(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Blurlet - actually many fertility treatment and drugs increases the risk of cancer...that's why I tell DH to please cooperate...I don't really love to increase my risk of certain types of ovarian cancer lor.


gm, nah... i dunno alot. But i tend to read and research on something when I wanna know why, what, how, when. all those questions. I guess it is my work nature to digest info.. ^^"

furryfurry: Whoa ... okay ... so if I wanna know about the thickness of my lining, I probably need to go to a gynae to do a vaginal scan?

RC = yup. Only scan can tell thickness - but like the article says, its quite rare for it to go either way la.


I just ordered has excess of 30 Opks & 10 Hpts.

40 cents + 50 cents postage for the lot - interested PM me cos i may not tract here as readily - if someone else pms me 1st i might accidentily sell it to them 1st hor.

Hi GM,

U had a cyst? How big was ur cyst? My gynae detected that I have a cyst. Need to go back 2 mths later to check whether it has grown bigger. If grow bigger, need to operate. So can't TTC before that.

piggy, err so far i haven read to that. I only read till estrogen. ^^". But hor one thing, estrogen makes u fat, and progesterone burns fats... LOL...

Fast&Furry, i got both.. sometimes thick and some times thin.. very irritating...I got scan before and the doc say mine very very thick, and when my AF come.. 2nd day is like tap. Den some times my AF come only 2nd day need pad, the rest can use those thicker panty liner can liao.. >.<


hahaha no mood for work.. got mood for forum.. whahahhaa

tats why morning MIA for tink 30mions-1 hrs to clear some of my job.. hehe


whahahahha tink menopause... whahahah :p

i tink something not very right with me.. lately no horny signs... oops...


Question: 'as in opk darker lines may not be as dark but did tell u there is a pretty good level of estrogen or progesterone. That is y we need to test for hpt to confirm it is which hormones..'

so from my OPK results rite.. it means i do have pretty good level of estrogen or progesterone ah?? that's why there is the test line appearing on the OPK..

3. Is it normal to see 2 lines all the time?

It is very common. Most women produce LH almost all the time, and the OPK will detect it, giving you a "test" line that is lighter than the control line. About 12-36 hours before ovulation occurs, there will be a surge in LH, and the test line will become as dark as, or darker than, the control line. If, however, your test line is almost always positive or nearly positive, it can be indicative of a hormone imbalance. See this FAQ for details.



yesh.. a big cyst.. when i preggy was abt 8cm... then after deliver remove liao come back again at 8cm till when i feel pain is about 10cm le... hehe... pro hor... inside for 2yrs plus some more leh.. :p

mine was water cysts.. urs leh??? there are some which are hormones cysts.. its like when hormones changes, it will grow bigger then after tat will shrink.. some will even shrink till disappear one.. so no need ops...

see ur review again in 2 months time lor.. tat time i practically see my gynae 3months once... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm after i deliver my girl and the cyst returned and i ask my gynae whether will it effect me ttc-ing.. they both say no.. but decided to remove it since i am feelin pain liao...

but personally i feel it does affect lor... cause gynae did tell me tat the cyst develop due to our AF did not clear totally and kind of like residue at the womb so accumalate to become a cyst..somehow i dun really buy their explanation but what to do.. they are the gynae.. they know more than me... :p


YESH!!!!!!!!! and i tink my dh kind of like thinkin why am i hookin more in the forum and FB.. whahahah :p


hehe thanks for the link.. hehe i very lazy to read.. :p tot of gettin direct answer.. hehe i will go n see look later... :p


whahahhahha :p

ANyone using Elizabeth arden/Prevage this weekend robinson 20% off.26-29 March receive a 7 pc gift with $150 nett.

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EA good for our mamas i always buy nite creams for her - but for me i think wait another 10 yrs - is till getting break outs from slightly heavier creams.

But their good morning serum is nice keke.

Just got the sales flier - like every week also got sale one le. buy only when u need man sure another week got sales one.

GM = *faint* prod u go read...knowledge is power ma...and better to gain it first hand to minimise "noise" haha

GM = please la...if u think so then go goc and get bloodwork done la ...dun sob ... hey, at least you are bringing up the possibility to explore yeah? Never know...I read a lot of cases where docs just take it for granted and only action after much pressure from patient.


I not preggy lah...my AF juz over nia. Hope to ttc this mth once TCM gives green light. Cant wait! Hehehe...I wanna go check out online calculator on my O date liao... =)


whahhahaha no la... just joking nia.. hehe....

i goin lunch liao..... chat later.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi GM,

I went for checkup before i TTC but my 1st gynae say no cyst or fibroid. When i was pregnant 6 weeks, my 1st gynae checked again but didn't say i have cyst. During my 7 weeks scan with my 2nd gynae, he told me my baby's heartbeat stopped and spotted a black shadow which he suspected is fibroid or cyst.

3 weeks after my D&C, i went to see another gynae which is also my current gynae and he told me i have a 3cm cyst. Need to go back to him 2 mths later to do another scan to check whether the cyst has grown. He also told me i have adenomyosis (2cm), which is a thickened lining in the uterus.

purplelace, forget to mention u plot your chart in FF lah. they can then show u when u O one. I quite dependent on that.

Hello Vio!

Hmmm, I will let you gals know tomo or on Thurs morn. Down with some flu leh.. Best to avoid crowded places.. Heee hee

furry i think its too late - its like after my bath its more hiam.

i wipe to hope it wil slowly go away keke still bearable but interesting to have a hiam hiam butt!

Vic ma - cute la you..hiam hiam butt....and with that image in mind, I'm going to enjoy my lunch hahaha


Oh icic, get well soon ya! Hope u can make it if you could! =)


Ya, i cant wait till Friday...i m so so zzzpy! Havent recuperate from my trip, so tired!

