(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Klitz: hahaha.. ya, agree.. but no choice le! seems like both of us are very "busy" now.. chatting here and "there".. LOL!


Amelia> oh no...sounds awful. Take care, dear! Stay positive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly n Roz: i didnt take leave to take care of him .. I m still sending him to nanny house. Over the weekend i think was his worse, need to use neubelizer as well .. now, i think he is recovering .. but super sianz .. he used to be very cooperative whenever he was sick .. this time round, drink milk - dont want, solid food - dont want, medicine - dont want , breast milk - think first ..

Klitz - well PD thinks she' growing fine so im not worried.. just hope she can put on abit more.. greedy mummy! but well over the wkend helper weighed her and she is now bout 8.1kg.. she was so happy! haha...btw, u r superb! pumpkin muffin looks yummy, did si en like it?

Amelia - i know hw u feel.. super heart pain when u hear them cough n chok eon phlegm.. the worst will pass, just hang on tight!

CC- i quite like polliwogs at east coast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] brot my gal n nephew there ytd and they had crawling all over.. just had to b more careful when u see the older kids coming.. we took the less popular corner and let the kiddos crawl through tunnels n bridge.. pretty fun! the adults had fun 'crawling' and 'working out' too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz: Bb is in the process of recovering ..Wednesday is the doc review, since according to pd, it takes at least 5 days to clear .. Hopefully everything goes well then .

I m hanging on .. these few nights, i keep on checking is he breathing .. i m too paranoid already ..

Amelia> just do what you can...its normal for them to hv no appetite when they are ill. He sounds like he's on the road to recovery, you'll hv ur chubby baby back soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some mommies asked me about how Leah's eye check... tot it's easier to post it up here for everyone.

My 10mo girl was tested 275 astigmatism on each of her eyes... =( Specialist at the hospital said she needs glasses. =(

The reason why we took her to the specialist for eye check was that we told the polyclinic doc that she looked alittle crossed eyes (Strabismus) during her 8th-9th body checkup. Doc referred us to KKH eye specialist. After KKH doc checked, confirmed that my girl just appeared to be crossed eye, a condition called pseudostrabismus. It will go away as she grows up. But they found out she has astig when they did routine check on her, quite serious. Suggested to let her wear glasses so condition could be under control else it may develop to lazy eyes, short-sighted, etc.

The specialist referred us to a shop where we can get our girl prescribed infant eye glasses. Over there, they have an optometrist so we thought we get him to do another check to confirm my girl's condition. Come to think of it I think it was quite silly for us to seek 2nd opinion from them coz there's chance of conflict of interest.

Anyway, the optometrist said that my girl has astigmatism, and need glasses. He said my girl's astigmatism is adult astigmatism, not infant astigmatism that will auto correct as she grows. So eye glasses is necessary, he said. I still have doubt about his saying, one becoz the tests at the shop and the hospital were taken while my girl was impatient cranky whiney and moving around, secondly the test taken at the shop was with a faulty retinoscopy (the light kept flicking) and lastly, although the shop's FB and website says they are experienced with infant and kids vision, the optometrist (the only one in the shop) doesn't seems to be very experience with handling infant.

We left the shop with a receipt to collect my girl's eye glasses and lotsa questions that were not answered. What's the difference between adult and infant astigmatism? And what causes adult astigmatism? What kind of 'adult astigmatism' does my girl has, cornea or lens abnormal? My hub and I have near to zero astigmatism so I don't think it's hereditary.

Sigh... =( I come back and chat with ya all later, need to get busy.

Bbribena> do get a second or even third opinion, yeah? Leah is still young, probably will hv better prognosis. (((hugs)))

Bribena, personally I feel that since you are still uncomfortable and you have many doubts to clear, do get a 3rd opinion. really hope little Leah doesn't need glasses.

Klitz, would love to join the gatherings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AMelia, hope your baby recover soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bribena, think it's better to get a 3rd or 4th opinion before you let your baby wear the prescribed glasses. In case she has infant asti but they prescribe adult asti and worsen the condition.

Good morning mummies! It is a wet wet morning!

My MIL did the weirdest thing. I sleep with baby in the hall recently. On Sunday, when I woke up, MIL said my bro came to visit. I was like "huh? but he never told me he'll come to visit".. and it was just like 8am? She said ya, he came at 7plus in the morning, knocked on the door and left when she opened the door. And I was sleeping in the hall. I checked with my bro, he was still sleeping soundly in JB.. :-( Last night, when I was about to doze off, she came out again, and checked on the door, opened up the door. I asked what she was doing. She says she heard knocks on the door.. made me panic.. But I was sleeping there, and I didn't hear anything.. :-S

Amelia: how's your boy doing today? Better?

