(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Taking folic acid.

Mi sometimes take in the afternoon lei.

shld be okie de right? as long as got take can already haahaa..


me back...

Jandew - wow..can make kacap manis? My DH will love it haha...we carry it from SG to SH each time lor

Furry, I tink not so hard...kekeke...its a waste u r not in Sg, if not u can go for cooking class where the instructor makes his own kicap manis.

Not so nice to share the recipe coz it does not belong to me but I tink if u try to google, shle be able to find one.

Jandew - its ok, I'll just goggle the recipe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah, but in SG I wun cook so much since my family are all good cooks haha.

If you can't find kecap manis, you can make your own. Simmer soy sauce and palm sugar or brown sugar together until the mixture turns to syrup. Or mix one part molasses with two parts soy sauce. Here's another recipe that adds the flavor of lemongrass, garlic and star anise.


Makes sense....after all Manis = sweet hahaha duh!

Jandew - yeah, we all love to cook - even my DH. We stay with my parents when we are in SG but will spend the occassional night in JB where my in laws are. Both ILs are also good cooks...reason why we are all big sized :p


Kecap manis is a sauce? I still tot is a food. hahaha..


I went BKK, MK that steamboat shop it will has this sweet chilli sauce, u know how to make?

whahaha cannot resist the tempation to come back.. cause email server down.. hehe whahaha


i go buy Motherhood and Young Parents.. hehe.... on the way back home can read.... :p

jandew: Hmmm, think the type of onions used depends on what you're cooking. I usually use the white ones for soup. The big red ones for dishes like sweet and sour pork. And the shallots as garnishing for beehoon etc. You are super-motivated man! If I were you, feel like eating anything, I'd just go to the place to order, I won't think of making on my own!

jeanpink: Sorry, didn't really read your full story as to waht happened to you. But maybe try cooling off a little? Men ... they cannot deal with too many things at one time. Maybe there's something troubling him and maybe it's money at the moment? There's always this saying, men only pek cek over 2 things. One is women, the other is money. So to him, probably no money, what also cannot do. My DH also like that sometimes. No money mean nothing can be done, he won't think of a win-win situation one. I agree with furryfurry on the method of maybe dropping him an email. More often than not, in the heat of argument, both parties just wanna get defensive to make their point across. Sometimes, drafting an email to the other party allows him to read and let it sink into him a while before he response. Likewise, for you, after you draft the email ... you can re-read and if you feel that the tone is not right, you can still make adjustments. So that might not be such a bad idea. Speaking from experience. Hehehhe.

furryfurry: You still thinking about the crossing toes issue! LOL. Must share with all the gals our discovery, eh? HAHAHHAHA.

HappyMummy: Sometimes, not seeing EWCM doesn't mean we didn't O. Sometimes, the EWCM we produced is not enough to flow out. So it could still stay within us. Use other methods like OPK strips to test might be good too.

RC - ..you back with your chang pian da lun again! really admire how u can read and answer to everyone


if there is EWCM, whenever we wipe will have or what huh?? morning tell u all got the stretchy thingy rite.. past few times i go ladies boh liao..... :p


Thanks for much.


U so bad le RC was so nice lo can write & rem everyone of us le. I dun think I can rem all & reply at 1 go. haha..


hahaha i dun mean like AF la.. hehe tat one too kua zhang liao..hehe but at least like after u pee and when u wipe at least on the tissue like tat lor...

past few days when washing mei mei, i will like got sticky feelin on my finger... but after tat try to feel like dun have... anyone feel tat before?

Hahaha... dh cleaning up room at home. So happy that I dun need to do cleaning this weekend except washing, hanging, folding & ironing clothes. Hurray!

jeanpink: No worries lah ... I think it's a known fact that this ttc thread is not just for sharing tips and knowledge about ttc. But also for sharing about food and DURIANS (you know who huh), share RA stuff, sharing good news of BFP, giving support to each other when AF comes, grousing about DH and soon ... maybe sharing with us how to play online games so that we can ditch our DH for rejecting us blurlet, please volunteer.

