(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

hi hi everyone!

I totally agree with stefie. We all came in here for a reason and had something in common to bind us together when we first started out on this thread - to come here to support one another and to encourage one another (regardless of our backgrounds). i miss the good old times too, stefie, and all the old-bird mommies who were here since march/april 2010.. and of course those who joined along the way.

i feel saddened with the way things had turned out.. As a big group, we r not without differences and disagreements. i recall we had differences and unhappiness along the way, and we also touched on sensitive topics (like FM and BM) but we were able to maintain an open culture and agree to disagree and not get too personal.

remember when we talked about our silly cravings... mood swings? outbursts on our poor hubbies? and the sizes of our bellies? too big, too small, too round, too flat...etc... weight gain, weight loss, babymoons, work and daydreams of our 4 months maternity... then we started meeting... i missed the first one but i think some of the mommies learnt knitting from stefie... then more meetings of the pregnant women... so fun... anyways i could go on and on... and i hope it brings back some fond memories. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can we remind ourselves why we r here in the first place ya....

goodnight all and an advanced good morning too! ;)


Esquare -no lah, stefie not talking about parenting. she's one of the most chilled and relaxed parent here oredi, hahaha...

Hello mummies I have not logged in for a long time, how 's everybody doing? Anyway just a quick update, not sure if some mummies remember I mentioned b4 I got a demanding boss and was very stressed by her and also got another older colleague who is due to retire end of next year. Apparently he cannot tahan the stress already and has submitted for early retirement 2 weeks ago...I was quite suprised cos I thot he will 'tong' till his retirement next year. now I chiam lor, got to tong 2 person's work for the next few months..dun think it 'll be very easy to recruit someone who'll want to join. Just keeping my fingers crossed that it won't be that bad...

Bubbly - My MIL also almost as old as yours, sometimes also very forgetful... that day she went out padlock the gate but did not lock the door..

EonEon- Oh dear you sound really tired. Jia you, it will get better k.

Stefie, Yvaine, seems like I am missing something here...a bit blur on what you gals are saying....

Bbribena, hope that Leah don't have to wear spects, she is so young now, how is she going to get used to it?

Ng, I usually put my boy's med into his milk as it's a struggle to feed him med otherwise. Downside, sometimes he can't finish the milk.

Bubbly, maybe your MIL is sleepwalking? Does she used to have this habit?

Eon, don't feel guilty for screaming at your baby. Sometimes, I'll scold my boy too, conditioning as well as stress, haha.

Carriers: I'm using Ergo Sports, less warm and can use till a heavier weight (can't rem the exact value) as compared to other brands I've seen.

Good morning mummies...

stefie: chill it.. chill it..

yvaine: I am near to tear reading your post.. indeed we came a long way, I wouldn't have done it without you all.. I still remember I told you all I was shopping alone in Compasspoint and suddenly burst crying, stefie immediately PM-ed me her number and all jiemeis here jiayou for me.. and you are right.. all the worries about baby too big, baby too small.. I am really grateful I have you gals!

Sharon: oh dear.. you need to lookout for your MIL too.. in case it's dangerous for her and family..

BBoy2010: my MIL doesn't sleepwalk.. if she does, I'll be scared! Sometimes, when she comes out of the room when only the night light is on, I will also get a shiver.. :p talking about conscience.. hahaha..

re: carrier

I have no contribution coz we didn't invest in one..

Good morning Mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, well said[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your England no horse run[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for your kind words, I am trying to be best that I can for Alexis, since hubby travels very often[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am both daddy and mommy and even her driver at times.

Esquare, Sharon, It is about the 2 gatherings in 20 Nov, why 2 sessions of 1 year bash on the same day? I am force to go either 1 or not at all. Our babies will miss out the fun like the 6th month bash. Which Alexis missed out cos she was sick. I know by writing this, some will curse and swear me or even hate me. But for our jiemeis sake, it is worth while. Really.... sad....

