(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

eoneon, ya la that is true. no one likes being blacklisted for nothing. if ur boss is the understanding kind u shld try to let him noe ur side of stry also lo i tink.

but i tink milk actually causes me to bloat le.. does this mean i'm lactose intolerant arh? but i used to lovvveee milk


crystal: ya, they are very vocal. they say what they want! to think i was so nice to him. till now i still spoonfeed him with some information when i know he can jolly well get the information from our accounting system but since he is new, i gave him the benefit of doubts that maybe he forgot how to retrieve the information. damn! thats what i get in returned!

ya, a number of the mummies living around that area. i think among us, im the only one living in sembawang.

lena, hahha can imagine ur happiness le hhhaa... i'm sure ur frens will share the smae happiness too hehhee... imagine bb being present at own parents' wedding. NICE!!

ya he's super health concious ahaha.. so far i've not seen a single VERY big mommie at his clinic before ahha... all the mommies i've seen so far are the from behind cannot tell they preggie and in front onli tummy big kind hhaha..

crown, dun angry dun angry u DONT WASH arh.... u not her f***king maid lo.

lena, if i were you i would tell my jie meis so they will know to look out even more for me. 'cos with long wedding gown (easy to trip) and whole day event, it's bound to be tiring. that day they'll have to really help u out with everything. i couldn't really depend on my sis 'cos she was blur to a lot of things and often asked me "did u do this? did u do that?" on my wedding day!!! so i was grateful to my jie meis who really stepped up and helped with a lot of things.

eon, ignore that xiao ren. crystal is right, they cannot sack u or kick u out now, can get sued one. so as long as you're doing your job, they can't do anything to u.

crystal, how much yoghurt did u take to gain 2kg in 1 week? i would have to assume u ate many huge tubs! sometimes it's water retention, not fats that's in us. i dun agree with your gynae that u shd only gain 10kg, but then he's your gynae so he shd know better. i read in babycenter that underweight ppl should gain slightly more than normal weight ppl. and overweight ppl should gain slightly lesser.

anyway, for calcium there are good food sources like soya bean products, such as tofu, as well as sesame seeds, nuts, white bread, dried fruit, pulses and green leafy vegetables.

Hi Eoneon: He's a Ang Mo ah... hmm... Jia lat cos they're good in talkin de... Hope you can cope well and try not to get too stress or angry over him... not worth it cos BB more important...

Thanks... Yup, i have decided to tell them later... Hee... Some of them is not reali very close with me cos i actually got little gfs so i asked them... But i do know all of them for quite long liao, dats y though of asking them... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My close gfs are either divorced or married so i cannot ask them... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

crown: damn! your sil is really taking you for granted. dont wash! ask your hubby to wash. poor you... dont care about her. no point getting upset over someone like her.

crystal: i hope i can clear my name loh. unless my boss check with me, i wont know if that scheming ang moh tried to stab me loh. boss said she will find a time to speak with me. cham liao. sounds serious. first time im caught in such situation.

hmm, not too sure leh. maybe you wana check with your gynae. i also love milk before preggy. now cant take. maybe one of these days i must muster the courage and buy one small pack to try.

Eoneon, now u see his true colors liao dun spoonfeed him anymore. he doesnt deserve it lo.

ya didnt hear anyone staying at sembawang side before...

really damn it lor, waste money to feed her, still cannot wash her own plates! she can wash her hands there, cant wash plates la. Good for nothing!

dewdew, i took one small yoghurt u noe the meiji kind? the 1 plus per bottle kind with aloe vera or berries type for 5 days lo.. cos i went to see him on a sat ma. those not very big ma and i onli took 1 a day.

eoneon, i tink u shld be proactive and tok to your boss first cos u dun wan her to form an impression liao then come and tok to u. tell her your side as soon as u can. its like damage control ma the earlier u do it the lesser the damage. thats how i feel la.

