(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Talking about TV, my gal will turn to look at the tv whenever she hears the AI song.... Oh my...AI has such a big influence on the aunties, even the babes too.....hopefully first song she sings to me won't be the AI song! So glad AI is going to finish airing soon!


Talk about YBCR, i find it weird. I tried to let keora watch the starter and she is scared of it. I dunno what's so scary about it loh. But she will make noises and turn to me to ask me to carry her.

helloooo mummies! Went to Lotte World today, sooo many babies, children, it was crazy! But in a nice way, it was good to see all of them enjoying the amusement park, so Leely, that's a nice place to bring MF. Then we relaxed by the ice skating rink and watched little kids learn how to ice skate. Basically took things easy and enjoyed ourselves. I also made a call back to my mum, she said Gwen very haolian today, stood up to dance and sing. I think she just meant Gwen was shaking her bum bum and going "aaah, ahhh". Lol!!! Still, miss her! :p but it IS nice to be able to sleep thru the night not needing to wake up and carry her to the bed. Lol...

Neko: is Ai FINALLY going to finish airing? As in ending soon???? I'll be the happiest person manz.. But it'll feel weird not hearing the song.. Muahahaha!

TenQ: which part is Keira scared of? Issac is normally bored except the singing part.. Wonder, does it really work? Hehehe.. My gf told me Leap Frog series work better for her..

Dew: envious to the max! :-D you miss us too don't you? :p

Roz, thanks for the tip. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: poo

My boy had loose bowels 2 weeks ago. Recovered, appetite also returned. Eating a lot these fewdays and have so much poo that I've changed my bedsheet thrice. Twice, poo came out from side of pampers & petpet respectively. After I tightened the waist band, it came up and out the back of diapers.

I'm not sure if he still has loose bowels, thought he recovered. Will bring him to PD tmr.

But how do you all handle baby's poo when there's too much poo? Gonna buy waterproof mattress protector tmr. Really dun want to wash my bedsheets daily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bubbly, wah you really active these days huh...

Anyway one more day to my road trip with Darius! hope everything will turn out smoothly...

Bboy> hv u tried mamy poko diapers and their poopoo pocket? Supposed to 'catch' the poo..

When u say 'loose', do you mean watery or pasty?

Sharon> hv a good trip!

Good morning mummies, TGIF! The miserable but super free week is finally over.. Am going over to IE at Bugis afterwards for a seminar, then headed for good lunch and think by the time I come back to office, should be a good half day gone? Hehehe..

BBoy2010: I'm not sure, but excessive poo-ing is no good eh? Let's see what PD says. Nowadays zaizai poo like once or twice a day, depending on what we fed him, his poo will be solid or semi.

Sharon: Ya babe.. yesterday most active huh.. hahahaha.. golden week for me.. enjoy your last day of course today and have fun with Darius tomorrow! Everything will be just perfect, don't worry.

Bubbly, yes, it's ending soon! Maybe we will start to miss the song. Haha

Bbboy: pampers is able to 'catch' my gal's loose poop. She had diarrhea for two weeks last month and so far, it has not leaked. Maybe the diaper too loose?

TenQ: my gal has absolutely no interest in YBCR, only played 1st disc and I have stopped using. Another white elephant at home...

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

Chercat, there are pros and cons in sending Alexis to IFC. The only thing I can make myself feels better is look at the good points (her social skills, her motor skills, very routine, her basic needs all taken care by teachers. Safe environment for her while I work) and ignore the bad points (Negative reactions from "good" intention people, some ways teachers do I am not very comfortable-I still can make do, the fee).

Being a mother alot of decisions made is based on what is best for my situation, within my limits. I am trying to create a positive parenting, go with the flow with her developments, give her the best that I can afford, stimulate and bond with her thru play and toys(I bought alot), be very positive when with her, cos babies learn from their parents, be it good or bad habits.

Try to be as positive as possible in your situation. I believe if God gives us our babies, He will help us along the way, give us the energy to take care of active babies, make things better and give us means to be good parents. Of course we need to self-help and do what we can, instead of doing nothing, and wait for help..... when help is in your own hands[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia you. Our babies are 9-10 months already. Give ourselves a pat on our shoulders and say We are good Mommies or Daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, enjoy the super shiok weather, food and fresh air[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Of course ME time also.

