(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Eon, lol, your MIL really stingy to the max leh! 1 veggie and 1 meat sounds REALLY pathetic! but the paying part - same lah. my MIL also said she'll pay for the photos but her son where got go and ask from her? in the end also we pay. rubbish one lor.

anyway, that's why ppl say DIL and MIL not so easy to get along. i think if we compile stories can have one whole book to read. lol!


crown how bot u help her match make someone? haahha so can jia her away and then ur life will be blissful haha best find her an ang mor ahha marry to another continent haha

hey there, how's everyone today? I just saw the gynae today cos my tummy shrunk by 50% since my illness. Turned out that my original tummy size was due to bloatedness n not d baby bump that I thought it is! Anyway, kiddo has cooperated n doc says it's a girl. Well, while hubby n I r rejoicing, we wld wait for a rescan in a few weeks time to confirm again.

muddypaw, due to bloatedness ah.. do u feel lots of wind? my tummy so big lei, i also think it's bloated but not much wind... congrats on knowing the gender..i wan also.. can dress her up..

muddypaws, congrats on your good news! another girl in the group, this is great! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, duck's tongue? how come tongue got bones one? lol! ok, i dunno if tongues got bones or not, i always thought it's muscles of some kind. lol!

hilo everyone!

paisay today super busy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] do until face green green le... going to knock off soon!

stefie, still no news leh but think bo hope liao... felt bad tat i actually feel relief over it :p

for the pantangness, i only try to stick to some like no doing painting, cutting on the bed... the rest i treat it as a pinch of salt, else jin cham leh.

so hard to resist buying baby clothes! they look so sweet... esp those in pink!

hey girls...

I saw gynae yday n he promoted me to see him once a mth le.. 13week le..

But yday nite got brownish discharge. Today also hv so no choice n went bk today again..

Got infection n abit of blood in the discharge so tt's y brown.

Gynae inserted a tablet n gave me a jab on the butts. Hurting now but at the scan saw tt baby grew bigger fm yday. So a jab also hv to 'ren'. Ordered bedrest 1 week but sunday i wanna go out eat father's day lunchie lei. Shd be ok la hor.

The gynae also gave me antibiotics but it's so big n bitter. I emptied my stomach after 'crushing' one tablet to eat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] how? Too big i cant swallow. N it's soooo bitter.

Y when gynae promoted me, now i hv spotting? So worried... I used to see gynae every week, now see him once a mth, i think i will be worrying abt baby lei.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Milo, my edd changed to 22dec le...

muddypaws, congrats! A girl.. I love a girl.. Alr tot of a name for girl.. Lol...

U girls hv any ideas for confinement catering?

hi all, thanks for the advice given to be earlier on oscar test. finally, i have done my test today. waiting for blood test but measurement shown normal. so happy and relief!

anyone has bought the maternity wear from the online link given? i dont knw who give the link liao... a bit side track cos this forum too active and im not active.

wana know how to buy since they dont provide shipping to spore? i really interested to buy maternity wear online cos spore style really cant make it. so auntie yet exp. saw some of the maternity pcs online quite nice and wana buy. can someone guide me how the shipping works as this is my first time shopping online.

oh abt pangtangness...

Tink sewing on the bed is a big big no no..

My mil used to be a seamstress n she says she did sewing on the bed when she pregnant w/her first daughter..

N reali my sil suffered a cleft.. But aft surgery ok la...

WTG the following:

1) 8 sachets of bust firming massage cream, 2.5g each

2) 19 sachets of post-natal firming lotion, for post-preg & weiht loss, 2.5ml each.

3) 10 sachets 2.5ml each + 1 small tube 11g of massage lotion for stretch marks

4) 2 sachets of nursing cream, 2.5g each

No expiry date indicated. received these samples last yr while preg. No meet-up. Will post these via normal postage (to be paid by takers, estimated <$0.50).

I do not wish to throw these into the bins. Pls PM me if interested.

