(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

i did latching whole of yesterday, and only fed fm at the night feeds but didn't pump at all. this morning i pumped and saw my milk supply dropped! omg! i think i'd better concentrate on pumping instead of latching. at least when i pumped, the ss was more. haiz...


Morning Mummies!

Congratulations Eoneon!! Welcome to motherhood!

Quick update, my baby is 3.98kg at 25th day. We are now less than 2 hours away from our highly anticipated baby shower celebration. We are holding a buffet at our home.

Think my parents are more excited than my wife and I... can't wait to show off their first grand child ...hehe

about liquor

no matter what time after liqour intake then i bf , bb seems more sleepy than ever ..


every time after latch, feel sooooo tired and seems like all brain cells go to bb .. do any mummies feel that??

express breast milk

my volume of ebm is sooooooo little until so pathetic ... eventhough i try to stimulate

Hi Amelia,

I just finished my massage with Mdm Ida - she's friendly and professional. Her massage was relaxing and she helped me to get rid some lumps in my breasts to make milk flow better. It was $50 for an hour full body massage and she also offers tummy binding. It costs $50 for the binder and the cloth. She will teach you how to bind on your own during the last session.

I will have another session with her, hopefully to reduce my tummy asap and also need to relax. She will come to your place but she is pretty packed so maybe check with her about the schedule. She will also recommend her cousins if she is unavailable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dewdew, oh ya.. Normally nurses will take blood from heel. But baby veins there small I think. Now got blueblack on my baby's hand.. my MIL very heartpain and thinks that the lab technician nurse not experienced enough. Anyway don't feel stressed about milk supply k? Can try massaging before pumping to increase supply? Drink the papaya fish soup.

Mummies, how much does a 5 day old baby feed?? Mine currently feed 60ml every 2 or 3 hours.

esquare & garfield: congrats to both of you as well ^_^ take lots of rest and all the best towards your moo moo career.

ethan: oh, by now a bit late to answer your question. i needed to be induced as dr ben said baby cannot stay in there for too long. so must induced her out.

oshgosh: as per your guess, my princess really was delivered within these 2 days. cant hide my happiness amidst the pain..

muddypaws: jabs every few months as contraceptives. hmm, me sua ku, first time heard about it. maybe i should check with my gynae too. sounds to be fuss free kind of contraceptive.

garfield: you mentioned you will discharge on monday? im also at tmc and will discharge on monday too. maybe i can pop by to see you? hehe.. im at 417.

amelia: congrats on being a mummy! all the best for your moo moo career.

bubbly: oh mine. yes, i think the cl really feels redundant and her suggestion to your mil was rejected. haiz, sometimes its like that de lah. you just ask your helper to cook the soup based on your cl's recipe loh. dont be upset ok?

debbie: you are not alone. hubby also feels that massage lady is out to cheat money and has been very sceptical when i said im arranging for one. sianz but sometimes a bit hard to change their minds. if you are firm on breastfeeding, just do it. dont let your hubby dissuade you out of it. but if lets say your health is taking a toll due to that. i think its better to introduce formula milk slowly into your routine so that you wont be so tired. maybe have a heart to heart talk with your hubby. he might be just too tired from work.

wildcherry: congrats.

bloom may: jia you! hope to hear good news from you soon.

debbie: yesterday was so pain till sleeping and resting on sides are not possible cause too swollen. has told hubby that i need to get a baby float to sit on liao. terrible man.

baby is growing well. jia you.

dewdew: yes leh. i realised that baby can be quite pantang loh. feel so blissful just looking at her sleeping now. yup, has already told hubby to get a float for me upon discharge.


Its a sad day for me... I have decided to stop bf-ing... I thought everything was going so well but i'm down with mastitis again, similar to last time..

The pain in my breast is unbearable and i'm having fever and the chills... Becos of tat i'm feeling so weak, cant even get out of bed.

This time round i'm not going to force myself to continue as i have 2 young kids to take care and i cant afford to be sick like tat... My no 1 is now at my in laws pl cos i hv no energy to care for her which makes me v sad...

I cried so much jus now cos i really wanted to bf successfully, but it seems like i'm v prone to recurring mastitis and i really need to be in good health.

The pain is still there, really hope doesnt worsen (i was hospitalised for 3 days last time).

Going to see my gynae tom morning..

Mummies who hv stopped, wat is the faster way to stop supply? I keep getting the tinkling feeling still very 2 hrs or so and its really painful on the affected breasts.

Debbie: That is roughly the amount my baby takes during 5 days too... slowly will increase to 90ml le.

