(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

hmm.. like that arh... we should excuse the DH.


I will try to fix up the details of the gathering tmr when I am more free out.

Will be popping out for now... cheers

xinyi and tzac,

Xie xie ni men heheh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope can throw bbdusts here hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Been MIA for a week plus... Now I officially a SAHM..

Super busy lately. Last week my son is down with Bronchitis.. Got to look after him.. I came in here to read silently but no mood to chat lah...

We withdraw him out from Child Care already cos he is not happy there leh. Keep shouting and crying and it worsen his condition.. Every kid in the CC is either coughing or running nose. Got to write appeal letter to withdraw him without serving the 1 month notice.. Hopefully we can get back our deposit.

Really super tiring.. Plus now I start puking every night..

We are thinking of getting a maid when my #2 stablise.. But dunno how to go about getting one leh...

Dunno which country one.. How much it cost etc.. Got more things to find out..

Tomorrow is my check up with John Tee.. Crossing my fingers and toes.. Hope can see baby heartbeat! Excited!

wah starlight,

Congrats on being a SAHM... i also want [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How is ur DD now? better?

wah update us tmrow okie whether can see bb's heartbeat liao... hehe so exciting.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


SAHM = no income = no more LV bags and holidays...

Mine is Notti Noisy DS (NNDS).. Kekeke

Now he still got a bit of phlegm.. My mum looking after him now. cos I feel very tired to look after him full time. So now end up got to send DS over to mum in morning.. Fetch him back in late afternoon.

Sure. I will update you girls tomorrow :D

What time is your BT?


okie okie hope can bring BBdusts to u guys [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my blood test today 12.30pm will know at 3.30pm hahaha..kan cheong...

ah okie lah at least now ur DS is better liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vic Ma

Me ah.. Very tired.. And super unfriendly. Dun like to chit chat much. Wahahaha..

Eh ask you, your maid, which country one ah? How much you pay per month? We thinking of getting a maid before my #2 comes.. But dunno how about doing it.

Can share some pointers?

Bbdust ...tks..

KK ...u ah...see peacock n u laff :p ...hehe...

starlight...hope yr DS gets well soon ...bronchitis can really turn into asthma if nt managed properly...u rest well too...hehe u muts be looking fwd to yr JT appt 2molo .


hahah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] okie okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wahh.. suddenly and influx of posts!


4 sept ok with me.

Let me know again ba.

weekday dinner fine with me too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya, japan sounds good. big enough to tour for 1yr or more. :p

hi starlight!

rest well hor.. thou SAHM, but usually quite busy with housework and such?


Not putting him in CC lah. He very scare of CC now leh. Cos the CC is near my place.. now he so traumatized that he refuse to even play at the playground beside the CC.

Think he is mentally not ready ba.. Next year when he is bigger then we put him into the CC again.

AW BB, Hsien

Yeah.. Today is 2nd day as SAHM..

No cooking lah. Cos I still very tired. Hubby say no need to cook. My mum now helping to look after my DS. So I can rest at home in the afternoon.


Ya lo.. He first time sick until so jialat..

Thats why we pull him out from CC loh. Cos he really unhappy there. For the whole of July he keep falling sick until kena bronchitis. So we thought this is it. Next year then go CC.


u need 1) capable 2) trustworthy 3) capable with children

that's if u want to plan to go back to work.

but if you going to be around then less demandng on tehskills.

phili smarter but more ex. communication ok

indon simpler communication problem for most cos they speak indon only .

sstarlight: try to rest more. Also, I think find a maid before birth is better cos u can still teach her n by the time bb born u dun have to worry much abt the maid liao.

Wah piang...at this point of time..I feel like moving to a winter country till birth. urghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aw, u bought that apt liao ah... ^^".

Sstarlight, maybe send him to learning vision better. Maybe he is not used to crowd or in a place he is exposed to a big group of pple of his age. ^^".

Alison - $30k++ not including furniture, lightings and electrical works....i hack 2 walls...whole house full of black and white mirrors....sliding glass doors...crystal doors for kitchen....alot of carpentry...

Vic ma - next week ar?? okok..roughly when ar??? cos i wanna start testing from CD13 or 14 onwards..i increase qty hor...25 10miu and 25 20miu.....plus 10 hpts....

hi ladies. I'm back!!!! Been busy but silently reading. How's everyone?

BBdust, wish you best of luck later and hope to hear good news from you!


this one more useful than shoulder rub!



think as u reaching 3rd tri, you are literally a heat-generator. hee. :p

awbb, u also can go down the pool to soak and relax yr back. Cos once u in the pool, a lot of yr weight is release thus not so taxing on yr back. If not, lie on the bed.

bbp: later I am going out la....so not going swimming today. Now I switch on 2 aircon...hopefully it work. hot until siao liao!!!


Guess each day test 2 to 3 times will be good.

Read the website that bbdust provided last fri/sat, seems the length of O not fixed de.

Can be just 12hrs, once the writer mentioned her O only last for 10hrs.


I more KS, i start testing yesterday le.

Since last month test @ CD10 it shows faint line.

Perhaps i ask XZZ to pass me some 10miu first as vic ma stock yet in wor. haaa..


thanks leh thanks leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] okie me going off liao ah... have a good day okie girls...

wish me luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] muacks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AW, the kitchen very big or not??? Err 20k worth of furniture ah, can get afew good custom made stuff liao.

wah, Val, ur reno so atas sounding.. ^^" Must be a show flat quality one ah.. ^^"

cl today or next 2 days my hpts will arrive then its available. 20miu opks no problem i have stock.

u sms me ba i should be home early today & tomorrow also



CD9 according to FF. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

byez bbdust! :D

