(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

GM - story of my life. DH entertains and works late M to F and most Sats so we dont' see each other much


GM: Yah, I guess it's a typical Singaporean trait ... and probably stemmed from our parents generation. I remembered how my mom would always tend to compare with other mommies on how well their children were faring. My mom never believed in positive reinforcement. Hence, I grew up in an environment whereby I'm always being compared. Yet when I do well, I never get praised either. Even up till now. But well ... that's my mom's style. I don't think it's something I would adopt for my kids in future.

furryfurry: Hmmmm, then maybe next time I'll initiate topics then. Bring them out of their comfort zone topics.

RC = yeah...you should do that...

I agree older generation believe love, must love in the heart, not with the mouth.


naughty... beat ur backside.... when u wanna drink think of ur boy boy, cos it will not be good for him just in case. To me I feel that to play safe lo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whahaha i remember when i was preggy, i everyday got to drink ice lemon tea from MAc and green tea... hehe... once my BIL ask me 'u can drink ah??' i was like 'hehe can la... weather so hot..'


my mama tell me woman cannot drink too much of tea cause will have a lot of 'pai dai' so not good for us... then cannot drink too much of teh peng cause its very sweet and will cause kidney stone if drink toooo much..


Me too! Now I think back, I v poor thing leh. Aws kena scolded by mum on why I only got 99 marks & not 100 marks!


Oops! Yeah me a bit naughty sometimes. But I got take my pills faithfully, does that count? haha


agree cos m mum also like that therefore I dun like to compare my girl with others but if when she start to compare, I will ask her back if she wanna me to compare other mummy with me?? than she will not do it again.


huh... u wun feel alone ah.. hehe even i got dd hor.. i still expect attention and love from dh one.. if not i will complain dh tat he dun love me liao.. hahahahha :p


haha at least i am better then u la.. hehe my mom dun compare us with her frens child.. so maybe tat makes me dun do so.. hehe

but i do agree... typical parents lor.. hehe

furryfurry & jeanpink: No lah, I'm not in Singapore. Relocated elsewhere with my DH due to his job. I don't really like to share where I am in this forum coz' I know I have friends who visit this motherhood forum too and prefer to keep my identity a secret lor. Don't want too many of my real-life friends to know I'm ttc-ing. Wait kenah hounded by questions. Just know that I am somewhere out there lah, eh? Hhehehhe.

GM: Nice of you to wanna spend some time with DH. Yah, I agree ... very important to keep the flame burning strong. Sometimes, little things like going home alone also helps.

vic ma: I am such a great fan of Pokka Green tea ... these days, I try to cut down on tea and drink ribena instead.

GM - of course feel lonely la, but its the nature of his job and of him working here...higher performance expectations and all that, and its been many many years already, so I have to try to be understanding...not that I am happy about it la...

nowadays even when i am with my aunty who are already grandmother, they will compare their grandchildren who is near to my dd age to me.. then i will like oh.. really ah.. hehe so cute hor.. wow.... so smart hor.. then i zipped... whahahah

smart or not.. good or not.. is not something to be said on the mouth.... actions speaks louder than words....

ladies i goin back liao... tonight sure can chat... whahahahah :p

RC - haha, cute..I also have loads of frens on this forum and they know me by this nick but I heck la...I figure they know I am TTC then will shut up more ...wun ask me so many stupid questions like "why no #2" and make insensitive comments. :p

GM - haha, grandma also compare ... lol...steady poom pee pee...ok..me also need to log off ... cya

furryfurry: Yah, but my mom's style of parenting can go wrong too. It also depends on the child's character. If i'm the 'pan ni' sort ... I probably will just zi gan duo luo and not care about how well I do. But I happen to be the opposite, always eager to please her. So well, it worked after all.

Jul_04: You steady lah ... schooling can score 99 marks one ah? I think other than Pr 1 or Pr 2, after that, I think I never get to score 99 marks. Maybe 90-something lah but never 99 marks. I am the sort who prefer positive reinforcement so I told DH already. Next time I be good cop, he be bad cop.

jeanpink: Wah, not bad ah? These days, kids will compare parents also ah? Last time, at the most I'll compare who has more toys or erasers or stickers.

