(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

stefie, eon, when i bring gwen back home every night, i already tired out by her constant stickiness. want to cook, wash up, wash clothes, tidy up the place also hv to listen to her fake cries and whines. really buay tahan. on tues was on leave 'cos of her 9th month check up, but totally no rest at all. by night time i was totally zombified that i just sat at the couch and stoned. lol!

i wish to do road trip BUT that little monster cannot sit in the car seat, so how to? can't carry her cos it'll be dangerous, if jam break then we all go flying. :p the soonest trip i can foresee with her is the cruise in november. i'm just waiting for my own korea trip when i don't have to wait on her hand and foot. finally some ME time.

eon, whisp, woolsley, i think no matter where we go sh*t still happens. hahaha... so sometimes also a bit reluctant to change jobs but when really no choice then move!

eon, there's a xiao ren??? u must know how to avoid the knives then, otherwise plant a few of your own also. no choice, dog eat dog world. :p

muddy, i agree that if salary is not prompt and management not transparent (moreover you're the FC!) then better to find alternative. no security = no stability... better to find something stable elsewhere. and i'll sms u on your contacts, thanks.


Eon Eon, please take care. Even I sick I still have to take care of Alexis cos I have no help at all. If she kena from me also no choice. So lucky you have Mommy to help to take care of Chey.

Ha!! ha!! I will take a video and upload in my FB when I have the time. Now like very talkative, and itchy hands.

Ask your hubby no need to worry lah. Everything will be okay one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He may ask for more holiday after the 1st one. Cos it really benefits our babies, like Alexis she seems to have alot of developments in and after our Holidays. Stimulation helps. Also let them get use to different environment. Their brains are like sponge, absorb what they see, hear and touch.

Actually, any work place also have xiao ren, need to get used to it and ignore them.

dewdew, I understand how you feel. Really sometimes really need to close 2 eyes on the cleaniness of our houses. Need to do what is more important first. House work can wait, just do baby stuff first.

Just look forward to your well derserved break lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Very soon liao hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Drink more Sojo for me lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gwen will settle down soon lah. It is just a phase[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] See her cutie eyes not angry liao lah. She is such a cute and bubbly baby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So cute.

mommies, my heart is aching so badly... liz is now so super sticky to my helper (cos my helper was the primary caregiver to her when I was ill). Liz would cry and crawl to wait outside my helper's room when she leaves liz for a while (to think last week, liz would crawl up the stairs to bang on my door to wake me up). So sad that she doesn't want me... she kinda warmed up to me this morning, so I had to 'break' that by having to leave for work. Sigh...

She's down with cough and it breaks my heart to see her cough. Giving her prospan and rubbing Vicks on her chest.

eon: Hope you are feeling better today.

dew: I've started the look-out. I can see all the danger signs and I cannot sit around and do nothing. Market is sluggish now though...

Hello mommies! Another few hours to weekend! :)

whisp: really admire your effort.. to wake up at 5.15am.. my bro also renting a place while waiting for their house to be ready.. but meanwhile, he also forced his wife to be back to SG coz he got his citizenship recently.. hahaha.. young couple without kids, sometimes don't know what's in their mind..

Eon: poor thing.. hope you recover soon..

muddypaws: can totally understand your feeling.. sometimes, after whole day of taking care of zaizai, zaizai will lookout for helper wherever she goes.. but helper very auto, she will keep away from his sight when I get home, consolation, zaizai will forget after a while.. hahaha.. we have never let him crawled around though, so not sure who he'll look for if he is let to wander around.. hehehehe..

re: job

Mine sux too.. to the max.. nowadays I run off very often.. sometimes 2pm, sometimes 3pm.. go lah kopi as they wished.. thus so not looking forward to my biz trip.. damn sianz, so I arranged to just touch and go.. but holding Sat recruitments, my mind is just blocked.. current office is so near home.. so used to the environment afterall already 5.5years.. and i enjoy traveling.. haiz... so many things to consider..

ok.. got to get things done and see if I want to ciao early.. :p have a nice weekend mommies.. see you all next Thurs..

muddypaws, i feel for you. Don't feel so bad ok? Cheer up so you can fully recover and make up to Liz. This is a common problem when we get helpers. I have a helper too and i foresee one day that my son will be sticker towards her instead of me when i get sick or when i'm busy. But remember, at the end of the day, Liz will know you are her mummy and not the helper. Helper also won't be with us forever also. Don't be sad! Hope Liz will recover soon too. My boy also down with running nose for the past week. Hoping that he won't cough.

