(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


buy another car $60K

Buy new house $2m

renovate $60K

new notebook $3K

new handbag & matching shoes $5K

Present for HB $10K

Present for parents $20K

Present for inlaws $10K

total $2,168,000

Balance put bank. take out 1M for investments.


u both be careful k?

me already very breathless, reading all these, more gancheong n chuan!

naughty naughty...

hehe toto leh..tio liao then fire my peacock boss..keke..

Aw...pls pls pls take good care hor cos now centre of balance / gravity nt so good even when walking on even surfaces with the big tum tum.

FN ..u too.


I like the Choco truffle mooncake from Raffles.. Nice...


I sent you a PM on the Pettiskirt that you bought.. You got receive?

YOu fell? Better be careful k...

thanks gals, would be careful. Just dunno y, mebe really out of balance bah.


wah ur bb now already 2.5kg, good le. Usu by now mine have not hit 2kg, very light. What do u usu eat, must follow. BH so early right, dunno y, womb tired after 4 le bah.


eat moon cake get constipated

then eat pomelo & release the chock!

then drink Pokka green tea.

if its not preg i will say with CHO ya!

then sit under the MOONlight play candle style lanterns.

those muscial battery operated one BUG me SO noisey!

jumbo at serangoon garden ar? Ok noted.


so is u. I replied u liao. Wasted. I should have not bought so early. The more i careful dunno y the more i will like slip halfway, but heng neve land on the floor.

if tio so good. Can buy so many things yet still have alot left. *dream*



hahahaha urs sounds fun lor...actually i also dun like those battery operated lantern ...find the songs so or-bit ..and its soooo loud de lor..

still prefer the traditional candle type ..


You replied arh? I didnt receive leh.. I PM u and you resend your reply to me again can? Why u say wasted, should not buy so early? Actually another supplier PM me on the pettiskirts leh.. Hers got more colours.. Got reversible ones too. I might be getting from the other supplier.. Cos the one in the BP mostly OOS le.. Then the remaining colours, I dun really fancy..


Now still got sell those lanterns, papaer type.. then u just buy the stick with the bulb just like the battery operated lanterns, except that it only comes with the holder, the wire and the bulb.. Then u just put your own batteries, then can carry the paper lantern le..

Hello Ladies! Long time no chat...

see quite a few new names here... din see bb dust in today.. she not in office today??

me confirm gg to europe this Nov!!!:D now hubby not in town... will be back on Oct.. so october will BD... But thinking... if really BFP... then few thousands will be gone cuz made payment for the tour liao... Should i not BD in Oct and Nov (before my trip)??


bbdust is at home today.. resting.. Never work.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] By the way, I'm jasmine k.. Change nick liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How are u le?

Hi QS! i see... must be her bb asking her to rest at home...

me ok... still not preggy yet! heee...

ey if u were me, will u BD in oct and nov? 1st tri ppl say dun travel... esp long haul wor...


Cos that day she spotting.. then doc gave mc I think, let her rest at home.. If I were u, I will still continue.. Me 31oct gg Japan too.. But I dun care, just continue.. Cos already not easy to strike liao.. So dun waste any chance.

gg for 17 days... on tour then F&E to london... i feel my tumi always very weak... scare cannot take it...

i also feel like BD as normal (or even more fierce cuz too long never see my DH..kekkeek) but wat if really strike?! heheh

smine, panadol should be fine ba.. you can tahan leh.. if is me, i already pop one down.. i migraine sufferer.. so the pain wont go away.. but i got ask doc before leh... he say is fine.. this sat i going to ask again..


Yes. I'll still be gg.. Me F&E to Tokyo.. 7D5N.


All along, duno who told me cannot, that why when I preggie with #1, I also never take even when my head is very pain.. I usually will not take unless its very very pain..

dolphin, i also feel you should go ahead ba.. if scare this scare that.. things will nv accomplished ya.. i also planning for my trips le.. if is meant to be then is meant to be...

like got some ladies, 2ww dont dare to do exercises.. too paranoid liao..

smine, can de.. you google around.. results all say can take.. as long as not overdose.. because panadol is a safest painkiller.. i think my turn i will die lor.. normal panadol not for me.. i only take Panadol Extra.. but i only take one at a time.. at most 1 day take 2 pills..

smine, okok.. rest well ah.. sometime i wish sleep will do the job lor.. haiz.. at times i woke up middle of the night, head pain like hell, and take panadol..

that reminds me.. i better ask if can take panadol extra.. that time i ask if can take normal panadol.. lol!

panadol? erm my gf took one when her head really pain. doc say ok to gu gu take 1... but at tt time she is in about 3rd month liao...

QS, Xinyi... ya true... scare and scare can never go le... OK then I BD hard on Oct and Nov... just be more careful during the long trip ba.. throw everything to DH carry.. :p

hmmm how romantic and Xin(4) Fu(1) if im preggy and walking along the Paris road with my DH... hehhe...