Raincloud : Thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I agree with u, this thread is very enouraging to all of us here, we know we are not alone. Hee

GM: Yeah, it happens all the time for me. My EWCM always like to play hide n seek with me. I think I don't produce enough. So only if i move my bowels, got strong pressure, then my EWCM will appear lor. Or sometimes if I feel horny, then it'll appear. *blush blush*

jeanpink: Yah ... I become 'target board' for teasing coz' tellytubby not here for a few days already. Tell your DH, keep it up and you'll reward him ... then maybe try BD-ing? HHAHAHHAHAHHA. My imagination very 丰富.


hahaha ur dh not act as if nothing has happen.. hehe he is feelin gulity liao.. hehe maybe tonight he wan BD liao... whahahah :p

whahahaha u also have ah.. ok ok dun bother... :p

tat time i ask u abt the top u no answer me leh... the cardigan how??managed to find replacement for the hook?

HappyMummy: Yah ... I am beginning to feel left out by my real-life friends already. Like forever stuck at primary school while they all have moved on to JC or Uni. Am glad to find a bunch of friends in this thread whom I can share my thoughts openly with.

jeanpink: Hhahaha, now I know why so many ladies hooked onto this forum. All kenah ditched by DH. HAHHAHAHHAHA. Just kidding ... :p

Pinky - I've been here 5 years, DH about 10, yup, we came as he was posted here, well, we came cos he refused to move to where I was to be my xiao bai lian and so we got married and I came over la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Not sure how long we'll be here ...

ya lor... long time no see xiaomei (aka tubby) liao.

Xiao Mei

How are u now ah?

Feeling better or not?

jeanpink: I think she could be busy at work or resting, coz' she had viral fever recently. Aiyah, BD where got benefit who one? Enjoy can already mah. :p Now I feel like dragging my DH from office back home to BD with me.

DURIANS???? Hahahaha....*winkz*

Juz came back fr walk with my doggie. Met a Caucasian lady and her toddler, 18 mths. The small kid was happy playing with my dog, and my dog liked the attention. Seemed like awhile since he last played with kids, since he is considered as med breed not small breed, parents scared to let their kids near him.

Jeanpink, I duno wat type of sauce is those for steamboat? Wats the name? Izzit Thai steamboat sauce? Got such a sauce name or not? Hehehe....


hahaha hide and seek.... hmmm ok la.. should not be bother by it liao... hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me too leh.. haha i am talkin in the forum more than talkin to my colleagues... whahahah so bad of me......... :p

jandew: *wink back at you* You better make sure when I'm back ... you buy me lots and lots of durians to compensate all the saliva I've lost from drooling at your durian posts.

GM: But hor, cannot always stay here to chat with the ttc-ers ... you must also go talk to mommies also leh ... so that you won't neglect the latest happenings on parenting mah ...

RC = haha..FAQs...same for Naive and Sydney too!

GM = me too...I closed the door and do my work and so talk to no one all day except on fone hahaha wierdddooo me

jandew: [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Notti notti. But everytime i go back, I'll make sure I eat durian. My mom will be so sweet to buy a packet and keep it in the fridge for me.

have a HUGE pimple on my face...so upsetting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


furryfurry: Yah, and please provide us with a link. hehee. So that when you gals are not logged in, we can help u all to answer too.

Furry, u r still young so got qing chun dou ma! Kekeke....

Rc, no, its usu if I crave for someting, I muz have it there n then...cannot wait....so I muz make it myself to chope chope eat!

Ended up dh ate 1 ondeh ondeh coz he does not like kueh stuff. I ate the rest....muahahahaha.....

Jandew - me no young liao la..lau kok kok liao...

Haha, so u ate up ALL you made? good job!


haha last time i was like tis active in my MTB XXX 2006 but somehow ppl started to compare kids and all stuff which i actualli find it not to my topic lor.. then talk slightly more nia ppl tink u HL liao... after tat i started to stop posting there but be a slient reader lor...

but i do found some good frens from there and chit chat in msn lor... at times will meet up.. hehe

haha frankly speaking la.. parenting is nothing to talk about one cause we are all individual tat grow up in different parenting also.. so kind of like how we want to teach the child is up to us as their parents.. and it will always end up comparing and talkin abt u cannot do tis to ur child la.. cannot like tat must like tat... a bit sian lor... :p

personal tots la... hehe

