(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hey girls,

I am going for my c section today.. On my way now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] feeling so hungry and thirsty ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So excited.. Finally .. My elder boy insist to come with me and made a big fuss.. So heart pain..


Congrats Shirley!

Esquare and Garfield, Jia You! can carry ur baby in ur arms soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

any1 wants to get:

1)Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage bags (50 bags)

Bought at $32. selling at $28.

2)Avent disposable breast pads (40 pcs)

Bought at $15. Selling at $12.

Both are brand new and sealed.

Thanks. Pls pm me if u r interested.

Bubbly, thanks!! I used hot towel and just ren with the pain during massage. Feels much better. Engorgement will clear after regular pumping and latchig right?

Today is my day 3 just pumped out 100ml of milk from both breasts, is that ok?

Congrats Shirley!!

Esquare! All the best to you! Finally can see your little one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie: tat's good volume for a 3rd day :) continue doing it n take more fluids.. u r thr already... once comfortable you can try to empty your breast so they can increase the 'output' but beware not to suffer from bad engorgement... :) most impt dun give urself too much pressure, it affects production... jiayou! and oh ya, when u latch on 1 side, the other side will start to leak milk as well..

E-Square: jiayou we wait for ur good news...

re:nd to carry to sleep

the 12 days without CL, zaizai fell asleep easily n soundly... ever since CL took over for 2 days, everything is erratic.. now he nds to be carried to sleep! or is it bec he has grown a little? mummies, pls advise?

mommies, thanks so much for the encouragement and all. guess my hub and i gotta engage a maid soon when i return to work. my MIL still need to go back to work, thus no one to look after #2 during the day.


jiayou mommy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you are really one mommy who look so forward to confinement! good for you! do update us your good news.


my boy is seeing dr low, you mean the pd which dr heng assign us right?

re. weight lost

i gained a total of 14kg and have lost 9kg over this 10days or so. the massage really help me as i m not breastfeeding. my appetite drop so much after i stop breastfeeding. hope to put on my jeans by baby shower [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyone knows if we can drink milk? as in chilled milk? dont think can drink right? unless we warm it up.


did you try to swaddle your bb? i think they feel more secure when they are being swaddled. do try though bb will cry for awhile after being swaddled.

re. breastpads

anyone needs breastpads? i need to clear them off my shelf! pm me k? i dont even need them as my breasts are not leaking anymore. price nego k

Andrea: wow... 9kg in 10 days..! practically 1 kg per day.. now i can't wait to start my massage.. hehehe.. dare not try on pre-preg jeans yet, worried disappointed.. maybe after the massages.. hehehe... i still drink milk, but warm it with avent warmer.. hahaha.. used not just to warm for baby but for me as well.. works well.. room temperature, just nice..

Maybe i shld try to swaddle again.. since CL came, we only swaddle him at nite.. thanks for the suggestion..

Oh ya, mummies.. those in my FB, I have sent an invitation to join a Breastfeeding Advocates. This is introduced by my cousin who lives in KL, seems to help many mummies cope with their breastfeeding concerns.. I am not sure if we could benefit, but can use as a reference, no harm..


i think you will lose all your 5kg (just saw in FB) in no time!! when are u starting your massage? eh, good idea to warm up my milk using the warmer! but i m not sure if my current warmer can fit my cup, i have yet to try. thks for the tips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tengq, ya.. If only there's a equipment that can tell us Wat bb Reali wants when they cried.. It wil make all mummies work easier.. Haha.. Sometimes my bb will jus cry n cry n refuse to slp at nite.. So heart pain to c her cry so badly..

Mangogal.. Thanks.. Reali hope can manage cos my bb is those impatient type.. Cannot wait too long once hungry.. U seem so pro n relax to b a mummy.. I'm Feelin stress n tired..