Happyhippo: Ji Xiang is at everton park, Blk 1. It's along cantonment road, opposite The Pinnacle @ Duxton. Take note that it is closed on sundays, and u need to place order for the ang ku kueh early (couple of days in advance) if u want the pointed kind for full month. It's 70 cents per piece, comes in peanut and tau sar flavour.

PD gave me cord powder for the cord to drop off faster, and after it dropped off I still use it till it got cleaner. Only used a bit so I gave the rest to another mummy. If not wasted, stuff bought from PD very ex.

Eoneon: Congrats! Glad that u are fine now.

muddypaws: My baby is also on enfalac for about 30% of her feed. She poos currently once to twice per day and it's usually the explosive kind. As long as she poos every day I think it is okay, though she does do the "eh eh" sound like trying to gek sai. But the poo is soft so I think it's not really constipation lah. She does pee very often though.

eon: thks for ur encouragement. Indeed i think it's better without cl, less 1 person to 'take care of'. Helper n i learning the recipe from her tis 2 days so we can cook ourselves. Blame me also, i love soup to death, but my mil can make just 15mins soup not 4 hrs soup...

Oshgosh: really sorry to hear abt ur condition n admire ur clear determination knowing u have to be good n healthy to take care of the small ones... Mums r really weida...

Aiko: thanks for your input. At least now I know liz' symptoms are normal.

Eoneon: the jabs hold back d menses too!

mommies, i'm going to buy d fenugreek tea tmrw too... Want to increase my milk ss.

oshgosh: dont be sad cause you know you have tried your best le. now what is most important is to take care of your health so that you can focus on taking care of your two princesses.

bubbly: oh, i love soup too. never mind lah. just get your helper to learn and you can have yummy soup liao.

muddypaws: really? i wonder if that will cause any side effects mah? cause hold back for a few months then suddenly "release" sure will have a lot hor. never mind, still can explore this option. see what is the best. hehe....

Osh ,

Dun be sad.. I didn't even feed.. And decided not to bf after all and the moment bb smell my nipple he just fall a sleep???

So I decided not to bf and spend more time with my

2 kids.. Well the pd says it's ok just need to weigh which is more important..

Well I dun bf doesn't make me a bad mom..

hello Mummies,

My parents got me a life saver today. They bought me a yao lan. Usually between 8-11pm by boy is wide awake and needs to be carried. even if you feed him till he sleeps, the moment u put him on his cot 2-3 mins he will wake up and cry again. Just placed him in a yao lan, the cloth hugs him like a craddle. looks so comfy... i dun really shake him, only intially to get him to sleep. then now when he moves, the yao lan will shake a little to put him to sleep. Once he is in deep sleep then i'll try to get him to go back to his cot. Hope it works if not it will be another long night for me... moreover hubby is away... sianz

Hi Oshgosh

Dun be upset. Me too stop BF-ing cos of time & now BB on FM. Realised tt i can rest better, more time for older child too. If nt everyday will be so pek chek, tired & rushing for pumping sessions.. Now jus concentrate on getting well so i can spend time with both ur child. I haf jus went thru the whole episode n was very down as well.. Can understand ur feelings.. Jia You!! Watever decision, we made it for the well-being of our child..


Me too also using the Yao Lan.. But most of the times put BB on cot after feed. Only when he really fuss n wan to be carried to sleep, esp in the nite when he super uncomfy with his nose, then into the Yao Lan n i will rock him a while. With this, am sure u can rest well tonite. Dun worry..

Jus try to offer cot first then Yao Lan last. If nt nxt time bring BB out, very ma fan..


Congrats!! Glad u r enjoyin motherhood..

Dbaby: I agree. I just fed the little one. He fell asleep so I put him in his cot and off he is into dreamland. Regarding stuffy nose.. have u tried sucking out the mucus using the sucking thing... it works wonders and shows how much rubbish there is in baby's nose man.

stefie, i'm using back e freestyle already.. heng nvr sell away.. seems to be able to express slightly more.. now no leakage le.. u try to place properly.. must adjust on and off.

yurieve, u're right.. i'm trying to do it every 4 hourly now. But if i consume martell with black chic, i'll only do it 3-4hrs later...

oshgosh, take care ya.. if u dun mind me asking, wat is mastitis?? isit like very engorged?

Eoneon, congrats finally u joined us!! welcome welcome to motherhood. hope you will enjoy with cheyenne.

Lovebyte, glad that you got a life saver. i tink a rocker works as well. other mommies can try.

Think maxi cosi car seat can work as rocker too! Somehow Aurora can sleep in that comfortably without much fuss. Hubby was saying should just let her sleep in that dun need cot haha.


