(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Moon sky,

Cetaphil and QV both hv body wash n lotion. I'm using Cetaphil body wash and QV cream.

Can get easily at guardian etc pharmacy.

Oh there's the brand physiogel too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U try first, if still can't work, Cetaphil has a range called restorederm and physiogel has an AI range which is more specific for eczema skin. But those range can only get from hospital pharmacy.


Val, cheer up! Your post sounded so emotional!

Anyways, yes, there were 2 gatherings being planned on 20th, due to miscomm. So some ppl ended up agreeing to go to both. But the one that we were planning, called off liao coz MOQ not met...will be too ex to book the gym for less than 15 pax.

Moon> it does sound like eczema..you probably don't want to be using very harsh soaps. I know a lot of people recommend sebamed, cetaphil as well. I had some news articles I downloaded about eczema in children, I could fwd them to you if you want to read up more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roz, huh called off? how come u never inform me? pls pm me more details in fb ok??

sharon, enjoy ur trip!! next wk is my turn with si en..will be driving in malacca with her.. hope all will be well...

muddypaws, if she doesnt show the symptoms den dun need to worry so much... they're just more active.. which is gd and bad... they exhaust us faster then they exhaust themselves lor..

bubbly, ya lor.. i think avg lei.. next time let the two of them stand next to each other.. see if her legs is longer or not...

all is well. she impressed the pd with her walking.. haha... den pd tell me can have no 2 le.. i was like huh -_-"

think all pds and gynaes love kids ba, thus they always promote next one le..

Dear mommies

Sorry to disturb you...

I have the following formula milk. Would like to exchang them with Isomil step2.

Pls sms me for exchange 98531817 tks

- 6 tins of Mamil gold step 2 ( all expires 09 March 2012)

- 2 tins of Enfapro A+ step 2 ( all expires 23 December 2012, tins a bit dented cos i accidently dropped them)

- 1 tin of Similac Advance eye Q plus ( expires 15 March 2012)

Stefie, thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think I'll be getting the cube toy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly, 180ml is alot. Think need to increase my boy's feed.

Moon Sky, my son is using SebaMed. If the med sold in pharmacy don't work, better to get the med from PD.

klitz: ya, I guess pd loves kids.. Our pd kisses zaizai every visit, pinches his cheeks and keep saying "you are very cute you know that" and zaizai will give him his usual cheeky smile... Hahahaha... Maybe he does that to every kids.. :-D hope Si En's fever subsided so you can have a good rest tonight..

BBoy: is bb still having watery poo? I think our milk intake should be average! We just alternate 1 solid, 1 milk about every 3 waking hours.. Go with his flow.. as general ref: http://www.babycenter.com.sg/baby/startingsolids/milkat6mnths/ no stress ya.. :)

Zaizai always 'dian' pple with his smile... Haha!!!

Ya... Guess tts y they're in this profession... Most of them are nice... Except one tt trauma si en...

Her fever kept coming back... Last night it hit 39 again and she woke up every half an hr crying...

Moonsky: my son skin is dry n sensitive too .. my pd taught me a trick n it works .. maybe u wan to try .. According to her, if we wan to use those johnson & johnson or kodomo shower gel, add a few drops of baby oil will do .. if nt, go for Cetaphil or Physiogel. I tried to put a few drops of baby oil, it works wonder. One of my collegues, use Eucerin Oil based shower gel for her girl after tried so many different brands. her daughter condition sounds just like yours. And it works as well. So, maybe u wan to try out which one suit ur bb.

Hello mommies

I'm not part of the main core of mommies here and only post occasionally to ask some questions. Hope mommies here don't mind.

Some questions of feeding baby:

- how big a piece of ngor Hee that you put in porridge for one serving?

- what kind of cheese you feed babies? Normal or is there special kind of cheese?

- read about some mommies giving yoghurt. Where do you get the yoghurt from?

Thanks for your time to reply. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlemay, i'm feeding si en about a palm size of ngor hee for a porridge. she takes abt a flask of porridge for a meal.

Cheese, i only add a sprinkle of cheddar chesse. i'm giving coon brand that comes in a re sealable bag.

yogurt, i'm feeding the yobaby organic yogurt for6mths and above. There's yoplait yogurt for 6mths and above. so far i've only found yoplait in great world city and liang court supermarket.

Hi Bboy2010, thanks for the info.

Hi Amelia J, thanks for the trick on the baby oil and info., I'll try out the baby oil and see whether works or not.

Btw... the baby oil is added to the water so can use to wash hair as well?

Klitz,u feed a palm size of fish, will it be too much? Yr own palm size right not baby's? Wow yr baby eat a flask of porridge? Mine still eating 1 small baby bowl only I don't even know if he its full or not. But he likes yogurt! I also feed yobaby, do u know they have the 3 in one meals, so sometimes I trick him to eat more by giving together with yogurt!

Littlepigpig, yup. My palm size. She eats a lot mayb cos she's very active. So the food will help her recharge?? Haha!!!

