(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

hi mummies!

it was a fun gathering at muddypaw's house, nice to meet some new faces too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks muddypaws for your hospitality! and thanks for letting gwen try the rocker. now have to go get one liao! lol!

mummies, not sure if any of u using the following pigeon items:

- Pigeon Baby Lotion (Water, for day), 120ml - 1 x Brand New, 1 x Used once

- Pigeon Baby Lotion (Milk, for night), 120ml - 1 x Used once

- Pigeon Baby Cream, 50g - 2 x Brand New

bought them at the pigeon baby talk last year but am using J&J for gwen. my mum says Pigeon not suitable so am willing to sell off cheap. $10 for everything. let me know if interested. thanks!

milo, yes for ethan by the time he cried for 1.5 hours its his next feed timing liao ahhah so i pick him up and fed him and then he zzzzz immediately. i try to put ethan down to sleep at 8 every nite now more or less i noe the timing he will sleep. so far for yest and today we put him down at like 750-755 and he will sleep by 815-820. its usually about an hour - 1.5 hours from his last feed of the day then the subsequent ones will be nite feeds already. usually after his last feed, he will zzzz for 4-4.5 hours before he wakes up again.

Hi mummies, guess all of you must have a great gathering earlier, a pity I could not join in, think it would really be helpful to talk to fellow mummies to share our pains (husbands who think taking care of bb is easy) and joys.

Cherrry, initially I always wanted to be SAHM, but hubby objected cos of the high living costs so it was just a thought. But now I am not so sure if I will really enjoy it. But you jia you, it's always better to be able to care for your precious yourself.

Dbaby, I also pei fu you, can take care of 2 kids by yourself.

Re -putting baby sleeping on tummy, Darius sleeps better this way so usually afternoon I will let him sleep this way but will always pop in to check after 10-15 mins or so. Was also suprised to read the report that the nanny left the bb in that position for a few hours!

Debbie, regarding the lump on the butt, initially I also did not know it was the BCG mark and thought it was a rash and applied nappy rash cream!

Anyway I lost it earlier, really very tired this morning already and afternoon bought bb to PD with hubby. BB has this oral thrush so need to apply gel, when we came back at 6 ish, I told hubby I need to pump and bath so ask him to look after bb, happen that it would be bb's feeding time soon so ask him to feed. When I finish bathing, remembered that got to apply the gel for bb after feed so went out (still with towel on my head, hair haven dried yet) to tell him must apply the gel and he replied 'No, you do it'. It's like he did the feeding for me already very wei-da. I was very mad but could not lose temper in front of bb. Went back to my room's toilet, couldn't control and screamed. Think it was a accumulation of feelings. Just cannot tahan lor. Dunno is it I am demanding too much from him?

Hi mummies, i used to have too much ebm and nowhere to keep. then i bought a upright freezer, about waist height, to store just ebm. Now i stopped feeding, and the fridge is not in use, just wondering if anyone will like to buy the fridge.

Hi mummies,

it was nice meeting up. The babies were all so cute.

Hi mangogal,

thanks for showing me how to use thebaby carrier.

Hi muddypaws,

thanks for opening up ur place for the gathering.

Crystal, thks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am trying to understand Ash pattern and guess we are almost there too. She like die die have to drink milk before slping so if she happen to feed at 5+, by 7+ before she slp will need another feed again.

Tonight we left her to cry and she stop after 15 mins... Half an hour later she started wailing again! Haha think she very long winded sia.

Will continue to try again. Let jiayou together!

Sharon, dun get upset cos can understand how tiring all this can be. I agree that working can help to keep our sanity better at least for me... Take heart cos baby know it's always the mummy being there for them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon., u are not alone I also lose temper at hubby despite him being quite hands on. It's very stressful to us too to be a full time care giver to a bb. If u have someone whocan look after for u for an hour or so aday u take a break? Or bring darius out for a walk. It work wonders. That's y I never consider being a SAHM. I tink I will lose my sanity.

