(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

dec mum, u must train your girl to be less sticky so anyone carry also can. else you'll get very tired. try letting others carry, like your hb, your parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, etc. if u haven't been doing that, try hb first. let him carry until she starts fussing, then perhaps can try to soothe her while he's carrying her? talk to her and let her get used to it.

i let my girl latch at night, so i dun have to get up and make fm. usually the last feed before bed is fm so she can sleep for longer. then it'll be bm all the way until about 7am.


DBaby: enjoyed ur bbt? Hehehe.. C ya tmr..

Dew: while decent hotel in batAm could be quite clean, the ferries not really.. Sometimes thr r bed bugs.. But depends on carrier also, some ferries r better than the others.. Wat will u be doing thr? Seafood n massage? Thks for sharing abt the cda thing..

Debbie: we put pureen rash cream each time change diaper (very kiasu, actually not needed) also apply some on groin area but we wipe away each time if it's ard when we change diaper the next time.. Why u put calendula cream thr?

Cherrry: really shld tell ur hb he's lucky u willing to stay home.. Hehehe...

Dew, i apply bb's passport manually. Just collect it today. E lady told me if immigrant officer ask to change passport photo. We'll hv to redo bb's passport again.


Tml then discuss... Haha.. Its a tough job 24/7 so HB haf to treat us better..

Moon sky

Its done by the PD, nt clinic assistant..


Yup enjoyed... But too fast finished le...

Noticed that Liz has a lot of yellow discharge from her right eye. It's caking up her lids. Eye is not red, and I've just cleaned the eye with damp cotton ball. Hopefully it clears. Suspect some shampoo water got into her eye during her bath in the afternoon.

Liz never fails to amuse. She refused to sleep all day even though she was yawning away. I played the Baby Einstein DVD and within 5mins, she dozed off. Haha..... the ABCs must be soooooo boring.

RE: Diaper survey

Huggies, S.

debbie, wow u pump 45mins! i pump only 10mins both :p

dewdew, i apply formy girl's passport at ICA itself, coz that time 5day old, difficult to take her pic with eyes open, so prefer to go down to take the pic itself in case get rejected [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think 4mth old baby easier to bring out than bigger babies..

like u said they will be carried haha maybe just control the food she takes ba, maybe water there not too clean only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jcbb-I'm using kidslink at choa chu kang,the pd is dr ng.he's a v patient n nice pd,been using him for #1 n will use him for #2 as well.

Debbie-I do nt apply any cream either bt the inner fold will also have some whitish stuff which I clean off after every shower.. Regarding nuk teat,I used it before n I think it's nt supposed to b sterilized.I did tat for my #1 n the teat was softened n the latex smells funny...

Tenq-I hav given frozen ebm to bb n she is ok wf it. Maybe you can try again since each pack might taste abit different due to different diet?

Mummies, Im afraid I can join tml gathering coz down with flu now, don't wanna pass the virus to all the precious babies n mummies there... Enjoy yourselves ya.. Join u all for the next..

My girl has been crying and fussing whole day, luckily my mum is here to help me take care od her.. She doesn't wanna be put down on her bed to sleep, wants to be carried.. It's terrible!!

Debbie: I put desitin at every diaper change on her groin and backside and I also notice there is whitish stuff which I clean using wet cotton balls during her bath and wipe down everyday. It's ok..

Re diaper - using mammy poko S size now..

Re slimming - I'm on a TRA program now as im no longer breastfeeding.. Been on it 3 weeks already and indeed am seeing results.. Hips have gone down 1 inch, waist 2 inches at last weeks review!!

dewdew: thanks for clarifying appreciate[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think i would go to polyclinic since it is nearby my place and the PDs charges like almost double, unless i can find a PD charges ard the same... have to save $$

debbie: was told not to use any powder on baby. i use the pureen cream on the folds of his thighs and of cos the bum bum area, to protect. everytime i change diapers or shower will use cotton with water to wipe the cream off. i heard baby balm from avent is not bad, my sis is using it on her baby.

dec mum: breast fed baby more sticky one. i let nanny carry or mil carry then i dun latch all day

i pump and feed sometimes. hope that helps but my boi also cranky at times refuse to sleep keke

muddypaws: use boiled water and facial cotton and swipe the eyelid. should be good[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

god's child: thanks for intro you PD, my gynae woody was at cck, so it ard there huh?

hi mummies going for gathering tom, let me know if u wanna buy my nursing boncho, never been used.. selling at $25. Bought at $35. I can bring tom if keen..

