(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


She is already sleeping in the same room as us... The cot is just next to our bed... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just dunno what triggered this new habit... she is also getting very spoilt... She will scream her head off whenever she doesn't get the things she wants...

She will fake cry, no tears one just close her eyes... then steal a peek at you to see if got any reaction from you... if no... she will repeat... doh...

But the cry at night is real one... really look so cham...sigh...



My boys dun sleep in the cot since 5 months. What we did was .. Put him on the mattress and had a play yard to surround..

stefie: is the ceiling fan low? my bro was complaining that no ceiling fan at our home, thus zaizai is always perspiring like nobody business.. but I thought the ceiling is a bit too low for ceiling fan.. hmm.. my hubby definitely cannot make DIY, but I don't mind getting people to install ceiling fan if it makes zaizai feels better..

Shivan, Liz just yang orh lah. Trying to get attention from daddy and mommy. It could be just a phase. Go with the flow and see how lor. She know who to bully and who will give what she wants. Babies are very smart nowadays, cos of FM lor.

Bubbly, it is not low, but it has 7 speeds, and remote control. Really powerful, I feel very cold already when at speed 4 or 5. It is one of the better fan. Ceiling fan is better than self-standing fan. Can ask handy man to install. My hubby backside itchy, took him 7 hrs to install lor plus we had ceiling fan before this KDK one, so the base is there liao.

shivan - my girl too! she will toss and turn / whine in her cot while sleeping. The moment we put her on our bed, she falls asleep immediately! Think she justs wants to be near or want to feel a sense of security.

cindy - haha I cannot wake up in the night also. Everytime she cries, my hubs will attend to her cos his side of the bed is nearer to the babycot. After a few times, he get tired of moving, he'll put her on our bed.

bubbly - I share the same sentiments as you. everytime I think of Kayleia growing up and getting married, I was get teary. Think I'll keep crying on her wedding day.

bubbly, you are the most welcome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Tonight I check with hubby the model. And let you know.

bubbly, is this model.


I love the 1/f Yuragi function for natural breeze. Really feel more relax when on this mode.

Btw he paid RM 598.

Our friend actually bought from JB also. So hubby tried to find dealers in Kulai, only managed to find one shop which still doing biz after 5pm.

JB dealer details. Better go during day time cos some shop closed at 5pm. And the SIN custom even tell hubby needs to pay GST. Don't know whether there is a change in regulation or not, cos it is less than S$400 leh. This time round SIN custom let him off.

SIN KDK dealer don't have such good model. Only available in Malaysia niah, cos mfg in PJ Selangor.


Hope that helps[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: whoa. you are very efficient! will discuss with hubby tonight.. I doubt he'll want to trouble to go in to get a fan.. lazy man

muddypaws reporting strength from bangkok! Hope everyone is doing fine.

Maid texted saying that liz' 5th tooth just came out! So sad that I wasn't there for her...

Wld try to catch up on ur posts. Stuck with office activities the whole day till abt 11pm every night. very exhausted now...

Talking abt ceiling fans, i installed in all 3 rooms and in my living and dining room last yr b4 i popped... Wah shiok man... Now whole hse very breezy w 5 fans, keke... Even my hub is a convert now after finally convincing him to install last yr...

The brand i got is crestar...

Stefie: thanks for the info on wetwipes. The carlson one is it big sheet, like pigeon? But good price hor? Ok will try that but I have to finish 2 packs of tollyjoy first.

Re: Ceiling fan

HDB can take ceiling fan? I feel that the ceiling very low leh. My living room cfm cannot coz we or false ceiling. How I wish can install.

Re: crying at night

My boy also the same. For 1 week or so he kept crying middle of the night, cry for 1hr plus n very hard to get him to slp back. But slp 2hrs wake up n repeat the cycle. I was so so tired. But last few days got some improvement coz he only wake up btw 12-2am. Very very frustrating n tiring still. Tried letting him slp on our bed but still cry. Maybe it's a phase they all go thru, just have to jia you!

good morning mummies! it's a beautiful day.. I'm taking half day in the noon to go Ember fine-lunching.. hahaha.. can't wait..

stefie: thanks, think we have to find other brands/models liao..

juliana: same here le.. I thought HDB ceiling is too low for ceiling fan, it has never crossed my mind to install one..

oshgosh: crestar, any particular model? wonder if there's sale nowadays for electrical appliances..

muddypaws: poor thing.. traveling makes us work harder than in office most of the times.. take care ya.. Liz is fast.. 5 tooth!

