(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


God's child.

U know my e1's birthday always clashes with the Christmas parties and new year party. So this year I purposely do it with Emmanuel since only about 10 over days apart..

I book the balloonist and puppet show together .. About 700 dollars.. I am also inviting our old friends.. Lisa, Angie,Linda, val,wendy.. If u can make it.. I would like to invite ur pretty princess Celeste ..


God's child

she is taking solids twice a day but it's really very little. And no snacks. Just few tbsp of porridge and cereal each day. I wanted to give her snacks but she's really bad at eating solids. Will choke herself. Sigh.... Don't know if it's a throat problem or wat. Been trying for 3 months and she's still unable to adapt to different texture. May I know approx how much milk your girl is taking a day?

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

stefie: me too long long time never eat song he head from chinatown le. hmm.. wonder when can entice hubby to go. chey chey also can eat. yumz

sharon: oh, i show her by doing the sucking motion. i didnt really use the straw leh. you can use the straw to demo loh, maybe easier to understand. yes, she can get down our house platforms so fast... i have platforms everywhere in my house but she has no problem liao. initially everyone was telling me my house is full of traps, very unsafe for baby.. seems like chey has babyproof herself. lol

i have been using this method every time we bring chey out. i will rinse with tap water then use hot water to final rinse then wipe dry and its all ready for the next feed. sometimes when i dont have enough hot water, i just rinse with tap water then wipe dry then use le. so far so good.

thanks! im almost recover liao. oh, am planning for chey's 1st birthday. but chalet nowadays cannot book until 1/3 months before the actual day so super sianz. scare cant get the unit.

bubbly & leelee: thanks ^_^

paper girl: hope your girl recover soon.

bubbly: aiyoyo... she is lucky lah. but you can find better job. jia you! speaking of that. i better jia you too!

ng: haha.. cause me no mood to work mah so slowly read and reply loh.

joyfulbliss: i think inlaws issues are forever tricky. put the part whereby they are just paying lip service apart as that will only make you more suspicious and unhappy. next time just let them know that its the doctor's advise to refrain from feeding baby sweet drink as their liver and kidney are still developing, eating/drinking too sweet and salty stuff will cause their organs to overwork which is not good for the child. as for the tv part, just say their eyesights are good enough to see things from far liao. dont need to watch so near. regarding remarks to your mum.. just have to tell your mum to ignore them. as for feeding uncover food... you have to take the initiative to cover all food which you think they will feed baby with. dont bottle your unhappiness.. let it out here. hope you will feel better today.

samantha: dont have to worry. nothing is wrong with your girl.. she might just be lazy like my chey chey. chey chey is contented sitting down with us, be it to watch tv or bond. as for the feed, so long your girl is still happy and active. no problem de. chey just came back from her 9th month jab and development check. she only put on 300g since her last check at 7th month. but alls well. dont have to fret over her not taking enough. no matter how little, cannot be lesser than chey's cause chey is still on 90ml max per feed. and 60% of the time we have to pour at least 40ml away.

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday was busy packing for my Jakarta trip this thu, I am so ready to go now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon, You may want to try this way I used on Alexis. I use the mag mag straw cup, like want to bottle feed Alexis, then she will suck from the straw. Once she does that, I let her sit up and bring the straw to her, then she will automatically knows how to suck from straw liao. Sure success one.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly, sorry didn't catch up yr post on Friday, was so busy lor. In the end rush back to my mom's after reaching my co dnd for less than 1 hr. Good luck, I just hate colleagues who throw letter than co give then a pay increase. Want to leave just leave lor, no need to use this method to ask for pay increment.

Deon, I was very disappointed with the Song he fish head on Sat, over cooked. We love the An ji, but this time round is such a disappointment.

Leelee, Alexis don't like my instant Heinz pasta. Lucky for the dogs, they get to eat when Alexis don't want[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Even my MIL made salmon+chicken+Broccoli brown rice porridge, Alexis also didn't take much. I guess would have to play around with different combination lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sam, can try to feed some snacks. Alexis loves Baby bites rice crackers, pigeon pumpkin bolo and Gerber puffs. Maybe you can try feeding between feeds?