Milo, Jia yew Jia yew we can do it yah. Hahah. O that long interval and then cry again Ethan also did hat once hahha. Our theory is he doze off and then suddenly remember he was wailing so he wail again hahah. But it stop quite quickly right?

Sharon, poor girl. Men are like that sometimes and it's normal to lose out cool on them. Like just only, hubby come home lie in bed watch tv and I was so tired feeding baby and now pumping. My mood very rotten that the way I talk to him not very nice la but can't help it. I don't have a helpful hubby too la but maybe you keep positive? My hubby may not be hands on but at least he work hard to earn $ for me and baby. Jiemeis are here for you. Maybe get someone to help you during the day sometimes? Your mum? Anything don't keep it to yourself.

Sharon: Most guys are like that. Mine also only help carry awhile its like wow already, when we are slogging off rest of the time.

Baby was wailing today and hubby was angry with me today over some stuff I overlooked, so he shouted at baby. I think he scare her as she don't dare to cry. Actually very heart pain. My baby is 2 months old but she rarely smiles. Not sure is it she's not happy?

aiko, when should baby start smiling at people ah? My baby only smiles in his sleep and seldom smile at people.. Sometimes got smile at people only

Aiko /Debbie, Ethan was able to smile to us and even laugh with us when he pass his first month. Maybe u try to engage bb in the mooring when they wake up? I find Ethan happiest when he wakes will gurgle And laugh and smile the moment he open eyes. Or maybe u ty to tAlk to bb? My mum will tell Ethan when he wakes up must be happy cannot b grumpy or cry so whenever he wakes up from nap or watever we will keep tellin him this and now he never wakes up crying or unhappy. The most he will ek ek ek when he wakes and smile broadly when we go near. Bbs understand talk to them I tink they can respond.

Hello mommies

Saw the gathering photos on bubbly's fb. So many cute babies n pretty mommies! I could only match a couple of nicks to some faces though, dunno who is who... Hope to join in the next gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby sleeping

How many hrs are ur babies sleeping a day? I rmbr my #1 slept alot last time... Like 18hrs a day n I read b4 that babies need a certain hrs of sleep to grow n develop well... My #2 sleeps only abt 12hrs a day (incl daytime naps n night sleep) nia n I think its not enough...

yurieve: join in the next time! My bb also dun sleep much, on most days, he is practically awake the whole of daytime.. But at least better than nite time.. Tat's y i'm looking for suitable toys so he'll not just stares.. He'll fall asleep only when i need to bring him out.. Duhz!

Bubbly, isn't it very tiring for u to have to entertain bb whole day then if he's awake? Try holding a mirror in front of bb he can entertain himself with his reflection hhah. I'm lazy I do that.

Yurieve,, Ethan sleeps bot 19-20 hours a day. Day time after milk he will sleep for at least 1.5-2.5 hours ave then he wakes for milk.


it was nice meeting up with some mummies. The babies were all so cute. and have a great chat with mummies which i enjoy much

Thanks for mummies that bring the milkbag n bottle for me

Thanks to muddypaws for opening up your place for the gathering.

sleeping hour

my bb sleeps about 12 hours a day only.. the fastest way to make my bb sleep is sling him and bring him out .. night time i try to make a routine whereby bath, drink milk, latch then sleep .. this way can last him about 5 hours til the next mid night feed ..

dewdew, i saw gwen's pic in liz's rocker. is the rocker very big? or is it just the angle the photo was taken?

bribena, i saw the swaddle your bb is in, where did u buy it from?

crystal, the rocker is the normal size (i think!)... maybe just that gwen is small, and the angel wasn't right. but it was really good with the vibration mode, i think. gwen was sitting in it for a while, wondering if she likes it, then she gave 2 smiles to the surrounding mummies waiting for her verdict. it was so funny, lol!

