(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Good Morning Mummies!

busy busy... going pengsang soon with work, renovation and taking care of bb alone after work. can't wait for the renovation to be completed asap, but not looking forward to the packing part though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].


so sorry for the delayed reply. wondering whether is it possible to extend it to another baby since the previous classes which our dear mummies here have attended is ard 13 babies. if not, i'll take 2 instead of 3 places. Thanks lots for coordinating! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No discount but there are gifts with purchase if you buy above $350. Think the gift is a little tikes set. I bought the counting pals recommended by Stefie. I love it but jul doesn't seem to like it yday. He cries when I wave the caterpillar around him. Hopefully he'll grow to like it soon! There are somE other cute leapfrog toys like a flashing, singing drum, etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was working in Nuh HR too, mid 2005 to early 2006. Met my hb there actually. Were u working there around the same time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re Fm giveaway, I still have nan pro, s26 and I have similac too. Mamil gold taken. Mummies, let me know if you are keen.

Hi mummies! I am a silent reader... Read that some of you are looking for the counting caterpillar. I saw a few piece selling at United Square's Toy's R Us.

grumpus, thanks!

jialing, i tink it will take a while for jul to like the caterpillar but i tink when he takes a liking for it its going to be irreplaceable. so far the caterpillar is my life saver when driving hahaa.. i was even contemplating to buy another one to stand by in case his current one die on me ahha.. very used and abused by ethan.

Hi mummies, can I check how much is yr gal/boy drinking now?

My gal is 7.5mths now. She is currently drinking 210ml every 4hours.

She will eat one bowl of porridge per day.

Liling: My boy is 7m3w+, he is taking cereal for breakfast, porridge for lunch and milk total is ard 600-800ml, depending on his appetite. Each feed is ard 120-180, usually 3-4hrs but at night longer gap, 5-6hrs.

Liling, my girl is coming to 8mth old next week, she is still drinking 120ml of milk every 3 hr, and eat 2 bowl of porridge or 1 bowl porridge, 1 bowl cereal per day. I find she seem like getting slimmer and smaller size, my mum say maybe due to teething... 120ml of milk, sometimes in the middle of nite, she only drink 60ml and reject the milk....

Candy: ic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my gal small size wor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] mayb same as mi

She weight 6.6kg when she is 7mths wor.

I can't really rem the cereal brand, think is nestle. So far i have given her brown rice cereal, fruit cereal, veg cereal, there are many flavour for Nestle brand.

Hi mommies Carlson wipes person replied me:-

Babes Wet wipes is available in:-

Ang Mo Kio:Ang Mo Kio Hub

Toa Payoh:HDB Hub

Sembawang:Sun Plaza

Yishun:Yishun MRT

Marine Parade:Marine Parade Centre(next to Parkway Parade

SengKang:Rivervale Mall and Punggol Plaza at Blk 168

Hope that helps[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My gal drinks about 600ml or less per day, plus porridge for lunch and cereal with puree for dinner. She last for 10 hours at night with milk. But she's a small baby. 7kg at 6 mths, at 7 mths plus, still 7kg.

Juliana, I really wouldnt recommend buying from lamkins. I had a really bad experience wi3th them. I bought 3 toys about 3 weeks ago from them.2 of there toys were not in good condition, I almost tot they rejected goods. There was scratches n paint was chipped off. N when I asked if I could exchange, he say even if he give me an exchange all his toys will still beer like this! I was so shocked. I said the paint came off it wouldnt be safe for my child to play. Then he said he assured me its perfectly safe. I was pretty upset by his attitude. He said if exchange I have to incur delivery fee. Then my hubuy spoke to him, n he also said the same stuff bottom line is he is not keen in doing a replacement. He then suggested to give a 5

Dollars refund. Total worth of my toys are 80 plus. But till now he still has not given us d refund. When I called him he doesnt answer.i really wouldn't recommend this store. Initially I was also very excited about the toys on his website.

oshgosh- im mel chong in fb... seldom post here but will read through all the posts!

