(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


ya i agree v ex this mth i only use 2 tube.. hope i dun need another box to strike.


EWCM only last for 2-3days n i tink only CM will block the sperm not EWCM leh....EWCM helps to bring the sperm to the egg...


bbchole, i wonder if izit i'm too stressed up.. else why the OPK always -ve??

tingting, i'm taking clomid.. and also TCM medicine dat helps in ovulation.

grapefruit juice can increase EWCM??

i was tempted to get those preggie clothes n bb clothes while in bkk.. the preggers over there, stomach big big still go crowded places n squeeze here squeeze there.. really pei fu them.

BBchole, i like preseed too keke. So you see if you want to give it a try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The nurse called already..

It is confirmed that I am about 6wks pregnant which is detected by the blood test. Now I got to rest and wait till the next checkup. Gynae will look for the sac again. I have to worry for one more week. Right now, I will eat as much as I can so that gynae can find the sac. Kind of worry cos if still cannot detect, it could be etopic pregnancy. Nvm.. I will just think positive and work hard for the baby !!

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1611729.gif] BABYDUST TO EVERYONE !! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1611730.gif]

congrats on the positivenews May...

dun worry.. bb is hiding cos v tiny weeny.. nxt week u can see sac liao =)


I think to answer sunsweet's qn, the CM that is friendly environment for sperms to swim in should be clear and watery, which is why its described as EWCM. Preseed looks like that. The thick and milky type is hostile environment.


At least its a great news now that confirm you pregnant already. Have a good rest and don't carry heavy things.


that's good news for now.. just take your supplement and dun worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope to catch some bbdust.


How to differentiate CM from EWCM?


Next checkup is on next Monday. Kind of close leh.. but nvm just go and see if can find or not.

Hehehe.. must be a naughty fellow next time. Make me worry the whole night. Tot Watson in-house Pregnancy kit is lousy, show +ve when I am not pregnant. Lucky BT say pregnant.

May, dont worry too much keke. BB still small thats why cant detect. Rest well and eat more haha!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya nottie fella .. tell bb to show himself nxt rnd.. else all the auntie waiting to smack his butt for mummy hahahaha... now..wheres cutie? her threat always works!!!!!

tingting ya twice liao since friday haa... cos my flow v short one so i can bd early...


I was at Jurong Point cutting my hair for tonight's function. Then the nurse call. First thing is to rush home and online to tell u all.

Thank you for the encouragement and praying. I will still pop by everyday to spread babydusts!!

yes may.. we need all your babydusts..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

take care .. dun rush ok ...

be cool and chill till ur next visit..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


CM is bai dai it not stretchy.

Whereas EWCM is clear v stretchy look like egg white... when u O finish the EWCM will turn a bit milky which is not gd to sperm..


keke so happi for u dun worry it shd be ur little bb playing hide n seek with u.. i tink tt y pp say see gynae from 8 wk onwards..

may, congrats again yeah!!! just keep smiling and rest more ok!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anna, bt sometimes we really cannot do without chemicals leh...then FA and chinese medi consider chemicals or not? lol..

piggytoh, yalor...hope WE ALL strike soon! Lets Huat together!

May....CONGRATS! At least yr BT shows u preggie ma...eat more, slp well...am sure yr sac will be big enuff to detect next week...meanwhile dun tink too much! Just enjoy yr function!

Wah...u gals keep tempting me to buy preseed...ok la, whomever strike wif preseed, I will go buy immediately....kekekeke...tsk tsk tsk..


ya soemtiems it jus happen to everythg in our life cant avoid.. so if i can siam i siam haha

FA i not sure... but the tcm one r herbs not chemical. i tink thats wat tcm is about. natural.

butif they form into pill form that i dunno...

Anna...ai yo...then I alot of chemicals le...cos I got take pill forms for TCM and FA....wah...in future, I sure rot v fast....bt if cremate is ok la...cos fire will burn everything...just tt the bone colour will not be so nice...

haa babychloe

actualy if it onli affect us aft we mati by right we shldnt b worried bout it. then again.. u know lor nowadays all the scientific studies

Hi Gals,

jus had my dinner n my an tai yao... *yucks*

wana share something with u gals... jus on my way home i happen to tok to 1 of my coli n found out tt she try 8 yrs for her 2nd son lor... omg.. den she told me there is a saying tt if we have any relative or friend jus given birth on the 12th day after she gave birth visit her n ask for a bowl of ma you ji(sesame chicken)...

i dunno how true la but she say her friend also try try for 6 yrs but shortly after she did tt she was preggie lor...

some ppl say go jump on the new born mummy bed also works.. duno how true haa... got chance better go jump hor... then again i sat n slept on my sis bed since she gave birth.. till nw egg also haven lay leh sigh

wow May

Congras just rest well some ppl onli manage to detect at later stage since bt confirm than its confirm le.So happy for u.

Haha I have been missing for so long due to all the bad ms no mood to go online have been on mc for this 2 weeks le.Sian Hopefully faster over all this.Anyway just always think like ppl say ms means baby is good.