Bubbly, enjoy hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It is TGIF[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Today my 2 hrs lunch break, may go shopping for some clothes[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly/neko, she's scared when the animals appear after the words. HAHA! really timid. Ya so well YBCR doesn't work for everyone. She very much prefers baby signing time. The songs are nice, always ring in my head even while I was in Italy and thinking of her. haha

Stefie, ur "toys (I bought a lot)" is poisoning me now. Last night i was thinking of buying toys and activity panels to fill up EVERY corner of my flat so that she won't be so busy she won't hvae time to watch TV. HAHAHA.......like a mini babygym at home.

Hi Ladies, I hv a focus grp discussion on fresh milk looking for women who don't really like to drink milk but will not reject milk if offered to you. Non-pregnant. Age 30 to 50 yrs old. Token - $80.00 cash on 11th Oct, 6.30pm. SMS me your full name, age, qualification (min. A level) asap by today to my hp 97640028, Sally

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

busy busy week for me.. hope everyone is well. think im falling sick again! haiz, is it the weather or is it me?!

dewdew: enjoy your holiday hor! its definitely very different from travelling with kiddos.

tv: chey will also response to the ai song. aiyoyo.. she likes the weiken.com advert too! faint! eh, should i expose her to baby boy commercial then?

ybcr: chey is also not interested in that disc, she is only interested in the songs part, once the song starts she will start clapping. but thus far only played 1 disc cause she is really not interested. i need to go get those nursery rhymes disc for her liao.

bboy: if your boy still have loose stool today, better bring him to pd. cause once baby is on solid, their stool should be more solid de.

remote controls and phones: chey is a typical baby who is into these as well. once she manage to lay her hands on them, into her mouth they go!

bubbly: your geomancer is really detailed leh. im like stefie, i will tend to absorpt the negative comments and forget the positive ones thus we decided to make do without one. else i will super paranoid over what the geomancer says.

ergo: the other day i was stopped by an old lady. she told me to stop carrying chey around in the carrier as she will end up walking with her legs wide wide. hmm.... now i cant help but worried if that will be true. see i just cannot hear negative comments..

melissa: enjoy your last few days in the co....

sharon: enjoy your road trip!

eon eon, u are damn funny (re: ergo comment)! I heard that comment too. But no choice right, how to carry your babies with their legs together? There's no such carrier and to carry her like that in your arms, you need to be a weight lifter.

TenQ, wow not need alot actually. Just few basics one. I kena scolded by hubby, said buy so many toys, Alexis don't play much. I tui him, I check the reviews, buy and I pay, hubby you should also help to stimulate her with the toys lor. He keep quiet. Ha!!! ha!!!

Anyway just bring out 1 toy at a time and keep the rest. Rotate the toys so babies will not be bored and also teach them not to be greedy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I find these few basic toys not bad, maybe you can consider.

1) Stack and nest cubes - For bigger babies, now can just let then hold the toys and make sound with it. And I put the smaller cube in bigger cubes, and show her how I take it out. There is A-Z on top of the cube. When bigger they can stack the cubes on their own, we can teach them A-Z and colours


2) I played with her yesterday, I put the shapes inside, then she try to take it out, with the gate door open (Can let her learn her pinching skill) and I put the shape (I said the colour and shape) into their slot (Cause and effect). She like to hit it together to make sound. When they are bigger, can play on their own or use the shape with Playdoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


3) This is good in a way, 2-in-1, walker cum car. But the wheel is abit slippery, so need to be careful when baby using it. I think can paste masking tape to reduce the smoothness or use on carpet floor.


Toys are very individual, some babies may likes it, some hate it. So do see the real thing before deciding whether you want to buy or not. So far I am very happy with these few toys.

deon> had some ppl stop to comment that my baby "could not breathe/is he alive" when i carry him in the carrier

it does feel like baby has to do a split to straddle me, esp since i'm so, urm, 'wide' but he isn't complaining...and the wide seat is important, because that is what supports the baby's weight and spine.

what is this 'Ai' show, it is very good? I saw a 2 pg spread in the papers yesterday...finally coming to an end?

few more toys which I rotate around, my car, home or my diaper bag:-

1)Bright starts Start your senses My little flap phone.


2) Bright starts Start your senses Play a tune piano. My hubby hates it, cos the music abit loud.


3)Bright Starts Start Your Senses Whirly Giggle Rattle. Alexis Fav now.


4) Munchkin Twisty Teether Ball, Colors May Vary


5)Sassy Twist N Turn Rattle


6)This is Alexis all time Fav. Hubby said buy this enough liao since she keeps biting it.