Cindy.. Huh.. I thought u stop givin bf Liao or i mistaken ur msg.. Haha.. I tin ur bb's drinkin normal amount la.. I find mine too much in a way n worried of overfeeding.. Pd says each bb is different in the amount they drank so as long they growin well should b ok..

Btw mummies, my bb's poo is yellow n watery or very soft kind.. Izzit normal for a bb who drinks Enfalac? Her poo is always like that from the start but I thought bb who drinks formula should hav harder stool?

Debbie, I find that the best way to latch on is to lay on one side of the bed, position your baby in front of your breast and latch on immediate. So the position would be right. Change to the other side for the other breast and move your baby to the other breast. This latching on is more relaxing for mommy and baby. If she doze off I can just let her sleep on the bed with me. But do be careful to put pillow on the other end, in case baby would turn and rollover next time.

Congrats shirley[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia you e square, wish u everything soon soon.

Bubbly wow your milk flow is good leh. I am still working on latch on more. No luck in expressing. I will not give up[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My hubby bought some ny cheese cake for me, he tried to cheer me up went all the way to tampines to get for me and went to bedok and get my fav fish soup for me. He is down with flu still help out with night feeds. Really tough for him.

Lena poor mine. Do rest more in the day time. At least yr baby poo, Alexis like 2 days poo once. I think as long as her stomach np bloated and still pee as usual. She is getting Use to bm and fm combi bah. I am also feeding enfalac.

Andrea: thks... initial weight loss is fast, but the end part may be difficult.. yesterday check-up, gynae says my wound has healed, I can start massage.. ML will come starting next week.. can't wait.. :)

Stefie: slowly, your "milk factory" will gear up their production and then you can barely manage the overflow in the freezer.. cheer up k.. :) eh, you have not replied me that day, did you go to Novena Med Ctre on Mon with hb and Alexis?

kiltz and Andrea, so envy you gals!! 9/10kg loss in 10 days!! I lost only 4kg in 4 wks... u all natural birth is it?

bubbly7, where did u buy fenugreek from? GNC?

Debbie, ya! good supply for 3rd day. Think you should continue pumping if u feel that your breasts are hard even after latching. Initially I pumped out a lot too, then took it for granted. Now it seems that my milk supply is dwindling (bb almost full mth now). Can only pump 100ml every 3 hrs. Worried man... bb already drinking 90ml. Dun even know if when she latch can suck as much as the pump a not.

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

andy: i see. so that was how the medical bill escalated. but so long your wifey and gal are safe and sound that is most important.

haha, taking blood from them cost money but its totally free when they take from us.

muddypaws: wow! you are recovering fast leh. good good. did you gynae recommend the type of contraceptive to use since she is asking you to consider?

garfield and esquare: all the best for your csect today. rest well and embark on the road to recovery fast fast. jia you!

shirley: congrats! rest well and embark on the road to recovery fast fast. all the best for your moo moo career.

Sorry bubbly, I like missed alot of posts here, Pai say. It is not me. I went to kids clinic at rivervale mall. Novena too far for me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks now latching Alexis laying on my bed with hubby, 2 tired adults and 1 hyper baby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TenQ fenugreek can get from gnu. The lc suggested 2 pills 3 times per day. Be prepare you will smell like maple syrup[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and have funny dreams.

Hi mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Need help...

How much milk is ur baby taking now?

My baby is 17days old now n i'm giving him 80ml of bm but he seems to cry for milk every 2.5hr, sometimes 2hr! I rmbr my #1 was also drinking abt this amt last time but it can last him for at least 3hrs.

I dun wan to overfeed my baby but seems like 80ml is still not enough for him...

i'm doing exclusive pumping n i'm getting abt 80-100ml total for each pump. I usually pump for abt 20-30mins but i dunno y i can nvr empty my breasts. I can always still see milk squirting out even after 30mins but i'll stop pumping cos my aroela will hurt if i pump for too long. Do u all really pump until breasts feel empty? How long does it take to fully empty ur breasts??

All the best Esquare and Garfield!!

