(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


usually the pre-natal vit already includes FA so need to take u can check the packaging if FA is included to play safe.

Qin yi,

yeah hope tml will exceed 37deg:p


wah really huh... keke... ok will keep up the high spirit loL~~



Good to hear that. Take care and hope everything is well. Mamapanda got ectopic leh. She just wrote what symptoms she had. You might wanna watch out for it coz it can be dangerous if really kenna.

Morning ladies..

I am back to office.. talked to some seniors and they told me to take leave and rest at home since I still have some brown spotting on and off. I should be on leave for tmr and fri bah.

Can't help but to think of the baby. Really hope everything is fine. No mood to work also.


Now is the most impt period. Do take care of your health. Take a long break to rest. Remember don't carry heavy things.

Ya mine is diffce of 0.1 today... so dunno O yet keke

But I think shld O today or tmrw la... anyway just ask out of curiosity

Morning piggy, for the past 1 week, my temp is btw 36.6 to 36.7...and its like stk mkt lidat, 1 day 36.6deg, next day 36.7deg, then 36.6deg again....dun seem able to go up to 36.8deg...so sian!

tea, yr temp seems ok ma...dun seem dropping...wat is yr highest temp so far?

May, ya, shd take a rest at home....prolong spotting cld be dangerous...bb more impt, put yr work aside for the moment.

HL, I oni tok 1 reading and go back to slp.


dun worry the extra FA will be flush out keke.. jus like if we took too much Vit C dun worry..


hmm ur temp seems low wor.. ao far my higest temp only 36.7deg also dunno will strike anot.. which CD u now?

Morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How come you taking pre-natal vits so early? Did your gynae prescribe it for u? I thot normally pre-natal vits is taken from 2nd trimester onwards leh.

Morning ladies.

I think its a goner for me this cycle too. My bbt still fluctuating worst than stock mkt. CD17 today.


dun be sad as long as ur temp haven drop u nv know...

i CD20 already but still so low.. 8-10 more day to go nia... keke...


I c .... cos i find that the pre-natal vits smells & taste horrible ... hahaha ... if possible, can delay eating lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

HI Ladies,

I had asked my colleagues. They request me to look for 2nd opinion cos I told them that my hb is no comfortable with his wife under this doc. He was reading magazine when I was taking blood pressure and weight on Monday. So most probably I will be changing to another gynae.

Do you all have gynae that had night clinic or operate on sun to recommend? I am staying at Jurong West. So need a nearby one.


I'm someone who really hates to take medicine, espeically pills, if can delay taking, i will delay lor. U know, last time when i take panadol, i will melt it in spoon then take de. All my family members felt so disgusted with me ... hahaha ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

Piggy, BBChole, I have no idea whether i have O cos I'm not using OPK, cant tell from CM cos BD'ing alt days, temp is haywire. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Is it too late to buy OPK to test now? Any idea how much does it cost if I get like watsons or guardian brand?

pre natal vit got smell one meh?

I dunno leh... mine is a pink color pill, no taste one...just drink water and swallow.

Anyway I not eating now keke.... well I'm just lazy...Next cycle ba when I TTC


but certain vit have to take 1 lor.. if u build up ur body i tink it will reduce chances of m/c also... for me i also dun like take all this vit so i took the minimum lor which is the FA now have to force myself with Dr Tan an tai yao..

hi wisq,

if you don't mind to pay more, you can get the Ovulation predictor test kit from Clearblue. my friend used it and she said it's quite accurate.somemore she strike within few months, I guess.

as for me, I use the UK OPK strip. I got positive result since sunday evening till tuesday evening.


maybe u show ur temp chart here? if u alr O dun tink u r in time to test with OPK stripe wor... u BD alt this mth?


yes.. he delivered J. But his attitude had changed. So hb had asked me to look for another doc.

My MS is coming soon. Nightmare again. Got the nausea feeling already. Sore nipples are more obvious today. Urgh.. cannot concentrate in work now.

wisq... u nvr use OPK b4? or u skip OPK this cycle? u can buy OPK from watson, guardian... they ve hse brand, predictor, clearblue. think many of the gals here are using those strips kind online from babydust..etcs.. which will be alot cheaper. but u wanna test asap rite? maybe can buy from watson, guardian lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piggytoh, if I not wrong I am DPO12 liao lor...so really no hope...haa..I tink yr chance is v high!

Wisq, my OPKs are ordered online...no idea hw much watsons and guardian are selling...


my gynae at Clementi la.. i know they open on Sat not sure abt Sun... u wan call to check?

I know at Bukit batok central got 1 also.. open at night got a few gynae station there but not v cheap..


at least ur temp haven drop still got chance...

haha.. hope can strike den no need DRINK TT AN TAI YAO keke... but dun dare place too much hope la.. have gd lor if dun have den can try to have a Taurus bb keke..

i feeling feverish now dunno izzit the aircon or wat.. how i wish i had high fever now.. keke..


Clementi Ave 2 one huh? I tot of going there also. But not sure which doc to see leh. What's ur doc name? Is he detailed and patient?

gals... i dun chart bbt 1 lah, just take the temp occassional to test test and see see only. but i wanted to know something... if i m not ttc-ing and after my O, do my temperature goes up and remain high till my AF reports?


he is patient la compared to those i have visited be4 n the charges is reasonable....n i dun feel awkward with him leh...

it at Blk 352 Tel: 67761966.

u may wan to call n check.

Qin yi

Yes. After O, your temp will remain high until AF reports.


oic. But i think u should still remain with the gynae until u can see the sac or at least have seen another gynae. Don't drag just becoz u haven't found a new gynae ok?

May, so fast his attitude can change de ar? Thats y he din give u MC also?

My temp also yoyo like stock market this few days.

Yesterday and the day b4 is 36.3 then today 36.6. Today I already CD36 and no sign of AF...

Anyway is it ok to BD now? I scare I O late, but if got baby inside not gd rite?


piggytoh, I dun pin much hopes now..haa...I always feel feverish aft O...Dr Tan says its normal cos aft O our temp is higher, hence we will feel feverish...

Ya lor, hope we can strike soon and dun nd to take the an tai yao...I hv been taking a couple of mths le lor...Dr Tan says my dh needs more time in the treatment...I hope will not be too long...

I hv been sneezing the whole morning...tink I falling sick...haiz..