Some more toys around lah (Leap frog Counting pal), some more in my toy bins. Alamek, no toys for her now. Will wait till she is bigger and can choose which toy she want[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

IMO, I like bright starts batteries operated toys (1st two, cos it is small, cheap and easy to bring around to car, with carrier or pram)

I cannot step into any toy section now, sure will buy more toys. I am eyeing on baby einstein toys. Ha!! ha!!!

stefie, you are an amazon fan indeed! And every time your advice is backed up with pictures and reviews. HAHA very pro le. Looks like i can add #1 and #3 to her bday wish list. Already have a hand-me-down #2.

TenQ, yeah. I read Amazon review then decide which one to get[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Must show pics mah, then will be more strong "posion"[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!!ha!! Hint to your parents or PILs lor. Ha!! ha!!

tenq & roz: ya lah.... some times these comments are out of good intentions but i just cant stop worrying. siaoz. i also have people asking me if baby can breathe and wont she be hot inside?

roz: the AI is a super cmi (in my opinion) show that is super draggy and brainless. one living room scene can go on for 1/2 hour! haha..

Eon Eon, yeah lor. Sama-sama. Like to let nature takes its own course lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The Ergo comment, siao lah. Just ignore. It is suppose to be ergonomic leh, that's why called Ergo baby mah. My mom & sis hate it cos she worry Alexis cannot breathe inside. Please lah, it is so comfortable till babies can sleep inside leh. Ha!! ha!! We know what is good for our babies lah.

stefie, that is quite a lot of toys. hahaha!!! i only read your first post just now. I need to find a new teether for her, shall try the pigeon one that is Alexis' favourite now. But risky coz different baby got different taste buds. haha.

Good Morning Mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TGIF!! But I want to rant! I left 3 more days in the office(officaly last day 12th next week). But I feel very exploited by my co. Usually when ppl wanna leave, their workload gets lighter no? How come mine gets heavier, (backup for ppl on leave/train new ppl) on my last 3 days? It seems like I can't even enjoy my last 3 days with my collegues as I'll be so busy with my work! GRRRRRRRRRR

And I can't complain to my hubs cos he said its like that! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

I know its only right to help out but I can't help feeling exploited and irritated. I think I've made the right choice to leave in the 1st place.

Sorry need to rant!

Stefie - so many toys! I love to buy toys too but same, my hubs/mil will scold, say so many toys! I got #2!

Eoneon - don't worrt about other negative remarks, I don't think it will make their legs wider.

TenQ, Yeah, tell me about it leh. Oh that Pigeon Teether is about $7+, it is good cos small enough for them to hold and it has different texture and softness for babies to bite.

Mel, it will be over in 3 days, just take it as good deed lah. Just do it siew siew, so make that lousy person who plan your work have nothing to say. And that is the push factor for you to leave this current company. Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh that stacker is really classic toy, has been around for long time liao. I love it very much[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am eyeing for more toys for Alexis leh. Ha!! ha!! Last time no so many choice and good selection leh. So now must buy and bu back my childhood[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, haha poor you. But really need to do all that? Just do whatever's necessary at your own pace. haha! what can they do about it? not like they can determine your next bonus payment.

Today Alexis IFC has Children's Day Celebration. I dressed her like French gal[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! ha!! Her classmates like no one really dressed up except her (She is 4th baby in today, 1st three still in their PJs)

Very cute lor, so young know what. Parents are asked to contribute food stuff like rice crackers, bottle purees, teething biscuits. Hubby said like asking for donation. Ha!! ha!! Never mind liao, just hope she enjoy, cos the rest of the bigger gor gor, jie jie from the Childcare will perform fashion show.

Roz, I'll try out the poko diapers. Thanks for recommending [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Neko, I suspected his diapers was too loose. When tightened, the poo leaked thru the top [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bubbly, how many milk and solid feeds does your baby have per day? Mine is 2 solid and 4 milk, sometimes 3 solid and 3 milk. Didn't bring him to PD today cos we realised this PD didn't give any med to stop diarrhoea, just to "strengthen" the intestines. So no point going to him. His stool not so watery today cos I lowered his milk intake.

Eon, I notice from my own mum that she thinks that what she did for us in the pastis the best for babies, and what she didn't do means I shouldn't do. I think many old folks like my mum. So don't worry abt the Ergo comment cos that old lady never use before and think it's bad. How does she know it's bad when her kids didn't use it?

stefie: I just love the links and pics u provided.. aiyooo.. so many poisons... Jovan also likes the cubes and he just loves knocking and knocking.. but when i stack, he looked somewhere else and wana crawl away... i think he's like me.. no patience and lost interests easily.. Alexis as French gal!!! cools... can u please take a pic? i wana see!!!! must be very pretty..