Carrier, I am using Ergo sport. Really very good and we find it very good investment. I used it everyday. We even bring it to our holidays. I even use it at home when I need my hands free. The cheapest is at Agape, Ergo sports @ S$155.

bubbly, yes the good old days, when Mr Teo bully you, you cried while shopping in Compass point[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Every little bits is for our jiemeis sake. I remembered my roasted duck craving, then Yvaine bought 2 ducks the same day IIRC. 1 influence another. So cute. Even my hubby is happy I have such wonderful Jie meis here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

ng: my mother is more than willing to help but she needs to go for her doc's appointment early saturday morning. my mil is out. she cant take care of baby. she has never taken care of her kids before. my hubby and his 2 brothers were taken care of by nannies and only return home to stay with their mum when they were into their teenage years.

im into ergo carrier too! super comfy! thanks to the recommendations from some of the mummies. i use to think i will just push her around in stroller so i never thought of getting any carrier until one fine day she decided she has enough of stroller and wants to be carried.

roz: yes leh! im always thinking why my chey is such a hard nut to crack! my mum is always consoling me saying that maybe in my previous lif i owe her so this time round i will need to repay her. haha... thanks to my mum for her words, sometimes i will feel better after that. but really really tiring at times.

esquare: thanks, i hope i will remember to go out for a breather instead of raising my voice at her. poor chey!

sharon: thanks!

bubbly, stefie - thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] more memories came back to me... remember the many times we had to go to our gynae for appointment, then at clinic waiting room, we'd log into the forum to update, chat... then update on our babies' growth, share how our little ones would behave... some very mysterious, kept covering their faces, some very active, kept kicking n moving, some just very relaxed and chilled, sleeping away hahaha..

then we started popping, one after the other, and the many birth stories.. thta was such an exciting time...

so thinking about it, really lor, we do share a very unique friendship here... must cherish it ya!

gathering in Nov

it's put quite a few mommies and daddies here in an awkward spot. so much so some people are thinking of not going for either. but very sad cause that's something we've been looking forward to.

the 6 month bash jenny organised was such an enjoyable one. we kept it simple, just find a place and plonk babies down on playmats, and everyone just enjoyed themselves so much.

really wish we can all come together again and have another wonderful 1 yr old celebration. but looking at the way things are, people are forced to choose. sadly.

Deon: you are very lucky, got your mom's help.. she is a pretty and young mommy..

yvaine: now you talking about gynae appointment.. i still remember how I insisted on full bladder scan, and waited there for more than an hour coz I didn't know it has to be super urgent and not just urgent type! The second time, I drank till I throw all the water out and ended with v-scan.. hahaha.. and I was updating forum while waiting in the labour room, same room with Agnes, but not realising.. and how I "cried for help" after gave birth, so thirsty I said I hoped they give me a whole jar of milo, but instead they gave me just a small cup! duhz!

I also can go on and on.. hahahaha..

Morning mummies..

Indeed we shared alot throughout our pregnancy here.. tho i din post frequently esp when i was preg ( due to worries bout the pregnancy after having had a miscarriage before ), i read the thread daily to keep me going... forgot to say thanks to everyone here for been my 'secret pillar of support'! actually like sharon im abit lost on what happened, but of coz hope that we can all come together again as jie meis and our bubs can all be lil fren to one another [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eoneon- every baby is different, and im sure chey isnt the toughest nut to crack [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and u know my frens say, norm if the first child is tough nut, the second will b a breeze! was soo true for me and my frens! so its 'first bitter later sweet' heehee

stefie - agree lor. and to everyone, pls understand that the spirit of writing these posts is really for the sake of our jiemei-hood here in this forum. we've all come a very long way. must treasure it! will be so sad to see it broken after having gone through so much together.

hope it'll be some food for thought.

pls enjoy your breakfast everyone...! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly - hahahah.... that was very early days when we had to do V-scan to see the baby... so blur blur. then we all got quite savvy as we went along in the pregnancy, hahah... ;)

god's child - agree!

remininscing about all our good old times [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really nice.

ok i better eat some breakfast before a meeting. catch u all ard jiemeis!

Yes yes, Bubbly and my fav phrase, Everything will be soon soon Heng heng[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! ha!!!

Hugs all Jie meis, we really support one and other thru our pregnancies till we popped, confinement till now. We have come a long long way. Come to think of it, it has been almost 20+ months already. Ha!! ha!! I being thru 2 miscarriages, found strength, will power, positive vibes thru this thread. As I read thru the old posts, I can really cry. So beautiful friendships...... I guess not found anywhere else in SMH.

hello mummies, had been a busy week so just pop in to say hi...

