(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


hahaaa.... cos i did a search on dr foong after u mention u visiting him. think he's quite gd & well known.

BBChole, the last one who updated should be May, on Sunday morning.

Hope May comes back soon to share gd news with us.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1611532.gif] wish that all the ttc ladies here strike ASAP!!!

Nickname AF TTC# Area

amk_gal 01/08/08 --- 01 AMK

anna 29/07/08 --- 01 Punggol

bunnz 29/07/08 --- 01 CCK

Tingting 25/07/08 --- 01 SK

jandew 21/07/08 --- 01 Tiong Bahru

Wisq 21/07/08 --- 01 AMK

jess 20/07/08 --- 02 Chai Chee

sufen 20/07/08 --- 01 Tiong Bahru

bluberi 19/07/08 --- 01 SK

piggytoh 18/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

stickymouse 17/07/08 --- 01 Punggol

bbPotato 17/07/08 --- 02 Jurong East

cpoon 17/07/08 --- 02 Tampines

qinyi 17/07/08 --- 01 Bukit Panjang

HL 16/07/08 --- 01 Geylang

babychloe 14/07/08 --- 01 Bukit Batok

cutie 14/07/08 --- 01 East Coast

applekhoo 10/07/08 --- 02 Bukit Panjang

angelkitty 10/07/08 --- 01 Yew Tee

berries 10/07/08 --- 01 SK

tea 10/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

chidori 08/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

pegsfur 06/07/08 --- 01 Punggol

naivesg 02/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

pj 22/06/08 --- 01 Tiong Bahru

Krissie 20/06/08 --- 02 Jurong West

ting_m 04/06/08 --- 01 Kovan


Nickname AF TTC# Area

pegsfur 04/08/08 --- 01 Punggol

amk_gal 01/08/08 --- 01 AMK

anna 29/07/08 --- 01 Punggol

bunnz 29/07/08 --- 01 CCK

Tingting 25/07/08 --- 01 SK

jandew 21/07/08 --- 01 Tiong Bahru

Wisq 21/07/08 --- 01 AMK

jess 20/07/08 --- 02 Chai Chee

sufen 20/07/08 --- 01 Tiong Bahru

bluberi 19/07/08 --- 01 SK

piggytoh 18/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

stickymouse 17/07/08 --- 01 Punggol

bbPotato 17/07/08 --- 02 Jurong East

cpoon 17/07/08 --- 02 Tampines

qinyi 17/07/08 --- 01 Bukit Panjang

HL 16/07/08 --- 01 Geylang

babychloe 14/07/08 --- 01 Bukit Batok

cutie 14/07/08 --- 01 East Coast

applekhoo 10/07/08 --- 02 Bukit Panjang

angelkitty 10/07/08 --- 01 Yew Tee

berries 10/07/08 --- 01 SK

tea 10/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

chidori 08/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

naivesg 02/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

pj 22/06/08 --- 01 Tiong Bahru

Krissie 20/06/08 --- 02 Jurong West

ting_m 04/06/08 --- 01 Kovan

Thanks Wisq and Qin Yi...

The updated list shd be as follows cos pegsfur AF reported last nite...

Nickname AF TTC# Area

pegsfur 04/08/08 --- 01 Punggol

amk_gal 01/08/08 --- 01 AMK

anna 29/07/08 --- 01 Punggol

bunnz 29/07/08 --- 01 CCK

Tingting 25/07/08 --- 01 SK

jandew 21/07/08 --- 01 Tiong Bahru

Wisq 21/07/08 --- 01 AMK

jess 20/07/08 --- 02 Chai Chee

sufen 20/07/08 --- 01 Tiong Bahru

bluberi 19/07/08 --- 01 SK

piggytoh 18/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

stickymouse 17/07/08 --- 01 Punggol

bbPotato 17/07/08 --- 02 Jurong East

cpoon 17/07/08 --- 02 Tampines

qinyi 17/07/08 --- 01 Bukit Panjang

HL 16/07/08 --- 01 Geylang

babychloe 14/07/08 --- 01 Bukit Batok

cutie 14/07/08 --- 01 East Coast

applekhoo 10/07/08 --- 02 Bukit Panjang

angelkitty 10/07/08 --- 01 Yew Tee

berries 10/07/08 --- 01 SK

tea 10/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

chidori 08/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

naivesg 02/07/08 --- 01 Jurong West

pj 22/06/08 --- 01 Tiong Bahru

Krissie 20/06/08 --- 02 Jurong West

ting_m 04/06/08 --- 01 Kovan

i beginning to have headache again... the same kind i got when i take clomide.. looks like the side effect realy kicking in again


guess your headache is due to hormonal change/ imbalance.. i get bad migrains when my AF reports.

can your doc if u can take stuffs like panadol / caforgot to treat your headache.

as for 100plus potion: 1/3 100plus + 2/3 ice water works for me.. if only its not too server..


i tink most BKK hotel is not "clean" la depend on how bad it is keke..


ya clomide side effect can really be v bad....


not every 1 will have EWCM. N EWCM only appear when u abt to O n will be gone after u O. i remember i had v thick EWCM this mth n bbpotato mentioned tt it mean i v fertile..

