(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

JP: I slipped n then grab railing n landed on my feet....kaoz...suay leh.

ehh u gals hor...now I really really wan crab...

Xinyi: knew n then still do this to me...temptation wor! so funny leh, on the way back in the cab I am also thinking of crabs...telepathy?? mwhahahahaha!

JP: I also try to be careful...dun knw why slipped. sigh...actually I very sian now...machiam mentally exhuasted like dat...


hang on there. u will be fine bear with it for a while more & ur prince will be out soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hsien: simi la....say me until like dat meh xP Food makes me happy k! really, cant help thinking of the MUTHU curry!!

wah relax leh...I am ok la...dh cancelled all his trip abroad le. Dont scare dont scare...only 1 X incident ...*sayang JP*

Lizzie: yes...I am LOVED *blushed*

*aw eating ice jelly cocktail AGAIN* mwahahaha!


wah, so dangerous.

A few times i slipped, but always managed to grab something, be careful.

Me too now craving for crabs liao...which place has the best ever crabs? Jumbo?


coconut i very scared the last time pple tellme8th 9th mth can start drink - i did &My feet Swell until like DUNNO what

i had to yuan wang buy new sandals cos all my foot wear could not fit!

FN: how r u doing gal!!!!?!??!?! I havent try Jumbo...but I like no signboard =)

bubbleling: will ask dh to buy during weekend.

Vic Ma: true..my dad drove me to hospital just now hhahaha!

hi awbb

i am great, more back aches, alot braxton hicks, kind of too early le, and not much bb actions inside.

You are nearing the end le. Hoped ur boy guai guai wait till min 37weeks to popped his appearance.

FN: so fast BH already?? Must rest more k! What your gynae say??? Ya, nearing the end le...cant wait! Abit cannot tahan liao...esp sitting n doing nothing. My gynae say she will not worry even if bb pop out now...cos already 2.5kg...plump plump mwhahahaha!

JP: gal...come come...cool down...BREATHE IN....BREATHE OUT......

bubbleling: no la...2X jab enuff liao. I hate that jab...

