(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Ng, use nasal spray than get a pigeon mucus sucker to suck out but be careful cos too hard u suck u'll taste e kiam kiam [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For my boy I bring him to pd to insert a tube into both nostril and throat to hv it remove. Heart very pain but at least Superb result. Immediately slp through e night.


Ng- my ger just recovered fr the cold too.. The pd gave her ventolin to open up the airway so tat she cld cough the phlegm out n nt congest the lungs.. Bromhexin for the phlegmy cough, chlomine for runny nose tog wf nasal drops.. Phlegm is a v tricky issue, takes a longtime to clear.. It norm takes 1wk plus to 2wks for her.

Like rainbow, my ger had the phlegm sucked out once when she was bout 2mth plus.. V effective cos she cld drink n sleep better.. But I can't take her cries n feel super heartache during the procedure so I din dare to do it again.. Try giving ur child soupy pasta or mee sua? Smoother n easier for them to swallow n also helps in clearing phlegm... More warm water too.. Oh, I also gave her Chinese med fr eu ren sheng for phlegm - hou zao. Cld feel her palms n soles cold fr taking western med meaning weakened body, so I started the Chinese med n it helped to adjust her body n was warm again.. Tcm says western med v strong n makes the body 'xu' so gota readjust wf Chinese med if the kid isn't as warm as usual. I happen to call up eu ren sheng when I first realized my elder gal was a tad cold at her palms last time n aft taking Chinese med, she was warm again even tho stil on western med. Only thing is gota hav 2hrs interval btw Chinese n western med. Can ask them first before u buy, they can advise u better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for mummies who dare to, u can suck the mucus out directly. i know it's very disgusting but it saves u the money to PD and from buying any mucus extractor. personally i've never done it before but saw my mum do it to both babies (my gal and my nephew). action must be very fast, swoop down cover their nose with your mouth and suck. best to be next to the basin when doing this 'cos u'll want to spit it out immediately. lol... again, i know it's very disgusting but damn effective! think of it as a fear factor challenge. lol!

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

Dewdew, wow your mom really good leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It will not just save $$, less pain, less discomfort and of course less heartpain for us.

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

not good for me! i was on mc yesterday again. the throat pain spread to my ears. keep having those throbbing sharp pain despite me not doing anything, i.e. not eating, not swallowing saliva, not talking, not moving my head. so terrible! on antibiotic and a few other medicine now. if hasnt recover by then i need specialist liao. doc said i need to rest but after taking those drowsy medicine, i cant sleep still... even though i can feel my heavy eyelids.

oshgosh: my heart goes to you! i think i will break down if im in your shoes. you are such a strong mummy! hope everyone recovers fast. hugs!!

michelle: try to go with a light heart and luggage, as much as possible. else how to enjoy. if your child loves bread and adult food like my girl, you dont have to worry about food cause im sure we can get bread, rice or noodles/spaghetti in most places. just scrap away the sauce and feed the carbohydrates. in hotel where they have buffet breakfast even better. can have all the food you can find to feed your child. as for stroller, if really need then get those light weight kind. our kiddos are older enough to sit in those, i feel. take everything in your stride. dont over worry else you will not enjoy going holiday with kiddos. take it easy, ok?

stefie: we feed chey's pao seng water few days before her jab. as for gripe water she has it daily in her 7.00pm water parade (45ml).

haha, i fed chey's diluted yakult too when she has constipation episode. lol... great minds think alike! wahaha

chercat: recently there are red flesh dragonfruit at ntuc. you may wana go buy quick as it sells out fast, i realised.

god's child: thanks, i feed pao seng too. eh, im more kiasu than you leh. i feed her a few days before jab and each time at least 20-30ml mixed with milk.

stefie: oh, not ambitious after your many rounds of travelling. go osaka!!! i so wanted to go. but this year is out....

zambak is good.. i used it so often when i was a kiddo. heal fast!

neko: has erin baby recover yet? oh, i trained chey to drink from normal straw straight away. you demonstrate the sucking action to show her. she will mimic your action and voila! she is drinking from normal straw in no time.

lilsunshine: gonna action fast then! they are stronger now, can push, kick and crawl their way out of the temporary barriers.

sharon: thanks, i have seen doctor thrice liao. so hopefully i will recover after i finish the last course of medicine. else i need to be referred to a specialist liao. throat pain becomes throat and ears pain!