Although i just joined u all this year, its really really very nice to have u mummies ard.. with all ur support, hearing each other ranting on hubbies and in laws, on our bubs's progression, food cravings, toys, skincare and even comestics lobangs.. I guess everyone goes through a long way to be here... Im glad i have some close mummies to stay with... and I hope i have more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lets try to harmonize together if we can.

lee: sorry that u need to change ur nice to ying... :p I guess not many pple mix us up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gonna get bz... chit chat with u all again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I second god's child and yvaine re: second child. Probably because have experience, so you know what to expect, and are better prepared :D so mummies with #1, should consider having #2 in a few years ^.^, although for some, it probably sounds like a really crazy idea right now!

re: JWT bash gathering

I was not aware that there were two gatherings till Monday night, so I am sorry about the confusion. It was not my intention to put you all in a spot. Those mummies/daddies whom I've emailed or contacted via Facebook regarding the JWT bash, appreciate if you all can let me know by tomorrow if you are still joining, so I know whether to go ahead with the booking.

zombie state now..my boy was up playing from 3-4.30AM @_@ very very sleepy~~

yvaine: yes leh! my chey is one of the stubborn/character babies who refused to show us her face and make me panic once and flew all the way to my gynae because she refused to move no matter how i poked my tummy and talked to her. the moment i reached the clinic & saw my gynae (with tears streaming down my face) she started moving! i nearly collapsed in fear then!

bubbly: yes! i really am very fortunate for my mum's help. wish my hubby will feel the same though. haiz! man man man... =( .. my mum will be super happy if she knows she is being complimented.

and yes! the full bladder scan! i nearly wet my panty once! because the wait was so long and i drank so much water! i thought i couldnt make it to the toilet liao.

god's child: thanks for your comforting words too! chey is one of the toughest nuts! lol, even my mum surrendered! hmm, thats good for you. but for us, we are stopping at one so i wont know if the 2nd one will be breeze or not. of course if god wants us to be 2nd time parents we will not reject but really no plan for another one.

yvaine: yes yes.. if ever I have #2, I'll know what to expect.. kekekeke..

stefie: you and your soon soon heng heng.. and food tempting..

LeeLee: was thinking this morning, where have you been.. :)

Eon: Your mum deserves compliments.. I still remember the part you cried and went to gynae.. :p vaguely, slowly, all the memories rush back to my mind.. so far I've met your mom and Klitz's.. her's is also a super friendly grandma, if our moms are together, I think can really talk non-stop.....

Hi mommies iphone 4S will launch in United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and Britain on October 14 and end of October in 22 additional countries including Austria, Italy, Singapore, Spain, and Switzerland.

Another Apple craze wave coming liao......


Bubbly[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! ha!!

Stefie: hahaha.. thanks! most of iphone4 owners think it's not interesting? But it is for me! I'm so going to get it and start watsapp-ing.. hahaha... but I'll have to carry 2 phones around.. :-S

stefie, hahahah the iphone 4s news will meet with a lot of duuuh response I guess from users that were waiting eagerly for iphone 5.

bubbly, whatsapp is FUN!! i love it. esp the photo sharing functions cause its FOC hhaha.. no more mms hee.

bubbly, ha!! ha!! yes yes Whatapps is God's sent[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can have secret meeting there. Ha!! Ha!! Only need to pay USD0.99 for the app (free is iphone kena Jailbreak). But Android phones also have whatapps, not necessary iphone only[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I saw the new Samsung Galaxy phone, wow very nice, even bigger screen than iphone 4[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]But then again new apps and games are always faster for Iphone IOS than Android phone.

Crystal, even that's the case, any Apple products is piece of Art, see that Apple logo enough liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly: aiyooo.. so sweet of u... i miss u too!! but i miss zai zai more... im very very bz this week so i dun have time.. and i only have the time to login fb at night.. everybody like and comment liao, then i comment the last.. hahha... no time.. did u manage to capture a video on zai zai[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when are u getting ur whatsapp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] waiting for u wor...

crystal: yeah yeah!! whatsapp is soo fun and keep pple connected...

Stefie: yeah!! secret meeting, gossips and updates!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: you are such an Apple fan!