Melissa: aiyooo.. so bad hor!! glad u made the right choice to leave! btw, thanks for the intro for the FB group... my hub told me he found new love now.. hahhaha.. cuz he busy surfing since last night... the administrator put him in the private group of 269B...


Sigh.... I was just been diagnosed to be having chickenpox today. Despite having taken the vaccination couple of yr ago, I still got it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My top worry now is whether my gal will get it. Have been avoiding her today, but yet I'm missing her terribly. Am in a dilemma whether should I still carry her as per normal and let nature takes it's course, or try to minimise contact with her so that she won't catch the virus frrom me.

Oh dear whisp! I think if you can minimise contact, at least till the scabs dry, would be best. Can only give u virtual hugs, coz I hvnt gotten chicken pox before and I was also vaccinated abt 3 yrs ago...(((hugs))) get well soon, dear!

I really miss hugging my bb, esp when I can only hear her crying behind the door. Think she's know I'm at home, cos mil said that she kept checking out the closed door.

Roz, according to my GP, the vaccination after the first year may not be 100% "foolproof", not too sure whether can get booster to "top it up". Due to my earlier vaccination, thus previous 2 doctors failed to detect that it's chickenpox, and wrongly diagnoise my swollen bump on my cheek as skin cancer yesterday! Quickly rushed to skin specialist who told me it's bad case of skin infection. None detected it's chickenpox until I went to another doctor this morning. Imagine how much virus I may have passed to my bb over the night as she's sleeping with me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

whisp, i feel your pain! must be very hard for you...but just hold out for a few more days, yeah?

on the bright side, at least it's not skin cancer huh?

usually the virus is infectious even before the rash start appearing, so do look out for your little one. in the meantime, endure, k??

hello mommies, just dropping in to say hello. Been busy with liz the last few days and starting my new job on Monday.

My friend came by my place with her 3yo girl the other day, and her girl left rather distressed. Liz being her usual curious self, tried to pull the 3yo's clothes and hair. i gave the 3yo a pack of kiddies' cookies, and liz decided to fight with her for it. Liz took the 3yo's fav carebear and refused to return. She bit the bear's nose and feet till saliva-soaked before she decided she's done with it. I was so embarrassed as the 3yo was visibly traumatised... My friend kept saying never mind as her girl is typically shy and cowardly, but added that liz is quite a rascal. Eg. Her girl was scared of the ikea corner bumpers (mickey mouse hands), and when i got it for liz, liz happily used them as teethers. i apologise to my friend for liz' lousy behaviour and i'm left wondering if liz is hyperactive. Hubs says liz appears hyperactive now because she's with a kid who's shy and reserved.

Whisp: i would suggest u keeping away from baby first.

Eon: i didn't like the wide seat of the ergo carrier for that exact reason so got the bjorn active carrier.

muddy> i think sometimes, when you start worrying about something, it becomes a 'self-fulfilling' prophecy. because that's all you see. so....don't think too much. Liz is still young...give her a while more. of course, I still feel kinda sorry for your friend's girl...heehee. just like how some kids are very meek, you have those that are quite boisterous, too.

anyways, IKEA still hv the hand-shaped bumpers? the circle ones are so lousy...my boy pulled them off with him gums.

Muddypaws, don't think so much! I have some early childhood knowledge. You can't diagnose whether a child has ADHD or autism and most other special needs below 18 months. It's perfectly normal for Liz to be active! She's exploring!! I know one of my past lecturers who majors in infancy told me that babies who are active are smart babies, the ones who don't move around to explore their environment are those whom she will worry about. Don't think so much!! Liz is a fast learner from what I see based on her milestones. And every baby is different and unique in their own ways [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] since Liz likes to move around, i think she's a kinesthetic learner while others may be audio or visual learners.

Whisp, take care dear. Hope your chicken pox will heal faster since you got vaccinated before. The virus takes 1-2weeks before it appears on a newly infected person. So just keep a look out for your baby ok?

Stefie: you are really poisonous! I dare not open the links you posted.. hahaha.. lest I get tempted to buy. My hb will complain whenever I buy, and you can see zaizai doesn't have that many.. isk isk.. so, did you get anything during your lunch time? Lunch in town is equally poisonous.. I've got myself 2 pairs of flats, a pouch and 2 dresses.. today like officially didn't work that many hours.. :p

TenQ: It was nice zaizai meeting Keira just now. Hope Keira forgets about the chair as soon as we left. He was such a bad influence. Keira is lucky, she's got so much toys! Hmm.. so much so I dare not invite any of you over coz we don't have much.. hahahaha..

eon: I think most babies the same when they watch YBCR.. like only the song part, it's seriously boring, but no choice, bought liao, need to play till it's worth! hahahaha..

