(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

BBdust> hehehe same lor drink lots of water to wash out the AF... my mom also tell me that... look like my mom pass me lots of information.. even the chicken feet + papaya soup she tell me one. She still tell me not to take a pill/medication from the doctor for the NN to go down or back to original size. So by not taking the medication the NN will be bigger.



had sliced beef with garlic rice, then went over for tao hua shui! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

abit of backache though.

think slp too early = slp too much thus backache...

bbdust, what u have for ur lunch?


huh NN to go down or back to original size? dont understand wor.


me have yong tau foo again nothing to eat here very sianx. is it ur sleeping posture not good so got backache?


ytf is healthy.. good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun know le. usually slping posture wor.

but only slight backache, plus suan-ness.

machiam like old woman sia. hee.. :p


see if i will puke out later. last time i ate puked out everything then my DH told me he dont like yong tau foo..great

i always kena backache but only to realise its the length of my feet... one is longer than the other by quite a few cm and its quite obvious when i lie down. i went taiwan and a sinseh cured it for me haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You mean after delivery, if take the med given by doctor, the NN will reduce size?

But I thought must take the painkillers and some other pills given by doc one?

bbdust> Oh my mom told me last time the doctors will give to mommies some pills/medication for the NN to go back to original size... the pill is given to them after given birth of bb... I dun know if now still have or not... but it does sound funny to me... I guess maybe its for swelling or reduce milk or water de bah..

Than my mom take it and throw the medication away.. she say if can make the NN big why want to reduce to original size :p

sstarlight> my mom did take the other medication which the doc give la but that particular "reduce size NN pill/medication" she did not take le.

She told me NN is big size than take cause if over size NN also not nice. But if NN is small size its a good chance not to take the medication lor.

Alison - i ask my MIL liao...next sat she will cook ginseng pork rib soup and fried chicken wings for u...the chicken wings marinated in wine...or u want hong zao ji??? it's oso marinated in wine..quite nice...then fry with ginger??

sstarlight> Hehehe last time pple preggy and now preggy different liao a lot of change and technology also very good liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CL> Hong Zao Ji oh I like its our home traditional food cause I am a Fuzhou :p


how sweet of u and ur MIL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so today got hao liao to intro again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Christy, last time ppl got preggy easier than now lor.. last time dont have fancy foods like what now.. all kinds of fertility issues.. like i read abt 1 article, nowadays got so many fancy drinks like bubble tea.. last time ppl drink plain water nia lor..

xinyi - erm...dun have leh...morning tummyache until wake up..end up is shitting pain.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then just now lying flat on my tummy, machiam got pulling pain around womb area, but now no more liao...

christy - is it?? i've never eaten before..but my MIL says nice...she say nice means nice lor..mwahaha...

bb dust - today dh tabao nasi lemak for me instead..but mil got cook soup oso...guess what soup???

bb dust - Bingo!!! ABC... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wait i go tell my MIL to cook xian cai duck next week...

xinyi - tummy pain...nt tubby pain...tummy pain once off nia la...no worries... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CD43... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the oni good thing is i feel warm... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rabbit> Kekeke ya lor not life is full of choice and colourful too :p

But I cannot drink lots of drink so I am quite limited lor. Most is water. If craving than take rootbeer, 7up, 100plus (if tummy ache) and LS. Not kopi and tea for me... sian right my life

bb dust - done...she's cooking xian cai duck next week... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


kekek ABC i drank yesterday liao but not shiok cause wanted to vomit out everything after that wonder why... think xian cai duck will be much better for my tastebuds... sob sob i cannot drinkkkkkkkk

feel warm is goood signnnn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really hope u huat liao.


ai ~ so good.. u know my MIL told me yest, if i want to eat anything just tell her she cook if not waste her time cooking all the food i dont want to eat then she got to eat or i cannot finish. ai ~


I feel pain in my pelvic more than achy legs and feet.

christy, Tubby,

I tried Hong Zao Ji (the famouos one at bugis) before. Dun really like leh. Acquired taste.


i pain here pain there, but my legs are super achy, cannot walk for very long, once i sit down, i feel the tension released from my legs and back. its like arrrrhhhh shiok.

i hate hong zao thingy... tried the famous hong zai rou yuan in taiwan taste yucky.