Re: Introducing Eggs

mummies, have you introduced egg yolk/egg white to your babies already?? I haven't and i don't know if i should start.. Start with egg yolk is better issit?? If there are allergies, what are the signs?

bubbly/debbie: thanks for your words of comfort. My helper keeps telling Liz to go to me, but Liz is still a Koala to her. Fingers crossed things would change. My dear father has to rub it in "Kids very smart eh? Liz is sticking to our helper cos she knows she took care of her..."

muddy, awww, sayang sayang. it's true, they know who to stick to and crawl to for comfort 'cos they spend the most time with their primary caregiver. but she'll be sticky to u as she grows, dun worry. dun let your dad's comment upset you. men!

good for u that you're looking too. i think market sluggish now 'cos ppl are hanging on for the bonus, after that it shd pick up. no harm putting the word out though. good luck!

debbie, intro egg yolk first, gradually until she eats the whole yolk (make sure it's fully cooked) then after baby is 1 yr old, intro egg white. this is because the jab after 1 yr old is made of egg so they need to know if baby has already taken and is not allergic. allergy is usually in the forms of rashes. around the mouth, body etc.

btw mummies, those of u who buy Pampers, Guardian is having promo. 2nd pack at half price. for M size, works out to be abt 27cents per piece. go and grab! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi moms,

have mia for so long in this forum. REally with my 2 girls getting bigger and more active, i have no time to check the forum , not even to read slowly on the hot topic.

Main time is just to check on fb pages and upload photos in them.

Regard the 1yr bash, r u guys going to post em in fb pages, as i usually check via that.


Thats the prob when we have maid as our primary caregiver. I have seen worst in my condo. I dont mean to scare you, but i beleive its already very hard on you as a working moms. Kuddos to you for being able to even hire a maid. To me its a no no, i dont even allow my mom's helper to touch my older one previously and thank god she went back for good when no1 was 15mths.


the 6mth old bash was huge, i think we have like 40 babies?

The only place to accomodate such big even has to be functions room,hotels functions rooms, or those country club.

If indoor area, i suggest going to polliwog, as it has bigger so called space to crawl for the babes.

I m rushing to type her as i need to go wake the 2 girls up from the long nap today.

Ill try to come back in and check the ongoing updates here again.

Take care moms.

Muddy - Liz will koala to you as soon as you are well and playing with her again.. well, at least we shld b 'happy' that the kid wants the helper rather than the other way round right, and start thinking what have they been doing at home wf them... so still a good thing to know that Liz adores the helper. once u r well, confirm can win back her lil heart wf the walks n time spent... meanwhile, hugzzzz

Re: 1yo bash

im keen to join in! missed out the 6mth bash cos was away in Malacca.. this time round no travel plans for nov so most likely can make it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think yvaine's idea of function room plus contributing of toys for the kiddos is a great idea! the last time when we had a bash for my elder ger at thread 2006, we even had contests for 'fastest diaper change -fathers to participate only' and fastest crawler and walker.. very cute! cant wait to see u mummies and the babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re : sick Chloe

CHloe is finally getting better from her bad cold.. the runny nose is tapering off and the sound of her phlegm isnt as congested as the days before.. praying taht she will get better n better n all well tis weekend! her jiejie is waiting to carry lantern wf her!

ah... it's TGIF, how i wish i can sleep may be another half an hour more tomorrow, it is all i ask for...

till now, my gal still unable to sleep through the night, she will wake up at least once for feeding. that's fine, since i'm used to it and she will usually go back to lala land after drinking.

BUT the past 2 nights were simply chaotic! she started waking up and PLAY! there's no way i could get her back to sleep, and she would struggle and cry when I tried to pat her to sleep. This will usually last for ard 2 hours, before any of us can get some decent sleep at past 4am. Wondering whether Doc has prescribed medicine or Red Bull for her, shouldn't one sleep soundly after taking medicine... *sigh*

Mummies, is this juz a growing phase, or am I going to be a permanent panda mummy liao?

God's child..