Piggy and anna, i feel nauseous at times after taking clomide leh...dont know if its the side effect anot. Haiz, just hope that i can graduate soon....

bbchole, i'm nt sure if we can go for foot reflexolgy.. my hubby dun allow juz in case.. during tis trip, all my frens went for spa n massage, oni my hubby n i nv go.. wat a spoiler lor!!! he even dun allow mi to take coconut juice and he drink until beri happy himself.. oni allow mi to haf some coconut flesh.

i tink i confirm haven O at all.. coz dat time after O i gt sore breast liao.. dun tell mi i need to increase the dosage to 4tabs of 50mg??!!

bluberi, since dh dun allow u, then dun do it...am sure he has yr welfare at heart and also hope to be daddy soon la...so just bear wif it..when u got BFP le, its time for u to indulge in wateva u wan...kekekeke...

Just finished my lunch ... gonna go vacuum and mopping later on.

sun & babychloe,

Tks for updating the table [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Read abt sashamama and may, really hope they and their little ones are ok.

ya sun i taking clomide this cycle cos nxt mth gg to see gynae at kkh liao hehe... hope the tibestan work...

sunsweet ya i tink its due to the hormone changes cos the clomide will trigger the brain to release the hormones

bbchloe.. 100plus helps huh? ok lateri get dh to buy for mi hehe...

tingting yes i did get the nauseous feeling last few mth whn i was on clomide... i realy kenna everthg lor.. so 'lucky'


cant say no ecwm means no tfertile lar i tink it depends on individual one esp for us who take clomide we can b super fertile yet no ewcm...

Anna, not sure whether it works on u...bt eveytime when I hv headache, I will take a can of 100 plus to alleviate the pain cos I dun wanna take panadols..


haha ur HB funni la.. coconut drink i tink only if u preggie lio den must avoid lol~~ i jus go ahead with my massage cos i feel tt as long as haven strike/O it is ok to do massage...


i tink not necessary if tt mean i fertile i would have strike long ago keke...if i not wrong Sun also not much EWCM.. Dr Tan told u it ok not to have EWCM right?


no EWCM not equal to not fertile. Some women may have v little tht's not visible.

EWCM is to help sperm travels up in an ideal environment. If have is better.

I guessed it works the same function as pre-seed.

Anna, oic...phew! I tort I not fertile...hahahahaha...anyway now I hope for the next cycle to report quick so tt I can start afresh...kekekeke....

bbchloe no harm trying since its not medication

i diedie wun take panadol one n other med one.. even before i ttc i am like this... sick jus let it recover naturaly unless v v bad like need to go hosp one


Tks for your encouragement. Looks like this 'new cycle= new hope' is the slogan in this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggytoh, ya! Both the gynae and Dr Tan says its normal not to hv EWCM, bt somehow I still feel stressed not to hv it wheneva u gals keep mentioning abt hving it...

HL, then perhaps I might need to use preseed liao lor...bt the tort of it really hmmmmm holds me back...

Anna, me also dun like to take panadols and antibiotics...bt I will take cough syrups la...my fav is the small yellow tablets for my flu..kekekekeke..

bbchloe at least u willing haa for mi i jus drnk water tats it.. cos i dun like those chemical in the body..

to my understanding is if 1 take medicine while alive, when they die, the organ rot v fast. i actualy witness it when some 1 at home pass away and before pass away inside got smell already. v scary ..


how long have u been trying? u can just try naturally first if time allows.

I also dun like additional things... but sometimes if there's a need no choice lor...

Pegsfur, slogan comes from SUN!!! So we will be successful like her too haha!!

Anna, nvm we work hard together yah. You shld start BDing soon is it?

tingting i bd twice already haha.. nxt to bd is tomolo

ok i will giv 100plus a try =)

oh yes when im sick i drink 100plus instead of gg doc hehe..

Anna, issit? Dun scare me leh...bt I cannot recover fast w/o medi...cos I still nd to come to work leh...

piggytoh, I am still tinking of buying it...bt bt, I dunno whether I will feel uncomfortable or not? So I am still holding to it....hahahaha...

HL, me try v long le....for coming to 5 years - male infertility....bt we are not giving up yet...IVF is our last resort.

mashy, I asked Dr Tan before abt grapefruit juice...he dun allow me to drink cos he say v "han"....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Babychole, the small yellow flu tablet is for u to sleep better de...effect is to make make u drowsy so that u can sleep better.

BBChole, try preseed lah. I like it le. My only complaint is that its too exp to maintain in the LR *choy!*

Think the body rotting very fast will only happen if the person was on LT medication.

Thanks for the replies ladies,

i remembered someone saying thick mucus will prevent the sperms from reaching the egg.. .. watery mucus is more suitable for them am i right?


jus buy n try la no harm mah initially i also dun like the idea esp the applying method but no harm trying mah at least it ease my pain.... next cycle i will try to DIY n see if it reduce my uncomfortness.somemore it helps ur HB troops..

haha.. if i succeed this mth u jus go n buy ok..

naivesg, ya lor, tts y I like it v much...haa..can slp well!

piggytoh, I shall wait for yr good news .....then I see whether to go buy or not? ahhahahah


i tink its more or less true

1 who have alot of chemical in body and 1 without.. in the olden days, if u read news .. they dig up those grave.. ccorpse are almost intact.. cos last time no such thg as chemical.. while now... body rot so fast...

mayb that y last time got mummies and now not possible to mummified a body liao

