(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Aw-bb, u can have credit card...provided put S$10k into a fixed deposit, held under lien by the bank. The fixed deposit cannot withdraw, until 1-2 mths after cc is cancelled.

Angel, wat do u mean by blood test? If its to test for hormones, they dun poke ur V leh, they poke ur arm.


Hiaz yeah lor. Everyday angry coz I aws think he's doing a silly thing. And it's worse when the silly thing blows up then I gotta clean up his mess.

Errr..V scan shld b abit messy lor...if just blood test alone is ok.

Coz they would insert someting fr ur V inside...den u koe la...

Vic ....this prof chia is the one who takes the consultation room on the left hand side if u r seated facing the counter....always got many TCM students with him onee ...got another TCM lady duno isit the one u saw...her hair all white liao but v cheerful & smiley....whn u go to your this tcm doc, hw u tell her? As in u r TTC & stuff like that?

Jul, 2molo u on half day MC to see gynae or wat?

Naive, u mentioned ur dh would have pay cut, affects all civil service pple or just armed forces?


Yup. Appt is quite early at 2pm. We decided to try the first after-lunch appt to see if the waiting time is shorter. But that measn we have to have lunch at TMC cafe itself to save time.

Hope I get to try their so-called confinemtn soups.

naive, u had such a nice breakfast... i'm hungry oredi! =) yea.. i'm blessed to hv a super DH hehe

i can't move fr my hotspot cos pc is all wired up leh... i must go get a curtain or something for that small window. i juz had a nice tanning session... skin on my arm and neck burning manz


Haha I think I shall not. U rem the last time we had a bet gog on guessing gender? i wanna see who won leh hee

Jul, my final answer is BOI. I still got 3 lifelines remaining. Now playing for US$1m....Muahahaha.....

Errr...oven baked strawberry????

Aw-Bb wat u wan eat? Chinese, Western or???

Chinese got Dian Xiao Err...I like!

Got Soup Restuarant in Suntec foundation there...oso not bad.

Japanese u canot eat now, so shall not suggest anyting.

Western got Kenny Rogers, Jack's Place.

jandew... ur guess based on? or purely just a guess?

oven-baked sounds nice... hmmz.. with cheese? hahah..l. strawberry wif cheese!weird combi... ok, v hungry... *reaches for keropok*


i just told her what i was there for - migraine lor & heatiness.

& told her i tried awhile wondering why cannot conceive yet hoping to get another child la. SHe was easier to talk to the men doctors i visited must tell them so much say -can u help me see if my body ok for TTC< this lady no need - conversation jsut naturally went fine along the TTC lines lor.

I know 1st time visit is very weirdo one cos u dont know what to say lor - i dont care i jsut talk - the 1st one didnt even take my pulse, 2nd one more interested in my backache.

This lady 3rd one i see so far past 2 mths - she more interested in asking me overall health cos she say will decrease my chances of conception.

She very buay pai say lor - immediately point out i am fat. But later she sounded kinder when i said - i am already slimmer than when before i 1st conceived. Then she said - oh got slim down la - then she was less hash! haha!

She told me very bluntly lor - BF so long no use will only make my breasts saggier nutrition wise - for the child not so good liao - i told her ya i understand -sag already la - now its just to change lifestyle.

She also told me sleep early dont bath at nite bath morning - GOSH! how can dont bath at nite!!!!

Hmmm...strawberry cheesecake tart...sounds nice!

I guess one lor, coz Jul complained her complexion os ugly ma...den usu got boi, complexion not so nice one.

Vic Ma, bathing at nite is no gd...like intro wind into body. Best is bathe in daytime lor...unless u really ta boleh tahan den bathe at nite, but make it super quick!

Vic Ma, we each place our bets, see wats the answer 2molo ok?

*Bets 1 banana muffin*

Wats ur stake?


i bath always less than 10 mins & warm water anyway -its my hair -i dont like to blow dry - now its getting longer i think must start to blow dry again.

I knock off what time u know la -dont bath? unless i bath at work - super gross le industrial building no hot water one.

jandew: hmmnn..kenny rogers sounds good! hmmn, dunno what those ang mohs wan to eat. sianz....tmr go watch dragonball hehe!

strawberryz: Going out with dh and his friends. So me only gal and somemore black hair. Tmr confirm german night...I have to self entertain liao

aw-bb... ooohhh ur Dh's german? hmmz... then they going Paulener ah? heard the beer's gd, but i've neva tried... not really a beer drinker... makes me bloated easily

bbp, I miss u leh. Later must chat with me hor. But I will be having french classes from 2pm to 4pm which should be 9pm to 11pm....

hope to talk to u at 8pm SG time or even earlier okie.


strawberry: ya he is german. Dun wan paulaner..think I am sick n tired of it. EX n not nice the food. Kopitiam the best....hahahahaa!

The beer always make me fart alot the next day hehehehe!