lena, hahaha when i was getting married i got 4 jiemeis, 3 married liao or ROMed liao ahha cos to me close frens more impt hehe then status hheee..

eon, i think he put the blame on u 'cos he's covering his own backside. a lot of ppl like that one, ESP lazy ang mohs. and they also can BS and say sky is green instead of blue.

anyway, if your boss ask u, u show him/her the email, said it was forwarded duly and in time. if he failed to submit the report then it's not your fault. as long as you're not at fault, u can fight for yourself. also, i'd confront him in front of the boss. why hurl those accusations while you're away and you've actually done your job? as long as you have covered your bases, you'll be fine. dun be worried!

Hi Eoneon: Oh... You live at Sembawang ah... There's one very popular gynae there named Lawrance Ang, i think he's quite good and also at a very affordable rate compared to other gynaes...

Hi Crown: Your SIL reali Idiot sia... So damn lazy... Enjoy ur weekend after the focus group! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI Crystal: Haha... your description somehow let me picture a scene of model pregnant women... Haha... Like controling diet to have good figure during preggy... hahaha... I dun think i have the ability to do that cos i cannot tahan hunger and cravings...

Hi Dewdew: Ya... I also quite worried about that day cos my white gown quite heavy also... That time wear for photoshoot, i already cant wait to change clothes liao lo... Imagine wearing for so long on wedding day...

Mummies, i going to log off liao cos preparing to get off work... You all enjoy the weekend and have a good rest k! Will try to find time to log in later or tml...

dewdew: feel so wei qu to be stabbed by such people loh. even when i was half dying on tuesday, i struggled to get the month end closing done. but yet, i kena this from him! luckily my boss called to check with me what else i havent done else i will be in the dark forever le.

lena: yes, si ang moh! i hope i will not lost my cool over someone like him.

i see.. but it will be good to share the good news since you are into 2nd trimester le. hehe.. enjoy your meetup later ^_^

oh, i agree with crystal. damage control and talk to boss first. on monday, find an appropriate time to talk to her - eg, once she has settled down and having her coffee. and also offer to clear up any misunderstandings with the ang moh in her presence. must show you're willing to help the ang moh BUT you're not going to take his nonsense and backstabbing.

gosh, i HATE office politics.

lena, i dun control my diet jsut i need to select the type of food i eat lo.. that's why my daily intake consists of so much fruits hahah cos i will be HUNGRY or need to munch hee...

dewdew, i do take dried fruits, multigrain bread, green leafy vegs etc tooo... jsut scared that i got not enough calcium haha...

crown, then jsut keep eyes close. its her house too dun let her tink the house has magic elves or fairies to clean for her lo.

let your FIL handle it.

dewdew: ahhahaha... you are so fierce! DON TOUCH THAT PLATE!! wahaha...

crystal: ya, next time he asked me, i will tell him its all in the accounting system. search there!

crystal: yes, will talk to my boss when she is free but she is currently very busy, next week she is flying and then after that she is going for eye operation. so i dont wana add on more workload to her.

dewdew: yes, i have the email to back me up loh. damn! next time i will make sure all our correspondence are in black and white.

lena: yes, i live in sembawang. oh, isit? the one at sunplaza?

enjoy your weekend too!

i am not gg to wash that plate. her hands are so smooth and my hands like old lady. everyday after dinner, all the plates and wok i wash one leh. i also wash my clothes with hands. now i P, i dun care, dun wan to do anything

dewdew: i also super hate office politics!

will try to find a good time to talk with my boss. thanks gals! talking to you all always make my day! hehe ^_^

crown: hmm, think a bit too late le. i will stick with dr ben unless dr ben pisses me off. haha... im used to him le. but at least next time someone is looking for a gynae at sembawang, i can intro him to them.

huh! till now you are still in charge of so many things arh. crown, time to take care of yourself and beanies.

crown, i also tink u very overworked le in the house haha...

okie mommies, my dh's meeting is over hehe i can go lunch now...

