(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Actually every child is different, the approach tt a parent adopts may not work on another kid.

Jul, u feeling beta? Dun get angry with ur big boss. U read wat I posted earlier on?


Yes..Rc, somemore kueh kueh is not worth the calories, at least cakes/cookies/tarts etc are! Hahaha.....

Like for moonies, dh ate 70% of wat was in the fridge. Wic means he consumes 70% of the calories too.


haha... than once reach home, u rape dh once u step in. muhaha...


so u working there or taitai there? So next time go Shanghai can stay at ur place.hahaha...


I also dunno cos u cook expert ma so ask u if u know. the steamboat always have & think its quite common in BKK to have it. Go a few place to eat they also having these sauce.

GM: Huh? talk slightly more and people think you HL? Wah ... tt's quite offensive, isn't it? So seems like we're more friendly here then. About the comparing bit ... yah, my DH and I also don't like that ... he some more can tell me, "Next time, got people wanna compare our kids with them, don't get involved in their conversation."

Jeanpink, I tink they prolly make their own...wat colour is the sauce? Sweet & savoury or hiem?

jandew: Yeah ... but moonies really very gelat leh ... how can he eat so much at one shot right?

jeanpink: Hhahahahah ... you're planting thoughts into my head ... hmmmmmmmm.


agrees... which is why i dun really feel like 'talkin' in that forum.. cause some more now our kids all big liao.. so another comparing comes abt.... faint..

I oso duno...each time he eats 2-3 small size ones...pop pop pop n they r gone.

Maybe coz my moonies r not tt sweet ba, coz I used white lotus.


Its like sweet & hiem( a bit) & its a bit watery type with some sesami mixed with it. Very nice. Maybe u eat already u 4gotten.


yeah... actualli if u were to ask me here and compare to the times when i was at the other forum.. i prefer here... cause we all have the same goal - to conceive sucessfully.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the other forum before deliver was good.. cause everyone is MTB so we share this and tat... the experiences la.. and what we went thru la.. but after deliver its totally different... the only thing tat we dun compare there is 'look' hehe


muhahaha.. Ya must plan than reach home, rape him once step in. hahaha.. seduce him & enjoyed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my dd? hahaha.. not be raping dh is raincloud la...muhaha.. anyway my dd sleep in her own room so no different but we dun bd during the day only at nite when we are home just in case someone knock at our door.

GM: You know ... you make me ashamed of myself. Coz I always have this impression that once women become mothers, they change into a totally different person lor. But people like you, vic ma, furryfurry, and the other mommies in here have shown me that there's life other than their kids. And it's actually enjoyable chatting with you all coz' for once, it's not always about your children. Not that there's nothing wrong. Whenever I'm back in Singapore, catching up with my friends ... some of them are mommies, they just get lost in the world of talking about their kids. Then after a while, I don't know if the gathering was about catching up with each other's lives or about their children. Gradually, I just don't really meet them anymore. Thus, I formed this impression. But being here with you mommies, I can see that mommies can also have a life other than their kids lor.

jeanpink: Sekali is my DH come back and 'rape' me ah. HAHHAHAHAHA.

What have u drunk today Survey


300ml water (+)

500ml coffee (2 cups) (-)

300ml Iced lemon tea (-)

Gosh my tally is - 500ml Shits

I brought 700ml of barley water from home drink all this still +200ml nia! i still got to drink anotehr 1 litre after this at least gosh how am i going to down 1.7litres of water from now till tonight?


Yeah feeling better after I ate my lunch. Hngry woman = angry woman. No leh.. what did u say???


Hehe but I a bit worried I pressure u gals also. Like come in & boast or something. Dunno u gals welcome me or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


haizz problem w my dh is.. whenever he no need to work or he go back early i will only know when i sms him whether he meetin me to go back a not.. which i dun like lor.... cause normally i will board the train to pick him and go back together.... a bit sian to go back alone.. haha

jeanpink: Oh no ... I turned you into a sex monster liao, now you teaching people to rape their DH. Hhahhahaha.

GM: Yah, why come back early no good? I have to BEG my DH to come back on time okie. Never once have I seen him come back early. Unless he sick.

Jul, I saw maybe hor, God wan u to become SAHM n look after ur Gift leh...kekeke...

