(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

I zzzz for 20 mins, shiok, now blur already.

Raspy, I still eat, even watery, cos so far I haven't have any problems. I think the stall have high turn-over of eggs. Eggs good for baby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, as long as no bleeding, yes it is normal, just maybe lay-down awhile and drink warm water.

Eon Eon, I can switch-off my HP the whole weekend. Used to feel stress about HP cos I do sales last time.

Rainbow I had that on and off. Like tooth-pick poking like that[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yum yum.. i just had a slice of pineapple. super refreshing and sweet.

stefie: haha, think i cant be like you. my mum loves calling my mobile phone even though she can call my home phone. so better just leave it on lah. feel more secure. keke

I am here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jus back from buffet at suan thai

oh yah, should be ok bah... sometimes i also feel needle-poking-my-insides pain like what you described.

stefie, I tried to nap but colleagues around very noisy!!

hello! i'm back after lunch of mee rebus. now having soya milk.

stefie, u can bear to switch off your phone ah? i cannot leh, will keep wondering if anyone is trying to contact me. lol... usually it's the family who calls. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All the talk about food is making me DROOL.... i just had my lunch which i brought from home but not appetising so I didn't finish and I'm still hungry!!! Going to look for food soon... =)

Tonight going to meet friends for Korean YUM YUM!

lovebyte, KIMCHI! YUM!!! i love korean food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crown, wah thai buffet! is it good?

stefie, yah i think better to avoid those yolks that are uncooked. the threat of salmonella exists in uncooked food. just like in raw salmon or ham etc.

dewdew, the standard dropped. Didnt really enjoyed it but the Tom yam soup is sour enough, shiok.

the whole morning, bosses walking ard, not so nice to surf net. keep using iphone to surf abit obvious

Can I check with mommies here, when u go for hair cut, some salons do neck massage n shoulder masssage. Is this ok? I'm still in first trimester.

I totally forgot about the shoulder thing. I went to cut hair todays ago... but i think she never do shoulders just neck.

This few days i feel my shoulders aching and aching.... sianz.

dewdew: your mee rebus sounds yummy! maybe can have that tomorrow morning! yum yum!

lovebyte: korean food or korean bbq? hehe, im still waiting for my korean bbq...

ivftwins: just tell them you dont need the massage politely loh. they wont take it personally de.

crown: strange hor, your colleague loves tapping or touching your shoulder de hor?

wow crown, Thai buffet. So happening.

Eon Eon, dewdew my family members have my house phone, so they would call my house instead. The HP is more for my hubby to reach me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, raspy, I will just try to ask them to give me well done well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TenQ, my colleagues also very noise. But me too tired, just zzzz like pig. Really tired, lunch time need to take power nap.

crown, how come ur cols like to tap ur shoulder one arh ahhaha soo strange le.

rainbow, i see... hmmm but if u need to eat soemthing u need to lo.. maybe try low fat milk instead?

went to compass point food court ate kimchi ramen.. quite yummy and its quite big bowl hehehe so feeling quite full now and happie haha

EonEon, she was helping me to announce my pregnancy to another ex colleagues so while she is talking, keep tapping on my shoulder. Then after tapping 2 times, i give her a stare liao.

Crown, just tell her u dun like people to tap ur shoulders. that's what i do...heehee..then say 4d no strike liao la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: my family members love calling my mobile phone de. if cant reach means cant so i must on it. only mil will call home phone, then either hubby's mobile phone followed by my mobile phone or vice versa. she will make sure she tried all 3 phones else wont give up de. wahaha..

crown: i see i see... she is too happy liao lah.

lovebyte: oh, let us know if its nice. cause no matter what suntec is still nearer than esplanade and yess centre. hehe

crown, your colleague very weird leh! announcing pregnancy then keep tapping your shoulder some more? i think u need to put pins on your shoulders liao, then no one will dare to touch! lol!

surprisingly it's my parents who love to touch my shoulders. last saturday my dad tapped my shoulder and y'day my mum did that too. lol! i didn't say anything though 'cos i believe it's a pantang thing. as long as i not pantang can already. but maybe that's also the reason why i never strike 4D? lol!

