(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


hmm... yah.. i think so too...

sianz.. i start to emo abit agian liao.. cham...

i think bbdust mummy sleeping le.. cos suddenly she MIA liao.. hehehe...

I'm in....went to ikea with MIL and dh just now..bought wardrobe and dining table...tired man...AF finish lo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] NEW CYCLE NEW HOPE!!! EVERYBODY HUAT AR!!!!

good noon tubby... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] finally u are in.. how come u go buy wardrobe and dining table?


kekeke my guai gal gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb dust - cos MIL and the rest of the gang moving to my house remember??? oh...just now i asked MIL who buys the groceries...then she says most of the time she buys lor...occasionally then BIL will buy IF he goes GIANT...so i said next time move to my house, i will buy, the money we give her, she just keep...then those toiletries ask them to buy themselves...then MIL say she knows...

bb dust - haiz...dunno la...duno why suddenly the plan discussed with dh auntie didn't work lor...sianz manz....argh...anyway, it's ok...ultimately the house is mine, i pay for the house, so they just have to lan lan suck thumb and listen to what i say... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xinyi - yup yup....clear le...so happy... *bish* dun think of af reporting or not...ping chang xin....


i think with ur character, if they offend u they will get it also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway AF finish le, jia you ~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb dust - yup yup...all know that me is ah lian...not happy nia i won't show face, i will just tell it straight to their face... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


not ah lian lah.. just that u dare to voice out.. if its me i keep quiet haha...


very fast liao keke finally [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] daylight

Angel - mwahahaha...ya hor...my MIL and SIL is ok..it's BIL and wife that i buay tahanz....but the good thing is it's MY house, and I'M paying for everything...so they have no rights to open their mouths to say anything... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

alison - dh sure bo pang sua one....dh will tell them straight that they have to continue giving $$ to MIL, give $$ to us to pay for bills and BUY THEIR OWN TOILETRIES...eh..you remember last time church we used to give tithes?? it's 10% of whatever we have right...dh say if the amount they give for tithes is more than what they give to my MIL...they sure jialat...then i say...confirm tithes is more than what they give MIL...give MIL 200...dun tell me bullcrap that they earn 2000...earn 2000 i chop my head let him sit...dh says he will ask them...if it's more than 200...they sure jialat...then i told him...I WANT TO WATCH SHOW... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb dust - how come ur ILs so lao gu dong de??? my MIL long time ago already say next time i confinement must employ CL...i told her...egg oso haven't poot out, talk about CL..kaoz..mwahahaha....


ai ~ lao ren jia... what t do wor.. my DH said a war has erupted btw the 2 of us because of a CL.. i told my DH if he said it in the 1st place, war wont erupt liao cause the prob would have been solved loh. now i also dont know how to bring up the topic again since she like want to avoid.

Val: so fierce leh u. aiyah..scared yr MIL soft hearted when BIL say "ermmm this mth abit tight, cannot give"

my dh so funny. I told him I eat half box of the kuehs...n he replied "wle"...I ask him what's that, n he said "just put O, au,h (wah lau eh)." Piangz...he more singlish than me lor

bb dust - if you're the one paying for the CL, then what's her concern?? not as if the CL won't clean the house blah blah blah... not happy with the CL, still can "scold" her wor...if it's own relatives, how to open mouth to "say" the person...

Alison - it's not fierce or not...BIL wanna give MIL or not that's his problem..i'm not him MIL...he's staying in my house, using my water, watching my TV, using my internet, using my electricity...i'm his SIL, not obligated to take care of him at all... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] this is what i told dh...my responsibility is oni my MIL, not the rest...the rest can survive or not it's none of my biz...if i wanna be hard hearted, i can just bring my MIL over, the rest go and find food and lodging on their own...

i still buay tahan that MIL told BIL dun get married so early cos got no money to buy a house of their own...but BIL still die die wanna get married...

Angel - end of the month lor...honestly i only looking forward to MIL and SIL moving in...dun even wanna look forward to seeing them...i very evil hor...

Alison - ur dh very funny hor...hur hur hur....


that is why she said loh employ CL not good, relatives also not good cause wait cannot say her.. i think all the things said are excuses lah, she just dont want pple to mess up her kitchen.

Alison - gan cheong for what??? gan cheong to F ar?? nb... think liao i lagi du lan man...live with parents easy life...omg....u know ar...they are such fakers u know....everything is all act one lor...

wah piangz...super pek chek. Ask my helper give my dh the big box of banana cake so he can share with colleagues...then I just realied she give the smaller box that only contain 3 slices.


yes, must F them if they dun give money or what.

Seriously, both working i dun see any reason y shld live off the mom lor. -_-"

bb dust - like that i rather u move back to ur mum's is better lor.....eh...something just popped into my mind..hehe...if i preggy soon, then give birth liao sure employ CL ma....then should i request that they F off???


yah loh... that is my intention...

Actually i think maybe its better to ask them to move somewhere bah since ur bb needs a room nxt time also.

Alison - fakers la...i mean as a son u can actually have the heart to give ur own mum lesser than what u give to church??? as a married man, how in the world can you continue to live off ur mum who isn't working at all??? u know they can tell my MIL to move over to my place this month so she can save the $600....fake lor...and CCB they didn't ask whether they can move in end of the month not lor...they will definately suffer if they do not comply to my house rules...

hsien - ya...all deserve to kena F lor....work for so long...stupid enough to kena sack by boss..borrow money from uncle to start a business that is now jus an empty shell...

bb dust - by right they are supposed to "save" money by staying at my house...so make sure they "save" and F off fast...my MIL and SIL can stay with me...


wah kekeke i like ur attitude... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] save and F off... but its true lah so old liao still depend on others shame shame leh.

bb dust - mwahaha...what u said reminded me of "shame shame babu shame...all the monkey know ur name.."...mwahahaha....still got even more du lanz thing...dunno how to say here....that day i just complain to alison nia..about the prawning thing...and the bbq thing...

Xinyi: I put 3 slices in small box cos I dun eat also mah...thought enough le. Then wanna give dh's colleague lor. I feel like bang wall. This noon cook 2.5 hrs, I thought 9 course, turn out to be 1 fish n 1 veg *sobz*. Nvm la...when bb maybe 1-2 yrs old...I dun think wan any helper le...too tiring.

Val: wah they super make full use of everyone leh..dun knw how to ask u guys 1st one ah! act as if they very filial...PUI!!


aiyoh mai "ki" liao.. cool down cool down...

Okie ah me ban gang liao u girls have fun chatting wor.. muacks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wahahhaa... 2.5hr prepare 2 dish?

er... she doing veggie art inside? hee.



crappy sia. must make sure they pay every cents.

make them cry and auto shift back to the wife's parents' hse sia. :p

awbb, ohh okok.. huh?!?! 2 simple dish nia.. kaoz.. buy cai peng at least got 2 meat 1 veg.. lol!

you not only need to take care bb, also need to supervise helper..

bb dust - bye bye..haiz...everyday chat with u 2 hrs nia... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

alison - ya lor....CCB rite...make use of everyone...act filial..pui..i'm going to spur dh to ask him to question them how much they pay for tithes...and they jolly well know they can't lie cos i know 10% means 10%...if they lie on how much they give, it shows how "holy and commited" they are lor...no prizes for guessing which church... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