Yup.. There's 3in1 meals... I also feed her...

Mayb u can see how fast ur bb turn hungry so u can gauge how much to feed. But there are some bbs who eat a bit but many meals cos shallow stomach...

Klitz, one flask of porridge = 2 rice bowl? I also don't know how to judge how much to give. So far I still giving 1 bowl of the pigeon 6 months bowl. By the way, should baby porridge be sticky kind like paste or still can see some liquid?

samantha, it fills up about4 bowls of the pigeon feeding dish, the one with the mashing side and cover. which is the 6mths bowl ? isit the same?

i use 3hr as a gauge.. or if she turns away and dun want to eat den i'll stop feeding..

i cook more pasty type as si en doesnt like watery porridge.. u can experiment by cooking with lesser and lesser water or stock to see which ur bb prefer.. sometimes the longer u leave in the flask it'll also become paste form.

Bubbly, recently we have a new PD for baby as well. He also kisses baby. Does yours happen to be in Hougang?

Klitz, my boy also only take 1 6-month bowl porridge. Your baby is eating lots. I'll see whether can increase his feed.

Thanks klitz!

Dont worry mommies! My gal is also eating only 1 6 month old bowl of porridge. And I even had to force her to finish it. I usually add ngor Hee, ikan bills powder, spinach and carrots. It tasted nice to me, dunno why she doesn't take more.

Bboy: yes! In hougang.. Abc? Hahahaha.. We prob seeing the same pd..

Klitz: not just si en is active, but you prepare gooood baby food k!

Klitz, my bowl no cover de. It's green colour that says bowl and a spoon that says spoon. Lol. It's their 6 mth weaning set.

I envy those mommies with babies that know how to enjoy food. my girl....sigh.... Even her 4 mth cousin doing better. She's never greedy. Can't even tempt her. Maybe that's why not efficient eater. I gotta buy jar fruits to teach her to eat.

klitz: hmmm... Do you want us to try your adult food and judge? Hahahaha... Definitely don't mind a 3 dish 1 soup spread.. Hahahahaha! Went to canton-i for dinner last nite.. My goodness.. Expensive dinner.. :-(

samantha, ohz.. tt bowl also quite big.. she's eating well also..

i tot fresh fruits better cos sweeter??

bubbly, haha!!! ok.. next time i cook and invite u all over to try.. i was still thinking of.. i cook bb food and bring over.. den u cook adult food.. den we share.. Wahaha..

was canton-i good??

so far i saw at liang court meidiya, paragon liberty market, yishun cold storage, great world city cold storage..

Cheapest at liang court at $7.90. most ex at paragon, $11.50

Thanks klitz! I must say you are great cook and very devoted mom! I saw si en's food diary and I'm trying to learn from there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz, I give jar fruit cos I can't Mash it smooth enough. Like I said, she's not a good eater. Little bit will gag. U also headache. So I use jar to teach first. New taste or too sticky or dry she will gag also. With jar at least know its not the texture problem. I do mash fresh banana in her cereal.

thnx littlemay..we can share and learn tgt on the way...hehe..

Samantha,ohz.. i also scared of texture or she'll choke.. so i will use blender to blend and feed her..i seldom mash fruits..unless its dragonfruit or kiwi..

Good morning mummies! It was a busy but great weekend, hope all enjoyed as well..

Klitz: not a bad deal, but you must finish what I cook woh, give face give face ma... :-D

Canton-i - I think the food was ok, my senior who came back for vacation from Oslo was dying for chinese food.. her poor Norwegian hubby couldn't stomach much though, maybe that's what happened to her when she's there too, come back to revenge! Hahahaha..

littlemay: just FYI, the yogurt was oos in Liang Court on Sat..

yogurt> actually you can just give any plain yogurt, and you can add your own fruit purees if you have. So long as it's not low fat type, babies need all the calories to grow

only thing is plain yogurt tends to come in big tubs, and if no one else eats it, a bit wasteful..

Roz: I think it's individual preference.. hehehe.. I bought once the baby yogurt, find them too ex to buy long term, so changed to the Petit Miam 1yo yogurt after seeing a mummy posted that it's ok for them to eat that (not sure this thread or other threads that I read).. they are smaller, can easily finish, and yummy.. hehehehe..