Hi mummies

how are bath times with your little ones now?? I'm still using the bathtub and usually he would lean so far over the side he could fall over face first into the floor. And today he decided to pull himself up and start dancing in the tub!

Any mummies not using bath tub anymore? Can i just like, spray him down lol...

Also last night my boy woke up SCREAMING AND CRYING for a good 10-15 mins. I was so tired..had to really drag myself out to carry and comfort him. Offer him my boob he also don't want. So had to endure the shrieking lor...haiz. Good thing it's Saturday today, otherwise sure zombie at work.

Hi Roz

I also use bath tub but i put on the flr n sit on a stool. Cos my boy will use his hands to splash the water or kick with his legs so hard tt the bath tub if i put on top of toilet bowl seat.. Only time i put him standing is when he poo-ee & i put him lean against my thigh, hand holdin the showerhead across his back n the other washing his butt.. Cant stand still yet... =)

Good news for Rayshon semi solids

Been a week w/o med for him n he is eating well. Not really reflux aldy & jus started him 2 meals a day. Lunch & dinner. Haven started on fruits n aldy so busy puree-ing all the potato, veg and all.. Gonna start fruits soon.. Hurray!!

hi mummies~~ i want to rant... feeling super upset now.

it has been a few weeks that i have been tolerating my hubby from playing maple story. do your hubby play that too?

as you all know, me and baby during weekday stayed at my dad place and weekend then stay at our own place. so shldn't the weekend be a bonding time for the father and son? but guess what? the father rather spend his time to play the maple. i damn sick of it. before marriage like that, after marriage also like that. now being a father, he still don't want to change!!!

during weekdays, he also play, but after work like 1-2hrs that kind. then weekend also.. he will play till 3-5am. last night was 3am plus and last sat was 5am plus. i smsed him last sat to say, so late liao still don't want to sleep ar.. then he come in lo.

today worst.. cos we have a fight.. he so angry that he turned the rocker over. i said to my boy that you are daddy's no. 2. and who is no. 1? i guess all of you know lo. i got reason saying that.

for the past few weeks, whether i need his help to look after my boy while i go make milk or do some other thing, i will ask him. he came in and helped. i asked a few times or sometimes even the first time i asked him, he "tsk". what is this? he ask me to put him in the playpen instead of our bed. hello.. the only time he bond with his son is when i ask him to help to look after him lo. and he ask me put him in playpen? then he continue to play his game? last week i also use sms to tell him off le. but this week still the same. last night once he fetch us home, maple again. till 3am plus.

today supposed to go to my grandma's place. morning i went wet market to buy fish & meat and also bought breakfast for me. asked him to wake up and eat, and also asked him to look after baby 3 times. cos baby after feeding, i don't want him in playpen and flip.. he will vomit the milk. then when it's time to wake up to prepare to go for visiting, he said he got headache and give black face. he said i woke him up so many times in the morning. shld i say if he don't play till so late, does it matter if i wake him up? who to blame for the headache? me? he told me he got headache when in the car to my dad place to fetch him. he said he will drop us and go. i said ok lo. then when reached my grandma's place, he said since here, he will stay then. he said he scared i alone take bus dangerous, nobody give me seat. i appreciated it. but i think we already agreed to go grandma's place beforehand and he shld sleep early and nt enough sleep liao then complain. before leaving hse, he said no lunch ar. what the~~~ am i his maid or what? buy breakfast nt enough? i woke up 6am didn't sleep until now. and he was sleeping till late morning like 11.30am and now he is taking his nap while im complaining here.

