(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Vic Ma...wat sort of betting is tis...

Okie, we shld make it more fair and transparent...Now we beta agst who leh?

Blurlet, I have not even practised making the choc fudge cake leh...muz give me chance one lor....


naive - my dh and his friends are all jokers la...whole day just talk rubbish oni...last time after the little nyonya show we call each other xian sheng, fu ren, nia nia, tia, chor chor...that one more funny...my house on weekends very noisy de...it's like our friends' chalet...

AW_BB, how u change to his family name? Like change ur IC, passport and everything ar?

I know ur hb family name kekek...

is W. :p

Alison - you know that time we went bangkok, dh, myself and another couple, we drink edinger and paul lagner beer like free lor..cheap and good...singha beer...good....shopping with 1 bottle of beer in hand...shiok man...then go back hotel everyday drink red wine...too bad that time haven't TTC yet, if not confirm tio... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

naivesg: Yes. EVERYTHING. Now my old name only exist in old doc and birth cert. My dh see liao very song, buay tahan. ooOOoo so smart ah...know my dh family name...u spy ah! hahahaha!

strawberryz: Never drink liao...dun worry.

Val: wah! Now I also control my dh drinking, cos he putting on too much weight le. Last time in BJ his past time is only drinking with friends lor. Thats y I request to move back cos I say if he wan a family, it will not be in BJ. hehehehe!

AW_BB, no la, I was saying strawberry hb got many roles. Then she say chaffuer also. Then I say many roles to play lor.

U think too x liao, wat role play...........

naive - all his friends call me "da sao"...cos we're the eldest in the group...hear liao also shiok...cos we are very closely knit de...so got ranking that kind one...some of my friends call me Mrs Sim...which i feel damn old when they call la...then dh friend very naughty...ask us to name our son Milan...so if put dh surname in front it becomes Sim Mi Lan... oops... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jandew, dunno leh. His boss just announce. Then the colleague whom drove away w/o him, whom we have dinner with yest, speculate when we spoke yest that might be pay cut of $500.

Then by rite April allowance shld come only in april, but they just give..........

Cos wan to close the finicial yr.

I say how can like that, the living std here already so jia lat, y must cut the pay, allowance, and everything, hb say bo bian, Ah gong say wan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Me v v sian lor......

Naive, maybe its entire civil service? Maybe u try to save by buying cheaper stuff lor...like cheaper car ba...

Dun feel sad okie...At least now u r French Tai Tai...we r all Sg Tai Tai onli.


I have a suggestion on food.

You can freeze some dinners cos making in bigger batch is also cost effective - esp if buying more grocery at once is cheaper la.

but maybe have a dash of fresh veg always as salad at the side for fresh vit c.

i read while preparing food for my kid- fresh is best - but mama not at home all the time mah - frozen is 2nd best.

not sure if this will work out for u , just a suggestion.

Jandew thanks hor, u think she will really give u $1m. Then I will also guess.

I think is a Gal. so if correct I will have $1m SG dollars......kekek

naive, doh.. face red liao still booli.. I flush ez, so not really nice..

Oh, I did wat vic_mama was saying, when I was a poor student overseas. I survive on 15pounds a week, but still got to eat meat, veg and rice. No processed food somemore...

Naive, no lah...I like to pretend I m playing Who Wants To Be A Millionaire ma.....

Yes, Aw-Bb UOB Q faster.

Naive, some foods are priced to clear...even stuff like milk, bread, butter....neccessities...U buy those n quickly finish, can save $....Some meats oso to cook by say tomolo r much cheaper too.

Naive, I tink ur choc cake there is 1000 times nicer than those found in Sg leh...

France is famous for choc one.

i bot alot of sausage lor -maybe that's why after that developed migraine - cos preserved foods alot of nitrates - migraine triggers. not so healthy - i try not to give my DD - only once a week if not 2 times a mth.

Wa lau, VS, my hb's fren also ALWAYS call me da sao. Like Da Sao, how r u, Da Sao this Da Sao that....Sianz.

WOrst, last yr Dec Chalet with my family, I just got pregnant for 5weeks, my family, sisters make fun of me. Say name ur baby Hu Jiao Fen (Pepper)...........argh......

Naive, r u so young...called u Da Sao? Maybe coz u married young ba...Kekeke....

Naivesg: I super no freedom one mwhahahaha! My dh will be hurt everytime he see I still use my old name. He always bio what I am doing mah....

Jandew, living standard here so high.......so jia lat. I think stay at home best.

Wan to eat a brownie, cos $1.20 Euro, is cheap here but ex convert SG.

1 meal eat outside like yest for both of us $25 Euro, consider cheap. Which means 1 meal is $50 SG.

Immune to converting liao.

Just play dumb and carry life as usual.

I prefer to be a Jap Tai Tai leh. Hhahah, or SG Tai Tai gd also, I got more freedom to do the things I wan. Can go shopping, see TCM, buy things, have hi T, play MJ with my frens. Shiok......

Hahhaha, think I am dreaming again...

Thanks Vic Ma.


My food mostly frozen. Brocoli, Onions, Carrots. :p So can last longer.

but fresh food of course got more vitamins.

I am waiting for pots and pans and Rice Cooker and MIcrowave to arrive, miss my Microwave.

So I can cook things in big quantity. Now pot too small, only engh for 1 meal for 2 pax at most.

naive - why call HU JIAO FEN??? that day we were saying can name our children "shen qian" "shen dian" "shen sui" "shen you"...my MIL laugh until pengz...


jandew: hahahaha! Ya, knw your XXX hehehe! Ya he is la, he actually very conservative as a foreigner. But ok la, he give me lots of freedom to go out with friends. Just that he always want the WHOLE WORLD to know I m his wife.

