(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

then it should be just another estrogen shot...dun worry...

estrogen the hormone tht makes ur BBT goes down...i read somewhere somehow after O a few days later estrogen will surge again => BBT down a bit... tmrw will be up again...

Relax, dun tink so much

Hi Zion,

Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure if mine is it before ovulation or 1 day before. Cos i didn't use any OPK to test.

So if it's ovulation bleeding, will there be any problem if i want to TTC?

cutie: IVF is definitely not an easy task. I've seen my friends go through it before. I admire their strength. All the hormonal jabs etc. Since you're already seeing the tcm sinseh, why not get your DH to go as well and then see how it goes before you decide to embark on the path of IVF. Always give yourself more options.

jandew: Yah lor, your forsake us for your tv, so the gals forsake you and went offline when you came back lor. Hehhehe, yeah, I like the 2 actors. Both my favourites, but too bad, they don't seem to have paired up in any other show. My DH thinks Nikki Chow is very 'swee'. I think he has great taste. Hhehe.

aw-bb: Your best friend is probably just having some fun at your expense. And since she's your best friend, I think you can be honest with her about how you feel lor.

Wah lao .. u girls are making me very difficult to read your posts in the office leh ... such huge and colourful wordings!!! If not for my boss who's on leave these few days, i think i wld have been caught reading this forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cutie, which TCM are u seeing? I might 1 to go TCM if this cycle not success. Coz my BBT is low everyday. Max at 36.6 after O....

morning gals..

jus call to book appt with my TCM.

wah gynae appt and TCM appt clash leh....

no good slots liao.

now have to see which one to give up...

TCM - need to see him coz of an tai yao

Gynae - need to see her coz long hours of flight, better for her to check.


hahaha..pegsfur..then better ask cutie to be more colorful today since no gahment around...she's the master at this


Ya lor .. boss went back to japan for urgent leave. Good & bad lah ... good becos i can come in here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Bad becos there r alot of stuff pending which needs his approval.

Eh, how many weeks are u in now? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hahaha .. ya la, dat cutie is the culprit ... other than wordings, still have the pics and cartoons.

piggym: MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

raincloud: I am feeling better today cos not so siao char bor today hehehe! It upsets me la, I sms her liao...


saw your post yesterday..

better to rest more.... body/health more important than work leh...

Hope u feeling better today..


ya ya that's me talking to Cutie! I was looking ard see who could be Joanne as never see u b4. So u were the one with the black skirt!

The TCM said almost same as u, lining thin but left ovary ok & right ovary weak. Given 2 sets of med on CD8 & CD21.

I almost forgot to mention abt my fibroid. He advised me to go for opn but try this cycle 1st. He said GREEN TEA is A NO NO.

ya tat time i go to the convenience store, their cleanser think is abt SG$10...

Hm, the last time i gone to JP i spend like close to 3000Yen on 100Y shop. Was in JP for 12 days. LOL.

Was thinkin of going to that near Parkway TCM tomorrow AM 8:30. Will it be biz? Need to be at ICA at 9:30 duno can make it if I take a cab down from the TCM?

AW, maybe ur emo is pretty yoyo. And your bestie is trying to warn the rest of the gang about it in a suanning way. I guess we tend to do lots more suanning to each other when we are closer, but fail to realise that it hurts.

Starrz, I think both are equally impt. Are u able to pick up the an tai without seeing the TCM? if so, go see ur gynae, and then pick up the med from TCM. At least it will hold till u can find an appt with ur TCM. Or else pop over to the Marine Parade TCM 1 time for urgent check for just in case.

angel, tense up cause my intestines to tensed up. After 3 bottles, really bad LS for 2+ days and had to spend money on meds to plug the LS.


dun think u can make it. I also waited for 1.5 hrs b4 my turn, jus like Joanne.


no lah, I not working coming 2 mths liao.

Angel...oic...thought you working till midnight last night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Looks like many of you gals seeing TCM at Marine Parade. Is he/she good? The medicine need to boil!! If working how to have time to boil the medicine?

I also want the name and address of the TCM at Marine Parade. They open on Sat or Sun? Can provide me. Guess i should go TCM to tiao my body..

yay, 1 more hour to lunch. Brought food from home today.

AW-BB...chicken rice again?


maybe i will postpone the Gynae appt... coz u all say 5 weeks still early to see anything so maybe postpone to my 6th week.

duno if able to get the an tai yao without seeing the TCM.. but i think see the TCM also good. He can ba mai for me mah..

my temp today morning shoot up liao...

coz i on the aircon temp to 25 degrees..not so cold.

but now i still feeling hottish..


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