See ya tom!

Muddypaws, thanks for helping to order the pizza.. Do u need me to buy drinks?

oshgosh, can u pls bring your nursing boncho tmrw? i'd like to see it, maybe will need it if i really bring baby to batam. thanks!

tratties, take care & get well soon! what is TRA program?

see you all tmrw!

Dewdew / dec mum,

TRA stands for "the right approach", it's a 3 months slimming program which has some multivits, fat burners, curb craving and 1 replacement meal per day. It's HSA approved so I dare to try and I need to lose weight before I start looking for a job..

Bubbly, I put california calendula cream there cos that cream can be applied on any part of baby to prevent rash but destin only can put on bum. Actually I dunno whether can la but I also dunno what cream to put there. It's a bit red I dunno issit cos I never clean dry properly or something.

Jc bb, thanks I think I may try baby balm by avent.

Muddypaws, could be eye infection. See polyclinic or GP or PD for some eye drops? My nephew had yellow discharge from the eyes and it was infection.

Cindy, wah you pump for 10mins can have good supply and empty breasts ah? So good!

Tratties, oh I put Destin on groin before too but found it difficult to clean away leh.

god's child, if they are not supposed to be sterilized then won't it be so not suitable for baby? I just bought new set of teats. Maybe using warm water to 'sterilize'. My current teats like gonna spoil soon cos I sterilize.

Mummies need your help

I am having blocked ducts this morning. Left breast can only pump less than half of the right. Wat should I do? Massage issit? Need to see lactation consultant? Arrgh

Jcbb-my gynae also woody [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the pd is at the bldg beside lot 1 on level 4.

Debbie- I used warm water to rinse only but felt it was difficult to maintain thus changed back to silicone teat.and also,the bb California cream is ok to apply anywhere,I use it on my bb,s inner folds n face as well.. As for powder on body,I use kodomo liquid powder...

Evie-if it's still minor,quickly use hot towel n keep on massaging... If u can't clear it,can get massage lady to do it. I gt my massage lady to come n clear my blocked ducts recently,at least they can go gentle n slow..I heard some lc can b very rough.. I dare nt try...

god's child

Just massage as much as possible between the usual 3 hrly pumping sessions issit? Or need to now massage and pump as much as possible during the day and increase frequency of pumping?

Can i have your massage lady contact? Also how long did it take for the blocked ducts to clear? Thanks so much.

Evie, I called parentcraft b4... they say blocked ducts must get bb to latch on that breast to clear it... I tried for 1 day and it cleared. Before bb latch I massage and apply warm towel on the affected area.

Re: Sleeping on tummy

Read today's newspapers? A bb died while sleeping in this position. I have been guilty of putting her in this sleeping position when she has wind problems coz she really sleeps better this way. But only day time. Scary leh... think I don't dare to do it anymore.

The report also says don't use pillow. Any of u using pillow? I haven't been and bb's head like very long (flat on both sides). Wanted to get a pillow with a hole in the centre... but now also don't dare to buy.

Hi mummies!

i have 2 packs of unopened drypers S size(64)+ 40 loose pieces. (kept in drawer in pet free and smoke free environment) as my baby has outgrown the size.

Selling off at $30 for all.If u stay around Sengkang/Buangkok,I can help drop it off ur place as i noe it may be heavy to carry.Do pm me if keen!


Evie-if ur bb can latch ,it will b best like wat tenq said..mine doesn't wana latch thus I had to keep doing hot towel massage n pump.can do it in the shower also,I had the showerhead splashing on the blcoked area while I keep massaging..feels more comfy tat way. It can take a day or two to clear..so long as the pain reduces,it shld b gettin better each time..