Oops, I onli drank 2 cups of water + soyabean milk pkt....*Pengz*


i used to do that when i was in another forum. I go in shoout box & SHOUT water reminders 1-2 times a day. (i need it more for myself u see haha)

vic ma: You really totally detoxed today man ... with all the fluids in you. I drank nothing but water today. Feeling heaty.

GM: You live very far from where you work?


mummy also need to have our own life. I used to be like wat u said in my 1st marriage when when it failed, I feel that its end of the world. So now I change already. I tell dh must have own time, couple time & family time. U not in Singapore???


U mean if drink tea or coffee need to minus away meh???


Oic. Yeah I used to think nvr ever stay home. But.. I wonder if this is a sign. But I must be carful not to use SAHM as an escape from work. That is not correct thing to do. Nvm I have another half a yr at lest to think abt SAHM. Plenty of time.

Jul, no its not a escape...but u koe sometimes God allows troubles to come into our life, so tt we can go the path that He wan us to go. Everyting happen for a reason, whether its a gd ting or bad ting.


Juls Yes those are duretic - caffinated drinks. must minus to your daily total.

TT's why pple say drink caffinated drink bad for health - cos it Minuses what u drank!


wont de.. Update us & be our da jia & guide us since u also from this thread. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


whahahahha ur reminder to drink water is funni lor... haha i tink i not even 750ml wor.. hehe :p


haha i tot u wanna rape ur dh so ask if ur dd is at home a not.. whahahhah it is raincloud who wants to rape dh ah... whahahahahhaha :p


hahaha i tink talkin abt kids is what a mother will do la..hehehe i dunno leh.. for me, i feel nothing to talk abt la..also gotta see the ppl i am talkin to.. if all are mothers already then sure will touch a bit on kids.. but when it comes to parenting or education i wun wan to talk more.. cause different views one... hehe

and its very sian one lor.... 24hrs being a mother n talkin abt kids... at least during office hours, i try not to talk so much abt kids.. hahaha


what thing?? u got boast anything meh??? hehe

Vic ma- love your reminder lor hahahahaa reminds me of my ex-school principal she used to broadcast such reminders over the PA system.

RC - actually most moms have other lives too la...just that they may find it an easier topic to talk about ...


Yeah but we humans are very pai giah. We want things out way so we will twist the signs or purposely ignore the little voice inside. So I must be careful.

vic ma

I drank a regular size iced milk tea from MOS burger, so that is what ml huh?


Ok, then I will hang ard here on & off then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Miss u gals leh.


Er.. coz I got mention abt my pregnancy progression mah. I know some gals here are trying v hard, so I dunno if my presence got make anyone feel bad or not. Aiyah... I also dunno how to explain. I not very gd at this sensitive thing lah *blush*

vic ma: Ooooooooh ... try to cut down on that then. Earlier, I read in someone's post that Green tea is liang? I always thought it's heaty leh.

jeanpink: Yah ... me not in Singapore, so must come here and chat to catch up with all the happenings in Singapore.

furryfurry: Okie okie, shan't disturb u.


Dun drink too much ice milk tea is not good for u now. have to cut down on ice drink & tea. Cos tea is liang. Wow u miss us le.. cos we any topic under the sun. hahaha..

Jul i think maybe 400-500 ml

duretics make u lose water - so must count as minus.

I told my maid this she also shocked cos she likes to drink little water & alot of Coke! now got high blood prssure.

Oh RC - where are u then? I always tot u in SG. No la, done with the call already...


haha not no good... is i wan to go home w him together mah.. hahaha cause that the only time when i and with him alone nia... hehe when reach home see my girl is 3 person.. hahaha then at night sometimes i sleep early then like no talk to him like tat... hehe

tink 2 weeks ago, everyday he late until friday then i got the chance to see him after work and i tell him i like so long no see him.. and he laugh.. hehe

i work at orchard and live at SK... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha i dun drive but i got NEL to pick him up.... whahahah :p


that means hor i only drink like 100ml of water nia... whahahahah :p

RC Tea always liang mah. Actually be strict all these prepacked tea dunno good or not. Recall my grannies time say cold tea over nite tea not good make your legs weak this & that. Those pokka Green tea le - if this theory sticks -its very bad for health le!



I try to cut down, but can't help but be naughty sometimes. But I do make sure I dun exceed the recommended limit of tea/Coke.

vic ma

Ok lah I not so bad. I drink water also hehe.