Weight loss,

At my checkup after 1 wk, i lost 6 kg... Since then, its now day 10, i think i may hv lost more cos tummy flatter liao.. Same as my first pregnancy, i lose weight v quickly, even my gynae commented..

I eat 3 meals a day and dun snack cos no time to eat!!

I only pump out abt 120ml of milk each time and i pump the most 3 times a day... A bit lazy to pump more and the pump i'm borrowing from my friend, medela mini electric, hurts my nipples when i pump, unlike my lousy spoilt Swing.

Mummies struggling or feeling depressed during their confinement,

Do hang in there... Its normal for us to feel hormonal and emotional esp w the lack of sleep.

Jus to share, i too had a difficult time during my confinement for my first... Had to cope w pain fr engorgement, then mastitis, difficult CL, in laws tt kept coming over to carry bb, feeling possessive over my bb, etc...

And cos i hated the food and the rules of confinement, i got v depressed and cried easily.

This time round its so different for me... Maybe cos i'm second time mummy now so not so kan chiong and more relax..

I didnt hire a Cl cos i know i wont follow the rules... So i've been feeling pretty good, regardless of the sleep deprivation. I bathe everyday, wash hair every other days.. Eat wat i want, but still drink bu soups, even go out to my in laws house to eat and plan to go out eat buffet tom even though its only day 11, bring out my 2 kids for walks downstairs...

Basically i'm just doing wat makes me happy and not making myself miserable cos of confinement... I guess confinement is not for everyone.. So FTM not happy w Cl, u might want to consider not hiring one next time round.

Eon eon,

Hope to hear good news fr u soon! Ur little one shld be out within these 2 days..


I think u can slowly try to increase the milk amt and see if ur bb finishes it... Dun hv to restrict to certain amt for fear of over feeding cos i believe bb will stop drinking if they are full.

My bb can only take 60 ml max at one short, may be stomach capacity small.. But she can ask for milk again in 1 hr if she's hungry.. Then i will make 20ml each time if i'm giving ebm...

My breasts seem to empty v quickly, dunno is it cos i got v little supply.. In 10 mins, i dun see anymore squirts liao and total amt abt 120 only... I stop after 10 mins cos this pump i'm using not v good...wish i can borrow someone's Pis or freestyle, hears those are good. I'm not ready to buy yet cos dunno how long i intend to bf.

hi mummies!

congrats to e-square & welcome baby emmanuel! i saw on FB she has popped. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all the best to garfield!

weight loss:

envy all those who lost most of their pregnancy weight. i still have another 6kg to go and am only losing 1kg a week. :p not ideal at all!


i can only express about 80 - 125ml per pump if i pump every 4 - 5hrly. that's like a max of 3 - 4 times of pumping a day, provided i do not latch gwen. if i latch then the amount gets lesser. sigh! i realise that i don't drink that much fluid - so i will up my fluid intake. (just that red date tea is SO boring!)


debbie, use your pumps. massage your breasts first then pump out. your engorgement will reduce and disappear in no time.


i just brought gwen to the pd. she has some infection on the side of her nose and doc said it's skin infection and gave me some antibiotic cream to apply. she also said the blood clot at the cord needs to be cleaned thoroughly to prevent infection. she gave me cord powder to apply.


anyone's baby suddenly screams awake from sleep? gwen has done that a couple of times a day and it's starting to worry me. babies where got so much nightmares??

Tenq, mine was c-sect. I put on 22 kg during pregnancy. Lost 10 kg in a wk. Mayb it was due to water retention subsiding and bF tt I lost fast. Waiting for my massage to start so I can slim down more.

Andrea, correct, but my one is doc ho from the same clinic. I just c her this morning, my gal just did blood test this morning.

Eoneon, you are right, as long both are safe can liao. My wife is still feeling restless and tired. But she did express some bm for my gal. So far the supply is low, yesterday was 100ml, today drop to 70 ml only.