I dun dare to use the sucker thingy.. Looks so SCARY to me... And i dun think my boy will be still for me to do it.. Jus using the drip to drop 1 drop of nose drop aldy a challenge at times....

Eoneon: Thanks for your well wishes. Congrats to your new born too. How big was your baby at birth? As for the pain, I bought this Sitz Bath thingy when I had my #1 two years ago. I also used it this time round and I do find it useful. It's bascially like a small basin where you put warm water and table salt... all you need to do is to place it over the toilet bowl and sit on it for 5 mins or so. I find that it helps to sooth the pain below as well as keep the area clean. They do sell it at the pharmacy at TMC so you may wanna check it out.


Mastitis is breast infection... We are especially prone to it in the beginning cos we dun hv enuff rest and resistance low..

If hv cracked nipples, sometimes bacteria will enter then infection will come abt.

This time round i dun hv cracked nipples still kenna. Seems like once u have it b4, will be more prone to it recurring..sigh.

Thanks mummies for ur encouragement, its really not easy a decision. Esp when my supply has always been good. I dunno hw to stop now cos if i dun empty my breasts, its so painful... Now my left breast is red and tender and feels hot to the touch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oshgosh: Don't be upset. Just wondering if you ever thought of pumping and throwing the milk away while you're on medication? And once you've recovered, just express and feed your baby with it instead of latching out?

If all else fails, just stop and feed FM...What is impt is to get your health back first. Also, it's impt to be happy for your two kids. Not being able to BF doesn't mean you're a bad mother so don't feel guilty. Jia you kay?

Hi mummies,

Sorry to disturb the thread, I have to following to sell coz I have stopped bf.

Hi mummies,

I am a July mummy and have bought too much breastfeeding products and wished to sell them off at a discounted price due to stopping breastfeeding soon.

All items are brand new.

Selling the below items:

- Qty: 8 Medela Pump and Save (25pc) at SGD 17 each

- Qty: 3 Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bag (5 pc) at SGD 10

- Qty: 1 Medela Ice Pack for Breast Milk Storage at SGD 12.00

- Qty: 2 First Years Easy Milk Storage Bags (25pc) at SGD 12.00 each

Pls sms at 92328946 to deal

All items payable in cash only at Eunos. Mailing can be arrange with mailing charges.


I took med to stop & also to stopped pumping. If u dun wan take med, also haf to stop pumping then wont further stimulate the flow. U can slowly try to reduce pumping sessions & lengthen the interval btw pumps. Jus pump to relieve n nt empty.. Use cold cabbage in between to cool n relieve the swell. (for me, cold cabbage seems more painful so i stop putting cabbage n jus pump to relieve)

Hi mummies, can i check whether you all try sacred Tea, does it work? thinking of buying that for my wife hopefully she can increase in the supply....she is feeling sad when this 2 days supply going down..

One more thing, if my wife give birth in PTE hospital, can i bring my bb to polyclinic for injection?

Hi mummies, just want to check with you all.. Did you girls wear long pants during confinement?? I didn't know must wear long pants at all. And today my grandma came to visit me and kept nagging me about long pants. I only have a pair of pajama long pants and expected myself to wear dress pajamas initially during confinement actually.

Also, I feel super heaty these days. Dunno issit bu too much. Thinking if I should stop drinking longan tea for a day. I just woke up with green mucus and some phlegm. Gosh.

Btw, any mummies freeze their EBM in freezer of fridge? Some say the low temp can kill antibodies so I always try to keep EBM in normal fridge compartment. However these days I produce more than demand so leftover milk in fridge gonna expire alr and need start freezing. I am thinking if freezing is bad or not and defeats the purpose of expressing it out..

Andy, give birth at private hospital can bring baby to GP or polyclinic for injection de. I think polyclinic also give priority to newborns. Anyway I'm intending to bring my boy to polyclinic for injection too. Cheaper. But other complex case will see PD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie, I do freeze my excess bm in first two weeks. Luckily I did coz now no more excess bm already.

Sharon, ya one of the CL told me the stiff fingers is bcoz of cold tap water. So I'm using warm boiled water to wash my hands whenever possible.

Held the full mths celebration yday n was really tired. Ordered Buffet from Neo Garden n cakes from bangawan solo. Bb was v cooperative n stayed awake for > 1 hour for photo taking!! V surprised. And when I carried her she actually nv insist to suckle. Maybe coz of the crowd she can't really smell me. Received soooo many sets of clothes for her I dun need to go shopping for 1 yr le.

Hum....mummies, just now while changing diaper for my gal, I accident hit her cord and it drop off. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she cry so loud that my whole family wake up... now her cord area still got some. Bleeding. Is it normal? She is 8day old today.