Bbribena- i agree with the rest bout a 3rd opinion.. If you still have doubts, you should clear them. cos i know it will continue to prompt you til you get them answered...i am such a person and it will just get me down.. so,if u need help,i think the friend that Rena is gona recommend you is a forum fren who is an eye doctor and will most certainly be able to offer you some insight...

Rena - you referring to Anita right?


Does ur mil have 老人痴呆症? Better check leh...

God's child..

Yes Anita .. And sunny too.. Previously my 2 boys has eyes issue.. She help me with it.. And if need to check eyes.. Sunny can do for them.. And I think they both are more qualified than poly docs..

bribena, I guess the other mummies have said what i wanted to say. No harm looking for another opinion.

bubbly, maybe your MIL is tired so she is hearing things? if ur r/s with her is quite oki maybe can talk to her and see if she is facing some troubles? dun scare urself.

Hmm yah, it think it's quite common to 'hear' things, esp when you are worried or listless. As for the brother visiting, maybe she is getting forgetful..

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)

Ribena, I also think you should go for 3rd or 4th opinion. Leah may not need glasses.

When i was 10 years old, Like my case my San guan was 375, the specs shop guy increase my degree which was not necessary.

E-square: so far she has been good though a little forgetful here and there.. will monitor further and see what is it with her.. hubby left this morning, I'm scared! Later she wakes up middle of the night and watch us sleep.. duhz!

crystal/roz: my r/s with mil is super quiet type.. she is 81yo.. I can only keep to myself most of the time.. see tonight I'll try to dig if she's feeling ok.. she has been forgetting her medical appt lately so much so I placed her medical card on the fridge so we can all see and remember..

bbribena - I hope Leah doesn't have to wear glasses. so young. Since rena has friend who is a doctor, can get help from her =)

Bubbly - Maybe your MIL might have some hearing problem. Dun scare yourself =)

Just curious, dear mummies which brand of baby carriers are all of u using for ur kids?

Update on my boy's situation

He is getting better but it is still a tug war with him whenever feed medicine

Bubbly : Maybe your MIL is just too tired .. or she missed your brother a lot, that's y hear things ..

Ribena: Maybe you wan to seek more opinion like others mother said . Since you are not very convince.

morning mummies and dadddies ^_^

amelia: im waiting for chey to sleep through too... so tiring!!

she decided to wake up hourly and then from 2-5am every night now. its getting very straining for the caregivers. twice in a row, i raised my voice at her cause i was so shagged! but thereafter i was filled with guilt! haiz...

crystal: haha, thanks. i read and reply along the way so it becomes a long essay!! lol

dewdew: i think we are both cat in a way lah. hahaha... but need to save money mah, so no choice, gonna be cat.

amelia: hope your boy recovers soon. how is he now?

ribena: i would not be convinced of their diagnosis loh if im in your shoes. so unprofessional. i really think you should seek 2nd opinion. the one from the optometrist is not counted.

bubbly: aiyoyo.. sound so eery leh. your mil has been imagining too much is it? i think need to ask your hubby to bring her for consultation leh.

eoneon, but when chey gets up wat does she do? if she doesnt cry etc u can jsut ignore her rite? i also raised my voice before but i wasnt guilt ridden hahahah... its soo irritating sometimes.

Eoneon: i do raise my voice to my boy when I was too irritated by him .. then i will ask my hubby to step in and i will ignore my boy .. then my boy will start to come n kacau me n hope that i look at him n smile at him .. duh~~

thanks mummies.. hope she is ok.. sometimes, while my tail is short and we have different opinion in raising baby, I am still grateful she is around to help monitor helper and zaizai..

Eon: another phase! jia you mummy! I can't raise my voice to Issac, coz MIL will always stand in between.. hehehe.. happened once, I asked her to sit down, she quickly asked hubby to come out to check on me.. hahahaha...