Melissa: poor you.. can't enjoy even the last 3 days.. almost same like my comp, some ex colleagues worked overtime on their last day of work.. have to bear with it, no choice.. think of the days after.. yeay!

BBoy: currently we are feeding cereal for brekkie, porridge for lunch and dinner.. 4-5 times milk.. ya, maybe you can try troubleshooting, if FM is the problem like what E-square says.. I remember initially, mummies did talk about different FM will have diff poo for diff babies..

whisp: poor you.. baby is too young, so you have to bear with the "distance".. and remember, it is most contagious when you are about to recover.. take care..

Leelee, I am always walking poison lor. I can't help it, good stuff must share mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I just love to goggle and see lor, more bad eyes, want to buy more stuff.

Whisp, poor mine. Ren for your baby sake okay. Can you go to your mom's place to stay first? Drink more liang shui and stay away from bean stuff and dark soya sauce. Take care.

Bubbly, even I don't post here, in my FB you will be equally tempted lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! ha!!!

TenQ, just listed the gift for Keira. Ha!! ha!! Maybe you want to do the same thing. At least you can get what you want for Zai zai[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I like Indian tunic dressing now, the shop I bought the top from has shifted. So bought nothing. I guess will have to make a trip to Little India soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow saw your pics on Zaizai and Keira, so cute[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TenQ, so many toys liao, still want to get more for Keira. Wow Your gal so lucky[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, Debbie is right. I've asked my fren to check if si en is hyperactive. She also said too young to diagnose. But we can look out for signs of violence. As in they will be violent to vent out their emotions. Another thing is if the kid can sit still for at least 5mins den it's safe. So far, si en can glue herself to nursery rhymes for 5mins. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I know ur worries cos a lot of frens and relatives commented that si en nvr gets tired from playing. Dun worry so much now cos it's too early to tell. But u can watch out for these two signs. Hope it puts u at ease.

Eon, I was still thankful for ergo. Else I dunno how to survive her teething and her cranky days... Dun think so much ya? Chey will be a pretty and 'si wen' gal wen' she grows up.

Whisp, try to ren. It feels bad when u hear her cry for u. But if she's infected she'll be more uncomfortable den us. Cos she can't express herself...

And do have more rest for yourself so u can recover faster...

I just brought si en to pd for check up today. 9kg and 74cm. Is 74 very tall? The nurse kept telling me tall gal long legs... I dun mind... Like tt she'll be "leng loi"

Esquare, baby has been on S26 since birth but I'm also wondering if he has started to be allergic to it. Will monitor.

Stefie, for the toy with cubes, are the cubes small enough to be put in mouth cos my boy puts everything into his mouth.

Whisp, for the sake of your baby, you better stay away from her till you recovered. Speedy recovery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly, your baby is willing to eat and drink so many times a day. Lucky you! Btw, how much ml is your baby drinking now after introduction of solid?

Whisp, oh dear, must be painful but better to keep away from bb till you recover. Hope you get well soon.

Roz, Eon, Bubbly, Thanks. Finish packing Darius stuff with helper. My goodness, 1 big bag and 1 small bag and it's just for 1 nite! I was still planning to pack my things together with Darius as don't want to carry too many bags...but its fat hope lor...I need a separate bag cos his bag is full!

Stefie, like you, i am always tempted to buy toys and stuff for Dairus and hubby will go like, 'he has a lot of toys already....blah blah,' earlier was in Popular and wanted to get new books for him, hubby pull me away. Guess Mummies are usually more kan cheong?..

Melissa, if they have been nice to you, then take it as helping them back before you leave, its always good to leave on a nice note...however if they have treated you badly and you are unlikely to come back or keep in touch with them, then I think you take care of yourself first, don't be stressed out on your last 3 days.

Debbie, thanks for sharing the info on the baby's development..sometimes my hubby also worry whether Darius is hyper cos he can't keep still..

BBoy, the cubes are not very small, so no worries[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon, Buy is one thing, play or read to them is another thing, which I push to my hubby, cos I just tell him, his England more powderful. I win liao. Ha!!! ha!!! Easy part is just buy. Ha!! ha!!!

roz: yes, ikea has the corner bumpers in mickey mouse hands pattern. liz destroyed the ones I got from Safety 1st.

