(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

GM Thanks!

Then like that I will choose Sat at AMK after my next appt at KKH.

He has so many clinics sessions at TPS, KKH Clinic and AMK. I wonder when he take day off :p


keke... i tink sunday lor.... :p


keke ya.. seein him next sat.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh like that ah...i gonna check what size i wearing for my current birkies. Think will get the normal/regular?

Aiyo...glad that he is fine liao. Hehehe..can imagine him sitting on ur lap, looking at what u doing now....


I currently is wearing 37 Gizeh-regular .. but the size a bit big for me. I getting one size smaller

36-regular but I am buying florida instead. Want to try new design. Heh heh..

vio usually its $120-130 normal price in SG, discounted around $99 (limited choices)

the onlinewebsite usually $70-80. possible cheaper for the bargain items.


i see people go to this for maternity shots.

Call studioloft i think. :D


ur usual size is 36 or 37?

but if u plan to get for pregnancy use, 37 better, coz my friend mention later part of pregnancy feet will be bloated?


Ohh like that ah.

Maybe I take back 37. Cos florida design a lot of straps leh. Maybe if feet expanded also very hard to squeeze in.


Can change my Florida (Choice 1) to Size 37?

The Madrid (choice 2) one remains as 36 (cos that one only 1 strap..so size 36 shld be fine).. Sorry ah.


keke morning i got mention leh... hehe... :p

ya... actualli even faster is tis monday.. but dh on course the whole of next week... so see him on weekend... hopefully by then i have tested BFP... lolz... :p


I think mine is 36 or 37...cant remember. Thnk will take regular too...


Spore $100+ meh? I bought mine at $80+ from World of Sport leh...Ooops....mine imitation?


U wanna take maternity photos ah? *whistle*....i take for u, u want? Wahahahaha! Did u try to see the SMH webby? Think got some recommendations right?

vio - its offer. could be different collection.

but world of sports not as much choice here $80 more choices right?

i not sure which model u talking about exactly la.

starlight will change 1st choice to size 37 same cutting hor.


lolz... its okie la.. cause tat time zhuzhu was announcin her good news... keke.. everyone got excited... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok..I see alot of website liao...I think I like the tomato one. hehehe!

Vio: just nw ask dh I can take full nude anot...kena rejected. Sianz...

blurlet and aw... nice rite??? that time i saw the picts, i turned to dh and told him next time our kid's 1st mth or wateva special occasion, i wanna ask him take picts. =)



keke... dunno leh.. gonna continue testing.... :p

maybe could be O again... BUT my O dun comes w sore boobs leh... haizzz headache...

anyone O and sore boobs come as a package??? :p


Its OK, lemme go check out ur webby tonite 1st...mine current one is normal white one. Let u know my choices soon, thanks!


Wow, u dare to take nude ah? I asked my DH before if i preggy, can take maternity photos anot, he dun seems interested. If nude, sure outright rejected plus face black black lor! But if female PG, i think ok right? Ah bo half-nude?


haha dunno why i read the way u write makes me laugh.. thanks for replying... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

GM, last time, pre-AF will have sore boobs oso... hey, ur appt next sat? me too! heh... my first appt. Both of us will have great news to report that day okie!


ya ya pre AF will have sore boobs but O-ing leh?? cause neh neh pain since past 2-3 days and last nite i tested +OPK...

u seein who huh??? ur 1st appt huh.. keke hope i gt good news like u...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last nite i saw the OPK i very happy leh.. cause i tink i got 2 cycles of +opk tat dun have tat darkness liao... keke... ignore me.. i am nutcase... (",)

vio, yupyup... dh n i decided to juz stick wif it... it's a sepcial weekend for us, plus, we truly believe if it's in God's plans, then we would see something positive that day. dun wanna worry oredi =)

GM, am seeing Geraldine fr TMC... cos she got katong clinic. quite near for us, plus reccommended by my gd fren


I saw your post above saying you got my order le? But I haven send you my confirm order yet leh.. Did you make a mistake?? Cos I went to your blog, I also see my name leh... Me only can go to the shop tomorrow after work to check out the size.. Will let u know by tomorrow only leh..


icic... ya.. most important must got ppl recommend and u feel comfortable...

hmmm can i ask u why u feel tat way huh... u BFP le mah... everything gonna be fine.....


Could it be you missed one cycle of no period?

That time my cycle also last 46 days.. no period in between. Like missed one cycle like tat.

Anyway just BD first :p to cover all area

GM, u not feeling well? then better dun go work tmr. well, heh... i said that cos i still rem my m/c in jan... so yea.. now juz waiting n praying n keeping positive as much as i can


ya... been coughin till chest a bit pain liao.... i scare tonight fever say hi....

dun tink of the past le... look ahead... in 9months time u gonna have a bb in ur arms.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



If u not feeling well, dun go to work liao. Stay at home to rest. With H1N1, best to build up ur resistance instead of going out. Take care ok! Get well soon!


Ic...everything will be fine for u de! Stay positive ok! So at the moment, any MS or symptoms already?