I remembered we even had sponsors for goody bags and many games.. We also had gift exchange;) ..it was so fun

Dewdew, ohh ic. Thanks for the info!

Esquare, gift exchange sounds like a great idea! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We can actually say everyone buy a gift that costs between a certain range and then carry out the gift exchange. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whisp, it's a phase. Actually my boy can sometimes wake up to play at 2am! But i realise the cause of this is because he slept too much in the day. Previously he was using yaolan in the afternoon. Thus, he is very energetic at 2am. So i put him on mattress for the afternoon and he takes shorter naps and sleeps better at night.

For e 1yo bash, I can check the price for hotel function room if u guys dun mind Penang buffet. Wat is the budget u guys r looking at? Let me hv the rough estimation on e number of adults than I get my colleague to quote.

I seldom come in to e forum, it'll be good if someone can pm me in fb.

Hi mummies, never log in for very long time as previously got problem posting so rely on FB updates now.

Just like to ask, how are you mummies planning to celebrate for your baby's 1st birthday? I am entertaining the idea of throwing a party for him but then I will have to do everything myself cos hubby doesn't plan at all and in the first plan not keen to celebrate.

Regarding jobs, Eon, Dewdew and Bubbly, just hand on for the end of the year bonus, not very worth it to give up now unless really cannot ren...

Anyway just like to rant , last thurs both me and hubby on leave, maid and baby also at home. So I ask MIL if she would be cooking dinner for maid, she started saying leg pain lah, blah blah so in other words she dun want to cook for her then fine, so I said, I'll buy back dinner for maid then , do you want me to buy for you as well?then she said no need she 'll just cook something for herself But when we came back later that day with just the maid's dinner, she was upset and said I look down on her, blah blah, as long as maid take good care of baby good lor..we thot she had not had dinner but my maid told me she already cooked and ate.

Earlier when his sisters were here, my hubby also took the opportunity together with his sisters to tell her that we wish to get our own house , (i purposely hid in my room then cos its not a topic that I should tell her, so left it to hubby) we knew she would object as she does not want to move out of current house but I feel miserable staying here as I always not think its my own house. My SIL told me afterwards that we can go ahead but my hubby said his mum is still angry with me over the dinner incident and said that she 'll prefer to stay with her daughter who is more filal, etc and I treat the maid better than her. Then my hubby said he felt sad to hear abt what his mum said and dun want to move out already. i dunno how serious he is about this but I am quite tired trying to convince him already and I also feel upset abt what my MIL said and felt like crying. I am not a good DIL I admit but has he tried to understand why? My MIL only has her children in her eyes, everytime will just say how good her daughters are, this and that... and everytime I talk to her she'll not understand what I m saying and put on a black face like I am telling her bad news. How to communicate to her like that? so I dun, the more I say the more mistake I make, that is my philosophy.

hi mummies.... long time nvr log in too... mayb to use to see from facebook... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

was on 2 days mc last week. more or less better le except my sore throat. still the same. terrible! so painful. finished up all the doctor's medicine le so can only pop lozenges.

dewdew: i dont know how to plant knife de. stupid de lah.

stefie, muddypaws & bubbly: thanks for the well wishes.

Hi, I am selling away the Haenim play yard to clear space

1) 6 panels Haenim Normal Play Yards (Blue and Red design) to let go at $65*

Consist of the following :

• 1 Activity (Normal) panel

• 2 Doors

• 3 Plain panels

Condition is 6.5/10

* Buyer may want to buy replacement parts+:

• Suction pads (A few have dropped off due to wear and tear )

• Bear stickers (Decorative purposes only, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional

• Mirror sticker (Not reflective, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional

Self collect. Interested buyers may email to [email protected] for viewing.

+Replacement parts can be purchased from SMH Bulk purchase spree:


hi mummies,

i would like to bring our girl to KL via plane, can we book our airtix first, but our girl no passport yet, coz thk there's some promo on for airasia now ! haha .... anyone have any idea, can we book her infant seat after she got her passport ?


hi athena

if im not wrong, need to tag the infant to an adult.. so menaign if you buy ur tickets first, later there's no adult to tag her ticker to.. when i bought the jetstar tkt, they actually prompt to tag the infant to one adult.

Do u need the passport particulars to buy the ticket? for jetstar, they only require the full name and date of birth iirc...

eon hope you're better! me too, whole family down last week, i also lost my voice. now K's turn to have stuffy nose and a cough. hiaz..