after we got home, i want to make milk for baby so i put him in playpen and he on his laptop to play maple. then after i fed the milk, he said he will off at 5pm. then i said, ya, off at 5pm then you go and sleep. no bonding again. abt 10mins time, i said i want to give baby porridge. so i asked him to look after him. baby is on the rocker. he was playing his maple. baby was crying like hell. maybe no attention from anyone. guess what the great father did? he jus continue with his game lo. wow.. ur son cry until like that and u ignored and keep playing the game? if you, will you be pissed off? i damn pissed off lo. asked him to help to look after baby, he said ok.. he said baby got a few times almost fell from the rocker and he has put him back. so is like he has done his part. he asked my boy don't cry. then he complained saying his clothes too thick. making him sweat. i said he sweat cos he was crying so badly. then he said whatever he say, i got something to talk back. i was with my boy and he didn't sweat but i leave my boy with him, he sweat.. cos he was crying mah.. then when i start to feed my boy porridge, i told my boy don't cry.. saying too bad.. you are no. 2. he got pissed off and said.. didn't i tell you i play till 5pm? how many times must i say? i told him, i asked you to look after him awhile (not even 5mins). i asked him, so maple is more impt than your son? some argument came up and he scolded me F*** and asked me to shut up. remember him scolding me idiot before? i ask him to ask him friends.. they got like that or not. he said our son for nothing kept on crying and he is frustutrated. he cried too excessive. but which baby don't cry? they cry for a reason. i explained to him if he was in baby situation, how would he feel? he jus kept quiet. he said whether he carry him, he will cry. i said maybe bonding nt enough. so weekend bond with him. he refused to listen to me and thinks that baby give him trouble. he said "you carry baby he also cry, did i say you are not a perfect mum?" i think he said this cos i said baby is no. 2 in dad's eyes. but i don't think im wrong. baby is really his dad no. 2 lo. weekday play le still not enough, weekend still want to play. i let him play.. but when times come for bonding, pls stop playing. the number of hours he face maple is don't know how many times more than his son. he said he needs his own time to relax.. pls lo.. last night play till 3am!! and don't forget.. before we go grandma's place, he said he headache.. don't want to stay at my grandma's place. so play maple can cure his headache..

last week when i sms him, i said, during weekdays when he sms me saying that he misses me and baby are fake. cos weekend when we are back, he was on his game. i said already consistent for few weeks and if this is going to continue, me and baby will just simply stay at my dad place. and i seriously think i shld do it next weekend. shld i? to give him a lesson! both our birthdays are next week and i seriously don't want to celebrate with him. and i don't think he will buy me any present.. for the past few birthdays and anni, he didn't get me anything.. is i requested after the occasion. he said no need to celebrate one.

and just now we also arguing abt the sarong.. he said mdm wong from TMC said don't let baby sleep sarong.. i tried to kick off for my boy but he only sleep awhile. for me, i think his sleep is impt, i rather he sleep in sarong for long than on bed for a short while like half an hour. and who is going to coax him to sleep again? it's me? saying is so easy for him cos he don't help at all. unless i insisted. he still want me to continue my studies for ACCA. how to when i have a husband like that.

ok.. im done ranting..

thanks mummies and daddies for reading my long post of anger.

Pauline, no point getting upset with yr hubby. Now yr son is more important. If yr hubby is not doing his part to bond then let him. He is losing out, just make sure yr hubby will not complain in future yr son is not close to him. Just try to do what you can, good thing is yr daddy is helping out. Now yr family support is important. I find that after I delivered, Alexis is my everything. Her position is more important than anyone else.

Sad to say, since yr hubby already like that before marriage, don't expect him to change, he will still be like that. So the only thing you can do is to provide whatever yr son need. Don't think too much, just do what you can. Jia you. Please come in and rant about yr hubby anytime. Take care[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)

pauline dear.. Poor thing.. Hope you feel better now.. Will not say much about your hubby, but what game is that so addictive? Maple..? Re sarong or not, it's really up to you.. Some of us believe in it, some don't.. While I don't believe in sarong nor pacifier, my parents never failed to remind me if zaizai naps for short while.. My parents will go " if he uses sarong n pacifier, his sleep would be much better".. So i guess, if it's hold truth for you, why not.. To keep your sanity :) cheer up k.. It's the long awaited weekend, do enjoy your time with little precious..


Cool.. I can feel u actually.. Though my HB is nice in mamy ways but in terms of parenting, he has lots to catch up on. Many a times, i feel headache or unwell during nite feeds, i wake him also no use. Plus even if i die, i think my boy will starve. Sometimes obviously he is awake by his cries while i went prepare his milk, he jus flip his blanket over & dun bother. To me, its fine.. I also had enuf.. I jus do the best for my son... Maybe he jus isnt ready..