dewdew: aiyoyo... while some of our babies are donig flying stunt, your lappy decided to do it too! hope its repairable else need to spend money to get new one liao. that should be the last thing in your to buy list bah. im hoping my lappy can last another year or two too cause really have no budget for it now. everything goes to chey and such.

whisp: i think highly possible your girl is having tummy wind bah since you said after applying ruyi oil, she can sleep for an hour or so. try to make it a habit to apply it during each diaper change and before her bedtime.. on her tummy, back and soles.

oshgosh: could it be saliva rash? cause they drool more nowadays so could be it loh.

lilsunshine: yours lick the water from bath tub, mine would gulped the water like she had not been drinking for days!!! made us laugh so hard each time we see her doing that. nowadays, she will drink a bit on and off but not during each bath time le. maybe she is sick of the water from bath tub already. haha

ng: oh dear! seen pd thrice means your girl has been sick for a while already? hope she recovers soon...

candy: your girl will be fine. mine hasnt started crawling also. in fact she has no intention to, from what i can see. she prefers to roll around to get her things and leopard crawl backward to get down the bed, once down its back to back or butt position. she just hates tummy time. so it could be a personal preference for your girl.

dewdew: yes! my mum did it once for chey when she was around 1 month old and choked on her vomit! super fast action!

Eon Eon, poor mine. Take another few days MC lah. Chey just leave at your mom's so you can rest more. Your hubby flying off tomorrow? Alamek, don't do housework till you are better hoh. Drink some pao seng for yourself also, maybe make some xia gu cao herbal drink, it helps to siao du, kills germs and bacteria in our body.

We are very alike when it comes to babies lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just do what we feel is right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can plan for taiwan trip next year when not too cold lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Please rest more hoh. Take care[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eon, wow, u summed up everyone's posts so efficiently!!! hope u get well soon too, the haze might be causing your sorethroat to ache even more. if u can, wear a mask, at least can filter out some of the dust & dirt. and do rest more, drink more liquid. if u always hv such problems, maybe seeing a specialist will be better. might need to remove tonsils? not sure, but i know some ppl are prone to tonsilitis and after removal, are better.

my lappy ah, haiz... yes it's reparable, but of cos, $$$$. some more it's a macbook... but what to do? i said yes to the new keyboard and hard disk. the CDROM is spoilt too but that cost about $400+, so i said to leave that. i dun use much of it anyway so no point. haiz...

stefie, how're u feeling today?

stefie: i cant take too many days of mc as over the last few weeks, i have taken 4 days le. not too nice and i might become a role model for taking mc frequently. so gonna refrain from it.

i dont know why i will feel very guilty if i rest at home while my mum is busy with chey.

yes, flying tomorrow and back on sunday then monday off again till the following monday. sianz!

yes, i think everything in moderation is ok de.

yup! planning le. need to discuss with hubby after this october trip. see how comfortable he is with travelling with chey. hope he can be less paranoid after this trial trip. hehe

dewdew: boss not in and im so not in the mood to work so slowly read and reply the post loh. but need to clear backlog later liao. keke...

i drink a lot of water liao. even drinking water is an agony! haiz... im another water bucket, just like you. lol

i think the haze contributed to my throat, cough, running nose. so hard to recover. i dont usually have sore throat de. even if have also will recover super fast with maybe a few lozenges. so this time round is a really long and hard recovery process if i compared to previous rounds.

wow! $400+ for change of cdrom. yah, forget it. the total repair fee can contribute to a new lappy liao. so just spend minimal on repair bah.

Good morning mummies

Yesterday morning my hubby's grandmother passed away. Been so busy yesterday and i forsee a lack of sleep in the next few days. HB is also busy and need to stay at the wake overnight tonight so i'm alone with the baby..

Eoneon, please rest well!

c@ndy, don't worry so much ok? Just see what the doctor says and keep us updated.

Re: phelgm, cough, nose congested

My boy has running nose on and off for the past 1 week plus. He's still bubbly and sleeping normally so i did not bring him to a PD. Can i ask, do you all use babyVicks? I think i read an article some time ago that we can't use Vicks on babies? But babyVicks can or not?