LeeLee: alamak.. miss zaizai more! I miss Jovan too, was really cute to see him crawl.. I'm super free this week and you are super busy.. :p didn't get to video him yesterday, he didn't want to do it again.. hahaha.. I'll get the phone end of the month when it comes! need to waitlist or not ah?

stefie, i agree with you... miss the old times when we really share... and everyone will share and listen with an open mind.

As parenting has no right and wrong, its up to each person's comfort level. There's no need to keep insisting ur own way will be the best way for another. A man's apple might be another's poison. There's also no need to specifically google up things to post and shoot another person. A forum is just meant for sharing, not for insisting your perfect way thru.

Sorry if i sounded harsh, but I guess a few mummies might have felt the same thoughts. So I'll just be the bad person here and speak out my thoughts since stefie has brought it up.

Ng, Ergo is really a gd carrier. Ever since i borrowed from Esquare for a taiwan trip with my BB. I went to buy one and has never regretted. Mayb u can consider a 2nd hand one since our bb is already 10mths old, unless u plan for a 2nd one then a new ergo might be worth it. Do take note that there's some fake 2nd hand circulating outside.

bubbly, * wave hands in the air * psycho psycho.. buy buy hahahhaha

stefie, i think i should intro you to my cols hahaha you all will hit off very well. all apple nuts le they are the kind that will go and Q overnite to buy ipads and iphones type. no need sleep also can. hahha

morning mummies

stefie/ yvaine

i aso miss e days we log in almost everyday to chat as tis SMH hd bcming pary of our life but as our bb grow bigger we r more biz n cant log in tat often...

re: gathering

i think i will giv its a miss tis round...wld like to go but cant cfm till i settle my gal's birthday celebration venue.

roz & klitz

i'm appreciate yr effort...its nt easy to organise an event...


my gal is aso vy tough...past few nites she hd being crying vy hard for no reason, i aso gt beat n scold her...same as u after scolding n beating i feel vy guilty...but there is nth i can stop her frm crying.

i kw nt gd for bb but i will let her cry untl she stop to let her kw tat i wldnt play/carry her till she stop crying...so after crying for abt 15~20 mins she stop crying...yest she even steady after crying stl smile @ me...i dun kw wan to cry or laugh...


i'm gg to chg my 3GS to 4S but i'm more looking forward to 5 lei...hehe

yes, a single bdae bash would have been the most ideal situation where no one would need to choose.

and some mummies would not have to face the dilemma of having to go to which or neither at all. instead of making everyone else confused here. i shall be direct.

Val initially volunteered to organize. and after which said she will be busy with trevor and gg back to work. Thus I took over, its my fault that I had to juggle 3staff work load and handle a new work environment. Thus I cant handle organizing such a big event with so many suggestions that kept interfering the process of finalizing the details. Thus i gave up the idea of organizing a big bash for all.

Having said so, it's my SELFISH idea to continue organizing a gathering at a much smalller scale for some mummies to gather. As the date has already been set aside for free in my calendar, i planned as per normal.

So if mummies still facing the dilemma of going either side, do let me know. I can always cancel the small gathering at my side and will NEVER organize any more gatherings!

and if this gathering that i'm organizing still goes through.

I am NEVER ever going to organize another gathering nor attend any others as i have had ENOUGH!

And i forget to add on, if anyone else is angry with me or upset with wat i posted.

Feel VERY FREE to tell me, or DELETE me from your FB just like what ONE mummy did!


Pat pat!! Ya .. I remember ur drink water ... Eat ur pills..金句..

Ya we all came a long way together.. Worries... Stress.. Happiness and sadness...

I remembered the time when I was in hospital.. U encourage me.. .. Frankly.. It doesn't matter which party u go coz most important.. On tat day bb must be well.. Right;)

Just go with ur heart


calm dw calm dw...we all kw nt easy to organise such a big event...there muz b sm misunderstanding n miscommunication in btw...we stl hope to see u n si en in e future gathering

Klitz: E-Square is right.. mind your health first.. more important..

Personally, I'll just go with which group I'm more comfortable and close with, that's the deciding factor..

Florence> Oh so this is what it's about? That I deleted you from my Facebook?

1) It's MY Facebook account

2) There are also many other mummies here who I do not have on my friends list, I did not know I was obligated/expected to 'friend' everyone here, I don't feel compelled to add everyone whom I meet online. I'm sorry if that offended you or anyone else here, but that's just the way it is for me.