Rem a while ago, i mention tt my HB gt some pain & aches frm gastric or stress!? I long ago felt tt its due to his stress at work or anxiety caused by quit smoking but he dun believe. Nw he admit tt and says he stress at work but when hm, more stress. Cos he no longer helps with hsework nor much with the kids. And he feels tt i am implying tt his work is easy & i like so 'poor thing' takin care of the 2 24/7.. Seriously, wat do u mummies think? I dun even haf ME time, basically devote everything to my family. He?!? Stil gets occassional coffee time with his buddy, badminton games with my cousin blah blah.. And also now, watchin SCV movies while i am makin my son slp..

Anyway, bottomline, dun expect changes in men. If they r like tt, they are. So make sure u go for #2 when u can manage #1 well.. I am prac struggling. Even abt goin out, HB also hesistant. On surface, he says see me so stress handle 2 so he also stress. Prefer to stay hm. I'm the one preparing, unpackin & takin care. I dun complain & he complain!!! Haiz... I can nag non stop.. Dear, take in a pinch of salt so u can go on everyday happier.. Dun expect n u wont be disappointed.. Cheers...

Pauline, sayang...think most men are like that, my hubby was like that previously, also bo chap, not that he now very hands on now either but after a few arguements and nagging, at least now he will play with his son and I think that is all that he can do so the rest I will not ask him to do it, for e.g feed him...give up already. He also whole day on facebook, I say him many times already, facebook more impt than me but still like that lor..anyway like what dbaby say, dun expect and you won't be disappointed, think that is very true though sad lah...well you are the main caregiver, so you decide what is the best for your baby...cheer up k ;)

Btw what 4th class ? you mean the gym trial class? If yes, count me in...

My gal just woke up and cried non stop, gave her milk also didn't want. Only after rubbing oil on tummy then she stopped her crying.

Pauline, guess your husband has to learn to control his gaming time. As what dbaby said, don't expect and you won't feel disappointed. just do your very best and if need someone to listen, just rant here!

My gal is my everything,so long I look after her well, I have done my duty well as her mummy. My hub has not seen her for 3 mths and I wonder if she will treat him as stranger.

Hello mommies, happy Sunday!

Reading pauline's post makes me more appreciative of my hubby.

Hope u feel better Pauline.

Mommies who give pacifier, do you babies wake up often for pacifier? My baby can zzz from about 8 plus to 5 but will cry several times in the night for pacifier, I'm wondering how can I stop that? Boh Bian???

Littlemay: same here! She will wake up

several times for pacifier. I also don't know what to do, sometimes feel like taping pacifier to her mouth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline, ((((hugs))))

men and their video games, very hard to separate. think my hubby really only stopped gaming when my girl was about 3 yrs +, but he played when she was having her nap, so not so bad. when I was expecting #2, the moment he mentioned about some game I give him laser eyes and started nagging his ears off LOL

So anyways, yah, perhaps you also have to give him time to adjust, it's not like he totally doesn't care about both of you. must give and take, lah. it's true about keeping expectations low, but it also means condoning the 'behaviour'. Maybe you can buy Javier a ball, then ask Daddy to play with him instead of asking him to 'look after him'. I dunno >.<

Pris, good to know that your boy is taking to the food well. The stuff you cook looks absolutely delishious! Heehee..and I saw the vid with the two of them bugging daddy for his yogurt hahahaha! that's the way to do it...get them to gang up on daddy!