Re: Zambak

agree that Zambak is good and i've been using it for myself since i was a child. However, MCYS and MOE has banned the use of Zambak in childcares and Kindergartens as children with G6PD deficiency cannot use Zambak. yup.

dewdew, I am feeling superb, tommorrow my co declared 1 day off for us cos our company 10th year anniversary, tomorrow night having D&D. This week is short working days for me.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hubby will be back tomorrow night, then fly off on Monday again. Then we will go to JKT to meet him on next Thu. Take the chance to meet Cindy there also, wow another short working days for me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will run some errands tomorrow, going to see Dr Ang/Maple clinic and sending Alexis to my mom's at about 4pm, then rush to our co dinner at Ritz. Hubby will fetch Alexis from my mom's. I am so relax, clearing some stuff slowly now.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow $400, might as well add some more $$ to get Ipad 2 if you only need some surfing and simple functions. Lighter also.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, then take things slow at office okay. Don't work so hard.

Really no choice if really need to put Chey at your mom's. When sick, it is very difficult to take care of baby. The faster you recover, then you can take care of Chey.

Wow, your hubby also travel quite often now. Take care of yourself, maybe shift over to your mom's on Sunday when your hubby travels. At least you will not be so lonely.

Hope Chey will behave herself this trial trip. Then your hubby will have no excuses liao. Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie - i bought the baby vicks,i think its fine.. i rub on her chest, back n soles then wear her socks on.. i also put a warm tub of water wf eucalyptus oil in it for easier breathing at night...

dewdew - my maid and hubby did that.. so far i tried once but just cant do it.. i agree its the best way cos no pain for baby also..

hello everyone! Just dropping in to say hi, hello and how do you do? Looks like a lot of ppl sick..my workplace also a lot of casualties! I'm on 2 day MC myself since yesterday coz lost my voice completely. Took the chance to go shopping and run some errands and cook baby food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dew> that must have been some drop...my husband is a bit of an IT expert if you need help fixing and repairing it. The cd-rom is not that much use unless you need to run some install disc...my own macbook cd-rom also quite temperamental but it's a second hand one so, like, whatever. hee.

anyways, mummies who have are keen to join in the baby bash and have not done the survey, please do so soon so we can settle date and location [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


take care, everyone! happy thoughts!

Hi all, thanks for your advice. I've tried the machine sucking by PD. Trina slept better that night. The next day, the phlegm comes back. I dun dare to try to sucking of her nose phlegm using my mouth. She's been sick for 2 weeks already. Been on ventolin, zrytec, rhinamine..sigh...nothing seems to work. So loss.

Stefie, heard u sick. Please take care. Think the flu bug is on the move.

Cel: I've tried baby vicks on chest. Doesn't help much. Wanna apply on sole but hubby scare Trina take off the socks and eat her feet.aiyoo.

Any other better idea how to get rid of phlegm? Tried giving lots of water. Her running nose and cough with phlegm still persist. Maybe I will try to give mee sua. Hopefully her appetite comes back.


For phelgm. I go to Chinese medical hall and buy the best churn bei and ask them to grind then give bb some .. 3 times a day.. 2 hours after the churn bei , I give mulcosulvan / fulmicil 100mg.. Half pack in morning and half in the evening .. If tough phlegm I will use the nuberlizer ..

debbie: my condolences to you and family. can use... my mum uses vicks on chey once cause she has no baby vicks. just apply thin layer loh. need to lay my hand on another bottle of baby vicks to put at my parents' liao.

stefie: can feel your mood leh! i will be superbly happy too if im you. after d&d, there comes another trip to go..

i will try to rest as much as possible.. thanks.

roz: oh dear! another one sick.. get well soon, ok..

Rena - baby can take flumicil already? i cant rem which age cel started flumicil but i know its really effective!

PSH - i will put it beside her baby cot so that she can breathe in the warm air.. yup, the box did indicate for baby to sleep better at night.. even those air humidifier also has got eucalyptus oil ( water-based ) to drip in for better breathing.. i suppose its minty and soothing bah..

Ng, does ur PD gave u something to clear the phelgm or nt other than running nose medicine. Or else, u can go to see chinese sensei .. sometime, i feel they r better

Mommies, I siao. Thinking of what name for my next baby. If boy will be Elijah, meaning of this name: The Lord is God. If girl, have to see my ling gan. Siao Siao, 1 baby already buay tahan, if two alamek. But fun lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ng, thanks for your concern, I am much better already, now holiday mood[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You are the most welcome. Good luck. Hope you will find a good job[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

C@ndy, you are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good luck and heng heng in getting a new job.

