(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

rainbow - oh can be scrubbed daily? ok I'll try tat from now. Very sad over my darken armpits also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hi Mummies,

I have the following items for sale.

1. Preloved Prego baby rocker. Blue/Brown colour. Used only for 3months. Condition: 9/10. $29

2. Preloved 'My Brest Friend' Breastfeeding Pillow. Leaf Design. Used for 3months. Condition: 8/10. $32

3. BNIB Little Giant Milk Bags. Made in Korea. Good Quality. 1 packet for $11, 2packets for $8 each

4. BNIB Carters Rompers for baby boy. 6-9mths. 5pcs in a pack. $22

5. Medela Lactation Aid/ Supplemental Nursing System. Excellent Condition!. Used for only 1 week! $29

6. First Years Close and Secure CoSleeper. . Good Condition! Used for only 3 times! $39

7. Black/ Blue Sling/ Shoulder Diaper Bag $6

10% discount or free Diaper bag if you buy more than 2 items!! Can throw in Preloved baby boy clothes for free!! Free NUK teats and glass bottles!!

Can Exchange for brand New playpen or MammyPoko/Fitti M/L Size Diapers

Collection near Parkway Parade, Raffles Place or Bt Batok! Or via Postage

Please PM me if keen. Thanks!

Please see below link for photos:


melissa, can scrub but not vigorously k... my sis tell me it's normal. during her pregnancy, she had darken underarms, inbtw thigh, neck line and side of lip..

dew2, i dunno wat size/design to go for... lol

bribena - oh my! hmmm your mommy may be trying too hard to help you "bu" huh.... but this time round must remind her it's her grandchild she's dealing with, so NO herbs! haahah... oh maybe can order dishes specifically? ;) as for your boss, how about, when she asks you to buy, you just say "oh dear today i only have $2 in my wallet, i'm afraid have to get the lunch money from you first...." or "oh dear i have no money in my wallet and forgot to draw cash! can you pass me some cash first?" then get her to pay for your lunch... hehehehe

crown, melissa, unfortunately, i think the darkening is caused by hormonal changes, so scrubs etc will only have very limited effect. BUT, they WILL clear up after the pregnancy....

another thing to prepare for is darkening of the linea nigra - the vertical line that spans cross the abdomen to pelvic area. some people get quite upset with that. don't be... remember it's a beautiful reminder of the pregnancy, and that it WILL lighten after giving birth ;)

Mummies with darkening skin, use a milder scrub.. actually I dun recommend to scrub daily, as it might dries up the area causing irritation which might even darken the skin further. We can't use whitening products now, something my gynae advises. I'm not too sure if you mummies' darkening skin is dry too - like what I've now, I'm using TheFaceShop honey black sugar peel, it helps to moisturize the skin, it helps to make the area looks slightly better.

Dewdew, now I write down how much she owes me and stick it on my screen, and then ask her for it. I agree on the female bosses, so far, only one female boss that I've worked with, works like a man and sensitive towards her subordinates like a woman.

Rainbow, you can try the hipster shorts with a top swim top. I tot that's quite nice. Too bad I dun know how to swim, else it'll be a great exercise for us now!

yvaine, my ex colleague did that to her! LOL! Always ask her for $$ first. But there were few times, she forgot, when she came back with boss' lunch and ask her for $$. Boss gave her all coins! Then boss can remark to me saying that's to teach her a lesson for always asking her for $$ first before heading out to buy lunch. If she thinks that's a joke, I think not lor.

I've been checking my belly everyday for the linea nigra... I see a faint line appearing... kinda like it. Just hoping that it's right in the middle, nicer that way. =)

wah rau ur boss is realliue ultimate if she reallie tink taht ur ex col shld pay for her lunch lo.. how can say things like that soo crappy.

Somemore my boss is really the boss of the company, not like my senior in a big company. IT'S THE BOSS who earns freaking more than us!!

bbribena, she is the BOSS?!?! my goodness, like that ah... i suggest u go find job at another company after your ML also. such a petty and 不会做人boss, work too long for her will vomit blood! and no, it's really not funny that she can pass comments on prepayment part. so disgusting of her. already help by buying her lunch still can pass such comments.

i agree with yvaine on not scrubbing everyday. 2x a week should be the max, too much scrubbing is no good for our skin. the pigmentation part can't be helped for now.. just tahan and coverup i guess...

I went to Baby Hyperstore and Baby Kingdom at Kaki Bukit Ave 1. Not all of their stuff are cheap. I saw a bedding set at BB Kingdom, it's the same price as Kiddy. So if you have Kiddy card, you might as well get it from them as u get 10% discount. Apparently, BB Hyperstore offers a wider varieties of car seats, prams and cots compared to BB Kingdom. I saw some breast pads from Trolly selling at BB Kingdom, selling at only SGD6.90, much cheaper than what I paid for at Jusco JB Malaysia.