I take multi-vit n folic acid together too. But smtimes I will forget/act blur to eat. As this is my 2nd preg, my girl seem to suddenly behave very unusual. She keep saying dun wan me n dh say she angry throwing her temper suddenly, any mum experience this. Haiz

hi mummies, i m new here. can i join your mummies for a chat, my #2 will be due in 19 dec 2010. delivering at east shore.


you are not alone, my girl has been saying this not only to me but also to my hubby for quite some time. we are used to it alr. guess its their way of showing anger at their age.

Dewdew, you are so funny in the way u describe your MIL, but just curious, why cannot change bedsheet huh? What's going to happen? I usually change together with my hubby cos 1 person change quite difficult.

Stefie - Will try to remember your motto, " to bring back healthy babies in our arms', I will pray hard. Btw y do u gals refer to hubby as dh?

Andrea: my mum say they behave this way cos "snatch" flower etc. Smhow give in to her, since she so unusual but when worse she can even "beat" me up, I will beat back her. Reach my limit Liao.

I tot dh is a common language ppl use here, so follow lor after I figure out it mean hubby


dont worry about buying things early, its better to start alittle here and there between 6 to 7mths, trust me by your 8mths, you dont even feel like walking much due to baby weight.

But for 1st one i didnt buy my breastpump till my baby is back at home as i wasnt sure whether i have enough breastmilk.

Hi babe,

do you want to try http://www.maternityexchange.sg/?gclid=CPPXqrnBp6ICFUsgHAodOC-LQA

I bought a couple of stuff from them before. Its not those auntie kinda clothes. Infact you can rent some of it.

About the pregnancy myth, some is really abit over. I never do any painting or go anywhere thats is under reno, my daughter had a birthmark on the forehead,a lil at e nose,and strawberry birth mark at the back,hand and her head. But its all lighten as she gets bigger,only when she is angry you can see her infared red on her forehead.


my girl was like that last yr.she cant stand me carrying other kids,will cry. I guess its the age.My 32mths old daughter now gladly stroke,kiss my belly, she ll say hi to the belly and say goodnight or goodmorning and stuff. Even when we brought her for my mthly scan she was excited.

It takes time, so dont worry.


crown, yeah, marrying overseas is a good idea else sikali she still come back and leech, u got one more person to serve!

cheryl, noted your change in edd. dun get too worried, everything will be fine. baby is growing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] perhaps ur body is telling u tat u need more rest. take this 1 week and relax...

twinkle, i like ur act blur! haha yeah i acted BLUR a few times to avoid my fish oil at night cos sometime really too nausea le.

crown, not too early to start buying cos baby stuff are really ex. if everything buy at one go, pocket sure BIG hole ah.. somemore from now till our edd, bo bonus in between leh... hehe

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday had dinner with my bestie and her 2 kids. She told me before her boy can guess the baby sex very accurately. Cos one of our ex-colleague asked him to guess and he guess it right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Guess what, he said my is a baby boy??? Ha!!! Ha!!! I told my hubby he just smile.

Had Kim Chi noodles + pork yesterday for dinner. Shiok man[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just had my breakfast, Fried Mee siam + 3 chicken wings + egg + Hot milo. Nice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I still do my crochet or knitting on my bed but when sewing buttons or cutting I will do it else where. Cos that time at my mom place I also did my crochet on bed, she never say anything.

Milo, must take it slow okay. Don't stress[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!!! ha!!! your 6th sense maybe right. Your hubby overseas posting bo liao. Easier for you too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheryl, rest more. Do rest more and don't walk too much. Must really bedrest, I guess would be better to give Father's day lunch amiss. Don't worry too much. Be positive and have faith.

Babe, you can get from


Old Navy clothings are more causal and I love their materials alot cos very light, good for our weather. But can only ship using VPOST services or other onforwarding 3rd party couier, as Old Navy does not ship to overseas.

For some website which does not ship to SIN, can use VPost or other onforwarding 3rd party couier. Just register on VPost. Here is a step-by-step guide from VPOST.