My gal feeding is getting headwire also, sometime 40ml, sometime 70ml..Hai...

yurieve, i'm also giving my bb 80ml for BM and 70ml for fm... he crys for milk ard 2hr - 2 1/2 hr. my mum says if wanna increase, do it after full mth lei.. I need to pump abt 45mins to achieve 80-100ml and breast also nvr seem to be emptied.

i dunno y i dun get engorgement.. isit my ss too big and milk flow too little..

mummies using freestyle.. i dunno if e shield is tooo small for my breast cos my milk tends to leak!! i feel tat using handsfree is soo diff cos like not tighten to my breast lei.. can mummies help me?? now i've switch to mini electric and i feel tat e suction power is stronger.. but i wanna use back my FS!!

TenQ: I got fenugreek from GNC..

Stefie: oh, ok.. it's not you in the clinic then.. is it true can eat 2 fenugreek pills 3 times a day? Currently I am only taking 1 pill a day.. you are very lucky, hb very supportive and hands-on, but it's worth seeing Alexis' smile rite.. hehehe..

Yurieve: Zaizai is 14days today, CL says he needs slightly more than 60ml, slowly increasing.. latching time also got longer at times.. and he still need to be fed like every 2 hours.. is it not normal? I don't really time pumping nowadays, only until the breasts are soft.. Sometimes, to empty the breasts, I massage while pumping, you'll be surprised at the amount coming out when you are massaging.. funny thing is, the milk will stop if you relieve the pressure on your breast.. sometimes, hb help me too, feels good to be massaged when engorged ya.. :-D

re: feeding using bottle

I heard from my gf who has been breastfeeding for the past 21 months, bottle feeding, baby will not know full.. not sure how true..

dew: slowly we'll gain back our pre-pregnancy weight.. don't worry.. hope Liz's infection is not serious.. about startled in sleep, do you put bean sprout pillow on her chest when she sleeps?

andy & andrea:

whr is e clinic for both PD?? mine at e hospital which i find nt vy convenient for me, may look for another nearer to my plc.

Eoneon: how's ur checkup today? My gynae suggests that I consider jabs every few months as contraceptives.

Dewdew: Liz had those screaming nightmares last time too... Cried till face and body is red, so heartpain. My mum used pomegranate leaves with water to bathe her, then the screaming stopped. I told my gynae abt d screaming thing too and she suggested d same remedy. It may just be superstition but if it solves d problem, why not?

Re: weight loss

I've put on 16kg for the pregnancy. Lost 7kg so far... But can fit into some of my pre-preggers bottoms. 9kg more to go... Jia you!

good afternoon mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mango, thanks for assurance, duno y seems like my baby small drinker :p

bubbly, my baby also need to be carried to slp!

its such a headache esp at night when i'm alone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

andrea, will consider your method of swaddling baby, hope it works for mine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lena, i'm still bfing baby, hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

though i got nipple soreness, but still latching her on..i only pump once a day, to prepare a bottle for next day in case of 'emergency' :p

stefie, 1 tired adult and 1 hyper baby, thats for me also LOL :p

night feeds starting to wear me off...when hub was here, i feed and he make her slp..now i have to do all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yurieve, my baby at day 17 feeds on abt 60ml one feeding if on EBM...if i latch, i duno how much :p

weight loss: i've gained abt 10kg during pregnancy, now left 1,6kg to pre-preg weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think my weight abit more 'spread' out coz i cant fit into my tops yet :p

Hi Mummies..

Hope all of you are doing good! Been getting bz.. hardly hav the time to read forum..

Baby 1st Month:

Mummies, hav you all start to plan yours? As mine will hold it on the 1 Jan 2010, def will hav additional charges and etc, do u have any caterer to recommend?

Weight loss & Stretch mark:

i still hav 1-2 more kgs to reach my pre preg weight, but im having alot of stretchmarks.. any remedies?

thks to all mommies who replied [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just now gave my baby 90ml to try n he finished everything, but I burped him once in the middle of the feed b4 feeding him the remainder. Now waiting to see if it can last him 3hrs...