Btw the baby bites is made in china, see whether you are comfortable with or not? I find it better than Pigeon one cos less ingredients. I tried all fav, I love teh chicken and veggies one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mommies, I need to get rid of the Haenim playyard cos Liz absolutely hates it. 6 panel playyard (red+yellow+blue combi), with 2 activity panel (1 with music), 3 plain and 1 door going for S$140 (lelong!). Any takers? Used for barely a week. Contact me at nine-six-nine-three-one-three-eight-nine.

joyfulbliss: Anything you not happy with MIL, please rem to get ur hubby to talk to them instead (you better not tell your MIL off in case spoilt relns). I understand how you feel cos I went thru simliar situation. Jia You!

Sam: Dun worry every child devtm is different. As long she is happy and healthy, let her take her pace to devt. Trina has cereal in morn, Porridge in afternoon, follow by 2 milk feeds of 180ml each feed.

Any mummies need mamil $5 off vch(expire:31Dec 2011) or enfapro $5 off vch (Expire 25 Sep 2011)? Let me know.

morning mummies


u can nw try see can bk chalet or nt...cos Pauline tell me chalet is fully bk...Dec is a hot date...so muz hv alternative plans


can share wat did u bring for Alexis when go holiday?? i'm listing dw wat to bring for e cruise nxt Wed...hope i didnt miss out anyting

btw do any mummies kw whr to buy those Pigeon brand porridge?? izzit ok to giv our little one to eat??

PSH, I will email you.

I think the pigeon porridge can get from Takashimaya.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Or you can try Wakaro packed food, can get from Isetan Supermarket.


My girl is also in a stagnant or slow weight gain phase. Thought not eating enough so affect weight as such affect development. Pd say is normal to gain so little? I thought at least 500g a month?


I got snacks too but she just plays with it. Might put in mouth for a while before throwing onto the floor. I also very scared she choke. She's a bit lousy in terms of eating solids. Too dry too chucky will gag.


I feel stress cos ppl will compare the babies. Her cousin 5 months younger is showing signs to take solids. They tried and she knows how to. Then they say oh she's also more agile. Know how to double roll. Probably know how to crawl soon cos know how to tuck knees below body. And she walk Liao my girl most likely still cannot. wa lau hear already very stress. Really as if my girl so dumb.

Sam: I know how it feels. Imagine my colleague's girl 4mths knows how to sit but my girl 5mths still doesn't know yet. But i'm trusting God that she will learn in her ways. Trina only starts siting on her own at 8.5mths! You can try showing her how to crawl. That's what we did. Haha. Or teach her other stuff besides crawling since she's not doing it.

morning mommies... i'm barely recovering from the last bout of sickness and now coming down again. the bugs happily go on a merrygoround in the household :S 2 weeks ago the whole family was down, including the helper. then my no.2 was down with 6 days of fever last week and fever only broke yesterday. after 5 days still hihg fever, decided to bring to paeds. apparently had a middle ear infection which was probably maintaining the fever. then i started getting the symptoms myself yest. arhgg. really sucks to feel sick.

seems like a lot (really, alot) of people plus babies are sick. get well soon to all!

haven't been very lucid and can't seem to keep track of the posts very well. but since we're on the topic of (obnoxious or oblivious or insensitive) parents who love to compare babies or show off, here's an article from babycenter to share... hope it helps you mommies to feel better!

parents' tips: how to cope if your friends keeps comparing her baby to yours



Ha ha, I demo. I think she find me weird and decide to turn away. She not very motivated to get her toys. Tried the hanging a carrot in front of donkey method. She will just go for other stuff instead within her reach. Super lazy


Take care! Hope you and your kids get well soon.

hi mummies,

checking in b4 i leave office to meet a friend for lunch... today no 2 is w my parents so i hv some me-time till i pick up no 1 fr daycare, yippee...

abt comparing,

mummies i know its tough, but try not to compare ur little one with others... every single one of our kids are unique in their own way... some may love eating, some may not.. some loves to crawl, some loves to sit and look at the world around them... some loves to talk, some loves to listen.. so really its amazing to see how special each and every one of our babies are.. so no point comparing and feeling stressed ok?