crsytal: u can buy the swaddle from mothercare , it cost $29.50, i have three ..but i saw it in one of the shop in west coast plaza, cant remember the name, cost only $16 .. not sure the quality though

crystal: tired ah... But i tell myself i entertain for another month only.. I tried giving him those toys hung on the mini gym but he wasn't interested.. He's more interested in moving his feet n arms vigorously, staring into corners or spaces that i din even know exist.. N lastly cry out when he is really bored.. Or sometimes just nd to be carried.. I'm going to remove the mirror n give it another try... We r going to tpy kiddy palace to get some toys that he reacts to, if he is awake :p

bubbly, haha sometimes in the day my son also like yours.. Will be active and kick legs move arms so happily, trying to turn himself to one side, look at dunno what corner of the room also. And after a while, he'll get bored and cry, then the pacifier comes in. Normally babies will fall asleep straight away after feeding right? My boy does not fall asleep right away after feeding during the day.. He'll get bored playing with himself and need pacifier to suck for 30mins then can sleep lol

yurieve, my boy sleeps about 15-17 hours a day? Not really a lot also. Wished he slept more though. he sleeps more at night (hope this continues) but in the day he very easily wake up by sudden noises. I don't think there's much i can do also..

i envy mummies tat hv bb who can sleep easily .. mine hv to rock n walk n hum n pat then can sleep in the day .. at night, must be lights off, quiet, pat n latch then can sleep tightly .. mine is a super light sleeper, a bit noise sure wake up then wail

i dont know why mine dont really play by himself .. he always search for someone to talk with him .. sigh

Dewdew, gwen is so cute hahha. Thanks for the update I will probably go and look for this rocker so I can bring over to ethan's nanny's place next month. Seems like the vibrating is useful huh no need to rock and rock hahah.

Bubbly, u can look for this brand Lamaze cube it comes with an attached 'mirror' in the cube. I have one And it's quite useful hahah.

Milo, thanks, so when are u going back to work?

Crystal, so far I have not brought Darius out myself yet. Think will do it when he is bigger.

Debbie, so you have to do everything yourself ? Talking about earning money , we mummies are also working mums and for my case it's 50-50 contribution for everything so if I think that way, I lagi bu ping heng. ;) looking at the positive side, he helps to wash bb's clothes, empty dustbin and prepare the FM portion for the nite feeds, but I 'll still insist that he do at least 1 feed to bond with the baby cos the current things he is doing will be done by the helper when she is here.

Aiko, my hubby also sometimes cannot stand bb crying and will shout at him, I also very upset with him over this. He is only a baby, what good will shouting do right? My baby does smile but is always frowning though, very worrisome baby, also hope that he can be a happy baby.

Bubbly, Darius also like to move his hands and legs vigourously and stare into corners. But at least when staring, he stops crying, otherwise will have to carry him to stop the crying.

debbie/sharon: hahaha... Looks like our bbs help to remind us of the corners we take for granted.. Initially when i hold him in bed, resting, he would stare behind me which is wallpapered, my hair stood coz i imagined dirty things.. He stared then eyes opened wide n cried! Hubby says my conscience not clear imagine bad things... :p

Amelia: on the other side, many would have envied u, can prop the bottle in ur carrier n in bed like tat.. :-D

Crystal: thks for the mirror info.. I'll test water first..

Re: sitting in pram

So far, zaizai can only stay in pram when he is asleep, once he is awake, he'll start crying :-( i tried to ignore him but his cries got volume! Started with very soft, soft, loud, very loud then very very loud! Aiya.. Could we have wasted money investing in stroller? Luckily cost us only 200+.. sigh.. Any mummy have experience their bb like stroller thenafter?

Oh dewdew, you can buy this from OG People's park. So Gwen will be more comfortable. I used this for Alexis Rocker, Pram and carseat.


It is from Summer, Snuzzler.

Moonsky, you are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, yes rocker is good, Alexis also likes it alot. The vibrator mode helps to calm her down some time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also don't know how to play with Alexis, my mom is good at it. Especially those hokkien lullaby and Alexis will talk to her also. So cute right.

Bubbly, I also counting down to go back to work, but I will take my 16 weeks ML, no point taking it later, as my co-worker don't like it. Now i look like huang lian po liao.

