(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

sleepy ah.. cannot get my engine to work.. Sian.. later got to do testing. I hate long hours combing throught all the problems and check that they are corrected.

Everytime i have my AF I always comprain to my ang i wanna quit and stay at home.. LOL


I know he is worried on that area. He is ok to have bb even b4 marry than sudden change of plan like this. Not even discuss it with me?


I sms to him yday afternoon & we didnt talk. So when I went home, I didnt wan to talk much to him as I couldnt get over it. He just like nothing had happen! If I can support him to tender w/o a job but why cant he just talk things with me? If he talk/discuss it with me, I think I will be able to accept it better than hold on to it.


i agree with furry.. u are a very supportive wife... and i believe if ur dh were to discuss w u before makin a subject that he dun wan bb now, u wun feel so sad....

cool down for a few more days then try to talk talk again lor.. maybe not say to have a baby now but leave it natural... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun be sad le.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


whahahhaa cannot when AF come u like tat complain to dh... next time if u really wan to quit and stay at home, he might not take it seriously liao... remember AF comes every month.. hehe


or maybe at that point of time he feel tat his career is stable even for baby b4 marriage? i do agree tat it's his fault for making the decision of 'i don;t wan a baby now' without discussing with u...

Jeanpink - men a bit different from how we are wired I think...most women need to talk and talk and talk until they feel better (or sometimes not) but men feel like once they have said something once, its a done deal. At least for my DH he is like that.

There are times when I just tell him = "do you have time later? I will like to speak to you" and there are times when I email him with my thoughts and he responds...

So maybe just wait and then broach this subject at a later date.

I agree with what you say, if you can support his decision, why can't he be open enough to speak to you about his decision towards this matter...

Sometimes - these pigs, sorry, men don't know how badly our maternal instincts can be...

Jeanpink, I can understand how ur hubby feels....besides dun have job, he does not have anymore confidence...I koe, coz I feel tis way when I din have a job.

A job besides providing financial security, oso boosts the self confidence.

When I go out, I seem to feel like an outcast. Many atimes, I broke down in front of my dh...after wic, he slowly began to understand me more.

He told me, I m prob not the onli one who is not working now...there r so many out there in the streets.

Of coz, need to do alot of brain tuning, wic onli he himself can do.

During tis time, I suggest u give him abit of breathing space, more tender loving care & support.

After tt, he can either look for another job or decide wat he wan to do in his life.

GM - hahaha..its true isn't it? Much as I love my DH, he has been a mutt at times ... so much so sometimes I want to grab him and shake him!!!

paging for Jandew

Can describe how to cook the chicken essence?

Dr Tan also ask me to cook the chicken essence leh..

And where to get the double boiler(eh duno if its call that)




i totally agree with hands and legs up plus all the hands and legs of ppl here man... hehehehehe

sometimes at the moment of its their fault and yet it becomes my fault... whahahhah

Starz - you know the wet market has this shop that sells all sorts of plates, plastic tubs and other household items? They will sell double boilers. Its a ceramic thing. Else just use a smaller pot / bowl and put it in a larger bowl. Add water in the larger bowl and turn on the fire.

Try this: You can leave out the herbs if you are not sure to take it. I actually just do it plain normally


the double boiler (top) is to put the chicken

(below) is put water...

so by end of the day... the top juice will drip to below then we drink isit..

aiyo i sound so ignorant..haha.

GM, Jandew, Furry

Thanks so much gals I am feeling much better after talking it out. Ya things will be better when a couple can discuss things among themselves rite. I always feel that communication between couple is very impt. Maybe I will just things to happen natually than. Jandew I will give him more love, care & support now but he is only interested in his com game.

But he was nice yday as he had scope rice for my dinner, wash up the plates after we eat. Clean up our room when I reached home. Check on my girl's school work & mop the room. So at least I am not too upset when I am home. Who know maybe he know I am angry & are doing it to make me happy rite.


hehehe at least its an effort... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

glad to see tat u are feelin better le... cheer up ya... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tat time when i preggy hor.. what my mom did was to put the chicken on top of those ceramic bowl tat we use to eat rice upside down inside a wok to stream the chicken then let the juice flow down.. hehe

thanks jandew and fury.

Got to source for the double boiler 1st.


Hello gals,

Long time no visit here.. How's everyone here? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lacey, I m fine. Jus looking forward for my 1st ivf jab nex week. N trying to clear work now so tat my ivf period wont b so stressful by work.. sigh..


check with you...

folic acid to be taken after meal or before meal in the morning ah?

i take after meal... wrong or not?

aw-bb, so nice to c u here. Not sure whether I've welcome u back here in SG or not. How's things? Quite settling down oredi?

Can PM me yr mobile so tat I can contact u abt e HK phone pick-up? I stay in e West, probably will go East this weekend or next week. If I happen to b in e East, I SMS u 1st b4 I come n collect fr u ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gals U are great, U really brighten up my days & is feeling much better now. THANKS so much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feeling so great to have this thread & u gals so great that I can talk to if not I also dunno how I will be feeling. Wish u all HUAT in ur stomach. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jeanpink: nvm, u go see it at home later ok hehehehe!

webby: I PM u my number already. I will be in town tmr afternoon.


oh okie then i take together with duphaston

u eat something wrong huh... LS in just 10 mins.. so fast..

u all tink shd ask Chin Leng change our thread title mid next mth??

going nap soon..later cook earlier then go see Dr Tan liao...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i tink before or after should be ok bah.. hehe


dunno leh.. just now eat noodle then ate fruits.. think the fruit not fresh...

GM: where u go buy the fruits wor. I hate the LS feeling, esp when not at home...very stress to LS in the public toilet


buy at taka lor... first time eat liao LS leh.. dunno is it the noodle then... faint..

ya...... just now went ladies... then 1st cubicle got ppl.. then i went to #2 then came one lady behind me.. and she dun wan to go to the squat one... then she waited.. the #1 one dunno lay eggs or what... so long then another lady came in then the 3rd lady tell her she can go ahead with the #3.. then when the lady at #3 come out, the lady who went in after me say 'so lonnnnng'.....

Jeanpink : Hugz to you.

Blurlet : u all so fast, mi ask one ques in the mornie, have to go all the way back to find the answer n finally found it!! hahaaa.. U mean luteal phase is the days from O to AF . hmm..


GM, u buy wat magazine?

Starrz, I oso cun rem when to take folic acid.

Too long nvr take, I cannot eat coz too heaty.

So pleased with my tahu telor...dh says beri nice. I even made the kicap manis sauce wic I juz learnt fr the CC....but hor, frying it in the can really takes so long....den stuck inside, cannot come out....I finally managed to push everyting out...fry it much faster.

I tink I would try to make omelette style nez time, less stressful n time consuming.

