(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


but maybe still early to see gynae, think canot detect anything yet.

Anyway think if the TCM fast fast, i shld still be able to rush to the Gynae side since at Gynae side still have to wait.

Coz tat time Dr Tan say if my an tai yao finish liao, must fast fast call and take some more.

My body is considered Xu de so rather scared. need to bu yi bu.

hello ladies,

busy day.. rushing like mad!

Thanks NAVIE. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah 2 more days I will be free...

Piggym, yar lor.

Hb another colleague who stay near us is driving him to work. Just send hb off to work.

now SGM so funny.

Thot this post is post by me:

Piggym, yar lor.

Hb another colleague who stay near us is driving him to work. Just send hb off to work.

now I see that Jandew is posting instead.

Then just now I saw Jandew posting this:

naive, if transport is really a prob, then shd invest in a car... juz find one that suits ur budget

become strawberry posting........

aiyah stupid. type so much then internet got prob.. need to retype..haha

i was saying no spotting liao

if really lai bu ji then will postpone the gynae appt to few days later since the gynae clinic is near my mama place and so much easier /convenient for me.

TCM clinic is so far far away.

Dun wan to call and postpone gynae appt now coz scarly i can make it on time.

And some more, the recep at the clinic seems rude lah, in my opinion... like so impatient like tat..


haha think the gynae is near u leh..

at bedok, the 'princess' there...u know?


I know liao! haha

Female gynae. Her appt slot is alw full one.

I have a few friends who went to Her.

My gyane is from Tamp. Male one.

Naive, not my husband...but my FRIEND.

Can I share something with you?

My friend who was posted to the same place as you also shared about her difficulties with adjusting to life there, including the fact that her husband had to take a lift daily from his superior. She also said that her husband felt very bad about it but like she say "what to do?".

So what my friend did, which I thought was very wise, was to learn how to cook and bake. She would send her homemade food with her husband to gift to the superior who gave him a lift each day. She would also walk over to the superior's house and approach his wife, thanking her for letting her husband sit in his car each day. Of course, she brought food for them too.

Don't underestimate the power of such a gesture, especially when we are living overseas and are on unfamiliar grounds. Things like that goes a long way towards building up a community of people that you can bond with, and since you will be there for 2 years, it will be a good thing.

My suggestion is also for you to kai dao your husband. Its not a matter of 5 minutes can wait or not, but the fact of the matter is, we are asking for help from someone else. If necessary, just wake up earlier.

Also, shame or pai seh is a state of mind. Accept the fact that you are now a new person in a new place. Nothing is going to be easy or the same. If it was,then why did you move? These are life's lessons to help us mature and grow and our attitude to them is really important.

As for a car, there is no need to spend that much on it if you budget is tight. Don't forget cars lose value, one hardly makes profit from it. Plus you had mentioned, your husband's pay is going to get trimmed. Under such circumstances, it may be wiser to just grin and bear it for a few more months, until the right car in the right budget comes by. To share, I used to drive a US$2000 Toyota in US, it serviced me fine for 2 years. No issues. Still in one piece. I was a student then with no income, so why do I need a nice car?

Sometimes, yes, want is nice but being practical about things is important too.

Suggest you look at your current situation, recall why it was that you and your husband decided to take up the posting and focus on making the best of the posting. Also influence your husband to be more positive and understanding.

Yes, it sucks to have to ask for rides and help but hey, maybe one day you can be the one who offers help to newcomers....

Cheer up and hope you don't mind me being frank.


ya female gynae.. actually oni went to her once for pap smear.

N since she has my pap smear record so can see her back since she is so near my mama house.

heard her appt evening slot hard to book ah?

Your gynae is tamp ah?

u live in bedok hor...

oh btw, forget to ans u.

Jap weather ah... rather cooling. Need to wear jacket de. Hands so cold while was outside yesterday. FOrget to bring my gloves to here but then i see, no one wear gloves de leh.. wait i wear like become so kua zhang.hehe.

Starz, if u are cold, just wear those gloves. Weather is warming up but that's from the viewpoint of someone who's been in the cold for the last 3-4 months. For you, tourist, from warm country, it is cold lor...:p


ya but forget to bring the gloves to Japan leh..

and i didnt see ppl selling gloves leh.

haha i just 'hide' my hands into the pocket.


ya lor.. jus now i also.. type then post then hang there..

then now i have to keep copy 1st.. in case it got 'lost' again.

wah u have to retype the whole long essay leh...

Starz...its ok, I am long winded by nature LOL

Eh, the other thing you can do is to buy something warm to warm your hands la. :p


is hot in SG ah?

past few weeks SG keep raining leh.. bing bing piang piang... now change to hot hot weather liao ah... siao de hor..

Furry, sure sure I dun mind. Glad u share ur story and advice.

Car wise just complain, but already decide to get a cheap car.

Food wise, jia lat. Cos I got practically no equipement to bake. cos my shipment has yet to arrive. not to say bake, cook also actually got problem. I already think myself v gd, to be able to cook rice with a pot. and the colleagues keep asking hb why wife nv cook........

Make me so sian, not that I dun wan to cook, but it is hard for me to cook.

But I guess with the car, most of the things will get better.

Naive, slowly la...and tonight better sleep earlire so can wake up for ride :p

Starz, think it depends on how much you trust and believe in TCM ba....what you think leh?

Vic Ma, u v cute hor, so free to calculate how much $$$$$$$$$ Dr Tan make. STill help him calculate his expenses.

Then I think the marine parade earn lesser.


i sort of trust lah..

but wait gynae also give me med to stablise the preg then clash leh..

Starz, actually most gynaes wun give meds unless its necessary and you wouldn't want to take meds unnecessarily either. So since you are going to both at the same time then why not ask both to see if what you are taking is complementary or not.

hi naviesg,

Haha i'm not 21. Infact, i'm in my late 20. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Although i'm late 20, i have zero knowledge on TTC. It's building up my information reading thru this thread.

I think i should start off going to see TCM to tiao my body.

Starrz unless u are in need of progesterone the gynae will tat to an tai, usually gynaes will give out calcium, folic acid and one more.. i cannot remember..

strawberry, now sch holiday, u can finally come online longer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starrz, yupp... v hot here... rain sometimes... but after that it's back to hot n humid... s'pore's classic weather. n yea, i oso heard before that first trimester better not to take herbal stuff.. but i dunno hw true, n i neva see TCM b4.. so like wat furry says, just ask both for their professional opinions

naive, give urself sometime to settle down.. dun get affected by others' comments.. it's not fair to u


oic. I heard her evening slots is difficult to book appt one.

yeap. Its near to my mum place. haha so I went to tamp lor. tamp one is a male gynae.

where do you live?

if u are cold, just wear. don care abt how they see you. hee hee

thanks gals..

see wat individual doc say 1st then see how.

Helo kuririn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome in.


Piggym, have not decided leh...Maybe we can go Bugis eat steamboat...tink Vio mentioned she went to eat steamboat at Bugis, quite nice.

When she is back on Sun, den we ask her?

Strawberryz, u can join us? Since we would likely to be meeting on Thur instead of Fri.