dun worry abt baby's weight gain... 500g every mth is too much, they dun put on so much after 6 mths.. can u imagine if they still put on so much? they will be overweight chubby little toddlers by the time they are 2, not good also rite?

as long as healthy can already, dun worry...

as for crawling/standing.. mummies who hv seen my no 2 wld know she is happy to sit there and play w the toys near her.. she can't crawl yet but i'm not worried cos her sister never crawled!! she butt shuffled till she was 16 mths b4 finally getting off her butt and walking... super slow, but now at almost 2.5 yrs old she is super agile and runs super fast. so no matter way, they will all catch up sooner or later..


hope u and ur little one get well soon.. yes, so many people sick, horrible.. let's pray for good health for us all, especially our kids!

ok i'm off to the airport to meet my friend for lunch..

hv a good day ahead.


thks...did u feed any solid food when u travel??

ng & sam

i kw hw u feel...i aso dun like to ppl to compare...every bb development is diff so when i see tis kind of ppl my ears auto shut off...who kw yr bb may suddenly develop vy fast

PSH - u going cruise next week ah??? woo hoo! but last time i checked, babies also need to pay full fare, which i tot was quite ridiculous! guess u got a good deal ya? cruise is gd, less stress, once u get on board, your holiday starts. so nice... enjoy hor!

thanks Sam and oshgosh! Osh: hope your leah much better now? stomach flu is nasty enough.. to have it on a baby is terrible!

re: comparing babies

it's a really sensitive topic... of course for mommies with more advance babies, sometimes it's hard to help it. they may not be not outrightly trying to show off, but may just be very eager parents who want to share their children's achievements.. but it's really hard for those on the receiving end whose kids are less advanced. but seriously, look at one of our most brilliant brains, Einstein, he didn't even start talking til 3... his parents probably thought he was dumb and panicking those 3 yrs, while others were comparing their babies against baby Einstein (the REAL baby Einstein).. hahaha...

ok need some input esp from mommies who've recently travelled. (stefie you included! haha)

i'm travellnig to melbourne in nov. so now i have 1+month to ramp up my girl's feeding. and try out the different jar foods to see what she might like. what r some tips to increase cooking n feeding efficiency while on trips? i recall with no.1, we cooked porridge still, but on road trips that becomes a little difficult and we relied much more on milk. pls share your experienceS!


yup...nxt wed gg cruise...a bit holiday mood le...hehe...izzit?? bb nd to pay full price nt 10% of adult fare mah??

so u gg to melbourne in nov...i intend to cont to feed porridge during tis cruise trip tats y wan to buy those pigeon brand n try worst cm to worst juz feed her cereals n jar food.

stefie: really arh? oh so sad. i hope they will regain their standard soon.

ng & samantha: dont have to be stress.. all babies develop at their own pace. soon they will be able to catch up with their peers. im taking it easy. its reallyu unfair for us adults to compare them to their peers. we must be contented to have them growing, healthy and happy. forget about those people's remarks and dont stress yourself out just by their remarks. they dont know any better then yourself. our babies are enjoying their growing up years. they have a long way to go.

no lah, 500g is too much to put on liao.

oshgosh: sama sama.. chey loves to just sit there and observe the others. both hubby and myself skipped our crawling so i think chey will do that too.. lol

yvaine: hugs! such a trying period. speedy recovery to you and family. being sick is no joke when we have to juggle so many hats! whats worse is when our kiddos are sick... heartbreaking to see.

train your girl to eat bread. so can substitute some of the meals with bread. lol... me bad lah!

Sam, your Belle too smart lah. Know what she really want and bully mommy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, drink more water and rest more. Poor mine, we sick no joke, still have to take care of babies leh.

Yvaine, PSH, we fed cereal, biscuit, fruits, bread, rice, porridge along the way. See what is available. We didn't utilised the 3 jarred food provided by the airline. For Australia will be easier, just see what is available in their market. I find that the jarred food may not be very good choice, unless no choice. You can add some jarred food or fresh fruits to cereal, so baby will be fuller. Hope that helps.