have a good weekend. we yak again on monday.

crown, yah, u are P with 2 wonderful babies. it's time for you to relax a bit and let other ppl do the work. dun overwork yourself, dun make yourself so gan kor.

crystal, 1 small meiji yoghurt a day won't make u fatter by 2kg lah, that's ridiculous! i think you need to overeat by 1000 calories everyday for 1 week in order to put that much weight. i say dun worry about the yoghurt. it's healthy and it's supposed to provide calcium AND keep our privates healthy. go ahead and eat them.

eon, hahaha... yah, i am a "chiak char bor". very fierce one. i even scold my boss... even though it's not right but gosh, he is so blur he makes me so angry everyday.

mummies, enjoy your weekend!

Thanks to all. This mth my mil in china so no cooking and I no need to wash. When she is back, I also dun care liao. Now I also throw everything into the washing machine to wash. Get tired easily, everyday jus wan to lie down

EonEon, I am staying in Sembawang too, u r not alone :))

Dr Lawrence Ang was my first gynae, his charges is very cheap, pkg is $550 (include scan + vit) and u can sign up after wk12 and still claim back 1st trimester bill. Cheapest I can find liao. I cannot say he is no good lah, but I wanted a female gynae this time, so didnt go back to him. He is very proud to say 80% of his patients delivered w/o epidural. He is very pronatural. I am surprise nobody is seeing him for Dec MTB, there are few in Nov MTB.

dewdew: haha... chiak char bor.. me too can be very chiak but to my family members only. wahaha...

haha, your boss so cute. sometimes having a blur boss is a blessing. my boss is too smart and alert to be blur le. everything she also knows de.

crown: yes, time to do things the easier way if need be. but ultimately, dont overwork yourself.

win: really? you stayed in sembawang!!! yes, finally one mummies staying in sembawang with me ^_^

really cheap leh. my package is not inclusive of medicine. without epidural!!! how to endure the pain?? i will ki siaoz if i am not given epidural i think. cause the pain i have seen on tv seems to be so terrible kind. and from what i heard, cant take it de. so must have epidural de.

Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt:

I have the following items available for low prices as I have become a SAHM and my baby is latching on exclusively -

1) PIGEON PERISTALTIC NIPPLE for standard neck bottles - 0-3mths+ S sized teats

Available for sale at $4 per 2pc-pack

-> 2 packs available

2) PIGEON PERISTALTIC NIPPLE for standard neck bottles - 2-3mths+ M sized teats

Available for sale at $4 per 2pc-pack

-> 2 packs available

3) PIGEON PERISTALTIC NIPPLE for standard neck bottles - 2-3mths+ Y leak-proof teats

Available for sale at $4 per 2pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

4) PHILIPS AVENT AIRFLEX NIPPLE - 3mths+ Medium flow teats

Available for sale at $6 per 2 pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

5) NUK Breast Pads with Ultra Absorbent Polymer Core

Available for sale at $5 per 24 pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

6) Tollyjoy Breast Pads with Ultra Soft Maximum Comfort

Available for sale at $6.50 per 48 pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

Self collection: Jurong East MRT, Clementi MRT or Tiong Bahru MRT

Pls PM me to arrange if interested.

my turn to share my yummy food today..

had a really good plate of hokkien mee at lunch, followed by an avocado milkshake hehe.

i usually have good appetite in the day time, then come 5pm onwards, all my appetite will be gone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

crown: dun let ur SIL take u for granted.. now u're pregnant, u should achieve queen status in the house and leave all washing to the rest!

oshgosh, same as me... by abt 4+, i am half dead! travelled all the way to look for mos burger, now after eating, feel so 'acidic' at the throat there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Guess what. Jus now my dh ask her to wash her plate and cup before gg out, she dare to shout back "wash liao lah"

bloody hell lor

i dun dare to dream being queen. I wash everyone clothes already very good. I mop everyday except her room

crown: wah, thats good money hor.. use that to pamper yourself, beanies and hubby. cause hubby did something good for you today.

oshgosh: wah, you also have avocado milkshake arh...

milo: your ms still hasnt subside arh. poor thing. i think should be over soon. jia you!