Btw, I heard from my preggy cousin, the building opposite Jusco JB, called Tresco, sells bb stuff at a cheaper price than Jusco JB. I hvn't check it out myself, perhaps you mummies heading there can take a look. =)

Afternoon mommies and Daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was having some really pain on my left belly in the morning, was so worried, I can't even move abit, so might as well go and see my gynae. By 10am, everything okay after I farted 10 times, then I realised it was due to stomach wind, but I still went to see my gynae.

He said it is stomach wind, like wise for the suaness on top of my belly. So I will see Dr Woody in another month's time, baby is growing well, Alexis is 402g, 17cm[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. And get back detailed scan report, everything is normal.

I almost fainted while queuing up at cold storage while paying for my orange. Then had a quick lunch at subway, heng things improve. I guess cos I haven't taken my pills.

Glad that was given 1 day MC to rest, cos yesterday slept at almost 3am cos hubby reached home at 2am. Later wil take some more nap.

Thanks mommies for your kind words on my knitted stuff, it is not perfect, but I guess any hand-made stuff are unique in that sense, with some mistakes[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Even my hubby finds it very nice.

Crown, I will transfer the money to you tomorrow. Thanks for organising[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dewdew, I've been wanting to do that! Got delayed by my studies. I just had a conversation with my hub this morning, he has been wanting me to change job. Will start seeking during my ML. Even for my ML, my hub asks me to take 4 months instead of 3, coz he just knows my bosses too well, he knows I might not even have the time to take leave. So he rather I finish up the leave all at once, or just leave one week just in case he not ard to take our little one for doctor's appt.

Stefie, buying oranges! Too heavy for ya la!! Like our chinese sensai said, the pain on the left side is either cause by constipation or wind. Try massage your tummy when applying lotion, massage lightly from right hip bone upwards until the ribs, then across to the left, and then downwards. Massage a few times. Or you can drink alittle ginger drink, you can get those 3-in-1 kind, but not too much. We can't take too much ginger now.

mommies: thanks for your encouragement! I'm sitting at the psychiatric clinic waiting for my turn now...

The detailed scan went well. Princess is very well behaved and I saw her yawn. So cute! She's 486g at 22 weeks.

Bbribena, your boss sounds crap! Next time tell her u only hv enough money to buy lunch for yourself, n if she wants lunch, she has to pass u the money first.

Crown: thanks for organising. I wld transfer d moolah 2 u tomorrow morning.

Muddypaws, yeah! Lots to buy for gal gal! So cute right, seeing her opening her mouth!

I hope I do up my own lunch for the next two months! No need to buy for her nor the other boss.

Dewdew, I replied you liao about the materials needed for the hat and your would be able to make the booties too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

Sorry to interupt.. Am a july10 mummy.. i recently helped my friend to get a US set AVENT ISIS IQ DUO electric breast pump and got order one more extra set to save shipping cost...

The set will arrive in Mid August.International warranty of 1 year starts 20th July 2010. If you interested to get this set at SGD490 do PM me or email to [email protected]

Thanks thanks

mommies: for those who have pigmentation, that's called d 'mask of pregnancy'. Don't scrub too much as that would irritate d skin. Moisturising helps... I've started 2 have more freckles on my neck and face now too.

Ribena, only 5 small orange, the Lindt chocolate you recommended and the First choice mouth wash leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No heavy at all. Maybe cos I only had soya bean milk and cheese pancake at noon.

Thanks for the suggestion. Later will massage abit. Now still abit tired cos not enough zzz yesterday.

Muddypaws, sunscreen sunscreen!

Stefie, ehh... I stop doing grocery shopping since I'm preggy. I told my gynae abt my backache, she advise me not to carry any heavy stuff. Once I brought my compact camera together with my usual stuff to work, I can feel the immediate stress on the abdominal and back. So try not to do that too often. Go nap and have a good rest. =)

ribena: did i hear you correctly? vacuum the floor? you are not her domestic helper leh. how can she do that?

your bosses are terrible!

rainbow: thats great! so your baby will have a cousin of almost similar age.

amelia and ribena: me experienced that pain for 2 days, i.e. last friday and saturday. then yesterday from afternoon onwards i experienced sharp pain at my belly button. on and off.. i heard one of the mummies saying it could be our beanies pulling onto the umbilical cord. is that true?

ribena: how can they be so stingy?! no cleaner?! and you dont get your money back after dabao?

bubbly: congrats! dont be disheartened. you can always try for another girl when your boy is older.

yvaine: if he never mentioned he is vexed over welcome gift for princess, i wont feel so ke lian and unwanted. now that he mentioned, i make sure i have the same treatment =(... but he did say he is also thinking of buying a gift for me just that he never say. dont know true or not. actually without gift i also ok.. our princess is his gift to me and my gift to him.. wahaha

ribena: if no choice have to help her pack. then tell her you only have $x in your wallet as thats your allowance, so need to get the money first before can pack on behalf. if she make remarks like how come so ke lian. tell her cause you are not highly paid. hahaha.. everything pointing to her!!! i used to have a male boss like that too. every morning asked me to dabao breakfast for him then never pay me. damn sianz. until it comes to a point. i go directly to him and tell him to pay me. i say i have no money to treat him anymore.