TenQ: I thought of telling him.. but forgot.. and now he is overseas again, don't want to make him worry. Let's see if it'll get worse, I'll have to take leave and bring her see doc myself.. been time since you posted!

crystal: she will whine, want my attention. so have to carry her and pat her butt... then after patting for a good 15-30 minutes at times, she will suddenly fling her smelly pillow over her shoulder and follow by her pacifier. thats her way of telling me, i dont want to sleep!

im super guilt ridden after that de. and i will keep thinking about it and feeling apologetic! haiz..

amelia: i cannot take it leh. im really tired loh. i really screamed at her until hubby was woke up by my scream and took over. this friday cham liao... its only me and my chey chey... wonder how to cope!

bubbly: haha, your little zai zai is well protected. i can but i dont want. i was really so tired i felt like dozing off while eating..

hope your mil is ok.

eoneon, O dear you sound really tortured. cant imagine wat's it like having to be awake from 2-5am daily le. i tink anyone also will have bad mood la.

amelia: you mean this friday? i cant... have work to do in office, cannot take leave. these 2 days am busy with month end closing. then next 2 days with event planning! energy draining liao.

crystal: im just not looking forward to friday and saturday.

Dear mommies, anyone using baby bjorn synergy carrier? Thinking of buying it but dunno if it's worth. Any comment/feedback?

Eon: it must be hard for you. Can let your mil or ur mum to help out over the weekend daytime then u can get some rest?

Eon, hang in there! We're all humans, and sometimes it feels like our children purposely want to torment us!

Agree with Amelia..when I'm hving trouble putting my kids to sleep, I'll take them on a short walk, even if it's just around the house, go look out the window...before trying again.

ng> I think Bjorn Synergy can only use till 12 kg? I would recommend Ergo instead, they're awesome and very comfy to use. And they can be used till 18 kg

roz: Tahnsk. Is ergo more comfortable? trina is very kpo, always trying to look in front when i baby carrier her. What shall i do? I'm looking for good and useful baby carrier.

Anyone has any other comment?

Ergo gives better support, I don't feel tired even after carrying my son in it for a long time. You can't do a front fwd facing carry, they say it's not good for the spine anyways, but you can do a back carry..

when my boy was younger I was using beco butterfly but i find now the ergo seems to 'fit' better. can consider getting a used one, I got mine for $60 online :D

Another one that my friend recently bought is the Pognae (korean brand) baby carrier from gmarket. it's similar to Ergo..and I like that it has a mesh cover, so baby won't get too hot and sweaty inside.

Roz: I'm having backache nowsdays so thot bjorn has back support will be good. saw ergo review that it's too thick and baby sweat when inside it. Never heard of Pognae.hee

amelia: i bought a sling but dun really use it. now using evoflo carrier but gets backache easily cos trina weighs heavier now. Haha. So i suppose u are using sling. MIM?

Ng: I m using MIM. I tried puspik pouch as well but one thing not good is it goes according to body size. I hv hand me down mothercare and no brand carrier as well. But, I Still vote for MIM sling

yahyah sling is very versatile..can carry all sorts of positions and got high weight limit also. but you need to get a hang of it...which i never did so my sling is sitting in the cupboard.

i also hv never heard of pognae till my friend bought it..looks pretty good too.

and yes it gets a little hot and sweaty in the ergo, but personally i think it's a small price to pay for the comfort and ease of use. not glam only lah...

btw ng, if you are considering an ergo, just saw someone selling on craigslist $50, pick up at buona vista.

Ng - im using Ergo Sport and i think its really a good carrier.. i dun feel tired or find it straining for my shoulders.. i use it to bring my bb to send her jiejie for classes, taking bus and climbing overhead bridges.. thumbs up for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also use the pouch at times for short walks using koala style. tho ergo will be rather warm to use at times, my top gets damp too! :p but still, i prefer the ergo and now bring a small electric fan in my bag for hot days, just in case..

ng> cnot PM u lei..PM me!

I saw the listing a while back...i thought about buying but it's the same colour as my current one so, LOL

Good evening mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just want to said this for long long time. I really miss the good old days, where we share each others happiness, sadness, cravings. Sad to say now this group is getting out of place.

Whatever we do now, we must set good examples to our little ones. Should it be good or bad our babies will learn from us. I am not trying to judge, it is up to individual's value, believe, family upbringing.

I just miss the good old days, really. Jiemeis, please be open minded and see open.

Pardon me for my long post. Goodnight everyone and sweet dreams.....



What do u really mean by out of place? In parenting.. There is no right or wrong but what is most suitable for u and ur child.. None of the individual is a perfect parent.. So relax!!


Egro is a very good carrier.. Having tried most brands.. Egro is the best for my heavy weigh .. Coz it can tahan 25kg.. ..

Eon eon!

Jia you!! Dun feel guilty.. Just that next time when u are upset just put bb in the cot go out and breath in and out 10 times then carry bb..