Andrea, welcome to the club[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon, Yes must be positive and have faith[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you together Jie mei[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

TGIF.. hehe.. im having mee rebus now while checking the forum.. hehe

dewdew: ya loz, can really bind into a book. haha...

muddypaws: congrats on knowing the gender. looks of beautiful clothes le. hehe

cheryl: do rest more just like what your gynae said. can still go out for lunch just dont tired yourself out.

babe: good to hear that your oscar scan is good.

my friend is selling maternity dresses at $29.90 each. you can get from her if you want. her facebook account is [email protected] or you can go to her blogshop at http://jaszysplace.blogspot.com. Thus far only 30+ designs but she will be bringing in more designs if the respond is good.

andrea: congrats and welcome ^_^

sharon: DH refers to Dear Hubby.. but i used to addressing my hubby as hubby here lah.. hehe

dewdew, the ducks' tongue haha maybe its muscle haha but cos cannot swallow so i tink its bones? hahahhaa...

milo, dun work too hard okie... green babies not pretty unless u are shrek or fiona.

muddypaws, u are that bloated arh? u must be reallie reallie uncomfortable then.soo happie for u u got to know the gender liao.

stefie, yeah! i feel at peace knowing hub is jus a phone call away... i have always been very independant but when comes to preg, like sticky glue le.. hehe

eon, i address my hub as old man or ah lau at times... jus to make fun of him

crystal, u really make me laugh out loud in front of my computer! ya lor, must learn to relax... after working hard in the office, go hm still gotta entertain kaeden. now his school teaching him phonics and word blending and the parents supposed to revise with them! aiyo all the eee...ahahaha is making my tummy ache producing the sound!

milo, i tink we will all tend to depend on our hubbies more now ba... its natural? hehehe or i tink its natural to me hahaha...

maybe all these "workouts" will help u develop stomach muscles le haha after u deliver maybe will get 6 pecs? hahaha tink on bright side. its for a good cause haaahhaa.

milo: oh, for me.. i have many different way of addressing my hubby. just that over here i address him as hubby loh.

oh gosh! i cant imagine when its my turn to teach my kid. i need to attend phonics class liao.. wahaha..

good morning everyone... Haha, I was so bloated that I felt like a python that had swallowed a beach ball! My tummy was literally round then, and I felt awful!!! Now it's a lot flatter, and doc says it now looks like a decent baby bump.

Well, we're happy to know it's a girl... it totally caught us by surprise cos doc thought she saw 'something' on kiddo during my 12th week scan. Anyway, we would want to reconfirm again during my 19th week scan. Who knows, maybe kiddo is playing tricks on us again? :p

Morning Ladies:

Had dinner at Gaia Palace @ Suntec City yesterday (korean). It was good food! =) Nice nice Yummy yummy. We didn't go for BBQ in the end cos we scared stinky. =)So if you are craving korean food you know where to go.

Just had Chee Chong Fun for bfast. Still hungry. Woke up with a stuffy nose today... sigh still need to head to class soon. =( sianz sianz... then again its FRIDAY!!!

ladies: have you watch Karate Kid yet? not a bad show leh.. yesterday went to watch karate kid at orchard cineleisure with hubby cause it was my financial advisor's annual clients' appreciation night. so had buffet and movie treat. lol for a couple of scenes in the movie.

muddypaws: thank god you are feeling better le.

yes, just to reconfirm the gender. but meanwhile can start buying kiddo's clothes le. buy those unisex ones first.

lovebyte: their bbq is not those low fume kind arh? is it expensive? i really craving for korean bbq... 'imagining the meat wrapped inside a piece of crunchy veggie'... yum yum

you teach afternoon session?

crystal & eon, yeah... not easy being a parent. sadly my phonics is FAIL one lor... i let the dvd teach him the basic and i learn together with him as well!

muddy, i also praying hard my girl dun grow extra thing and suddenly turn into a boy by week 20! my hub sure laugh at me! i am starting to call my baby her girly name le LOL

crystal: ya, my hubby told me karate kid only have 3 stars from review but we went anyway since free de and we have promise my advisor that we will be there. not as bad lah, i must said. when you dont pin your hopes high, your disappointment will be reduced. hehe.. a couple of the scenes actually made us lol... quite touching in certain parts too. can watch lah for relaxation...

milo: i think i really need to learn along with my beanie liao.