My son hasn't been sleeping well these past two nights..sian lah! Fasting month starts tomm..will be severely sleep deprived. Lucky got long weekend coming up, at least.

thanks mummies.. i still feel upset.. but at least i know i can come here and rant and you all are here to listen to me.

guess what.. he played till 5am plus last nite. he started playing after our dinner abt 9pm. 8hrs of maple none stop hit.

stefie: yes, before marriage like that liao.. but sometimes will stop playing.. recently start to play again. he always said work busy, now got so much time to play. really dunno what to say.. definetly game is more impt than me & baby cos last time he always use work to say he is busy.. nw didn't use work but use maple.. say need to fight boss, the game got time limit (becos doing some quest). he kept on saying he play my character becos of me.. i told him i dun play and dun need him to play for me and neglect us. he said he do it for me and why i got angry and i dun appreciated. really hor.. dunno what to say lo.

bubbly: regarding the sarong.. i felt he sleep better so i decide to continue and see how. at nite, he don't sleep on sarong can sleep till morning. so nt sure why daytime cannot lei. half and hour will scream liao. and my hub will jus continue with his game la.. let my boy scream and i got to attend to him. like it's a mum job, none of the dad business.

neko: ur hub nt around for 3mths le.. but even though my hub is with us during the weekend, it's like nt around also lo. if he is on his maple, can dun eat, dun go toilet, dun drink.

roz: i asked my hub to look after my boy = play with him mah. but like in the morning, he was still awake, i asked him to look after awhile when i go throw baby's diaper and get the milk, he will half sleeping and look after him lo.. i dun mind cos as long as baby is safe in his hands, im ok. then when he is awake, i ask him to look after, he will ask me how long or tsk. hai~~

yst when ask him to see baby, he said he is doing his IPPT thingy and need to go back this morning cos tml is his birthday liao. but he is still sleeping nw. and i dun want to remind him or say anything. abt 1yr ago, letter for him to change his IC. tml his birthday liao and he still haven't do la. i reminded him so many times.. i think he nt sian i also sian.. i will just ignore ba.. maybe i too KPO to say too much.

i really feel nt coming back to this hse in the weekend. he can have all his time playing his maple game. at least at my dad place, i got my dad to help and play with him. nt like here.. i think no see better.. see already angry and he thinks he got no wrong playing the game all day long. i seriously hate him nw. i think he likes to get angry and scold me liao then apologise and i always forgive him. this time, i think i will just hack care. scold me f*** and ask me shut up. i think enough is enough~ the more i think, the more i get angry nw. cos i dun think he will scold his frenz f*** and ask them to shut up lo. who am i to him nw? he always play maple i dun even scold him 4 letters word but he do it to me. no respect me as his wife at all. argh!!!

dbaby: mine also dun like to bring my boy out.. im doing the caring, packing.. i also no complain.. but he complain alot. said stroller heavy and etc.. i think is nt keeping the expectation low.. is no expectation better.. and i dun expect him to hands on.. jus play with baby only he already so pissed.. rather play his maple.. like the maple after some years will call him dad.


sayang sayang...yr HB better dun complaint tats his son nt close to him in future...wats so fun abt maple game?? i used to play Hello Kitty game but bcos of my ger i dun play ardy, my HB like to play soccer game but he will play onli our ger is aslp n he will help even when he play his game halfway, at first he is nt keen in helping, i dun force him but i will show my face black black n dun tok to him make him vy uncomfortable den i start to tell him wat i'm nt happy abt...den he slowly change...after listening to yr ranting, i dun tink yr HB will change.

New Nan Pro 2

yest went to my mum's plc den went to Kim Sang medical n take a look den i saw Nan Pro 2 frm Swiss so bought 2 tins...although Moon_Sky gt help me order me but onli can gt nxt week n my current which is sample tin gg to finish so gt to buy n standby...i tink for e nxt few mths i dun nd to buy milk powder le...hehe

Pauline, maybe you can try staying at yr dad's even weekend to show yr unhappiness. True lor yr daddy will play with yr son. I also feel I have no eyes to see, don't see better.

My hubby also play games, I just let him. Cos I nag too much he would give me stress looking face. Anyway I will just do what I can. He will help when he see I very busy. Weekend morning I will let hubby feed Alexis, I continue to sleep.

Sayang sayang, just do what you feel happy. Don't be bothered with yr hubby. Since he has his maple stories. Alamek, I used to play, I find it is lousy game, after a while sian Liao.

Pauline, I really wonder why maple can be so addictive. No matter what, he should not scold you with vulgar words. This is something that cannot be tolerated.