I'm using the ameds pump n i'm wondering is it the pump problem, unable to help me empty my breasts or is it my flow is really slow.

Hello mummies

Congrate to those who have popped.

Those going to pop, Jia You.

It been a week since after I given birth.

Hardly got time or energy to logged in. Always feeling sleepy.

Here is some update from me.

Now doing confinement at my own home is much more relaxing than last year.

And my house is very clean

The CL i engaged, is very kind to help out in cleaning my house, doing laundry and also cook for everyone. Not only just looking after my newborn.

Occasionally, my sis will visit me and help me out.

In the day time. My niece will bring my no 1 to child care centre.

So that i can focus my moo moo career for my newborn.

Most of the time, I just latch on my girl.

I only managed to pump out the most 60ml last night.

Think I still got a long way to go.

Really envy to those who is able to express more milk.

Yesterday, I just managed to find time and energy to upload my newborn photos in Facebook.

Those who have my FB account, might have already seen.

And thanks for your well wishing =)

Altho mine is a scheduled C-sec, very straight forward.

I still want to share my birth story.

7.10am set off to Mt A. (actually, we overslept and late liao).

7.40am Reached Mt A. Brought to my 2 bedded ward after settling the admission.

8.40am Changed to OT gown, prepare to be brought to OT.

8.50am Inside the OT.

9am I was told by the anesthetis that Dr Woody will be delayed, coz he doing the natural delivering case. (So i just wait in OT bed)

9.15am I was given half body epidural

9.30am Dr Woody arrived

9.45am Start operation. (hubby also came in)

9.55am My 2nd princess arrived to the world.

Just realised that 10-12-10 is quite a hot date.

Coz i see th OT nurses so bz. And lot of other mummies giving birth.

That y Dr Woody also super bz that day.

1 natural birth case in the early morning b4 me, then he attend to my case. Then rush to the next case after mine.

oshgosh_baby > Thank you!

Shirley He > I just admitted ... constant contraction now, very very pain. C-sect is scheduled 10pm but might not be able to wait till then. Doctor say he will play by ear. But all position doesn't seems comfortable, the more i lie the more worst it become .... argggggggggghhhhhh.

I am at level 3, room 330A and if all goes smoothly, will check out on Monday morning.

dewdew > Thank you for your wishes.

cindy: poor thing.. when will you be bringing bb back to JKT? After full month?

shirley/garfield: smooth delivery ahead.. jia you..

Kayden's MTB: Wow! 1-2kg to pre-pregnancy weight? And you delivered just 2 days ahead of me..! wow.. wat's the secret? hehehe..

Cindy: the weight concentrated only on the boobs? Hehehehe...

Jiahui: do rest well.. seriously, I think your hb did a good job in taking the photos of the process.. hehehe.. I was especially "shocked" by the one Dr Adrian holding your NB, still bloody.. my hb would have rather die than to see zaizai bloody.. hahaha.. good shots.. :)

Oh Garfield..so u might deliver naturally instead of csect if bb decides to come out before 10pm..I hope things will go smoothly for u..be it natural or csect!! All the best!!

I had my csect yesterday noon..haven started on bf yet..haven get off the bed yet too..wound still a bit stinging..