Debbie/roz/klitz: thanks for your words of encouragement. I feel much better... I never had such thoughts abt liz being hyperactive till people started commenting. Klitz, thanks for providing the symptoms. No signs of violence and she's always able to sit and play toys for quite a while (eg. lego or stackers).

Good morning mummies!

Stefie: hehehe... FB is more dangerous eh.. Ok, let you tempt me a little, am looking for backpack ;-) the current backpack I'm using is too small, once things are out, they hardly fit back nicely.. The other one I have is too formal for traveling.. Wanna look for Le Sportssac kind..

Klitz: zaizai is 74cm too when he went for 9mths review. But his legs are not long.. :-S Si En leng loi oh.. Phewitt! How was her health report? Everything ok?

BBoy: Lucky indeed, ocassionally he'll lock his lips when he's teething.. Just need alot more patience to feed when he is in one of the "downtime".. He has been drinking 180ml for the longest time.. Sometimes we try to increase to 210ml, but average still 180ml..

Muddypaws: ya, please don't be too worried... If it doesn't get off your mind, it's good to read up on related topics.. ADD/ADHD, it may help all of us to detect the early symptoms and do the necessary to help them. I had students, years back, who are hyperactive, but they were on medication. They are just so brilliant! They were in Sec 1 or 2, doing O level exam questions and excel in it.. Although their attention span is really short and kinda noisy, but I think they are special kids who need more attention, that's what they need... So, don't worry k.. We take good care of our bubs, that's more important.. :) jiayou!

halo mummies, I hv been sooo busy for the last mnth in sEpt, settling dwn trevor in IFC then busy battling in office since 3 weeks ago so I had looost touch in this forum and miss all of you :D

Trevor is doing very well in IFC, thk God[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He loves all teachers and all teachers loves him too, just that he had cough n flu last week, well parts of the cons in IFC[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ok I didnt read all the achieve post BUT wat is the confusion here abt 1 yr bash?? Roz thought u set date on 20th Nov??? then how come gt 2 bashes on 20th Nov liao??? I am really lost and confuse, someone please update me cos I am helping Ros!!!

Oh isit some mummies here hving ur own personal birthday bash with your own baby n you invited some mummies here so they hv to choose either side to go? Well of cos u hv the choice to go which ever ur prefrence , no obligation[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, me too miss the good old days of our close frenships and bonding[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I really SINCERELY apologise to any mummies that I hv ever offende with my words or actions, so please allow me to remain ur close contact and mingle group ok?? I was alos being deleted by some mummies here, well I so thickskin keep adding the mummies, some add me back, while also someone didint so I find no point keep bugging the mummy and I block that mummy account cos I dunno will she find me irritating keep bugging her back to add me in, hiaz[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] HOWEVER, I still care and treasure with ALL the MUMMIES here so please let all sadness, misunderstandings all Disappear ok??? PLease those mummies that deleted me or blocked me, give me a chance to rekindle the frenship, ADD ME in FB ok?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I still love you all[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now having 2 kids, I am more sensitive to ppl feelings and reaction, so I will keep my mouth shut n nt saying things that are wrong and trying to maintain a lower profile, so mummies please bear with me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So I really hv No Hard Feelings and just want to hv the close frenship back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was very upset why I hv this problem in this forum but I didnt hv such problem wif my #1 thread and we are closely bond, hiaz...

So please give me a chance who were being offended by me, ok?

Cheers and hope all mummies hv a good great weekend[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mine also hv watsapp, please add me in any chat n I hope I wont miss any gatherings in future[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seeking advice... ... my son's skin recently turn quite bad (don't know why)... have rashes and now subsided, but he will scratch himself till bleed (if we didn't manage to stop in time, like night time sleeping).

Dr. gave medicine but I kind of thinking not too good for him to take such medication... ... and Dr. mentioned the skin dry that cause the itch.

Anybody has advice on sensitive skin? Now we stop the bath lotion/shampoo, just use water only.

Have tried quite a few different brand for sensitive skin i.e. SebaMed, Bodyshop, etc. But he will start to scratch then have to stop.

Moon sky,

Is yr boy having eczema? Cetaphil and QV are pretty good for sensitive skin. Moisturizing is very impt for dry sensitive skin. U hv to moisturize whole body immediately after bath.


Hi Grumpus, think Doc said mild eczema.

Cetaphil & QV are body lotion? Or bath lotion / shampoo? Or all... ... where can I get them?


