now, think of the long weekend! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



yah see if ur DH can go or not loh.. me no car no energy so rather not go hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


keke i think everything also can freeze just pay money [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


HUH chey... 10AM tmrow ah?? me not in town lah going JB to makan keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think the sale is over the weekend until sunday... me no car won't go one lazy to travel...



for me, sat is eating day!

bringing my cousins out for ice-cream, coz her PSLE result quite good.

then night time, treating my mom bday dinner @ melben!

gg burn a big pocket, but happy coz everyone happy!


tiger... wah, congrats to your cousin worh!!! good job. nowadays, PSLE not like our time... so difficult ah now. crazy one. i think if I primary 6 now, sure cannot get as high as i did last time. Haha.

I had boring chicken rice with alot of chilli & black sauce & chicken liver.

happy cos usuallly liver always sold out -maybe alot of pple on leave the chicken also left so much when i went for lunch at 2pm.

can someone help me call nation maid agency?? Ask what time they close today'?? My maid here leh...not convenient...


wah how many marks?

Mellben, i want to eat... i join u can hahah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mellben crab bee hoon yumms

hahahahaha...wait wait ah. 6787 8199. Ehh btw, no need to pay any fees when give the maid back right?? I dun wan to hire another one.

259.. consider good hor.

much better than me le.

that time, i only had 196.. *blush*

somemore give me options to choose between express or normal sia. -_-"


come and join la! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tiger... wah... 259 is quite good liao... can go special stream liao worh... i think every year, the cutoff for special is about 252 like that.

liz/aw: aiyoh... hopeless maid also can die lor. sigh. that's why hor, we don't have maid. own self do. hire part-time cleaner... then train children to help. hahahahahahahahaha.

today a lot of my colleagues on leave all go take PSLE results liao haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


now better hor take result then choose school, last time is choose school then take result so stupid

haha... yah, just now went to my son's school, so crowded also, cos all the p6s and their parents there taking results....

wah, to think that in 3 years' time is my turn worh. scary.

BB, yah, they got it good. last time, want to choose, also scared scared, wait cannot make it then kena dumped in dunno wat kind of ulu school


keke i still remember last time we go take results ourself where got parents go one? nowadays really so different.. the exams ma chiam the parents take de and they go take their results [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


stress hor..

Simei branch..so 8pm hor. Got admin fee if send back or not!?!?

My maid ah...hopeless. I mean she is ok as a person but dun knw what is spoilt food lor. Gave my dh bad food once...nearly cook bad food several times. Then recently, the prego sauce mouldy liao....she still didnt realise. My coffee machine soooo sticky with oil liao...she also dun realised. Then yesterday, I go roof terrace, then it stink like hell...cos my cat sometimes poo there...then I realised she only pick up the poo but the stain is there...then what for I buy the brush to wash roof terrace wor. Then attract alot of ants wor! All the ants enter into the house she also didnt realised. NB! Then also recently she need 1 week to wash n dry my bra...then she ruin one of Gab's clothing...a gift frm friend...the color run liao...confirm never see washing instruction. I mean I dun mind the color run cos smetimes shit happens but then I told her before le...if break or ruin any clothing...TELL ME...I hate finding out myself.

bb... hahaha... eh, my mom went with me to take results... but the parents all kena wait in the canteen... we go into the class and get. haha. I still remember I was so disappointed I never see my name on the board.... in the end, missed the board by one point. haha.

i think your maid too kampong liao!

never do anything in her life before.

last time my aunt's SILs are just as SHIT lor.

live together EAt for free & child pee on floor just take off the cloth diaper & wipe the floor & walk off. please have some common sense lor must wipe one more time with a wet cloth. dont bother.

another one stay with my other aunty & outside the toilet is paket (wooden flooring) they bath & stand outside the toilet drooling wet & spoilt the wood within the few mths of them staying there.

I mean - u are a mother/parent must have some common sense & bashfulness lor FOC stay & inconvenience your siblings family already not enough - so inconsiderate -wait next time no need to ask for free lodging already -sure the SIL or BIL will say NO

Vic Ma: I pei fu her on the roof terrace lor. She go up there to dry clothes everyday but cannot smell meh?? POWER.

AW... maybe hor, they all come from village type, everyday smell this kind of smell, smell until immune liao mah.... village the dog, cat, chicken all running around, anywhere also poop and pee... heh.

Simei closed at 8.30pm.

Is yout maid a new maid? got loan?

If got loan need to pay up the loan.

And, you have to bear the levy fee - maximum one mth. $170 or $265 depending you got elderly above 65 yr old or children below 2 yr old.


usually the loan is the empolyer pay right?

the agency has responsibility to replace her maid or not? cos like that alison lugi lor if she paid for the loan.

the loan usually is - we pay like $1000-1500 then slowly mthly pay deduct back from the maid around 10 mths or so.