Bubbly, sharon, babies look into space is resting and trying to register what they see. They are learning. No worries about "dirty things" lah. Babies are angels leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amelia thanks for the info on the wrap. I went to change choon earlier they sell something similar but the Auntie told me it's too small for Ethan. I manage to buy the cloth which is used to make wraps from Chinatown guess will need to diy a bigger one for Ethan.

Bubbly, maybe zai zai is not used to the stroller yet? Keep tying lo dun give up. I also not giving up on my slings somemore I have 2 hahah. I hope Ethan will like it one day and I can sling him and go out hee.

Diversion from bb topics, just went to fragrance factory outlet bak kwa selling at 42 per kg. Not as crowded as I thot. Ethan survived the trip out hahha we went down the whole stretch of factories there got good buys of scallops, crab meat, sea cucumber, all the ball balls like sotong balls, fish balls etc.

Bubbly Ilaughed out loud when I was reading ur post on taking he corners of our house for granted hahahha. But ya it's true hor hahah never pay attention to those corners hahha. At least our bb look at them arh no waste hahah.

Bubbly, haha my boy also stare at my ceiling like looking at things when there's nothing there!! And I got a bit scared too wondering if got dirty things or not also hahaha. I think too much

Sharon, ya I do almost everything myself except housework cos got maid. Sometimes I do get my hubby to feed baby but sometimes i'd rather do it myself cos that time dunno why when my hubby burp baby at night, my baby don't want sleep and I spent an hour coaxing him to sleep. So now, what I make him do is just stuff the pacifier into my baby's mouth when I'm pumping or when I'm too tired to get up from bed in the middle of the night. Hee.

Sharon, me going back work on reunion dinner tat day. Didnt know time passed by so fast!

Bubbly, Ash also like tat! Cry when in the stroller! Would have left her there to cry if not for the crowd staring at us! Haha she cry while in the car seat too but we let her be and she more or less gotten used to it liao.

Crystal, tat is wat i told hubby also... must be fell asleep while crying, wake up remember and buay song so cry again!


Ya, sometimes my boy also stare into black space on tt big, white corner for no apparent reason.. Like Debbie, i also scare like gt 'dirty' or nt.. Think we think too much liao..


I also go to Woodlands loop yearly on weekday afternoons to buy CNY stuff too... Tis yr i didnt go cos gt 2 kiddos.. Gt my aunt to get some 'nian huo' for me nia...


Me also almost everything myself. Bath, feed etc.. If BB poo, i will haf to do myself better cos HB need an extra pair of hands to help hold BB legs or wat.. But if HB sleep later & BB wakes up to drink, likely can help for tt feed to chg diaper then feed(provided he nt stayin up to rush work).. Aiya, men are generally the same.. Women gt the motherly instinct..


Thanks too... For buyin over the btl.. Hope u like it.. I'm gonna try the sling with my boy once i gt free time & he good mood

Me had a fun time alone with 2 kids & HB. Grandma went out so sort of do everythin ourselves. In general, HB very hands on today.. My insurance agent came over & do up my boy's plan & had a discussion on another policy for me & HB... Wow, gonna burn a big portion of $$ monthly.. Stress ah!!


JTA.. I am sort of providing dinner svc to a family of 3(a 3yr old tod+2 adults). 20 days, dinner of 2 dishes + 1 soup/3 dishes daily. Soup on tues & thurs. They will provide own containers & pick up themselves. Ermm, considering i'm cooking MSG-Free & with Olive Oil, is $350 reasonable?

crystal, I bought the swaddle from mothercare. =)

Sharon, men are the same… they didn't go thru the pregnancy part themselves hence they are less committed than mommies. Tell him how you feel, have a small talk. It's not good for you accumulate the feeling day after day…

Mommies, does your baby dream a lot? Mine do… she chuckles, she cries… sometimes she wails! Very loudly and sudden. Just this evening, she laughs out loud, makes baby sounds, like talking to someone… is this normal? She really dreams a lot….

Bribena, my baby dreams a lot too! Or at least it's me thinking that he is dreaming. Sometimes when I burp him and he falls asleep while burping he will dream and have this tiny weeping sound like having nightmare. Haha. And many times he smile while sleeping. Sometimes scream or chuckle. So amusing.

debbie, very fun to watch! I wonder what do they dream of. Esp they hardly know stuff... What could make they laugh, cry, smile...