PSH, you are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine - when i travelled wf #1 last time, we cooked porrige in the tiger food jar.. we also fed instant cereal ( different flavor )and bread,cake, rice.. other times, its just milk. try to take it easy for hols i feel hee.. then wont feel so stressed up, can always make it up to them when we r back home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tis time round, im experimenting adding food jar to the porrige that im gona cook in tiger food jar.. if chloe likes it, i will do it for her meals while in HK... *fingers crossed*

Rena - sounds good for both balloonist and puppet show! oh wow, thks for the invitation.. will make it if it doesnt clash wf any family xmas gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my celeste will be thrilled !

Muddypaws - u dun wana kep the playyard for your #2?

Stefie - wah, envy u lei! travelling again wor.. alexis is such a blessed baby!

PSH - enjoy the cruise wf your princess! just rest and relax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i tink cruise is a great way to wind down and just relaxxxxx.... nice...

God's child, no envy lah. This trip is more of visiting Cindy and Clarice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Since my hubby has exhibition there plus I have so many days of Leave and I bought my tickets earlier, so tickets only $200+ for me and Alexis. Hotel free cos hubby on exhibition mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can't wait to smell sng sng Clarice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

god's child: Nope going for #2. Liz hates being penned in so the playyard has to go...

yvaine: don't worry about the food. You can feed K mashed potatoes (without gravy), pasta (reduce the sauce), croissant, crepes (without maple syrup) etc etc. Ok, hubby and I are absolutely bad parents, we let Liz try morsels of twisties, Van Houten Raisin MIlk Choc, raisins, croissants, crepes (plain), hotcakes (plain), pasta etc etc... PD encouraged us to let her try stuff so that she won't be fussy.


which airline giv jar food?? SQ shld hv bah...hehe

god's child

hw did u cook in e tiger food jar??


wow...Liz can eat so many food ardy...i try giv my gal eat pasta she dun like...

Psh, u gng cruising too? I'm gng this fri!! Oh yes, the Chinese rest provides porridge for bb if u dun mind. I fed my boy tat during every cruise trip.. Nw also giving him rice and bread to munch le.. This fri will be his 3rd trip ;)

PSH, so far we traveled on SQ and silk air, both give. Silk air gave 3 bottles, SQ gave 2 plus alot of toys[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For coming thu trip is on air Asia, no food provided, anyway I only paid $50 for both ways for Alexis.

Dec will be on ANA, will update after the trip[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, Enjoy your cruise hoh. I never being on cruise, I guess I will enjoy the food, entertainment and casino bah:[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Reyes now is like big boy. So cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)

Stefie, thanks for the tip, will let Darius try out this weekend.

god's child, what is this tiger jar? Can cook porridge one? Was thinking just feed Darius cereal, jar fruits and milk...

Yvaine, take care!


wow...3rd trip ardy...hehe...me gg gg nxt wed...hw is e food huh?? i dun mind feed e porridge frm e rest...btw is there any restriction on bringing anyting on board?? wan to bring a cake up dun kw can or nt...


great...i'm gg to HK in Dec n taking SQ...Nov gg to Bali taking Air Asia =)

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

take it easy for food when travelling. must treasure the time to enjoy the time oversea with your bubs. in a way, this is also good training for them to be fuss free in food. our bubs are big enough to sample more variety of food le. like what some mummies mentioned, mashed potato without the sauce, pasta with minimum sauce, bread, cake, rice, porridge, pancake, crepe, biscuits, etc. all these are good enough for our little bubs.

holiday on cruise is the easiest and relaxing as no worries about food and rest. 1 day eat 5 times if i remember correctly. breakfast, teabreak, lunch, teabreak then dinner. keep eating non stop de.

psh: dont need to take cake. there is cake on board the cruise.

psh: don't have to worry so much... you can always feed the baby bread with some cream cheese on the flight. Yeah, we give Liz whatever we are eating. She knows the 'feeding' schedules well enough to wait in the kitchen for nutella bread every morning now.

hi, I have a rarely use playpen to let go.