Deddie, thanks for the info. I think I will call them first before going down. Sometime polyclinic q can be long also..still haven't done my math, is the saving a lot?

For ebm, anything which baby can finish willing 48hours I will just keep in the fridge. So far my wife supply still haven't reach the freeze lvl yet...but I do have friend who store in freeze due to over supply. So far I never hear any thing from her...so shall be ok. Moreover, she is teaching science, and always will do a lot of research first before doing something.

Andy, do u hv e umbilical powder? U can use tat to dry e cord...

Mummies, my bb is 3 wks today and his cord still intact lei.. Y like tAt huh?

debbie: u must store excess bm in freezer so u can keep for at least 2 months. Never heard of low temp killed the nutrient, on the contrary, high temp do.

Andy: some of our bbs here cord dropped on 7 days. Pd says it varies to 2-3 weeks, so urs is ok. Just nd to keep cleaning n put cord powder. I got mine from pd, very cheap, sgd4 for small bottle.

mummies: coz zaizai os slowly increasing his milk intake, i have to increase my buffer stock as well, so last nite aft dinner i took 1 more fenugreek on top of my normal morning pill. Wow, supply increased to 180 at 2330 hrs pump then 190 at 0230 hrs pump n now 220 at 0530 hrs pump. Nd to monitor if tis will continue.

TenQ: does fenugreek works for u?

TenQ, ok thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I shall feel less guilty to freeze EBM then.

Andy, ok. As for saving money on injection, I not sure leh. It's cheaper definitely but then dunno if the money saved significant or not. You can call polyclinic and PD ask for charges bah. And I have a feeling certain polyclinic are good and faster while some make the babies wait very long and the nurse rough with baby. I intend to go to the polyclinic my SIL goes to for her baby. She has good feedback from it. Later I will ask her which polyclinic then I tell you here k?

debbie: re long pants, supposedly must wear long pants as well as socks. I dun ve many long pants thus mix wit 3/4 pants n sarong :p also wore socks 1st 12 days, then cant be bothered, but still wearing long pants la...

debbie: I'm doing my confinement now... never wore long pains during this time. Still in shorts n t-shirt. No socks too... Mum has given up on me. Told my mum that I can't wear pants cos weather so hot that I've heat rash on my legs.

Re: polyclinic

There are certain non-peak hours that you can go... I heard that the polyclinic nurses more rough. Cousin brought his baby there for jab previously, baby has fever n nurse says ok to jab. In the end, baby got more ill. So u have to know ur own baby's condition before u bring down to polyclinic, just in case.

Bubbly: your supply increased so much? I'm truly inspired to get fenugreek now... I'm currently taking meds from gynae to increase ss, and i've gone from usual 20ML to about 80ML now. Hubby sat beside me yday night, encouraging me as I pumped.

Bubbly, wow tts good news! What was u previous pump volume? Haha. I take 3 daily but pumping wise no significant increase. However after latching I do find tt my daughter can last 2 hrs after 1 hr feed. Prior to tt was 1hr sleep. So I guess it's working. Maybe I will increase to 4 pills to see if it works better.

Muddypaws, what medication is that? Maybe I should ask my gynae for it if next mth my supply still doesn't increase despite taking fenugreek.

muddypaws: wow, i cant wait to be in shorts again... Hb says i look like obasan :-( no choice, i would like to re-set my body by the confinement...

Re supply, ya woh, even hb is impressed when he suddenly woke up n saw how much was in the bottle when i pump. Ur hb also very nice to be supporting n encouraging. Mine too, but all he has is zaizai in his mind la, scared zaizai run out of supply, hahaha... So he helps to 'squeeze' n massage my breasts once a day... I told him bef give birth tat i'll try to persevere in bf-ing, n asked him to support me instead of splashing cold water...

Maybe u can monitor how effective is ur doc's med bef trying fenugreek? From 20 to 80 quite good improvement...

tenq: Gynae gave me Mirax. 2 pills 3 times daily. she gave me 100pills for $15. The effect on pumping volume kicked in after d 3rd day of consumption. For latching, liz seems to last longer between feeds too ...

Talking about feeds, liz is a very indiscreet diner. Tried using d nursing shawl at my FIL's house yday. Liz was sweating so much under d shawl that she kicked off d shawl. As she likes to squirm n wriggle during feeds, d shawl made her more frustrated n she kicked even more! Seems like she likes me to expose my nipples!

Bubbly: wld monitor d supply after d fenugreek too... Hubby is actually neutral abt BF-ING. He says as long as liz is pee-ing n poo-ing regularly, it doesn't matter what I do. But if it makes me happy, then he would support me...