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

was terribly busy last week. hope this week will be better. not feeling too well so must remind myself to drink more water and take medicine diligently. sianz...

drink more water ya...

mel: take heart that you will be out of that company pretty soon! i had that experience before too! really super duper sianz. worked till the last minute plus have to put in overtime on the last day!! cannot even relax a bit.

stefie: wow! french gal arh. any photo or not? haha, too early for the parents to dress their babies up. but during special occasion ok lah. i will bring chey to my parents' in her pjs too. cause i will pluck her out of bed and out of the house straight away.

bboy: hmm.. yes, definitely will have different views between our generation and our parents or even grandparents. im not too worry lah. was just bothered for a while. hehe

hope your boy will recover from the diarrhoea episode soon.

whisp: i would avoid if im you cause they are too young to be under the torment of chicken pox virus.

take care and recover soon.

i cannot believe the doctors are so ignorant! skin cancer!! you should go back and give that doctor a piece of your mind!

muddy: lol! liz is really a terrorist! i cannot imagine your friend's daughter reaction to all of liz's bullying. but at least you know liz will be not bullied in any circumstances.. hehe

i actually like ergo partially due to the wide legs bottom. cause better support. lol! im being very contradicting lah.

bubbly: ya lah. but then i think im running out of patience already. till now we are still at the first disc. lol

klitz: no lah, not worried. over with it liao. just that i was a bit bothered by what that granny said initially. haha

samantha: dont have to worry about intake so long our babies are still active and happy. my chey is eating even lesser. 1/2 avent bowl. sometimes even lesser, which is only a few mouthfuls. i cant force her as she will spit out so i will just feed on demand. a piece of bread here, a piece of biscuit there, fruit, juice. cant help it. she is not a big eater. not even an average eater.

Bubbly, sure... I dun think ur cooking is as bad as mine though... Haha!!!

I think ur senior really come eat revenge... My frens too when they come back from us and auz... Eat a lot of Chinese food and hawker food... Haha!!!

I also gave prospan before...

grumpus: my boy got cough... so i self medicate bot prospane OTC...cos my sis say even infants can use so i let him take it wondering if that is ok?

just checking if u mummies ever tried prospane for your bubs or bring to PD when a cough develops [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Morning All Mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope everyone's well!

stefie / Tenq / Leelee / Bubbly / eon - thanks! Ya damn irritaing this company. I really dread my last 3 days here man! Peace after that!

Leelee - how was your meetings with IDs? I think I saw your hubs posting in the FB group. Maybe one day we can meet up, your hubs and my hubs can discuss about the house while we play with our kids!

whisp - oh dear! take good care and recover soon!

Muddy - Dun worry, I think they are just exploring now. From the times I've met Liz, I think she's perfectly fine and cute! Kayleia's like that too, sometimes over hyperactive and behaves like a worm. She pulled Lena's girl's hair the first time we met and tried to poke Liz eyes too the time when I brought her over. Maybe your's friend's kid's shy and reserved, therefore you're able to see the difference immediately. Don't worry! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz - My mom always view my facebook and says you always cook lots of food for si en. haha. I'm guilty of not preparing nice food for Kayleia.

Ever since Keira has switched to FM, she has not been gaining weight! i should have breastfed her longer. Hai...feel like it's partly my fault for being nua. oh well. No wonder her chubby cheeks disappearing.

Sharon - Thanks, actually, they treated me quite well throughout my 3 years here, just that when I'm about leave, suddenly, I just feel exploited. But well, I'm just taking this chance to help them out during this crucial period and also to leave on a nice note too.

klitz: ic he was coughing for like 1 or 2 days dry cough think heaty

so i dilute his FM and try to give him as much BM as possible but supply all time low ler...

but he seem fine eating and playing... so i tot give him the prospane and see how it goes... cos if i go PD more med for him again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning mummies,

long time hvnt post.. hv been bz with work and nursing my 2 girls down w flu.. so much so tat my own flu has been bugging me for more than a week liao..

my poor leah is no longer chubby.. she has lost so much weight since her stomach flu and now the flu bout... she rejects milk cos cant breathe well enough to drink fr the bottle.. and even her porridge intake so little..

now i worried cos we going club med this thurs.. at first i tot jus give her milk and watever food we eat there.. but now she dun want drink milk, i wonder if i hv to bring food to go and cook there.. my hub say no need, but i feel bad if she ends up starving/malnutrition how??

and no 1 still not well, keeps coughing and hving runny nose.. sigh, dunno how to enjoy club med like tat if both cant swim..

for cough, i give her PD prescribed med.. think its called Bromhexine, green colour one.. tats for phelgm.. but still not recovering.. will prob bring her back to PD for another review later.

waiting for the day when everyone in the family is well again!

Jc bb,

I think it's ok to give for a few days but if dun get better then better go pd. Also, u know the dosage to give? Cos for bbs the dosage is calculated based on weight.


Eon: hope you recover soon.. take more water and vit C.. I start to think issac is gaining something from the YBCR over the weekend, he now knows arms up, point and clap, I guess it's the repetitive effect? Shall monitor, I think we are more interesting than the YBCR..

TenQ: Can understand how you feel, zaizai's no longer chubby since I stopped breastfeeding, missed his chubby face and limbs.. Keira is still very chubby.. their weight gain slow down after they start solids.. and they grow taller! :-D

Oshgosh: hard on you when all are sick and hubby is away. Do take care ya, wish all speedy recovery. Perhaps you can get the Pigeon instant porridge/soup to bring to Bintan. Just immerse in hot water for 2-3 mins and you are good to feed. Even if exceeded the time, I find that the temperature is just nice. That's what we brought to BKK..