I thought only me dun like the hong zao thingy. My mum loves it. My DH finds it okay. But I cannot take it leh.. I find it yucky too :p

If I walk long, the bottom of my feet will ache. But when I sit down, the pelvic and back feels most aching...

Eh you 14 week now.. your pukey shld be stopping already right?

sstarlight & CL> Kekeke I got funny liking le... I like eating smelly tofu.... ginger... onions... garlic... kekeke if you like this I think you like the hong zhao ji... the hong zao ji like strong ginger & wine smell nia lor... aiya now super hunger le I not yet take my meal.. wait I got make my food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CL> Wah your MIL beri good ah.. kekeke. xian cai duck *slup*

CL, you mistaken, i worry you waste your MIL soup!! wahahahaha.. :p

christy, for me is i fussy lah.. i dislike gassy drinks.. make me feel bloated and yet dunno how to burp.. haha.. only drink non-gassy drinks.. now also cut and cut, those drinks sugar content high.. i used to take 1-2 cups of tea daily, now totally cut off, change to take milo.. if dinner with friends, will try to order floral tea..


bo leh, me still vomit like no body biz but then hor now the time have changed from morning to late afternoon and confirmed 6pm sure puke.


u like xian cai duck too i like it with bee hoon soak inside can eat 3 bowls .. my mum always say when it comes to xian cai duck with bee hoon, i can eat up the bowl also hah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xinyi - u KNS!!!!! hmph...mwahahaha....

Alison my MIL say after ur confinement u bring baby Gab to my house, then she cook fried hokkien mee or whatever u want for u...now u must guai guai eat confinement food...

bb dust - somehow i think that ur MIL's words inside got words... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hello ladies...

Didn;t come in for a few days le. Cos busy at work...

What's the topic now huh???


CD43, tested already? Maybe its BFP le? Wa.. Your MIL very good hor, everyday got nice food to eat.. Thats one good thing abt staying with MIL.


I see that you eat too much durian till you sick le. Better go see doc before the bacteria affects the baby k.. Last time when I was preggie with #1, my coll always tell me when preggie if sick, must faster go see doc. Normal GP also can just tell them that you are preggie..


I think the pill you referring to is to stop the milk, cos some ladies got too much milk supply and they cannot stop on their own. If dun pump, they will engorge and led to high fever, so need to use the pill to stop the milk from producing... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah loh i also think so... like hua zhong you hua... i just orh orh orh. but sometimes i also dont know what i want to eat... and the reason why i dont want to tell her what to cook is because she cooks only for herself and me. its like i dont want to ma fan her to cook diff dishes for me only if not she will coook a lot which i cannot finish and she dont want to eat (her diet now is 2 vegs, 1 fish everyday). ai ~ ma fan.

bbdust> your leg achy ah.. later you try take a pail of warm water a bit hot that type but not too hot burn the skin la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] than put your feet into the pail you will feel better de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah my legs achy everyday, walk a little bit want to sit down... cannot stand in trains for too long also legs will ache again. want to buy a chair and sit inside the train liao.


got normally 1 week i sneak back a few times home to eat cause i can ask my mum to cook the dishes i like as there are more pple in the family to eat and they very sui bian de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but cannot always go home to eat, cause that day my MIL asked me how come u always not coming home to eat, outside food so good to eat meh? i got to lie and tell her i went to my SIL house to eat sometimes. if not wait she angry.

rabbit> Aiya how I wish I can eat lots of thing cause I eat too oily I got to run to the toilet liao.. street food also cannot la.. my god lots of food in the world I not chance to eat lor.

bbdust> wah I donkey yr did not drink the xian cia duck soup liao le... for soup I drink the soup nia I dun take the veg or meat in it lor.. keke cause I quite spoilt during kiddi time so its a habit liao lor... hmm have not tried with bee hoon but I prefer the "tang hoon"

Smine> Oh I see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya.. drink more water to flush away ther germs..


Mine long story.. But I did it last Fri le.. and I switch to Dr Ann Tan le. Will visit her again next Sat to see if got strike or not... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Was thinking abt it so much that last night I dreamt that it is the day that I am suppose to see Dr Ann, then was at her clinic waiting for her to tell me the result, then my girl was very cranky and keep crying and asking for milk milk. Then I woke up cos my girl really crying and asking for milk milk.. I didnt managed to get to know the result in my dream.