Roz: thanks for the google doc survey. so cool...

Sharon: that's painful. did your hubby know where u were coming from in the whole matter? if he did, then at least u have some comfort. it's tough for him too, to be sandwiched in the middle. perhaps give the whole incident some time to settle, and when u both r calmer and minds r clearer, u'll be able to look at this whole issue again in a better light. your hubby has to understand the need to protect his wife from his family and that will include staying on your own if that keeps the peace among everyone involved. i personally agree with the chinese saying, 'xiang jian hao, tong zhu nan'... easy to meet up once in a while, but staying together is very hard...

oh mine! i just realisd i never refreshed my page earlier hence missed out some posts.

god's child: has little chloe recover yet?

sharon: haiyo.. its really a headache to be in such situation leh. mil issue cannot be resolved in a day. so take it slow. wait till everyone is in a better mood before you approach hubby again. till then, close both eyes and ears to what your mil has to say.

yvaine: better except for the stubborn sore throat. oh mine! whole family down is serious. hope you everyone is ok now.


with SQ u can book tix first with just the name, then later call customer svc to add in the passport no.

but with budget airline, not sure if they will do that for u or may charge admin fee.

sharon - tough on you, hang on there! try to talk to ur hubby in a few days time and explain to him your stand. i agree its nt easy staying with inlaws as each has our own expectations... and like ur MIL, my inlaws used to think and say that i treat maid very well.. they actually are sore over it.i tink they fail to understand thar our helpers are also human and moreover, taking care of our precious! anyway, to avoid misunderstanding and MIL exaggerating rite, i try to 'report' to HB now and then bout wat we talk n wat happen at home in his absence.. like once, MIL went to talk to him bout me not happy wf her etc.. and cos HB knew what has been happening, he actually retorted his mum on the facts of the matter.. and my MIL was so upset she wept. of cos i was shocked that she wept, but on the other hand glad that my HB defended me. im sure ur HB will get your point esp since he has already agreed to shifting out earlier on. jia you!

Eoneon - hmm.. chloe is better but not totally well also.. she was sooo much better on sat but ytd, i thot the phlegm sounded rather chesty... brot her to clinic and thank god there was no wheezing... she looks ok overall, all happy and chirpy... except for that occasional cough and phlegm...its been a week and i realli hope she is ok soon! sigh.. and the stupid haze has to come at this time :S im reali desperate to boost her immunity.. so, mummy cant b lazy anymore.. im making full use of the thermal cooker to boil stock for her everyday in the hope it can make chloe stronger :p

Good afternoon mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

Had a very good and lousy weekend.

Hubby was out of town since Friday evening.

Saturday Alexis was down with slight flu and cough. So I just bring her to my mom's. My bro wanted to shop at Orchard, so we followed him. Had very nice Korean Ginseng dinner and good shopping (Robinson was 20+20+7% off last weekend). By evening when I reached home, Alexis kena chilled by the aircon at the restaurant. Down with high fever at 38.4. Fed her medicines. She managed to sleep till midnight, she started to cry every hour and down with cold sweat. I thought she was teething so I put teething gel. I cried, cos very helpless, don't know what happen to her. By 5am then she can sleep better on our pillow. Then I realised her throat has alot of phlegm and inflammed, that's why not comfortable. Brought her to dr at Rivervale Plaza. Was given ventolin+ Vasa (spelling for phlegm), Cough misture and running nose medicine, total only $34. This GP is quite good. Mommy in SK may want to take note,

Lifeline Medical Group Sengkang Pte Ltd

6881 2392

Blk 118 Rivervale Dr #02-18 Rivervale Plaza

Singapore 540118

Opening hr: 8am - 10pm, Mon- Sun, include Public Holiday.

Dr Goh.

After taking the medicine, Alexis was so much better. Heng my sis came over to help me to take care of her.

Then this morning, Alexis fell from our bed. Swallow at her left cheek nearer to eyes area. Everything seems okay except her baluku. Now need to monitor 48 hrs. She is still bubbly this morning, eating, sleeping and playing. Suay or what. Alamek. I am just very tired, stress and worry.

Mommies who want to feed porridge and no time to cook. Maybe can try this. Get those plain porridge for mixed rice stall. Go home then add some meat/silver fish/veggies etc. Less time needed to boil the porridge.