I do recall your profile saying something about...not liking people to be fake towards you, so...yah.

Obviously it's a clash of personalities, but I don't think there was any need to get other people involved. Apparently my eagerness to help in the planning was miscontrued as being meddlesome, and that was not my intention.

bubbly is right...those who are split between which gathering to go, do join whichever group you are more at ease with, otherwise it would just be a waste of time and money.

yes! that is your facebook account. U're right to delete me from your FB account!

I didnt say that you're wrong!!!

in fact I support u! u're right!!! just delete which ever person that you dun like from FB!

tt's the right thing to do!!! and that's wat i'm letting the rest know.

If u dun like what i post, delete me!!!


Calm calm!! I am always being deleted.. Wahaha.. Relax relax.. No big deal.. Deleting us is their lost not ours ok..

Birthday gathering ..

My e3 is missing si en .. So I think I will join u coz no point going to the gym as my boy, can't crawl, can't walk.. Only sit..

esquare.. ya.. its ok being deleted.. i'm ok too..

Yeah.. i miss e3!!! is he chubbier now?? i love his chubby pose with his smile.. hehe...

i still dare not carry him... i can onli admire... haha...

I think i am missing a lot of topic here, but i think i need to say something, i am the 4th pregnant mom to post in this thread when it first started by a mom whom miscarriage after she started the thread. I have seen this thread grow and met many moms over this year. There are still many whom i have not met or talk to personally .

This thread has grown and some moms r closer and to me, as a sahm ,i am logically closer to the other sahm, as all can see in the fb. But we do make effort to meet and organize the outings with the rest of the working mom as many can also see in the fb pictures. Theres are absolutely nothing wrong in having a close group, its not possible for a west side mom to meet the eastside mom almost every week, and for some of us like me, i have 2 groups to juggle too, my older girls playdates and with the current no2 playdates.

If really those who can comment, i beleive we the first few moms whom posted when this thread started. We witness the ups and downs of this thread right from the start.

I may not post as often now, but i have absolutely no problem with whichever mom meet up or which ever small other grp gathering, or whatsover.

There are times we are frustrated with organising a big scale gathering, seriously speaking only an organizer will understand an organiser , because other ppl simple can just tell you at the very last min, oh sorry my kiddo r sick, my last min mil visiting, my this and that, oh why am i not invited, even as a sahm, i do put in the effort to mix in with the working mom and asked em for gathering if its on a weekend, or have a joint small gathering between the sahm n the working mom.

Tell me moms in the 6mths bash, do we walk to table to table to chit chat to ALL moms that day. no way at all, its either the babes r fussy, we r busy swallowing our food, or busy entertaining ourselves. i admit i didnt even talk to the 3opposite tables mom at all. Its fun if you look back at the pictures though, but like all moms, we mingle to those we do have many common topics. Some mom can rant alot in e forum but might be abut shy when they met in major big events, and like my own babies, she cannot, simple cannot handle big mass gatherings, so after the 6mths bash, i told myself, she really cannot attend big mass gatherings.

Anyway, this is a motherhood forum, if we are unhappy, we rant , if some moms r not happy with our rants,then well, skip the thread.

Crystal, I sure can hit off with your colleagues[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But I not so siao like them. I will wait for the fever to go down then buy. Cos any inital launch stuff sure have QC problems, ha!! ha!! From my Nokia co experience. Normally inital launch most ex and full of problems[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH, I guess you are from the red Telco company? Any staff discounts or you are able to hand on the first few sets[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I actually likes 3GS better than iphone 4, wow the curves, super sexy lor, not like my iphone 4 so square. Ha!! ha!!!

Your Cherlin too smart, thanks again to the fish oil we eat during pregancy and the FM loh, DHA/AA so high[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis also fake cries alot, buay tahan. Once carry her, she can smile so sweetly lor. Bang head sometimes.

Hmmm... shall I break the silence?

Crystal: You evil! I have a colleague who is Apple die hard fan.. every product! I feel like a suaku beside him.. hahahaha..

E-Square: I have yet met you.. would love to meet E3 too!

Amuro: agree, we can rant and we can skip the thread if we wish to..

Bubbly, my hands and legs faster than you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't be poison by crystal hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hold your horses first[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly, no prize leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wow bubbly, can go home, then go home and rest lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Golden weeks left with 2 days niah.