Hope to hear gd news from u soon..if i can get off the bed will go level 3 find u..so urs a girl or boy??


my pd is at the hospital. u might want to try kidslink at bedok if bedok is more convenient for u:

Blk 136, Bedok North Ave 3


bubbly, ya i will bring baby back to JKT after 1 mth - not for the celebration (coz wun be doing), but need her to take the booster jab for Hep B first..thats PD's recommendation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

LOL! not weight concentrated on the boob la!

dun y, but my hips and shoulders seem bigger leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sleeveless tops can fit well, but those with sleeves, haiz cannot make it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

and got some flabby skin on my tummy still la :p

when i went to see gynae this morning, she commented the weight loss is due to bfing, though i always have to eat supper b4 slp :p

muddypaws, funny u shd mention the pomegranate leaves. i was thinking along the same line but wondered if i was being too pantang. lol! ok, i shall do that and see if it works.

andrea, i was just at kidslink bedok this morning! haha... a lot of ppl though, i waited for 1hr+ before seeing the pd.

rainbow, i'm using the freestyle but no leaks. i'm a B cup, how abt u? if u r bigger then i think u will need to get bigger funnels. the suction is ok for me.

cindy, yr weight loss is amazing!!!

gwen also must be carried * patted to sleep before i can put her to bed. once in her cot however, her sleep gets very restless and can hear her whimperings/fidgeting. i dunno what's wrong. maybe since i'm going to use the leaves, i might as well scatter some water on the bed. see if it works.

Shirley: Thought TMC encourage bf within 4 hours after c-sect? Is it bec of your wound they do not deliver your baby? They sent me zaizai like 3 hrs after my c-sect.. and upon discharge, they ask you to fill in bf-ing survey, if they pass you baby for bf-ing within 4 hrs after c-sect, and withint an hr or two for natural birth...

Andrea: we hired a Filipino helper recently.. We paid:

1. Agency fee - S$498 (2 replacement with 10 months) - discount S$100 for recommended client

2. Loan advance - S$2,200 (upfront payment, subsequently deduct from maid salary)

3. Insurance - S$268 (2 years)

4. Waiver - S$70 (run away bond)

Cindy: Hehehe.. I also have flabby tummy.. and the vertical line still intact ler.. you are skinny to start off with, can afford to eat supper.. :)

dew, i think i'm cup c-d lei... it doesn't seem to be able to help with my pumping.. i think e shield too small... haiz.. so now using mini electric.. sian half! Think i'll stick to mini electric.

I wanna sell my freestyle.. using a few times nia.. anyone interested?

My CL says bb should wear clothes bot by maternal grandparents on full month. So i went marina square with my mum n sis to shop today. First time went shopping since confinement. Damn shiok. But after 1hr walking my back was aching.

Stefie, bot the fenugreek from GNC. Haha don't mind smelling sweet Like maple syrup since I only smell of herbs lately. Haha.

Bubbly, the store assistant told me to take 2 pills to maintain current supply or 4-6 a day if wanna increase supply. And maximum 3 pills at any one time. So I guess can take 2 pills 3 times a day if u want. I think I will take 1 pill 3 times a day for a start.

Yurieve my bb gal is now 3.3kg and has increased intake to 100ml today. She can sleep 3hrs between feeds if on bottle. I pump 10mins (using PIS) and can get 100ml for 3-hr interval pumps. Initially the milk flow is v fast and can see spurts but eventually become drops and the drops spread further and further apart. So I guess my breasts is considered empty. Until now I dun feel any let down. Not even sure how it should feel like!

TenQ: Thanks for sharing the info! Maybe I can increase my intake by 1 pill in the morning and 1 pill in the evening first.. hehehe.. worried too engorge...

Thanks to all those mummies who gave advise on engorgement!!

This morning I had very very hard and painful breasts despite pumping regularly. They nvr seem to soften. I had no choice but to call Mdm Rokiah who owns the massage company. She does engorgement service for serious cases. Thank God she came!! She saved my life!! But she use hot compress and massage and milk was flowing everywhere. I think 100ml wasted on my towel. Still a bit engorged so tmr she

helping me relieve it and selling the hot compress stone to me to "melt" the blocked ducts myself. Managed to pump 130ml after massage. She was amazed at how bad my engorgement was [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] trying to practice latching. Admire those who do it so naturally! Breastfeeding is tough!!

Debbie, wow engorgement sounds scary. Luckily you got help. So how much did she charge for her "life-saving" session?