I was at my mom's yesterday, I just bring my pureed pumpkin, silver fish (from my mom's), throw inside the plain muay. boil awhile for the fish to cook. Then we have nice and simple porridge. I tried, wow nice. Just that Alexis not feeling, don't like it. But it just give me some idea about saving time in making porridge for her. Hope this can help busying working mommies, who want their babies to eat porridge and no time to cook.

Will try to catch up here. Have a nice day mommies and daddies. Back to my work[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sayang Sayang to all the Babies who are not feeling well, speedy recovery to All (parents included)!

Ever since my bb was down with fever + running nose + cough (that's on top of having constipation prior to that) on last tue, she has been waking up in the middle of the night and have difficulty in sleeping. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wondering is the sleepless nights due to her illness, teething (no pearlie yet leh), or just another growth phase, but really pray hard that she can have her good night sleep back.

think my gal is scare of poopoo-ing liao, the last time she did it, it was so pain she cried and shivered very badly. ever since every time, we placed her on the changing mat, she will wail and struggle. last sat we brought her to GP as she's still unable to poopoo after taking the stool softener and changing of diet, but Doc said they are not able to administer the bullet thingy for such a young baby (is it true?), thus, advise us to get soap to insert instead. as there's a provision shop nearby, we requested her to do it for us after we've got the soap. Doc cut a small strip of the soap, lubricated it with vaseline before inserting. in less than 5 mins, bb poopoo and indeed it's very hard and there's blood. poor bb cried! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] after reaching home, bb poo another round, and this time round it's back to normal texture.

right now my daily wish is for my bb to poopoo with ease.


Perhaps you are too exhausted liao, esp when Alexis is sick, and you have just recovered + you're alone. see whether anyone can help you during these few days while your hubby is not ard. you must stay strong and be positive. you're Alexis' Hero! Jia You!

Whisp, thank you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw have you tried the dragon fruits? The bullet is for more than 2 years old toddler. I find that adding diaper cream to anal, helps smoother passage also. Poor mine. Hope she is better now.

Hi mummies, long time nvr log in here .. time is so precious now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie: my girl oso fly off the bed twice. She can now break through or crawl over the soft barriers. Scary! Gotta keep my eyes on her when she's on the bed. Hope Alexis gets better soon. It's really tough to be taking care of bb alone.

Whisp: yes, her poo is my daily wish as well. Constipated again .. now I gotta stubbornly hard poo from my girl. Went to buy banana & prune, hope it helps. I oso dare not use the soap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Eoneon, Yvaine: Take good care of yourself. I'm down with viral for 2 weeks & it's so tough. Realised can't afford to get sick again .. esp nid to take care of bb. Rest & rest ..


yup, i've tried the dragon fruit. but maybe the initial poo poo too hard, and bb afraid to exert force, thus failed to come out. will continue alternating between the dragon fruit and prune.


i think i read somewhere that if constipation try to steer away from banana. you may wish to google on it.


Wow sunshine, super long time never hear from you Liao.

Thanks for Yr concern[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now we are sleeping in our spare room floor. Will do that when hubby not in town. heng hubby bought air mattress from jkt, so I can sleep on the floor and Alexis will be her own cot mattress. Camping time for us[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah like what Whisp said, banana will compress poo and make it harder to come out. So far I find dragon fruits works the best. Maybe feed more water.

Whisp, poor mine. See babies poo in pain, heart really pain. Maybe let Yr baby drink more water. Try not to give too much biscuit, cos very heaty. Hope Yr baby poo will be soon soon.

Hi mommies, saw in the thread that alot of mommies are bringing your babies for holiday.

I was thinking of bringing my baby to brisbane and gold coast but some of my colleagues was saying i shouldnt bring kids below 1 overseas.

How is it like to travel on plane with a baby. is it very squeezy and will bb ear drum be painful?

whisp & lilsunshine, i think both stefie & i are fans of dragonfruit for our gals. it really helps with regular bowel movement for gwen, so do give it a try. banana will not help with regulating bowel movement. it adds fibre, which does not work well with constipation.

as for the bullet, my gal had it 3x (or more!) when she was just 3 months old. she was so constipated that she cried so badly, we were worried and brought her to PD. PD inserted the bullet for her. so it's not true that they cannot have the bullet inserted. i guess PD will administer but not GP.

stefie, i think your hb being away and you & alexis both being sick is taking a toll on you. is your sis able to help out these few days so u can rest? how is your cough?