rainbow: thanks for informing us on the baby fairs. hehe..

bbribena, i also recommend u take up all 4 months straight. at first i also thought to split my ML but after so many things happened here, i changed my mind and told my boss i'm taking all 4 mths straight. if not sekali difficult to get the remaining months, and i just want to change job after that too. dowan to wait and pend anymore. :p

thanks Stefie! i was wondering what happened to u 'cos whole morning didn't hear from u. glad u are feeling better. dun eat too much orange 'cos it's very "liang". all the "liang" stuff have to take note else baby will have lots of phlegm after it comes out.

btw, rbr we were talking about the number 3107 - the jaffa orange type, and also our MTB gathering date? it opened 2nd prize in 4D on sunday! anyone tio? lol!!!

dewdew, I didn't buy at all. Ha!! Ha!! Matbe ribena got buy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew: wah! no luck for me.. but i just saw an email from NTUC saying i am the winner of a bag of picnic goodies online contest. wahaha.. i seldom joined this kind of contest de. i remembered that day i was reading through and have nothing better to do so joined loh. woohoo.... little bit of luck from my little princess.. hehe

Rainbow, ^5! I've a friend and SIL just gave birth. Then my cousin is giving birth in end Oct. So many play mates! I'm sure in future sure stress over comparison la... have fun first! Kids shld have fun and play first!

Eon, pulling umbilical cord?! My pain is located at very low below... not where the little one is located. =/

Your ex male boss also lor.. cannot buy back on his own ah.. every morning somemore!

crown: thanks for organising. will transfer later. hope i will remember. hehe..

by the way, most likely hubby wont be joining. he is still feeling intimidated. wahaha..

3107 2nd prize 4D!!! AHHH!!! DARN!!! Must note down, must buy! Usually good numbers open twice. *Rubbing palms together* hopefully this week open 1st prize. LOL!

ok, this sat is the exact 3107, all of us tio ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crown, if this sat tio 3107, our gathering can extend to shopping trip to orchard road liao. Arm with credit card and big belly, we cheong orchard road.

BBribena: Your boss is the ULTIMATE. Imagine she ask you to cook for her and tao pao next times also... I own't be surprise. Maybe you do up a table for which date what lunch how much then send to her. Create an invoice for her. =)

Crown: Will transfer tonight.

Lovebyte, ohh... she did ask... IIRC, it's something like I cook stir-fried vegetables with chicken, and she do the 'dou shi' can fish, and I need to bring plain rice too. I told her I can't do it any time soon liao, coz doing one portion is already too heavy for me to carry from hm to work place.

Melissa, one more mouth to feed, so $$ is always the more the merrier! LOL!

Must buy now, sleep with the 4D ticket on my tummy for the whole week. XD 31 Jul... 3107 orange... so many preggy mummies on that day... ultra lucky numbers sia!

BBribena: Your boss WIN big time seriously. Her skin damn thick!

Yay! My Gap Order is in after so super long. The customer service @ gap is superb although they did mess up BIG time.

My first order got stopped because they needed some verification of my CC billing address (but i use vpost address). Then dun match then they stop my order. Then when i call them the girl had to regenerate the new order but this time she put in wrong VPost Number. Then it got shipped but never arrived. Then i email them and they say will ship again for FREE (although I already paid for the first missing batch).

On my end I emailed VPost about the mistake made as well. Took them about a week to find my package. Now I got 2 packages with same set of clothes....DIAO!!!!!!

Any mums out there need maternity dress from GAP? Looks like I got extra and can sell to you if you are my size! =)

How are Jie meis today?.. Was busy meeting friends for buffet lunch.. Eat a lot of forbiden food.. Oysters, mussles and beef..... Yay.. Nice....I bought from isetan a drink called the Yuzu .. It nice and very smoothing.. Good for skin.. They also sell concentrated Ginger syrup... Thinking of buying for confinement...

E square, not sure how effective is ginger syrup... perhaps you also find out what's in it and the sugar level. Usually anything that went thru production line is filled with sugar. Anyway, do note you are not suppose to take ginger after giving birth, for 5 days. According to my sensai, jaundice will only surfaces on days after birth on our babies. If you take ginger during that 5 days esp if you are BF-ing, it will worsen the condition.

bbribena: oic!!!

crown: hey, then we all shd combine force to buy. cos preg mummies very 'heng' and 'huat' one! ok, pin on this coming wed 4d! HUAT ah! 3107!

CC, not all mummies like to gamble, keke. For me, i am just trying luck. whose nearby got Singapore pools? we have 20 mummies altogether.

We can buy 3107 $5 big $5 small and 2012 $5 big $5 small, each person $1. did i calc rightly?


crown: wahaha! how come got 2012 oso? aiyo..so many ang zi! oh, if u really buy, i dont mind, can count me in. u super heng cos u got twins le!

LOL! ok, me gotta go home n take dinner b4 i go for my aqua aerobics! udpate u gals soon!