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

wow! i was 45 minutes late today! luckily i still arrived before my boss. cause i texted her saying i will be slightly late but didnt realised i was 45 minutes late! phew! today have to work later liao.. sianz..

baby refusing to sleep/sleep alone: i have this issue with chey too. she will struggle so hard even though she is already very tired. i think its just a passing phase that they want to be near us when they sleep. cause they are "older" now and are more aware of the surroundings hence they will need to feel secured with us around. plus they are also testing our limits.

ceiling fans: we cannot install ceiling fans as we have false ceilings all over the house! sad!!! just have to incur higher bill due to airconditioning liao.

this saturday, if everything goes well.. we will be going to bukit indah jusco again. anyone wanna go too... thus far, klitz and si en are going with us...

muddypaws: wow!! that is so so so fast... my chey chey is still toothless..

bubbly: bon appetit hor... i also wanna go try one day..

bubbly, enjoy your lunch. Please update on the service level can? i really like their food would like to go again if the service improved.

eoneon, how u go to jusco??? drive in?

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will be super busy day for me till next wed cos my co-worker is on leave. Already busy since 8am..... Things will gets better.

Bubbly, hubby said SIN does sell the same model but it is S$598. If get in JB will be RM598. Unless Zai zai daddy willing to pay lor.

Enjoy your makan hoh and poison me later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jul, I can't remember whether the same size as pigeon one. We will stick to this cheaper option, cos we use at least 6-8 pcs when she poops.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, enjoy your trip hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks crystal for the updates[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, i went to ntuc yesterday didnt see the carlson wipes le.. hmm maybe its sold only at hypermarts? but i'll keep looking anyways hhaa

good morning mummies and daddies..

Eon: come late and therefore have to work late? wow.. so happs, gg jusco? how u gg?

Muddypaws: 5th tooth!! fast fast.. Jovan still bo gay!

Bubbly: enjoy yourself!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal: thanks!! but i'm not member leh.. but will pop by and look see look see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, NTUC branded it under Babes, purple packaging.


BHG branded it under Squibbles. Have to be careful with BHG one cos it is expiry in late sep 2011.


My colleague found it at Thomson NTUC, and I saw in NEX NTUC also. If I happen to see it in any NTUC I will let you know[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal: yes, drive in from 2nd link. its less crowded there compared to sg malls... can have a leisure afternoon lazing and eating there enjoying aircon.. lol

stefie: jia you! pop in whenever you can ^_^

i will also go try out the fairprice brand once i finish my pigeon.. i bought so many packs of pigeon before delivery.. lol! kiasu me...

thanks, stefie.. hope to enjoy it like the last round we brought chey ^_^

leelee: drive in loh... hehe ^_^ wanna go together?

yes, come late then must be 自动 by working later loh. lol... must be a role model mah. keke

stefie: i think not many places have it leh. i remember checking out amk hub fairprice.. dont have.. sianz.. dont tell me i have to travel all the way to thomson or nex just to get the wipes.. faint...

Eon Eon, thanks, I will come in for breather[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will check with Carlson where else do they distibute their wet wipes to and update here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wet wipes

I m using pureen orange colour packaging. I find that it is better than pigeon, coz no scent at all. Big piece n nt easy to tear. Can finish wiping n cleaning in 3 - 4 pieces. sometime, even 1 is enuf .. 100 pcs in a pack . Usually can get 3 pkt for $10. If get in JB, sometime can get about $10.90 for 2 pkt.

eon: Thanks for asking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] what time u gg on sat? My hub works every sat.. u all driving individually?

stefie: so u mean carlson is the same as Babes and Squibbles? good for cleaning poos, hands? I got colleagues piegeons for poos, huggies for hands, trolly joy for mouth, etc...

Leelee, yes, just that Carlson helps NTUC and BHG to brand it under Babes and Squibbles. It is actually the same thing.

The cheapest is from NTUC $4.95/3 pkts x 80pcs.

I used Carlson wipes for poops, pee. Hands I will used Farlin Food grades Hand and mouth wipes which is selling at $1.80/28 pcs from Kiddy palace.

Since this wet wipes is so cheap, I even use this to wipe baby chair or other cleaning, no heart pain.

Re: Going into JB.

So nice! I really want to go to. Haven't been in to JB since i think 2008. The last time i went malaysia was in JAN 2008...OMG so long ago. I guess with all the scary car jacking stories I got scared also so never go. I'm sure my hubby will love to drive in but I always wet blanket say later drive in then got to walk back... later car kenna car jack esp since they then to target the SUV/4WD.

stefie: you are so so so nice. thanks thanks ^_^

leelee & lovebyte: we are going in around 11ish... just nice for lunch. i will tongpang klitz and her si en. we dont really drive to jb via causeway cause too dangerous.. its via 2nd link. bukit indah jusco has security patrolling the carpark. thus safer i supposed. hehe... fingers and toes crossed.

