(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Tell u someting...last time I got a Sgrean fren in Oz, he cooks 1 big pot of chicken...not curry wor...its like duno wat chicken stew or someting.

After cooking, he keeps his pot filled with chicken in the kitchen cabinet. Dun even put in fridge.

Coz winter time ma....wun spoil.

Cannot imagine if u tt in Sg lor..

Naive, wat food is cheap there? Are dairy stuff cheaper than Sg?


Tubby, why u give ur kids such strange names. I m sure their fren/classmates would luff till peng san leh.

Jandew: U gals decide on a place already? I tell u on monday latest ok? Once I know more about moving details etc.



Stupid UOB will CALL & CALL u for your dh - adverts & asking him to take balance transfer , etc.

I so tired of listening to them & if i were say interested to take up some promotion - they wont even talk to me cos i cannot authorise even though i might have all my dh's particulars & know he dont mind me signing up something.

Now i gave up - everytime they call for my DH i will say WRONG NUMBER & Scold them that i already told their bank since 9 mths ago already his number is something else. They even have the Cheek to ask me back so what's his new number or contactable number - i tell them already told the bank - i got no obligation to tell again & again so i pretend that i dont even know my dh cos totally pissed lor.

Vic Ma, I get lots of calls too...I juz tell them I m not keen, thx for calling!

Vic Ma: ok ok!! I will not take that! or else they make my blood pressure go up hahahha!

Jandew: STEAMBOAT!!! I'll try my besttttt~

jan its worse - the calls are not for me. why do i have to be my dh's secretary? & told them liao they still keep calling lor.

its like you got a new HP number & the ex user of that HP number keeps calling for the ex user - u also very fan lor.

jandew - the meet up change to Thurs ar?? hmm...i don't think i can leh...if fri i confirm can... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

where u all meeting next thurs right? i got to follow up visit my TCM has to be after work or i have to take leave.

if bugis i try to drop by but not sure what time the doctor will finish. today around 30 mins my treatment no much waiting time la.

btw, I not going for class leh. the repair got been in my house since 9am. Now is almost 12 and he is not done. but gd la, to clean the house. My toliet bowl got problem, so he just fix it. Now he is cleaning all the window panel in all my rooms, then still got to do my kitchen.

Yar actually bacon, suasage and ham not healthy. I think I shld change to eating crab stick more which I have been eating now, either with suasgae or crab stick.

Anyway the salt here machiam free, they like to put alot of salt.

VS, hb surname in chinese is Hu, Foo in dialect.

So future kid will call Hu XX lor.

and they got many joke abt the surname la...bth.

my ex user of current hp no. is an indian or malay....

then got once TTSH call and ask abt the follow up appt, like 2 yrs aft I got this no.

Then the user subscribe to dunno what malay or indian vcd shop promo, always got advert......irritating.

Me got chance go Tiong Bahru Plaza liao...coz gtg to meet Jthan...Hahaha....

My wish came true.

Vic Ma, u mean u r taking leave to see ur TCM nez Thur huh?

Tubby, u Thurs cannot huh? Coz hor Fri is sch sports day, den I change to Thur so can accomodate those Fri cannot one....*Headache now*

Naive, no lor...unless I buy n seek reimbursement but I scared gahmen dun approve leh. Coz I scared w/e go hor, everyting sold out....now Sgreans onli buy tings at SALE. Normal times nobody buys anyting one.

u all meeting nite right?

if i dont see my TCM on thur nite then its thurs day which means have to take leave rather not ba- sat afternoon is alternative - but dont want my dh & dd stuck there waiting for me - not sure sat afternoons alot of pple or not.

Poor Aw-bb, so u shld stay at Cantonement...noting to eat tt time, u call me...den take a bus over...see how convenient?

Aw-Bb I got no $ buy another ppty at Simei leh....my flat not yet 5 yr wor. Onli 2.5 yrs.

Vic ma, not decided but maybe Bugis steamboat...got many steamboat outlets there.

Tis dh hor, tell me his parents getting baptized nez Sat...Never said earlier, I alr signed up for baking class alr...Hopefully it clash, den I dun need to go? Hokkien church service, I dun understand a word leh!

Heng ah...timing clashes...my dh would go himself, while I go attend my CC class.....Lalalala....

Yes Vic Ma.

There got 1 shop selling zi char oso not bad...We can eat zi char, den go eat desserts oso can...

See wat most gals wan ba.

Liang seah street got one nice desset stall -abit pricey but they sell like 20 kinds of dessert - always got to wait for seats one.

closed on mondays if no change.

I koe wic stall u r talking abt...I tink they expanded to 2 outlets alr...if I rem correctly.

I know the desert stall also. Use to eat the mango sago. BUt a bit overprice and not that fantastic as I eat a few time more.

Aw-Bb no lah...my Hokkien not even half past 6 leh. Maybe half past 1?

I can confirm I go there catch no ball one.


I was saying Vic Ma, I am checking how to go from my ulu place to paris. And the website all in French. I call the helpline and got an intrepreter, but still dun noe how to speak...argh....

and is so ex.