Eon Eon, yes leh holiday mood. This weekend thinking of eating Song He tou at Chinatown, long time never eat liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ventolin is not a cough and phlegm medication.. It is to open up airways..

For bb there are not much cough mixture .. Pospan is good

debbie, my condolences to your family. take care k!

stefie, i just saw your post on naming of 2nd baby. wah! so fast! hahahhaha.. but i also already plan what to name. hopefully will be a boy, then close shop. LOL!

tmrw d&d? so shiok leh! so far in this co, i only had 1 time d&d. so ngiao hor? oh well... u enjoy your break tmrw! go there and hiao hiao ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good luck for your lucky draw!

roz, thanks for your offer! good to know someone's good in IT, but guess what? they will be repairing my macbook for free! WOOHOO!!!! so happy! 'cos my applecare just recently expired, so they'll be taking care of the repair this time. HENG AH!

hazy days ahead, everyone take protection hor!

hi all, so sorry for being abrupt.

As we're finalizing the date and venue for 1yo bash.

Please pop in the FB group to fill up the latest Google spreadsheet by 19th so we could finalize things.

Thanks all

Talking abt mucus extractor, when Darius was younger he used to have blocked nose so I tried using this 'straw like ' thingy from Pigeon given by my SIL to suck out from his nose but did not manage to do it..and he would seem very uncomfortable

EonEon, Chey so smart, I tried letting Darius suck from straw, tried twice already but he doesn't get it..I tried to show him the 'sucking' motion...do I have to use a straw myself to show him? Anyway he always do backward crawl too and now getting faster at it...though I must say it's a saver way to get down from the bed than head on ;) Anyway get well soon!

Stefie, everytime u travel with Alexis so must ask your advice.. ;)When travelling, you don't sterilise the bottles I suppose? So bottles and utensils used by baby just use normal soap and water?

Btw just like to ask you mummies , how are you celebrating your little one's first birthday ?

Michelle, you are the most welcome.

Dewdew, wow so nice someone help you to repair for free[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I take it slow on no. 2 lah, with hubby erratic travel schedule very difficult to plan and we need to tiao together. Name can choose first mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];) ha!!! Ha!!!

Sharon, we used Playtex drops-in. When reach hotel, just wash the teats and sterlize it by putting in container, add hot water. This is really good for travel or whole day out. I just bring 3 teats out and 3 inserts, each time just change sterilized teats and new insert. The bottle I will just rinse with tap water, no need to sterlize. I bring sponge and small bottle cleanser.

Kiddy palace sell the 260ml bottle for $11+, expanded inserts for $18+(100pcs), teats 2 pcs for $7.90(I just bought ventaire teats, I will try whether suitable for drop ins, I will let u know) btw ventaire range teats is only $5.90 for 2 teats.

Good morning mummies! Back from the short trip.. seriously jet-lagged yesterday when I reached SG.. delayed one.. hahaha.. probably coz I couldn't sleep on the flights back, so excited to be able to see zaizai again.. this trip, maybe coz he is bigger boy, he knows more things, I missed him so much..

stefie: OMG, you thought of name for #2! Elijah is a beautiful name.. jiayou! have fun tonight, enjoy your day off! :)

dew: yes, my nanny used to suck our mucus out directly.. ;-p even my mom didn't dare to.. hahaha..

Deon: oh dear, you must rest well when you are not well, otherwise really difficult to recover..

Sharon: saw in FB you are bringing baby Darius to Malacca.. have fun have fun.. like the pic he's so cool.. hehehe..

ok.. got to run for now.. have a good Friday mummies!

good morning mummies and daddies...been a long time since i chat here.. was so bz with work... so pop by today... TGIF!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sharon: i also talking about sucking mucus, i also used piegon, but dont seem to be able to suck anything out leh... Anyone knows if there are any techniques?

stefie: thinking of 2nd name? hehehhee.. thats fast.. i actually thought of the second name of a girl when i preg with Jovan.. hahhaa.. Jovan and Jovine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but if boy, i dunno what name liao.. lol..

candy: don worry ya.. everything should be fast.. diff bb diff developments.. let us know the outcome ya..

debbie: condolences to u and ur family...

roz: thanks for the list.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

E square: PD never gives Pospan to Jovan.. she gives rhenthoil (dunno how to spell).. hehe.. the red cough mixture..

dew: its good that gwen is drinking lots of water!! jovan doesnt like to drink.. I should try ur method to feed.. he still doesnt know how to suck.. he keeps biting the straw..