Any of u exp hair loss? I m losing hair!!! Now everywhere i go, i leave hair behind... Hair on shoulders, on floor, on couch, on Leah...!!!!! Wat shld i do?

Anyone can reco a pd at amk? Would like to see if the charges are cheaper then my place. Seems like Tiong bahru PDs are chop carrot kind.

So angry with my fren's school principle. She took Child care leAve fo her son's first day of school and then the son fell sick on he second day so my fren took another 2 more child care leave to look after her son. Her principle instead of telling her direct got another hod to tell her take child care leave must plan on days when she onli have a few lessons in the morning and then she can go on child care leave in the afternoon. It's like hulloooo her son is sick she tink she bring him go and play or wat. The thing is the P know that her son was sick. So one kind. The P is female and she also has children sigh.

hi crystal,

it's like that. in the teaching line, it's very difficult to take ccl. they either have to employ relief teacher or to get other teachers to relieve which can be pretty troublesome. some will ask u whether ur parents or hb can bring ur child to see doc and take care of him.

hi debbie and bbribena,

my gal dreams a lot too. sometimes smile and chuckle while she's sleeping. there's also one or twice when she screamed in her sleep. but in general, they are very cute to watch. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi bubbly,

my gal also likes to look at the ceiling especially at the lights. just realised that she likes to 'watch' tv too. sometimes, when i'm feeding her or when she's in the bouncer, will find that she will turn her head to face the tv. haha... have to quickly turn the bouncer to the other side.

Fussing and crying while drinking milk,

Any babies have this too? I noticed these couple of days its a struggle feeding my gal. She'll keep turning her head away fr the bottle, or cry when she sucks even though she's hungry. I tot it was air so keeo trying to burp her but no use.. Getting worried, dunno if shld bring to pd. Any bbs like this?

Oshgosh: quite a few mummies experience this fussing when drinking milk. It's as if she dont realized the bottle is there. Can suck halfway and scream or keep shaking head. Not sure why.

Any mummies heard that trimming babies eyelashes will cause it to grow longer and curl? My girl lashes are straight so tempted to try but don't dare. Think she will have to rely on eyelash curler next time!

Aiko > I heard my MIL said that too .... trim abit of their eyelashes and it will grow out longer and nicer!

But but ... i never tried, LOL.

Aiko, i dare not try cutting lashes. Not skillful enough heh..

oshgosh, hmm my baby does struggle and keep shaking his head while drinking milk whenever he's trying to poopoo during feeding time. Then after poo finish in the middle of feed finish already, he will normally be ok and continue to drink milk liao. maybe your baby is feeling uncomfortable like trying to poo or maybe there's wind in stomach so struggle a bit during feeding? Does your baby drink finish the milk before 30mins? last time my baby took 45mins to an hour to finish his milk and we realised it's the problem with the teats. Avent teats not suitable for my boy cos too hard. So we changed to NUK latex teats and he finish his milk in 5-10 mins also can!

Crystal, my fren recommend the pd at Sbcc amk. U can try there the waiting time is quite long though.

So sad I had to give the gathering a miss. Hubby was sick so gotta stay home and take care of him. Wanted to go and learn how to use the sling from u all.

klitz: i was wondering whr were u... Next gathering :)

Re: newborn lethargic

I was just saying zaizai stays awake most daytime, today, he slept almost the whole day. Refused to take bottle nor latch.. Keep crying n wanna be carried.. See him so lethargic.. Sometimes we managed to force him to take some milk, but from total feeding of 140ml per feed, we managed like 160ml from 12pm till now.. God.. N we just got to know helper is having flu :-( i'm catching some of the virus, wonder if zaizai is lethargic bec of that? Nd to really monitor.. Any mommy experienced before?


bubbly: I'm starting to come down with a flu as well. Been sneezing n sniffing all day... Taking some meds now to try to control it. Sigh ...

