(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

mashy, really understand...actually the tort of staying at home has not come across my mind yet cos I dun hv a baby yet and another thing is whether dh can support me financially or not?

Bt if there is a need to, I will stay at home to lok aft my own kids...bt definitely will wanna go shopping once in a blue moon...

naivesg, dun tink so much le...just tink of ttc now...then u will tends not to be so upset!

Anna, chicken butts also my fav....all my frens and family members whom eat wif me will definitely pass me the parson's nose if there is any! Wah, the tort of it makes me drool now..

Sometimes human beings are so contradicting....when we are working, we tinking of staying at home...when we hv the chance to stay at home, we tinking to work again....Come to tink of it, we really got a lot of things to ponder abt...haa...


Good that your dh said that. That he cannot give excuse next time when you're SAHM that you have to take care of everything 24hrs. Then he'll have to help after he comes home too. My dh helps me out when he's home even though I'm SAHM coz he also understand that i also need my rest. Bless him! Coz not a lot of hbs are as understanding.


keke the tom yum soup at Thai express is gd enough for me but so far have not tried any tomyum soup tt fantastic in Thai.. n the food u mentioned i not fancy:p but again individual la[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


in any case involve ur boss if possible if u going to talk with them abt the solution.

bbchole, tingting

still nausea in the morning but now much better... hope it will stay the same for the rest of the day... =p

all of u must JIA YOU for tis cycle!!!



It's good to stay at home if you've the money. That means you can engage help. Then lead a tai tai life and really just concentrate on playing with your kids. HDB tai tai/ housewife is no fun.

mashy, yr dh is really very good cos most hubbys will tink tt u stay at home v eng, so dun nd to help out even though they reach home aft wk...u r v fortunate....To them, they earn $ outside is more siong than staying at home...

babychloe haa so we r same same one... we love that little parts ppl dun eat LOL

i buy fr cold stroage 1 pack n mariante n cookf or myself sometimes .. fry it malay style.. v shiok LOL


ya individual taste mah hehe...

sun, thanks for yr babydust! Really miss it! And I am sticking to it now...do drop by and chat wif us, we miss u!

mashy, ya la, understand, HDB tai tai got to scrimp and save on household, not an easy task too..

hi gals! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1611034.gif]

Seems like quite abit of happenings for the past few days.

bluberi, u are back!!!

May, congrats to you... u indeed become the 1st to start our Aug list yeah! dun worry too much lah, i think ur bb maybe too small to detect. *hugs*

Sasamama, everything will be fine... *hugs*


my dh helps out at home nw even we childless.. he does the vacumming actualy and i do mopping.. which we do like bi weekly.. other days he will use the magic clean thgy to clean everyday aft he come home

1st thg he do is take that n walk all over the hse haha

toilet mostly wash by him also.. so i hop ehe keep the spirits up hahahahaa

staying at home can be quite restless. have not been working since feb trying to focus on my study. thinking of joining the work force soon can be scary.

already told my dh I'll be a SAHM for at least 1 year. He fully supports!


not everyday they hav.. mayb they need accumulate many before can put in a box for sale haha

ya i do sth like deep fry but use lesser oil

i love those malay stall deep fry chicken.. they also sell the butts liek this at the stall but always v fast sold out one...

oh ya anna!! the monitor like abit siao siao 1. i got 1 bar all the way till sat. then sun morning i got 3 bars. is that normal? how come i dun even ve a 2 bars????

anyway, sun afternoon, i double check my O using the strip, indeed got a BFP.


means ur hormone sudden surge

i tink possible!

wah at least u got!!!! congrats i hope u did BD hor hehe.. i still 1 bar now...

which cd u got 3 bar?

naive : just do whatever u think is right. and just watch your back in future since u know how she's like. if ur boss is good, he/she will know one.

anna : ur hb so good ..will help out with housework. my hb only tries to wash the toilet when we were livin on our own.

i always admire mums who can juggle work/children/housework!


CD18. but hor... the monitor suppose to give us more days to bd remember? i thou its suppose to give us 4-5 days notice in advance?? anyway.... WTH.

Qinyi, so are you going to use it every time you BD? Which Guardian did you buy it from? I rem Sun said AMK but there are 2 guardian in AMK is it? keke.


haa he is a clean freak... i alwasy say he got obbssessive compulsive disorder haha.. good lar.. i relax LOl jus do wat i need to..


ya the 2 bars is liek prealert but mayb ur urine not enuff certain hormones initialy to trigger it off... hee.. anyway at least u got 3 bars!

now i try to alt bd... jus in case... and also since ur dh like pressed.. good lar!!!

Ting, its available at the guardian next to POSB.

Aug will see a super long list of graduates! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anna, piggytoh... i bd last sat and sun... hopefully will be in time and strike lor...

last mth i also bd during my O also nvr strike ley... think not so easy 1.


the fertility monitor qin yi n i using req us to test everyday fr cd6.. it will trace the hormone slowly everyday .. tat time my gynae ask mi to test for O fr cd9 onwards...

qinyi : perhaps can try one mroe time tonight?

Yes yes Aug will be a more fertile month than July!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

qin yi.. slowly lar.. i also bd 2 mth back on my o.. also no news... aft this 2 mmth no news u go for a check up... unless u r not feeling inpatient hehe

bunnz, i shld be DP02 liao.

ting, i only use preseed on sat... sun i nvr use ley. too rush... (cos need to wait till 10-15mins) not enff time to use, hahaa... *shy*

seriously, i find the insertion of preseed abit uncomfortable.


ya it actualy detect 2 hormones instead of the usual 1 in the normal opk i tink... so i tink mayb i lacking in 1 of the hormones tat y also no news LOL

Qin yi,

actually i tink it safer to BD be4 u O becos like ome of the gals say by the time u detect O might be too late.. my aunt use it be4 n she say no gd dun bother to buy tt y i din even buy lor.. but individual la...

ya the insertion is v uncomfortable i ask my hb to help me den i alway ouch here n there lol~~~

ya piggytoh, thats y the monitor is suppose to be gd cos it gives u 4-5days in advance to BD compare to the normal OPK - 2 days in advance.

but... apparantly it doesnt work for me lah, hahaaa!

qin yi

ya i testing liao today CD8

same as celia n bunnz hee

i am expectin o on the cd15 not sure if its accurate anot


i ever grilled the pharmist n the sales inc ahrge fr clear blue on this haaa

they say that the 2 bar might b thr indefinitely one.. tat y i was piss w their ans hehe... but now u managed to get 3 bar i tink it shld b ok lar.. my friend all conceived w this monitor. tat y i gave it a try

so like that, normal opk is not of that much of a help ?unless faintz test lines mean that we are going to o already


Qinyi and piggy, yah lor i find the insertion uncomfortable leh. Anyway hmm me try to BD on alternate days. Just want to test opk to know when I can stop BD haha...else very tiring leh.

SUn, ask you hor, did you try to BD on alternate days for the 1st time last month when you strike?