Deon: rest more ya.. and drink lots of water.. pls take care.. lots of pple falling sick..

Good morning mummies and daddies..

Wah read through the posts...talking about crawling, mine not yet too...teething not out yet..can only see all the white white but not out yet...and can see her chewing chewing when there is nothing in her mouth..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Her hair is still as little hmmm...and lookis like many bb falling sick? mine just fell sick 2 days ago...coughing and flu haiyo..isit the weather? Or is it teething? Waiting for her to recover and healthy again!! Take care all mummies and daddies!!


my ger initially aso dun kw hw to suck but after using stefie's method she can le...

i will ask my BIL to book his condo's function rm, order buffet n celebrate wif both side immediate families...


i use yr method n let my ger suck frm mag mag cup...nw she can suck sitting up le...thk u so much

ventaire teats aso frm playtex mah??

PSH/Stefie - reali ar, wow im gona try out tis method of straw sucking for Chloe tonite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon - i have booked Aloha chalet for her first bday bash.. inviting relatives and frens.. from 2nd bday onwards, prob just family members bah... oh we brought a small water flask to boil water in the hotel, then use the hot water to rinse the bottles aft washing wf the bottle cleanser. we also bought mineral water to use for baby, not direct fr their tap.

Papergirl - my inlaws also say my ger's hair soooo little, ask me to rub some olive oil on it.. but im worried bout the oily feel n messy part haha..

god's child: I've been massaging Liz' hair with olive oil since she was a few months old. I would leave the olive oil on for a few minutes, then shower her. Her hair is now rather glossy and her bald patches are gone.

Hmmm... have to let off something here mummies..

I'm in the rough patch at work right, so, decided to lookout and change job.. or even at worst, resign without a job..previously procastinated coz our sales cut-off was 30th jun, and I was due for my incentive & annual increment which was due in Aug.

2 days before I got my pay slip, one of my teammate tendered.. she wants to venture into something else.. so, in short, she was interviewed, etc.. and just now, she showed me her counter-offer, her pay will exceed mine, and promoted to Biz Dev Mgr, without having to worry abt sales from now on..

suddenly I feel lost.. i can't tender anytime soon, or i'll be labeled as follower or wanting the same kind of repackage..?

i personally feel really happy for her.. but i'm not sure how i feel for myself.. ;-(

muddypaws - reali! wow then i must start applying olive oil for Chloe.. your Liz's hair is sooo nice and glossy! im convinced totally! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

god's child: I use the Olivine brand as it doesn't have any fragrance or additives. Just a a drop a day would do as I don't think you want to marinate Chloe's head :p

bubbly: I think your company has shown who they favor more. As such, I think you should move on. The market is slowing down, but I think if you act fast, you should be able to find something before the actual downturn happens.

muddypaws: no choice le.. she is my lady boss' pet.. i'm looking, shall act fast like you say, but really scared to be jumping into another boat..

Gos' child: I've tried giving mee sua to Trina last night. She eats better now. Thanks for the great suggestion.

Bubbly: if you need any job agency agent, stefie has lobang!

E Square: What's the nuberlizer that you are talking abt to suck out phlegm? Giving Fluimcil previously but doesn't help.

Last night i used my blanket to act as trina's pillow, she sleeps better cos she can breathe better when evaluated (still having running nose). Mummies whose kids are having running nose, you might want to try this method. My baby safe infant pillow doesn't work very well (to help her breathe when having running nose).heehee

bubbly: I agree with muddy... you should move on.. the market is still ok.. dont wait till next year.. keep a lookout now and u will find a job.. then maybe next CNY, u can join another company.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm thinking of resigning too.. cuz i've been here for about 4 years this coming jan 2012.. I want jump ship cuz my salary will increase..

ng: zaizai loves mee sua too.. thanks, I texted stefie for her lobang..