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

god's child: ya lah! thanks to our stubborn neighbour for the stupid haze! its making healing for those who are sick harder and making more sick.

good health to all!!!

stefie: oh dear! how are you and alexis now? this friday will be my turn to spend a one-to-one session with chey as hubby will be outstation. plus im bringing her for her jab. oh, im so not looking forward. i think i have develop vaccines fear already.

jia you during this trying period.

lilsunshine: we have to be super careful with our bubs nowadays as they are too agile for us to even let them get out of our sights for seconds.

yes, cannot afford to get sick. its a luxury! thanks! i hope i can recover soon... terrible feeling.

about the air mattress, we bought one from giant too. but have never use it. is it comfy? we are thinking of using it for guests or for chey's bouncing/play time.

michelle: some people is against travelling for below 1 year due to the fact that they may not be able to remember it when they grow up so its a waste of money to them and the taking/landing of plane will cause pressure pain for them.

good morning all, so many mummies and babies are sick. so sorry to hear must be a trying time for all. take care and drink more water k?

stefie, aiyoh u poor thing.. sayang sayang. how are u now?

eoneon, u feel better? o dear all of you are sick.. can imagine how miserable it must be le.

how come chey still have jab? i thot by now its all done? the next one will be 12 or 15 months?

i have a query can we give our bubs milkshake now? yesterday i fed 2 tsp of mixed berries milkshake to ethan when we went to fidgets hahah.. he loved it of cos but then hub said actually he cant cos its made with cow's milk? i know its a bit late hahah but just wanted to ask hee.

crystal: I think a little bit is fine, cos yogurt is made from cow's milk as well. I'm the ultimate bad mummy cos I gave Liz Twisties yesterday. Hubs and I were watching TV, eating twisties, and gave liz bits and pieces of it. She loves it! Haha... I started giving her bread with nutella as well as raisins too. Anyway, before you start baulking at the idea, it's all little morsels here and there only.

muddypaws, wow u are garang hahah... ya my jaw was starting to drop and then i read the lil morsels here and there hahha everyting in moderation ya hahah

btw how's ur co. doing now? i read somewhere above u got ur pay late. u started job hunt?

Hi mummies!!

Re: bullet for poopoo

Like what dewdew mentioned, i think it can be used for babies below 1 year too. When my boy was 6months, he had difficulty poo-ing and my PD gave me the bullet for me to insert myself if my boy really cannot poopoo. I didn't use it though as my boy poo-ed but i guess it's safe?

Re: egg white

Dewdew, you mentioned egg white intro after 1 year old right? I told my MIL this and she thinks i'm talking rubbish! Gosh.. I even read on recognised baby websites that egg white is best introduced after 1 year old too. So annoying how my MIL refused to believe me..

Any mummies introduce egg white already?? I'm just afraid my MIL will introduce egg white to my boy without me knowing.

Michelle, it's still possible to bring baby below 1 year old overseas. Many of the mummies here have done so. As for eardrum pain, do give your baby lots of water during take-off and landing to prevent it.

crystal: I got my salary one week late, and I'm starting to worry about this month's salary now. I was the one who sent the email out to Management (the 'privileged' selected few) to inform them that their claims and salaries (including mine) would be late. I don't wish to send another one this month again, and I've so many suppliers to clear. Have started to look out, and I've a few interviews lined up already. Fingers crossed.

As for food, it was my PD who encouraged me to let Liz try everything so that she's familiar with the texture and taste. My FIL gave liz mooncake too! Of course, it was just a small morsel... haha.

debbie, why would your MIL disregard the after 1 yr then intro egg white info? i just sent ethan for his 9 months assessment and the PD also told me the same to intro egg yolk now then egg white after 1 yr. My mom was so worried she kept asking if i'm certain that can intro egg yolk now cos back then their time is eggs is only after 1 yr. my bbsitter also thot the same hahaha..

muddypaws, I see. hmm not a good situation to be in. Hope something comes out of your interviews and you can jump ship esp since u did not join them for long err.. no need to sink with them right? hahaha

wow moon cake haha adventurous haha.. ya try a bit of everything.. so they wont be fussy eaters ya haha..

