(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Aw, actually my place not tat ex, also within the 1M+ range for pent house leh.. 2 level also. But i poor, cannot afford. LOL..

heaty best drink lotsa water to flush all the heaty toxins out from the body ah, but cannot drink tea, kopi, coke or isotonic or energy drinks.

tiga, the key is boh chup and relax. Seems like BD for fun relax relax can strike good good.


yes, for 2 months. my dr have to give me the induce menses medicine and after taking for 7 days have to wait another 5 days before it finally come! and Niagara falls man.... so scary

this cycle i took clomid then dr also have me utrogestan pills to take, so wont delay the menses if i am not preggy, if preggy it will be good for the bb

hmmm.. thought clomid supposed to regulate menses, how come both of u take will delay?

utrogestan is progesterone pill?

tigerbb, yes its progesterone.

The dr say i lack progesterone thats why menses din come. i asked him izit bcos clomid don work on me, he say clomid works cos i have egg on day 10



so clomid does help u to ovulate.

so hope now with the utrogestan, will assist better implantation success rate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I suspect hor maybe trying to implant but still not successful. I am not seeing gynae for these few mths liao. think dh travelling so may not be able to bd during crucial period.


i see. possible hor.

since implantation requires sufficient progesterone de.

Hmm.. perhaps you can get progesterone from ur gynae too?

at least, cfm on that, and when u and ur DH more free le, can try le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey ladies,

This morning when I test OPK hor, I see a faint line leh.. Today is CD12.. Usually based on past few months, only during CD15 or 16 then I will see the dark line which will indicate that I O liao.

Do u all think I should start BDing tonight since already see the faint line? Or should I wait till I see the dark line then start BDing?


hee.. see u wan boi or ger?

if gender not a concern, then BD tonight. then alternate.

by then, just nice ba.

CD12 - BD

CD14 - BD

CD16 - BD

CD18 - BD

cover all areas!

if can hor, maybe this schedule works better, since usually soldiers takes 1.5 days to 2days to replenish?

CD13 - am BD

CD14 - pm BD

CD16 - am BD

CD17 - pm BD


Ya, will be good. By then, shld have quite considerable amt, whether there's implantation or not ba.

the gynae ask u to go for it, or u requested de?

Angel, Hsien..

Actually I want to try for a boy cos I have girl girl le ma..

But then hor, have been trying for so long liao.. me this month the 8th month liao leh.. Then as long as I pregnant I happy le.. Already sian liao.. Hehe..

My gynae din check my eggs cos I can grow eggs, just dun have the eggs poping or not inuff progesterone. gynae also make me do the blood test on 21. But I think hor i diy chicken soup and essence at cd 20 bah.. LOL...


i see. ya, the popping out, think need to has close monitoring by the gynae, just like bbdust wor.

hee.. if can, every week do chix essence ba.


i see. ya, put ur mind at ease. and if really is progesterone not enough, at least the gynae can prescribe for u to take. coz only thru prescription, over-the-counter can get de, right?

Hello everyone..

I am back from my nap. Leaving for my mum's place soon to pick up my son.

Can I ask...

Is there got such things "tender on working day?".

A friend tendered on 1st Aug (Last working day is 31st Aug), the company say its a short notice as 1st Aug is a non working day.. Got such things one meh?

Angel, my BT las cycle was, okie inc ur dose for the following cycle. LOL. Meaning progesterone CMI. I can grow big eggs and have opk +, but may not O loh. They din monitor my before to check eggs or anything, they only monitor my after.

tiga, They din monitor my before to check eggs or anything, they only monitor my after. BTW vit b6 cannot get over the counter as they are dangerous if u anyhow eat it, so require doc precription in SG.

ladies, beware the utrogesten pills will make u drowsy. take for 2 weeks 3 times a day. i am falling asleep at work now....


so coming cycle gg to monitor before, during and after?

i see bbdust's gynae did a very detailed monitoring with her. quite good, though tedious coz it means popping by the gynae ofc every now and then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i see. sounds risky. guess i try get B complex ba. haaa.. :p


er.. perhaps the company used to have pple tender on working day (need to work then can pass letter to boss/HR, so non-working days how ur friend notified the company?

Hsien, Angel,

Thanks for the reply. But on Sat, there are people working.. Not all came back but its like a duty thing. Whoever is on duty will come back to work half day.

So I dunno what they mean by non working day.. My friend submitted on Sat loh. I told my friend, like that tell the HR you wont be coming for Sat shift anymore. Since is a non working day.


in that case, shld be working day ma.

Else ask ur friend to backdate to 31st July? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

provided the HR is ok with this ba.

then again, let's wait for Angel to reply ba.

She the HR expert. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Heh heh ya lo...

But then the company compensates those who come back with a 1/2 day off. So maybe its not considered a working day?

I also dunno... I seldom resigned :p usually I kena terminately. Wahahaha


So far I kena terminated 3 times.. and 2 of them is perm job leh but with compensation lah.

1st time was my dept being outsourced, so its either you take the compensation and leave or you joined the outsource company.

2nd time is company close down. So suay.. But also got compensation.

3rd time is this contract job loh. Economy no good. No money to renew me.


I see. Then cannot argue loh..

I ask my friend to back date or put forward the date loh.. to 3rd Aug. Then take leave..

Cos the new job starts 1st Sept.


I asking the HR experts on some resignation thingy..

I just woke up from nap.. Head feeling heavy.. Argh.. Hate that type of feeling.


ohhh.. icic. but got compensation, so not so bad. hee. :p

but quite sians hor. think will phobia when finding new job?

but for now, u contended to be SAHM ba. :D


haaa.. going to be 4pm... ren yi ren ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur friend has no leave to use to clear?


Yeah.. So to me, contract or perm is the same.. Nothing is guarantee. Cos myself is being terminated twice in perm job. Dunno I lucky or what :p

Anyway, I just want to land myself in job with things I like to do, good pay and benefits can already. Contract or perm also okay with me.

Aiya I dun like to be SAHM leh.. But for me now is no choice...

My friend got leaves.. but dunno the company will allow to clear or not. Cos they panicking over the resignation liao :p Must handover things ba.


I am only 6 weeks nia..

I feel like I preggie a long time like that. With all these giddiness and nauseousness.

Its really draining out all my energy..

Now send me on a $500 free shopping spree I also lazy to move my axx :p


i see..

never mind la. enjoy for now ba. since u cant go work for the time being. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur feet size very small? like size 3 or 4?

can consider getting kids size though design might be limited?

if the co. dun allow to take lve, jus give short notice of 2 days lor. in terms of calculation is more or less the same, they have to pay lve encashment.


Totally not the same. Now I tell no 1, "you treat mummy much nicer"... My no 1 only a bit nauseous only. Other than that, no symptoms except in my 3rd trim.. my feet swell like elephant. very hard to walk.

This time round the symptoms starts super early and its getting worse and worse each day.. Luckily I am not working already. else I dunno how I pull it thru.