LeeLee: maybe coz i'm in comfort zone, thus keep procastinating.. been here 5.5years now, and it's so near home.. but no choice, time and tide wait for no one, really have to be hard hearted and ciao.. sometimes it's irony that pay has to be increased by jumping ship no.. y bosses don't understand.. hehehe..

Eon: I'm amazed at ur message that u can summarised what all of us is going thru and comment. Hahah. superb!

Bubbly: Dun get too stress abt moving on. Find a good company before quit your current. Sometimes when we're long in a company, will get quite lazy to move to new environment.

Lee: I'll also be 4 yrs in my current company in mar 2012. time flies. Been looking ard and waiting to find good boss. Anyone looking for good secretary, pls let me know cos i'm in this line. Haha

bubbly and Ng: ya man... comfort zone.. my current company is also very good.. very flexible.. sometimes can work form home.. good boss, but no growth leh.. yes, must really find a job before moving off.. I have a colleague who quit and has yet to find a job since last March..

god's child

stefie's method works for my ger...juz try no harm...although she stl dun like to drink more water but at least she kw hw to suck frm e straw 


whr did u buy tis Olivine brand olive oil?? NTUC or Watson gt sell mah??

Stefie, you gave me an idea, think I'll use sterilising tablets to sterilise the bottles. Btw what is this method the other mummies mentioned you said about teaching babies to drink from straw?

God's child, thanks. Good reminder that we should not drink from their tap water.

Bubbly, trip details not confirmed yet. I am actually going to attend a cousin's wedding so thought can take it as a family holiday since we have not travelled after Darius came along. But hubby keep throwing spanners, say what if this lah, what if that lah. I plan everything but he just give comments . So a bit sian...thinking one possibility is I ask him not to go, I go with parents, Darius and maid and stay at relative's place cos my parents definitely will stay at relative's place and I dun think I feel safe staying alone with Darius and maid at hotel. Only thing is the house and toilet quite old and no aircon, and Darius used to sleeping with aircon already. If hubby come along then we can book hotel but I am sure he will have a lot of comments so not sure if I want to 'encourage' him to stay at home instead. Anyway, can understand how you feel, encountered a similar situation in my previous workplace too. Well I think it depends on what is your priority now bah, if career is important to you, then you might want to look around for something more fulfilling but if a job is mainly for the income so that you can bring up Issac well then don't think too much about what your colleague is getting as long as you are comfortable with your salary ;)

Dear Mummies,

Have been a silent reader for very long because really too busy to keep up with postings. But today, I really need to rant and I think only mummies in the same shoes would understand - in-laws problem. Sounds familiar already?

Sigh. My girl is being taken care of by my mum and my in-laws only come to see see play play with her occasionally. They claim that they have to work. Ok but when she was sick, they did not even make a phone call even though they knew abt it. And when they do come, they like to make snide remarks abt how my mum never take gd care of her, how come she still can't crawl, how come her hair is so short still, how come she doesn't smile, etc. Even though they call her 'bao bei', I feel that it's just lip service.

They would also carry my daughter near the tv to watch tv, let her drink very sweet drinks ( like longan drink and soft drinks) and ear fruits from the fridge tt had not been covered ( like peeled rambutans). And when I said cannot, MIL will throw me a dirty look like I am interfering or I am too kiasi.

I know tt only mummies here will know how I feel. My hubby is very supportive and hands on and understands, but I don't want to keep telling him these too.


My baby is going to be 9 months in a few days but show no motivation to crawl. No matter how I tempt her with her toys or any stuff she will be contented at her spot. Most babies her seem to develop pretty fast. Sigh.... She seems a little slow with her motor skills. Or is she lazy?

Milk feeds

My girl decided to drop a few feeds and lengthen the duration. But seems like a drastic drop. 4 times a day plus 1 night feed if she wakes up.I don't know if she's too full from solids or milk strike or what. How many milk feeds your baby is taking now?


Samantha- my ger has been only taking 3 milk feeds a day since 7mths when she started 2 solids.. I give her snacks of bread, cheese, potato in btw her meals..so ur 4+1 night feed is stil alot I tink.. She takin solids also rite?

Rena- hw much did u book the balloonist for? Wow ur boys celebrating their bday altogether? Puppet show sounds soo interesting! Must hav put in alot of time to get all these done..