The Korean restaurant got the Ala Carte Menu like their soups and beef and all that. I'm not sure about the BBQ menu. =) Had some noodle soup with rice thing. Super Yummy.

I teach whole day class. One of the local polys.

morning everyone!

stefie... ur breakfast so feng fu!

yes! Karate Kid movie is nice!

crown, my friend also passed me her bb clothes when i just reach 13wks. hee..

lovebyte: your noodles soup with rice thingy sounds yummy leh albeit very high carbo content.. hehe...

i see.. you could be my sis's lecturer loh... hehe

good morning mummies.... thunderstorm at my area again...

ask u gals ah, can we drink teh terik with ginger?

muddypaws, did yr gynae give u any advise on curing bloated tummy?? my bloatedness will appear after lunch and dinner is worst!! like 5-6 mths preg.. how ah??

eoneon, i see i see.. okie maybe can go and watch it on weekdays when i feel better ahhaa..

i tink i more kiasu ahha i tink of name for boy and gal ahhaha so once gender is confirmed can immediately use that liao? hahaha

i also thought of a few names. If gal, will call Joey. If boy, will call Javier or Jayden. now i need 2 names, i cant think of another name for gal liao

good morning mummies!

eon, u really having mee rebus this morning ah? lol! fyi, i'm having nasi briyani for lunch, maybe u can have that for one of your meals too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for your fren's link, i'll go check it out.

crystal, movie reviews i dun believe one. 'cos in the end it's just individual preferences and reviewer could be bias. i watched many movies which i loved and reviewers hated, & vice versa. so far i've yet to find a reviewer with the same taste in movies as me! lol!

3 more days to my next scan, i can't wait to find out if mine is a girl or boy! hehe... must start telling baby to open legs for doc to see. :p

sharon, i dunno what my MIL's reason was for not changing bedsheet. she said she did that last time and that night had stomachache. but then she said she changed the queen bedsheet by herself and did housework so it could've been from anything. no basis one lah.

EonEon, we watched Karate Kid yesterday too! Thought it's a very good show! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm quite sure kiddo would be practising her karate chops in my tummy now...

Hey Rainbow, my doc says to take small meals each time. If it doesn't help, take carbonated drinks like Mug Root Beer. The gas would help with the bloatedness.

Milo, you are not the only one calling kiddo by its name. We have been calling kiddo by the names we have chosen to test the reaction! Unfortunately, we have been calling it by a boy's name... must have change to girl's name. Luckily we got the names chosen for both already!


rainbow: really arh? which area you live in? siaoz liao! i never close my windows.......... faint!

drink a bit ok de. i drink lipton and green tea too. cause sometimes really need a hot drink to soothe the tummy.

for me hor, bloatedness will appear at night after dinner. i think theres nothing we can do bah. just bear with it for the time being.

mummies and daddies: i am doing my mere part for our Dec 2010 MTBs facebook group page... dont wana let poor milo do everything... i am consolidating our facebook names vs forum nick for listing. can you kindly fill in the missing names/nicks if yours are not inside?

Agnes -

Aiko - Aiko

Andrea - Yvaine

Celine - Cherrry

Christina - Ribena

Cookie Parlour -

Deon - EonEon

Heng Kia Hwee - Jiahui

Eileen -

Eugene Teo - Shivan

Lay Syn -

Jamie - Osh_gosh

Jenny Dew - Dewdew

Jeslyn -

Karen - Milo

Kimberly - Lovebyte

Mini Leow - CC Dameimei

Qinxin Huang - TenQ

Rosalind - Rainbow

Valentine Dragono Ng - Amuro

kam sia kam sia... ^_^

