(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


that is all i can do liao.. but i will still pray for u when i go temple tmrow.

think u are right bah... gynaes got a lot of females de but not all female gynaes are fertility specialists. seems like the guys are more interested in infertility and there are soooo many out there wor.


opps *zip mouth* .anwyay dun give up ...xi wang zao ren jian...ya lor next time got kids ur furkids muz keep short fur liao ...

some babies sensitive to all these one..

Smine, Can i also know the story behind? Anyway Ann Tan is good. I saw her when she was in SGH then Mt E. Now she is with Pacific abit expensive for me... T.T

ann tan i always saw her ad at google top page.. hahaha..

smine, i feel you make the right choice that you quickly find a solution and not backing off.. go ahead if there might be chances of multiple births.

Hello ladies!! long time no "see"...


Can u also PM me pls? cos I actually want to change my gynae to Sheila Loh but I maybe changing my mind... TIA! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lacey.. Sent...

Haha.. Now I clever, copy and paste... So very fast...

Rabbit. The day when I missed the jab and was told gotta stop the entire thingy, I was devestated. I really cannot imagine that this is real lor. I cried and cried and I couldnt slp. I actually took leave for Fri but when I went back to work, my boss was shocked and ask me why, I cannot take it, I broke down again.. My eyes were so swollen that I cant wear my contact lens lor.


read liao!!!!! argh!!!!! u n hub must have gone thru a lot those few days! but realy thank GOD u managed to find Dr ANN TAN!!!! really hope afer going thru all this...u will get wat u desire!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you!!!!

bubbleling - yup...now their fur already quite short le...just that when about to give birth then will cut super short lor...then since got people at home, won't send them for boarding cos i want them to be home when i come home with the baby...but first.... I MUST BFP MA!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bbdust - *shake head* hehehe i also like durain but hor I control else sure heaty the next day.... than put on weight but not important la put on weight cuase if preggy also got to put on weight mah... than the other reason is my ah gong got diabatic and my dad too ut my dad not serious one... I went to test liao I dun have...

I still remember I got to fast than draw blood than drink 1 bottle of very very sweet orange gassy juice than wait for an hour than draw blood... wah the experience is no good lor cause 1st test faint I vomited... the stupid nurse did not tell me to tahan if not i sure tahan one.

christy - i share 1 basket of Mao Shan Wang with my colleagues...one person about 10++ durians...mwahaha...i can durian feast liao... *slurp*...about $70++ nia...

bb dust, same.. if is me i also dunno how liao..

smine, you steady! still go back to work.. if is me.. i go home cry liao.. Dr Ann sure do miracles on you!

grapefruit nice or not ah.. thinking of eating some fruits now..


omg... really thank God that u found Dr Ann in the end... will keep u in my prayers. U'll huat big big this cycle! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


like smine's dh loh, my dh will not let matters rest de, he will complain until the top management knows and make sure they pay for it. my DH is super fierce de loh, that day he was arguing with a nurse cause that nurse asked me to do BT again when i have done it before, cause they said invalid mah the 1st test, then only to realise maybe still can use the results to check DS. wah my DH kicked up a fuss man in the end Dr. Sheila called and told me abt the whole thing and then said no need to pay liao, waived off $240 leh for BT not cheap .


yah loh... u know most of the time i also dont write down my appt de, just like smine, i listen cause they will sms us the appt time the day before. but for HSG shot, they dont sms de we must rem the time so that is why this thing happen. but she is really at fault.. now i dont know how to react when i see her liao.


I also think that luckily my DH force me to go search for other gynae so that we can go ask for 2nd opinion. Cos I was still telling him to "ren ming" and just wait till next month. Lucky he tell me to go search.. Else I'll still be upset till now..

Anyway, I'm not saying Dr Sheila Loh is not good. She is still good, thats what I feel. I am very comfortable when I go and see her as she is really motherly and friendly type. But after all that hd happened, I really cant bring myself to go to her again and to face that particular nurse again.


u are very brave & u will be blessed with another bb soon.


my dh sure will also write in to the top mgt. there was once beco's of my leg pain, went to Alex Hosp A&E. we reached there ard 10pm+ & finished ard 2am. dh wrote a luv letter & they replied twice with an invite for lunch & ask him to join in their focus group discussion to improve their svc.

Rabbit, Bubbleling,(yurieve18), lacey..

Its my DH.. Very fast.. Cos I think he's too upset le.. Then he dun care le, just want another advise from another doc. Thats why..

bb dust, next time i got anything need to argue.. can ask your dh and smine's dh along or not.. hahahaha..

smine, sometime is really unlucky lor.. just take it as you dont have fate with her..

Smine, read liao.

For the particular nurse, no words can say about her.

Luckily, u still could complete the whole cycle. Thanks goodness yr dh made u go find another gynae. Wish u all the best, hope to hear great news from you soon!

Eve - i;m hoping it's really bfp... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but till nw i'm still lying flat on my tummy...then hor dunno is it i sensitive, i feel my tummy grew...mwahahaha...should be i everyday eat ho liao...

BBdust> Ya usually preggies go and do this test one... to see if they are prone to diabatic or not... something like that.

I go 1st time test fail than go 2nd time... and got to go early in the morning and the drink got to finish in 5mins time Yacks

CL> Wah I eat little bit become heaty liao lor.


I actually heard of Dr Ann Tan before when I had my #1. Heard nice things being said about her at that time. Thats why I tried to search for her on that very morning. Oh, when she perform IUI or IVF hor, can't claim medisave hor. The nurse told us that cos they did not apply for it. I guess cos most of her patients are foreigners ba, thats why dun see a need for it.

i checked on line, another reason why i dun have af is cos i'm annovulating...as in i never ovulate...haiz...next week i shall test and find out...


wah ur Dh also fierce keke but i think its true loh such things happen shld feedback then they know how to change procedures mah if not how to improve.


kekek even the KKH 24 hr doc also bo bian him cause he question the doctor when i went there to check my bleeding mah.


my side always smell of chix shit de leh... but ur DH letter think in the dustbin liao cause still got chix shit smell.


cause diff hosp diff protocol mah... SL is under hosp protocol so cannot anyhow do anything.. but I think Ann got a pte clinic so more liberal bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]




Ya.. Lucky still intime, Cos I told Dr Ann that I got 8 folicles, and when she scan all 8 are still there. Then when test with O kit, got faint line le. She will will be Oing soon. So quickly send DH to produce his soldiers and send to lab.


dh not only know how to complain but will give suggestion de lor. no lah the letter not thrown in the dustbin cos' when no reply, dh follow up until someone replied & the issue involved so many govt agencies cos' no one want to take the responsbility.

can still smell the chicken shit at times & u know who they blame? the RAIN!


yah think got to do it in the later trimester bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ahhhh govt agencies are like that de, tai chi here and there cause bo lang wants to take responsibility for this thing.. no wonder chix shit smell still there sianx


Ya.. bbdust already help me ans le.. I guess SL is more conservative too. Whereas Ann gave us a choice to take the risk of multiple or not. She did say might have, but even if it happens, she will still help us thou also got risk la. But she will help us through, Make us feel really more at ease.


Smine, AnnTan clinic is pretty exclusive and each patient has like 2 to 3 nurse concentrating on you. Anyway i tried booking once. U have to book 1week + advance on a weekday slot! So anyway have to wait so long end up din book cos also too expensive on my wallet.