Crystal, You ate at the Korean stall? I find compass point the Korean rice stuff so-so only, maybe their Ramen is nice. I prefer Rivervale mall one, tonight I think I will eat kim Chi noodles from there[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, poor mine. Anyway my hubby is the receptionist of our house phone, cos his mother love to call that no. There was once, she called at almost mid-night, my hubby told her off.

had my pkt of nasi lemak liao and a cup of warm honey...

normally i dun off my hp too but best thing is tat i always hv ppl telling me they can't get thru my hp esp my DH. dunno is my hp or M1 prob... if my hse phone rings, DH will never pick up cos it's my sis calling...

talk abt hp, my mil very buah zi dong one lei.. every weekend call at 8plus 9 in the morning. she wake up doesn't mean we wake up liao.. tell my DH off a few times than stop now seems to start again...

Rainbow, my MIL also. Heng my hubby wakes up at that time. I just continue sleeping[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw it is not good to on your HP when sleeping, cos the radiation would delays and reduces sleep, and causes headaches.

Gal, at this stage after first trimester, cannot buy baby clothes meh?? My friend asks me not to buy. But I already ask another friend to buy for me and it has been at her house for 2 weeks liao cos that time still haven’t pass first trimester, I feel so paisei.

stefie, first time i'm trying the stall. i tink the ramen is okie cos they use "xin" brand the ramen to cook so the noodles are quite chewy type.

i cannot turn off hp haha cos hp is my alarm clock hehe.. and also need it to "sing" lullaby to my tummy at nite so its always on and at the bedside table ahha

stefie: nowadays if hubby is at home, i will ask him to pick up saying "its your mum!". true enough, its her. wahaha...

rainbow: wah, so late then take arh? im already hungry from my lunch le. still thinking what to eat to ease the hunger.

oh, unplug the house phone loh. thats what i do nowadays if hubby is not at home.

stefie, normally i'll turn my hp at the side table and turn silent.. cos i scare of emergency.. and it happened 3 yrs back.. now my whole family never off our hp except for my mum cos she cannot accept any shocking news liao...

crown, 1 thumb tack on each shoulder will do e job.. kekeke..

crown: why cant buy? your friend asking you to wait cause she wanted you to find out the gender first isit? otherwise, i dont see why cant buy arh *SCRATCH HEAD*

EonEon, she said must know sex already then buy. she dun allow me to ask why. she say jus listen. i ask the other friend to buy unisex one liao. that day i bought diapers from JB, i also keep at my colleague's house first

eon, yr appetite good lei, i still cannot finish 1 course by myself.. i had my bf at 10plus ma.. after eating i wonder wat shld i eat for dinner..

WC - did anyone watch?? damn pissed right!!! wah kaoz!!

crown, can buy la.. my sis waiting to cfm my gender before packing for me e hands down. anyone i also bought milk bottles liao and will be buying 2 pkts of hankies soon. just tat i've no storage space otherwise i'll buy more!!

ASk u gals ah, if i buy cupboard/cabinets for baby's clothes right, normally they will install at our place. is it ok? cos of some pantang myths i scare and DH always not home..

crown: if its gender than i can understand, otherwise i have not heard of why we cant buy le. dont think so much. i think its all link to pantang-ness bah. nothing else.

rainbow: yes, my appetite damn good recently. every 2-3 hourly feed de. just like a newborn. haha

what is WC?

rainbow: wahaha.... i really lol in front of my monitor! i thought why you want us to watch/see TOILET then after seeing so pissed... wah piangz! my sotongness getting serious le.. kakakaka..

im not a soccer fan. never watch all the cups and leagues de. hehe...

crown, it's pantang stuff. My mum also ask me not to buy anything for bb yet, and don't move any furniture at home. I wanted to buy new furniture also cannot. haha.

Oh!!! Crystal, Xin brand is hot mushroom Kim Chi noodles, i think onight I will eat it. Abit siao hoh, pay $5 for instant noodles, but at least have some liao inside. On lah, set liao, Tonight kim chi noodles for dinner[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, I also like that, even hubby not home, I also don't answer, cos my MIL voice gives chills to my whole body[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, really ah. I guess you have no choice.

Crown, why cannot buy??

i always move sofa leh, cannot also ah? cos my fil always wan to do Qi gong in the room then push the sofa near the switch. when i wan to watch tv, i must push away the sofa

eoneon, u reallie made me LOL at my monitor le hahhaa. issit cos we MS so much that whenever we see WC we can only tink of toilet?


I really duno there are so many pantang things around. That is why I dun dare to bring home the diapers. She ask me dun ask so much, jus dun drink cold water, dun buy any baby stuffs, dun take herbs, eat fruits must take off skins…


Crown, it is okay to move sofa's around, I also do that. I even asked hubby to move our bed cos that time I suspected my 2 bao bei have ticks, so asked him to clean there with vinegar.

Bai wu jin ji lah. Just don't nail or paint the wall.