GM: Good for you then ...

furryfurry: Yah ... I think that's the only thing us as wives can do, be understanding to our DH. Coz likewise, we hope for them to be understanding to our needs too. So although the demands of my DH's job are tough ... I will also try to understand because ultimately, it's only for the best for us. Yah ... insensitive comments and questions ... just don't understand why people like to probe. *sigh*


I was end of yr BB, so IQ devt aws lose out to other kids. Esp Pri 1 - 3, No. 17 or 18 in class. Pri 4 went to No. 2, mum asked why not No. 1!!!

Jul_04: Wah ... end of year bb and still can score 99 marks. Puts me to shame man.

piggym: Yeah ... I think studying requires a lot of discipline. Is your course the type whereby you have to go for lecture?


That's what pple say lah, but that's when BB younger. They will catch up one, no worries. I caught up to my classmates in upper Pri, then again after Sec 3. So it's ok one.


I rem it was Chinese or English paper. Languages were easier when younger. But I became more Sci/Math in Sec sch.

piggym: Yeah ... I read somewhere before mah. Coz' they were saying ... that some parents who have Jan 02 kids (for example) will try to place their kids with the 01 kids. But actually, they don't realize that 12 months make a great difference in terms of IQ and also their pace of learning. So if you have a Jan 02 kid, then keep your kid with the other 02 kids, even if he/she is born on 1st January, so as to stay competitive. But don't let that deterr you from having a Dec 09 baby, k? As long healthy can already.

piggym: At least got lecture to go to. I cannot study if it's the on-your-own type of courses man. I don't have discipline. I'm the sort who only studies upon pressure (from my mom's upbringing).

Jul_04: True ... languages were easier. But I was better with literature actually. I enjoy literature in school. Coz i used to read a lot. Don't know how come now older, lazier. LOL. Only read magazines.


Yup. I heard about it too. But I guess they will catch up when they are older. Sure.

I don care which month bb is born. As long as I can have a healthy bb , that is all I m asking for. Hee Hee

I guess everyone of us here will have this thinking too. Hee Hee

Piggym, I said BRB ma...went kitchen bake some cookies lor...massive baking sia...kekeke...

Raincloud, u were born in wic mth?

When I was In Pri Sch, alw among top 7....den Sec Sch hor, count fr behind one! *Faintz* But coz my classmates all beri smart la...*Self Consolation*


THat is true. I cant study on my own type of course too. no discipline and bored..

Hee Hee

now I like to read magazines instead of my notes too.


Yeah since my gynae's clinic is there, & the place so nicely reno-ed haha.


Oh I sucked at Lit. I'm better with scientific humanities such as Geog.

I still read a lot, but I read romances. Hmm.. sad that got no gal to pass my romances to...

Must share with u gals abt my cute nieces..

Yest evening they came ard for a short visit. When they left, they were kissing my tummy & saying bye bye to BB. So cute right?

Hello people...i'm here!!!! i hardly log in when i'm at home so the only time u all will see me blabbering will be during office hours... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tubby, we were looking under all tables & chairs for u, so u r there!

Welcome back!

Piggym, white lotus with melon seeds...since they r small, din wan put salted egg yolk inside...kekeke....

jandew, piggym

One coming to 6 in May, another coming to 4 in Jul. Very sweet hor? But I wondr if the younger one actually knows what's gog on or she just following older sis.


I only chose it b/c of the nice rms haha. I was deciding b/w MtA & TMC - the more maternity hosps lah. So not that difficult to make a decision.

Jul, I heard both r juz as gd ba...for me, reckon I would choose TMC coz quite near my hse.

Where is Mt A huh?

jandew - i hardly online during my off days de...but it's my working day again...sianz...anyway we won't be TTC this month,just shun qi zi ran...have have, dun have dun have...i'm eagerly waiting for my phuket trip...then after that TTC actively again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ok,piggym...maybe u & Aw-bb can order together, so dun have to take 10 each...can just share.

tubby, ok...but u can alw come in so we can 'suan' u ma...if u r not ard, we gota find other targets leh...kekeke.....