Dark blue colour(exterior), Nickelodeon (spongebob) theme interior. Dimensions are 24.5cm x 24.5cm x 81.5cm height. 11.9kg. Very spacious Can be folded to keep away during festive periods or when need more space.

Letting go at a nominal $100. Self collect in the west. If you need delivery, we can discuss.

For any queries, please msg me at 9117 8727.

mommies, just to share that I've tendered my resignation yesteday, and would be taking a 2week break before I start work at the new company. So if there are any gatherings for SAHM, please remember to call me.


congrats! u found a new job so fast! and ur co no need to give tender notice? so shiok. when is ur 2 wk break?


so many mummies here so adventurous! hmm i thinking of club med bintan cos no need to fly... anyone been there b4? its not the younger one that i worry abt, its the older one who is super temperamental and cranky sometimes

Hi All Mummies!

Long time no chat!

Hope everyone's good! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws - coincidence! I too tendered my resignation letter yest. But I'm starting work at new co on 24 Oct. Trying to see if I can clear my leaves and leave earlier to rest.

oshgosh: Thanks dear! I'm surprised at getting something so soon too. It was just a 2hour discussion and the other company offered almost immediately. I've to serve 2 months' notice but managed to get my boss to waive the notice period. My break is from Sep 27-Oct 9. Wanna catch up?

Melissa: Congrats! Where's your new office? Liz and Kayleia can hang out again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddy - congrats to you too! New office is at Marina Bay Financial Centre. Where's yours? Yupyup I saw Liz's tea time party pics, maybe she and Kayleia can serve us tea. hahaha.

Melissa: Haha, they would have so much fun playing masak-masak! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ooh, nice swanky office in Marina Bay Financial Centre... Mine would be at Harbourfront.

hello hello, everyone!

muddy> grats on the job, and enjoy your time off!

amelia> i'm also headed to HK but in early Dec. Mainly going for Disneyland coz my girl has been bugging us to go. Thinking 5D4N...is that too long, ah?

food> I also will sneak nibbles and bites to my boy when we eat, just to shut him up, otherwise he will whine and whine. He likes food, that one.

During Hari Raya I even gave him a bit on ketupat with rendang, but he never came back for more AHAHAHAHA

I think SQ and Silk Air will give jar baby food, just remember to request when you check in. On one flight from Moscow the jar food was like...in Russian and was very weird. Maybe it depends on the flight, I don't know.

osh> is that Club Med the one in the papers today? With the babysitting and supervised activities for kids? Sounds very fun..I've never been to Bintan but I remember reading about it and thought it sounded pretty awesome.

Roz: Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Food on flight

When I booked the family trip to HK, I was prompted to select a baby meal for Liz (which I know would include jar food, baby yogurt etc).

Roz - im going HK for 5D4N also... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] which hotel r u staying at? same as me, my objective to go for HK is also Disneyland - my elder gal's wish [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH / Sharon - its a Tiger brand food jar.. it can cook rice to porrige with boiling water, something like thermal pot.. i intend to add food jar to the plain porrige for her meals.. so am testing it out tonite and see if she's receptive or not.. hope it works so can solve her meals issue..

muddypaws - wow tats reali fast.. congrats on ur new job! and yes, ur Liz looks so sweet and cute wf the masak masak.. my elder gal also loves to 'cook' and serve us and the whole sofa will be filled wf her dishes..hee.. girlie sweetness... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amelia - eh i haven reali planned the itinery, but my plan is day 1- free and easy, shopping, night market, day 2 - indoor playground mall and factory outlet, day 3- Disney, day 4-ocean park, day 5-free n easy,swimming.. i try to plan disney and ocean park on weekdays so that its less crowded.. maybe you can take note also.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Gc> right now im looking at butterfly on prat but will explore a bit more coz whisp (i think?) said the rooms might be a bit small. But we'll be staying in that area near the mosque coz that's where the halal food is at ^.^

We going disneyland first when we reach (mid-week), staying there a night, they hv a package of hotel room + passes, then move to the city.