Re: heatiness during confinement

I've stopped d longan tea already. also stopped taking chicken essence. Both made my lips crack n bleed so badly...

Bubbly, wow tts like 50ml increase! How much does ur bb drink normally?

Muddypaws, tks. Will take note of the medicine. I'm quite heaty too. Every other day got pimple pop out.

congrats on mummies who popped and also those who had their baby showers and those whose moomoo careers r taking off well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so envious!!!

mummies i need help!!!

After 12days of admission @ gleneagles, baby emma popped on oct15, wk39. She supposed to be induced on oct16 n to arrive on oct17.

I was discharged 6pm on sat, oct18. Will share birthplan later but it was quite an experience for me cos it was an emergency c-sect.


yday baby g did not poo at all whole nite after 4 feeds. is it a concern?? It became like tt aft we feed her water in the afternoon when she hicupped.

* feeding volume n frequency *

As my milk has not come in, she's on FM after latching on and off. She feeds ard 30ml each feed, some are 3hrs apart but now getting 2hrs apart. Is this normal??? She seems to get hungry fast now. now only 5days old.

* breasts hard *

My breasts r so hard now! I cried yday nite said y cant i BF baby? She latches on but dun seems to get anything. I pump once yday nite but got nothing. How to relieve????

I think im getting abit depressed. My wound hurts whenever i get up (normal rite?) and i sprained my neck e day i checkout from hospital. So makes it v difficult for me to get out of bed n BF baby too. Lucky got hubby n morher! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I pray for my wound to recover soon (when will it hurt no more??) so i can be more hands on. I oni managed to carry emma once!

Myddypaws: that's great.. it is really important we feel happy.. I try not to let anything affect my emotion coz I need to maintain supply.. hahaha.. talking abt sacrifice, I have never thought motherhood could bring me such joy.. :-D

TenQ: CL feeds bb 80ml at nite.. daytime I latch him on and pump once in a while when I feel breasts are quite hard..

cheryl: breasts hard means engorged? have you tried massaging your breasts with hot towel before you latch/pump? Try to massage later and pump again.. your milk should be here liao.. bear with the pain when you massage.. good luck..


Tks for the advise. Will try wif the hot towel later. Cos today still need to go remove stitches. i also not sure if hard breasts means engorement or not. Im so green in BF. Mayb i din latch baby as well as i did in e hospital. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] feeling so guilty!!! Baby is only abt 2.6kg+ @ birth 39wk.

bubbly, i'm also taking fenugreek, 2pills 3 times a day n i'm also seeing my ss slowly increasing. U took only 1 pill n ur ss increase by so much, tats v gd news!

Muddypaws, i've also got medicine from gynae to increase supply but its domperidone... But i've not taken it yet cos i'm afraid my ss will rely on it permanently once i start.

Are u taking the medicine long term?


Any mommies taking it now? If i start taking it now, will my ss be reliant on it? Will ss drop if i stop taking subsequently once i start?? Anyone can help?

Debbie, i'm also wearing long pants during confinemen, even during the day. but sometimes i'll heck care n wear shorts if the weather is too hot. I'm also wearing bedroom slippers..


thanks for the feedback ... i hv to call her later ... need a massage n clear block milk ducts

milk supply

now i can pump out about 50 ml , the most 70ml with the help of green papaya fish soup ... but it is still not sufficient for my little one .. his demand of each feeding is near to 90ml now ... he is a big eater coz he is just 1 week old .. therefore i hv to mix with formula .. i stop direct breastfeeding, i express it out and feed him. if not, my nipples very sore n bleeding ..

hot rashes

i m having some hot rashes due to cant bath as much as i want .. quite frustrated

emotion issue

last night i just burst out n cried for no reason .. hopefully just because of hormone

mommies, does ur nipples feel ultra sensitive now since bfg? Its especially when i'm showering n the water sprays onto my nips. I'm doing exclusive pumping now n sometimes i can feel tingling pain in my nipple, sometimes it feels like needle pricking pain n this feeling comes even when i'm not pumping. After pumping, the pain will come n its quite bad. I'm wondering is it i've been abusing my breasts too much. Anyone experience the same thing?

Cheryl, my gal is only 2.4kg. She is drinking around 30ml to 40ml on the 5day. Today is the 8days and her intake go up to 60ml already. This few day I did monitor the timing and slowly increase the intake my 5 to 10ml each feeding..

Debbie/muddypaws, thanks for the update and sharing abt the polyclinic.


Amelia, you hear of sacred tea, my wife same as you, only express the milk and the supply is around 70ml to 100ml. I'm think whether the tea will increase her milk anot...