Hi Mummies.. Having some spare avent bottles (NOT BPA FREE) and thingys wanted to sell them away. Selling cheaper then market prices as i hope to sell them all to 1 person for convenient.

1. 4 x 125ml Avent bottles : $5.00 each

(U.P $17.20 in Twins pack)

Total: $20.00 for all 4bottles

Brand New (Not in boxes as they are from

different hampers from baby shower)

2. 6 x 260ml Avent bottles : $18.00 per pair

(U.P $25++ in Twins pack)

Total: $54.00 for all 6bottles

Brand New in SEALED boxes

3. 1 x Small Size Dryers Diapers (64pcs)

: $10.00 (U.P $14.00)

Brand New (Sealed)

4. 2 x 200ml Wide Neck Pigeons Bottles

: $7.50 each (U.P $9.50each)

Total: $15.00 foR 2bottles

Brand New in SEALED boxes

Everything for just $99.00!! Self Collect at Tiong Bahru Mrt! =D

If interested pls kindly drop me a email at : [email protected]

Pls kindly leave me your name and contact number for me to contact u thru sms! Thank you.

ANY sahm,momtobe staying east side?

my oscar will be monday morning at nuh, kinda forget the feeling about it since i done my last one 3yrs ago. This 2nd one is as nervewrecking as the 1st.

will pray harder at churh tommorow.


May I ask, how many days did you miss ur menses then you tested positive?

My av is already on time. This time miss for 3 days already. But tested 2x... all show negative. Dunno how... Should I wait some more or go see gynae or GP?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hey elmo, i missed my menses for about a week before i tested positive. Wait a little while before you panic and rush to see a doc. If you are preggers, you would have tell-tale signs (not only missed menses), but fatigue, lack of appetite, and maybe even nausea. I had those symptoms, and thought it was stress-related until I tested that a week later.

hi elmo, do u know roughly when u ovulated, if u do, easier to count when to start testing, i understand how u feel, i tried 3 preg kits in 3 days when i missed my period...and if really preggers, dun need to go gynae so early, cos may not be able to see anything yet, just take folic acid first..

Thks muddypaws, bubblezz. My cycle is usually 27-28 days. Today is already CD31. Din use OPK this round.. but last time it was ard CD 12-13. So by right if really preg... should be able to test +ve already right? No preg symptoms at all.. except maybe some cramps.. but i could have imagined it.

So do u gals mean u actually tested few days after u miss ur menses and got -ve also? My menses is never this late loh.. always early or on time.. that's y i happily tot i strike already. But who knows yest and this morn tested with 2 diff brands of HPT.. all -ve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hey elmo, my menses is always on the dot too, so I tested when my menses was late by a week, and it was positive. Do give yourself a few more days before trying... Good Luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all - Sorry to interrupt.. I have Palmer's Stretchmark Cream & Nursing Cream to let go cheaply at $20 for both.. All brand new, full size & never use before.. Anyone keen, please PM me..

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills today and drink lots of water[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My Peking duck was very good[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Heng that day never wash toilet. I had the balance of the ducks for 2 meals. My MS is back during dinner, had very bad washing on Sat (Once. hubby's tomato with pumpkin butter- this only make me puke, and my poor duck) and Sun (Twice, my MIL's home made otak - no more MIL's cooking liao and ABC soup with rice). Had roti with butter after "washing" toilet. Hubby said it is good sign, baby is growing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crown, you huat already[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just don't do anything for your SIL, let your hubby do the talking to his sis. No point getting upset with her, now baby more important[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


elmo, don't kan cheong. Maybe wait another few days then try again. My gf suggested if missed 2 weeks then test. Baby dust to you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