TenQ: we bought a dimple pillow for him.. pillow can la.. but if want to play safe, use cloth diapers still safer.. don't worry too much..

tenq, yep my mum told me about the report. it was a nanny right? if placing bb to sleep on his/her tummy, must always check on bb. cannot just leave bb for 3 or 4 hours unsupervised, that is crazy. i always pop in to check every 10 - 15 mins, and keep an ear out for movements. most of the time i'm in the room when she's placed like that. so just need to be careful. right now our bbs cannot turn and flip yet - when they can, it'll be even more dangerous!

pillow use might lead to SID also. that's why i dun place mine on pillow but my MIL and hb both say must use. the reason for the flat head is because bb laid too long on that side. must help bb turn the head to the other side. sometimes bb favours one side so will keep lying or turning to that side, so you'll hv to monitor and assist when necessary.

evie, how about using your breast pump to help with the engorgement?

hi mummies,

guess most shld be getting ready to go to muddypaws' place. too far for me so i wont be joining.. those going do enjoy.

jcbb, i asked at 2 pds at tiong bahru and both charge around the same pricing i tink our pds here are super ex.. its crazy. i've made appmt to bring ethan for his jab at poly. his is 5 in 1 cos i brought him for his second hep b jab already. if u bringing to poly u have to make appmt i tried to walk in to clementi one they reject me.

diaper survey

ntuc M size in day (not very good but it was super cheap so bought to try) will be chanign after he finishes

(i read someone using pureen brand is it good?)

mamypoko/pampers M size at nite


ethan been sleeping on pillow since birth but its made by my mom so its modified along the way and anyways he doesnt sleep on tummy so maybe it suits him

update on CIO method aka ferber method

i tried it on ethan on tue, he wailed for 1.5 hours till his next feed. i was silly i used a word that he doesnt understand so he couldnt link that i wanted him to sleep.

wed nite, did it again, this time i used his sleeping word which is or or or and i turn on music for him, wailed for 50 mins with longer quiet intervals in btween these 50 mins of wailing

last nite, he wailed for 10 mins and he slept.

i followed a routine which is to wipe him down, change him soothe him, close windows and doors, turn on night light, turn on bb music and put him into his cot and tell him that its sleeping time, time to or or, mummy loves him, daddy loves him everyone loves him and then leave the room.

having said all these i am not advocating that it will work for everyone and i noe that some mommies feel that its not a right approach, this is just my experience to share. so at least can ahve some ME time when he sleeps.

mummies that bought the tiger rompers series from mothercare previously, u might wan to take out the rompers and compare cos even tho they are all under the same sizing, the cutting is somehow different. the solid color ones are smaller in size compared to the white with print ones. something to take note of if not u may end up with some pieces that ur bb cant wear.


i gt a friend doing TRA program aso...wanted to try but i saw sm of e product is pills which i hv difficulty swallow so hvnt start...care to share wat did u eat for tis program? n much?

Debbie, I sterilise the NUK teats after every use n yes, they change colour n become "soft" v fast. So I change the teats very often, like every 2wks or so. I've been using NUK latex teats since my #1 time n I'm v happy wz it, just that have to change frequently.

moon sky, the jabs at kid's clinic is done by PD.

tratties, did u get the TRA program diet from SMH too? I saw 1 BP having something like this but I'm skeptical... How much weight hv u lost so far??

Evie, I woke up in the middle of the night wz a v painful lump n I used all my strength n massaged it real hard. VERY pain but I 'ren'... Managed to clear it after the painful massage n pumping for more than half an hr.

crystal, I'm soooooo tempted to let my boy CIO too! but his voice sounds hoarse leh... so I'm still holding back... I'll definitely use the CIO method but will wait till at least his voice gets better.

Sleeping on tummy

Saw the news too... http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_626614.html

My baby also sleeps on tummy during the day but I'll check on him every 15mins or so too. Must be really vigilant n careful if we let baby sleep on tummy.

Thanks, Dbaby, got Dr. Tan on 25 Jan as she is the only doc available on that day :)

Btw... why the clinic assistant asked whether I am sure to give baby injection near the CNY? Why not after CNY? I forgot to ask why... now think about it, wondering why the remarks. Anybody can enlighten me?

yurieve, yes yes wait for ur boy's voice to be better but u have to be determined.. its very tough on the first and 2nd day.. but the results are very promising.

moon sky, i tink the assistant is asking cos in case ur bb gets fever and he/she will be cranky and CNY is near so might be tougher for u esp if u bringing bb out.

hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

enjoy the gathering at muddypaw's house [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

debbie, my baby feed on demand, and her drinking very little, so i dun think the supply is good la haha plus i pump maximum twice a day only..

i'm lazy to wash and sterilize :p

crystal, wa yr ethan can understand liao :p

i will try yr method when i'm willing to start the CIO hehe..

my girl still has to be tucked to bed by us and slps on our bed haha!

moon sky, maybe cos some babies will develop fever n some babies will become cranky n restless for few days after jab. 25Jan is near to cny...

crystal, yup I know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I used this method on my #1 n it worked too!