crystal: aiyah.. sianz loh. for chey's pd, there are two options for vaccines schedules. and so they automatically alloted chey the second options so her pneumococcal jabs are carried out during her 7th, 9th and 12th month of age loh. there is no "break" from jabs in chey's case.

thanks, im still the same. the throat is killing me! never had such painful and lasting throat infection!

a little is ok. we feed chey with a little of everything so long its not overly sweet, salty or processed.

hi mummies,

it was a terrible weekend for us... instead of our much anticipated staycation at festive hotel, my little one got hospitalised with intestinal infection which i suspected she got from my older one...

i've never seen her cry so hard before in her life... she had to be put on drip cos she was vomitting too much, almost 15 times in 4 hours, but cos her hands and veins are too small, they had to redo it so many times.

i was outside the room hearing her screams, it was the most heartbreaking thing for any mummy to have to hear..

the first time round the nurses couldnt do it, and she was crying till she was shivering and hyperventilating.. so i told them to stop it cos i thought it was too much for her.. so after consultation with the dr they said will monitor her first..

but in the end she had to be put on drip on day 2, i was at home cos i was down the same virus too, so my hub had to bear her screams and cries..


anyway she is out now.. but whenever i think about her screams, i feel v shaken still...

crystal, ya.. My MIL likes to believe she's always right because she is older and thinks she has much more experience than me. I told her I read so many reliable sources and got advice from the mummies here in SMH about egg white but my MIL thinks that back in her time, there was no such kind of thing and that her two children grew up totally fine. -.- I have a very stubborn MIL. Even my own mum was a bit worried about me introducing the yolk to my boy.

oshgosh, oh dear!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hope your little one is fine now.. poor you and poor baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Michelle, don't be put off by others. Just do the any mo way can liao. Asians are more conservative. If talking about virus, germs etc, in Singapore also have what. In fact, I think Alexis get sick in SIN, in thailand she is okay except for 1 mystery fever, 1 of the night (we fed her panadol, next day okay liao). Alexis travelled to KUL when she was 2 month old, to Korean at 5 months old and just back from Thailand trip. I find that the benefits outweights the fear and discomfort.

Alexis "grown" so much after the trip, she seems to advance alot in her milestones after that. Besides the stimulations and of course bonding.

Just bring some biscuits, fm, pacifier or water on board. Feed before departs or landing. This time round I don't even bother about the feedings, Alexis just sucks her own thumb. She is okay with the de-pressuration. Budget airlines will only provide additional safety belts (some don't provide) and no bassinet. We just bring her pillow and let her sleep on our laps. Normal carrier will provide bassinet, so is much easier.

Remember to bring your baby medicines, just in case. Do feed more fruits and water when travelling, cos baby will tends to constipate, cos change of environment and food. We feed along the way, like bread, rice, plain porridge, baby biscuits, fruits. Just in case, bring some cereal (I only used twice in my 10 day thailand trip) Go with the flow, it is not as difficult as you think. This time round was more tough for us cos I was sick suring the trip. On the whole still okay. We enjoyed the bonding.

Just go for it and enjoy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, thanks for your concern. I am much better now. Yesterday was camping on the floor with Alexis and she slept thru. I feel safer with her on the floor, so I am very much relief. I am okay, just that Alexis is still sick, but still bubbly lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Today already Tue, another 3 days to go. I will jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks.

Yeah, dragon fruit is really God sent man, Alexis eat liao, sure poo. There was once really big session of pooing leh.

Eon Eon, we are much better, thank you for your concerns[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Everything will be soon soon, when your hubby not in. Maybe go over to your mom's and stay, at least there are family memebers to help out? Anything just shout for me lah.

My mom said give some grip water before jabs will help in preventing fever. Maybe you can try.

The air mattress is ok, need to fill to the max. Yesterday I didn't, cos today having backache. On the whole still a good night sleep, like floating in the air[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, we are much better, thanks for your concerns[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feed liao, don't think so much lah. I guess is okay. We even feed Alexis abit Vitagen when she cannot poo. As long as in moderation.


Oshgosh, please take care and rest. Things will get better. Jia you.

Michelle, we use Ergo carrier. There are some places have no ramps for the pram. It is not big mission. We can do it, so can you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

