(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Raincloud, doesn't mean expose means his sperm not good what rite? Go test then know ma....

Ask him wear boxers?


can wear looser clothes & no thick thick material?

my frined always jeans away. tight tight some more took them 3 yrs to have his wife to get the 3rd child. I also see no more MR Tight Pants.

vic ma,

i really buay tahan u!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha

my hub last time wear tight fitting brief..then after result of SA test,asked him change to wear boxer...

sometime really dun noe why...low morphology duno due to wat? some pp stil drink alcohol,smoke heavily...see their kids whole bunch haha


i read yest post n saw u have seen MP TCM!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow look like he is quite good leh n he sound professional !![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope UNCLE is able to help u conceive!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Burps...blurlet happy with a full lunch! LOL

raincloud, fun mah.. y so serious... can say say only, but when go back home see ang liao hug hug snuggle snuggle can liao.. LOL.

Anyway can get our angs to wear boxers or at home wear big long shorts and let his didi free... Taking cool bath often helps or not ah?

blurlet: Your 'y so serious' must be inspired by Joker. I never serious lah, just that you gals crazy crazy made me laugh lor. I think if the tcm sinseh came in and read the posts here, he'll peng san.

rainy. nah. he too biz earning money for his family.. be it tai tai or otherwise... LOL. Well ttc-ing is really very draining on us. We need to go abit kee siao once awhile or else we will be imbalanced, either emo or hormones.. ^^'

sigh.. just heard a news about a friend who is same agem who got married the same time with me is preggy about 4 mths.. T.T. Feeling suan suan.. Sighhh

Vic Ma, no lah...I dun tink Dr Tan got 50 patients per day. Maybe say 10 or so? Coz he spends quite awhile with each patient one rite? Or max 20 per day?

N I dun tink he got staff salary, except his wife + daughter? Duno whether tt Ms Tan is his daughter or not leh....

hey all...

blurlet.. understandable to feel that way.. but juz try not to dwell in it for too long. think positive k =) dun compare... my gd fren's expecting her second child, n if not for my m/c, my edd would be abt same as hers. all things happen for a reason, n tho we may nt understand y, we can simply be happy wif all the blessings we oredi have.

HB's colleagues bad and Mean!

Suppose to pick him up at 6.15am, then went he is abt to go down, colleague sms him saying she is leaving first.

He called and she say he is late for 5min, she has been waiting for him since 6.10am. But hb's watch is 6.15am. Anyway she drove away liao.

Then now hb sms another colleague, his superior....and no one reply.......


and I cant do much. I sit beside him, he say he wan time alone.


hello naivesg!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

blurlet i understand how u feel..cheer up ok!!

i tell u.

in 2005 when i was ttc...so many pp were preggie...even celebrity zoe tay,ivy lee,may phua,evelyn tan all preggie ...then ard me..also some coll wives preggie after 1st try,2nd try nia....

then me trying also same....ivy lee preggie....lai yiling preggie...gigi lai preggie...xu qi preggie...then hub's coll wife also preggie...neighbour 1st boy 10mth nia,preggie again....sigh sigh...the whole world is pregnant but not ME!!!


ya later, waiting for DH..

think got to take the train to shinjuku.

Tmr is public holiday so got whole day to gai gai... today bit tired so later evening time then meet DH.

My an tai yao left 1 day liao.

FOrget to ask Miss Tan whether can take on alternate days which is sat instead...

Starrz, hahha, u read my mind. How r u feeling today, yar shld go 100 yen shop. I got a few cartoon character like whinnie the pooh pouch there.


ya tempting to go to 100yen shop liao.. either today or tmr.

Wah today hor i woke up, my temp is 36.9... yeah shoot from 36.4 the other day.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So nice tomolo can go gai gai whole day.

Wat time does ur dh finish work?

If I get chance to go with my dh on biz day, peng san...I would get crazy shopping but my dh nvr goes on biz trip one...*Sobz*

Jandew, me not stress, but sad for hb. Wanted to be a support for hb.

U noe, is humilating. Have to beg pple to fetch us, see pple face.


I see liao also heart pain.

Anyway we decided yest to go to the car dealer nearby on sat.


DH also seldom go on biz trip one...tis time is 2nd time oni, think no more liao.

My DH finish his work at 6pm, SG 5pm.

See if i not tired later, i go walk walk ard myself 1st.

Starrz, that is gd. I think a dip cos there suppose to be triastic or dunno what, will have 3 dip in ur graph. This part I dun really know how to explain.

Yar already decided to go see dealer this sat yest nite.

Anyway his colleague so bad bad bad......

how can leave just like that...


read after u reach home la. then can read leisurely, u wld be home in the noon rite? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

furry, that time when ur hb first relocate got such problem?

Oh, I am not sure if she is 21 leh. Cos she put 88. So thot she might be 21 this yr????

Just asking.


starrzm yar lor....so bad. I mean if I am the one picking my colleague, I definitely will sms or call first saying I am going to leave, are u coming down.

She din.

She sms and leave........

And he is not late leh. Is she who is early.