Crystal, eon, Leelee, I have emailed Carlson, see what they reply[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, no worries lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leelee, sure. Anything just what apps me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon, klitz is soo garang le haha i will prolly freak out if i need to drive in to msia. hehe but do enjoy ur trip with klitz and si en. hope it will be a bountiful trip

Lovebytes, no worries lah.

Just need to get a good steering wheel lock. My hubby drives his SUV in quite often for work. Head in for cars will be safer.

crystal: we are driving in and klitz and si en are coming with us. hehe. she is not driving in.. ya.. wana go eat the assam laksa from old town there..

Eon: 11ish too early.. hub still working.. U and kltiz carry on ba.. Thanks for jioing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, u know gui gui? realized its our common friend.. She is my secondary sch friend leh...

Re: Old town

I heard malaysia old town is better than SG! assam laksa... wow.. yum yum!!

Checking! On leave today to look after Leah coz MIL needs to go for doc's appt. The little one refuses to nap...!!! Been working late til 2-3am for the past two nights, rushing work for office. Blur me though I'm going back to office today, I even promised boss that I pass him the printouts today! Hiyo... sigh.. damn blur la. Need to get some personal work done, I need good vibes!! Leah, please nap for a while, so Mommy can get some work done.

Re: Taiwan travelling

Any recommendation on the hotel? I need hotel that can provide baby cot. =)) To think about the amount of stuff to pack for Leah, headache liao...

Leah is crying! brb

Bo gay princesses

I think my girl might be graduating from the Bo gay club soon. Felt something at her lower gum. Er.... Teething is before teeth erupt or erupting? So have to wait to the whole tooth is out before they will feel ok? Usually take how long ah?

By the way, experienced mommies can advise, are teething babies more wakeful? Will they lose appetite or weight? She like very awake, very vocal (not exactly crying) and keep putting things in mouth. Anyway, she didn't seem to rest well during her night sleep.

crystal: haha.. we have our sotong times.. no worries. at least for me.. sotongness is very frequent.. lol

leelee: ok, we will arrange next round ^_^

yes, i got to know gui gui when she was temping at my ex-company... nice gal. i went to her wedding too! did you?

ribena: aiyoyo.. you are working real hard. take care ya

Hi, i have the following to give away but collection at pioneer mrt. pls pm me

1. S26 Promil Gold 2 400g exp 19 Jan 2012

2. Nan Pro 2 400g exp 30 apr 2012

3. Mamil Gold 2 400g exp 17 Aug 2012 & 3 Jun 2012

Haiz.. that silly girl knocked her face against a toy in her playpen... red patch on her cheek. Pat her abit, sing her London Bridge and Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin, she knocked out! Hopefully she naps until her next feed. Nowadays her combined nap time is less than an hour daily! So little.

Eon, august is going to be worse... hopefully I don't have to bring work home again.. don't want to make it a habit.

Stefie: Hehhe.. We usually use tissue paper to wipe the poo first. then last few wipes use wetwipes. Then we still wash his buttocks.

But for IFC need to find cheaper solution coz they use alot. I just hope his sensitive skin can take it.

Eon: which jusco is that? Nearer to 2nd link? We will be going to JB on Sunday coz Sat got church wedding to attend. But planning to go the nearest Giant fr Woodlands. But now i'm also thinking of going Jusco to buy pyjamas for my boy. He is outgrowing alot of his. Or go Carrefour. Need to stock on his milk and diapers.

By the way mummies, can I ask if church wedding usually have to give angpow and what's the mkt rate? I got my niece's church wedding to attend, there's a luncheon at the church. The bride side dinner only in Sep. So have to give 2x?

ribena: oh, sianz right? hope you dont have to bring work home. not healthy to let work eat into your family time.

lena: thanks for informing wor.

jul: haha, our way of wiping poo is tissue, soak cotton wool then wet wipe.. else will be straight away wash with water after getting the first layer off with tissue/wipes.

eh, its bukit indah jusco from 2nd link.

usually if there is going to be a formal dinner, the rom or church wedding will be just gift and not ang pao. but of course there are people who gives ang pao too.


eon: okies, lets arrange again ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]i see... I didnt go to gui's wedding.. didnt realized she is pregger till like recently.. she so secretly..

jul: why dont straightaway use water to wash instead of using tissue? i'm just suggesting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