Stefie, I got your poison! Went to look for leapfrog caterpillar but in the end I bought the alphabet (hard case) caterpillar instead of the numbers caterpillar!

stefie: we've got the same kdk fan! Bought it at 388, installation 65 plus re-wire our light, another 65.. Hubby still thinking abt our light in the room for the baby fan but gotta hold a while.. Now to get a new light to replace the hall's.. My zaizai will have COOL time! Thanks dearie!

Pauline, aiyo don't be so upset. Men won't change their habits. Well, maybe have a good talk with him? Be positive too k? Cheer up!

Bubbly, I went for my little genius trial on Friday. Teacher talked really fast! But it was a good whole 70mins. I signed my boy up for term already. If you want to sign up, let me know and I can give you referral discount k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi pauline,

saw ur post and just wanted to ask if u're feeling a little better now?

i think u shld have a good long talk w ur hub to tell him how u feel.. esp abt the part abt him losing his temper and scolding u w vulgarities.. tat is not acceptable at all, no matter how frustrated he may be.. u are his wife, the one he promised to love no matter wat, so he ought to treat u w respect..

i know men sometimes feel frustrated when they think their wife is nagging, and to them, every little thing u repeat more than once becomes nagging to them, so maybe he is using computer games to de-stress...

my hub too is a gamer, he always tells me he can nvr stop playing games.. even when he is an 80 yr old man with trembling fingers and bad eye sight, he'll still be playing.. haha.. so i hv accepted tat already..

i remember when he was hooked to world of warcraft.. we had to fit our schedule around his! cos he had to be home some days at 8pm for a quest.. which was really so dumb to me, but he took it so seriously.. we had lots of quarrels too but then we had no kids so still not bad..

thank goodness he was matured enough to quit when my no1 was born.. now he still plays PS3 games, but we have come to an agreement tat he will only play when the kiddos are napping or sleeping for the nite..

sometimes i still get a bit unhappy when i find tat our coupletime gets eaten up by him playing games.. so once a while i'll 'order' him to stop playing to talk to me..

but most of the time i let him be since he does do a lot w the kids when they are awake..

i guess u just need to let him know your expectations and tell him tat he is free to play when u and ur boy are not around..

Want to rant a bit here..

ask my maid to use a small pot to cook Darius porridge since its only a small amount. My MIL told my hubby to ask her to use the big pot instead. Reason? Cos use small pot over the stove waste gas and she pay for the gas, shld use a bigger pot! ??!! I was upset when I heard it, I told my hubby if you use a big pot and cook that little bit of porridge , it will get burnt and end up you will need to cook again, won't it waste more gas? luckily hubby agreed with me and told his mum we'll use small pot..but I guess she was not happy lor. Today when we brough Darius back, I said bye to her and she reply without turning back and did not even look at Darius. Very funny lor, even if her theory is true and waste gas, its only like 3 days per week and its cooking porridge for her grandson!...why like that? My parents installed new aircon cos of Darius and took up the tab, never even ask me to sponsor and its not like they are very rich. Really don't understand lor..

Pauline: hugs, can understand hubby's lack of participation. Argued a few times with my hubby as I feel he is not spending enough time and not being involved. But he told me he is stress with money and work and trust that I will take care of baby. So it's like we divide the work. He take care of finance, I take care of baby. (but I also working full time le)

Anyway Maple is like old fashion le. Secondary school kids say it's a noob game le. So I guess many who are playing will be like primary school kids? But I think scolding u in such language is over the line. Maybe just let him be and u enjoy time with baby. Babies will know who look after them. Next time when he want to carry baby, baby will cry. Then when baby call mama never call papa, maybe he will start to realize. Men for some reason cannot listen. They need to enlighten and discover it for themselves.


Athena, trial is 2 lessons for $130. It's quite ex for trial. But i didn't pay that cos I after first lesson of trial, I decided to join the term class and they let me just pay for term instead of trial + term payment.

Littlemay, they say it's whole brain stimulation. They do flashcards, songs, sensorial activities. The sensorial part not suitable for our bubs actually. Mine will tend to put stuff into his mouth. But the songs and flashcards are fine