PSH / yurieve: i got the introduction by my friend who has 3 children and saw that it really made her lost quite substantially.. till date, i've only lost 1kg+ for the past 3 weeks but the measurements are dropping faster then the weight anyway i'm told that weight starts to drop more from 2nd month onwards.. so i'm confident to keep it going.. honestly, i only control the oily food intake and taking the pills and meal replacement diligently + applying the firming lotion every morning and night after shower..

TenQ, well I don't put my baby on his tummy alr cos dunno why suddenly he don't like. It helps reduce colic but just need do under close supervision. As for pillow, I have used dimple pillow occassionally but never overnight as my baby always sleep on his right then my MIL scared his face flat at one side. Normally I only use dimple pillow when he is in pram or when I know he burp enough alr and won't choke on milk

Yurieve, I'm very happy with NUK teats cos my baby can feed so fast in it. So means if use sterliser to steam, just change every 2 weeks right?? For your no.1, you used the latex teats for how long?? What teats did you change to after using NUK latex teats? Cos I use because my baby tends to fall asleep if he use avent teat, think suck too hard until tired. Even the NUK silicon teat is quite soft he drink also quite slow for now. Will their sucking skills and power improve as they get older??

moon sky, no prob. u can give baby pao sheng water a day b4 thejab to prevent fever.

debbie, I change the teats every 2wks but maybe u can chng every 2-3wks, depending on ur preference... my #1 used NUK latex teats all the way from birth till abt 1yr old then he weaned himself off bottles. after tat we feed him milk by cup... He had no problem finishing n sucking his milk when he was using NUK. I'm using it for #2 too n it's working well so far

Gods child, Tenq, Yurieve

Thanks for the advice. M now massaging my boobs. Luckily hb on leave as we are despatching full mth cakes, so he can help massage too.

cindy, u can try this when u are ready cos a lot of it hinges on the parents being able to REN the impulse to go in and carry and soothe bb haha... first nite i tried this after he slept i cried cos i felt so guilty and helpless hahah... but i perservere cos i feel that to give up he will have wailed for nothing hahah..


Re: hep b vaccine

I just checked my child's health booklet n realized that he was not given hep b 1st dose at birth. Any mummies have the same situation. Am fretting now cos the 2nd dose is due next week. What should I do?

dewdew/ god's child: thanksfor info. guess kids link quite popular with mummies.

evie_82: maybe try to pump, before that massage your breasts must be dare dare press, even though v v painful, can cry one. if my breasts feel hard like rock then i will pump and pump then should be better. or alternatively can let baby suckle, it can help to clear too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovebyte, if i'm not wrong you gave birth at Mt A too right? they shd hv given the hep b 1st jab for baby. was they instructed not to give? anyway, i believe it's not too severe an implication, so u just tell PD and see how?

lovebyte: can reschedule for 1st jab on the appt date instead? i tot 1st jab is compulsory rite aft birth.. did PD miss to fill in the booklet?

crystal: thanks for sharing.. zaizai has tried the coloured series so far, the white ones thought wait till CNY.. will take out and see the sizes..

lovebyte, u called the PD to check?

crystal, for the CIO method, u mentioned first night trying, ethan cried for 1.5 till his next feed? u pick him up to feed him?

i tried also but only able to do so when ash finished her last feed so that i can confirm that she jus wan us to carry instead of feeling really uncomfy. heartpain to hear them cry but i agree that it is good if all she wan is only to carry to slp.

Moon sky

No prb.. Likely as wat Yurieve says, worried develop fever during CNY.. Cos some BBs will, some dont..


Really enjoy myself during the gathering.. Had a great time chit-chattin with all the mummies.. Hope to haf the nxt one soon..


Mommies I rec' my Avent Manual pump. I tried pumping just now, good man, much better than Medela PISA. My breast feels empty for the 1st time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw just realised that my pump is not BPA free, no wonder so cheap. As long as it works, I just transfer my milk to BPA free bottle then heat up my BM can liao. So happy.

Lovebytes, do you try to call yr Hospital to check. If really miss out then ask yr baby's PD. No worries okay.

dewdew, we enjoyed our stay at Harris. Are you going there, don't forget the massage, very good man[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

