(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

lena, now holidays le so kaeden no school and given my laziness, we are stuck at hm working tv :p will be doing some hsework later cos realise my hub standard abit cannot make it! so dirty! never go out today?


milo: im so sad. not selling.. then how am i going to get my cherries?! sob sob... so sad

good that your infection has cleared. take care wor..

crystal: i think i need to adopt your technique le. cause i have put on 4.5kg liao! will go buy lots of fruits.. hehe...

i cant imagine leh. cause im a light sleeper, so if theres any slight noise i cant sleep. think i better not take the risk. plus i want hubby to be with me.

milo: your biweekly visit still hasnt cut down arh? my next visit is a month later. luckily this time round theres oscan in between else i cant imagine the long wait before seeing beanie leh.

hi morning mummies, im waiting for my dh to buy back breakfast, so hungry. later i am gg to a 2hr focus group to earn extra cash, keke. me now have to earn more money for my beanies

milo, o ya hor urs is a c-section quite disturbing rite and then not like u can tel her not to bring in the bb haha... how does ur gynae charge per visit? mine is super ex haha so i reallie try to limit just once every month..hahha...

lena, hahaha... we all "hardworking" this weekend lo hahaha...

eoneon, still got sell cherries jsut more expensive only. dun buy too much at one go le cos fruits cannt keep for long but got to buy a varierty so u wont get sick of it haha..

i eaten a honeydew on my own okie ahhaha... split into 2 days.. first time ever hahaha... but it keeps me hydrated i tink adn i'm full also so i cut down on carbo food.

crown, u are amzaing le... u can still go for this kind of focus grp thing??? i dun tink i can hahaha i tink i will start to do mind wandering after 45 mins...

crown u still haven eat brreakfast? i eaten a slice of bread, packet of vegetarian bee hoon liao hahaha.. now snacking on tomatoes...

ur beanies wont riot arh? mine usually by 730 if i still dun eat i will start merlioning gastric juice liao.. ur beanies soo good le let u sleep long long.

Hi Milo: Haha... Mi too feel so lazy nowadays... Envy that you resting at home sia... I will be so busy this month till after my wedding.. Now at work and knocking off at 12noon...

I will be going Lor Ah soo to buy a tasty laksa which i just discovered 2 weeks back... Hehe... Will be meeting my wedding sisters for discussion later in the evening too... Wish the discussion will be very smooth and things can end early cos I realli gettin lazy... even lazy to use too much brain at times and cannot tahan noisy places... Too much noise gets on my nerve and like head splitting... Reali pei fu you and those preggy mummies having to look after children... Must be quite tiring...

Hi Crystal: Yea... glad that i got you guys to chat during work on sat cos mi no mood to work at all... hahaha

lena: ya, i think its more of luck for the upgrading loh.

are you at home now or working?

i have nothing to do at parents' place. only watch tv and surf net. hehe...

milo: i have learnt to shut one eye liao. but at times still will use the magic clean wiper to go round the house.

lena, u work every sat arh? can imagine that you must be very tired le... have u told ur gfs bot ur preggie yet? cos when u wear ur wedding gown got to make sure that one of your jie mei will hold ur gown for u so that u wont trip esp now.

crown, go get soemthing to eat? got bread? can eat a slice or 2 first... wahh avocado milk shake sounds nice le.... now is avocado season i tink i seen loads of them around and selling quite cheaply too.

ya, i bought it at 2 for abt $2 at NTUC last week, waiting for it to get ripe. finally today can eat liao. it has plenty of vitamins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am eating those instant mash potato now

crown: so late le you still havent eat? i think i need to go for second food intake soon liao... wah! focus group sounds fun hor. enjoy ya ^_^

crystal: okok, i will go see.. yah, cant buy too much as fruits spoiled easily. now i wana eat cherries, lychee, mangosteen... all the in season fruits. wahaha...

crown, o okie okie.. as long as u eating soemthing i tink since preggy haha i cannot tahan not eating at fix hours hahaa... beanie will riot ahhaa....

look like i am the only one who dun like fruits. i so scare of eating apples and oranges. everyday my fil keep feeding me that.

eoneon, ya ya buy fruits in season will be cheaper and also taste good haha... feel soo happie hor hahaha

crown, the focus group is quite good money arh haha okie okie jia yew u can do it.

crown: home made avocado milk shake arh? wah, must be nice. i still hasnt muster any courage towards milk stuff. good for beanies...

crystal: my hubby is coming back on monday! so happy... finally 2 more days.

crown: is it because you have been eating the same fruits almost every day thus sianz? i will get sianz if i eat the same fruits almost every day leh. so maybe you buy other fruits for a change and you will fall in love with them.

crystal: ya loz... i love these exotic fruits. yum yum....

Eoneon, it is very easy to make. it is jus maple syrup, avocado and milk blend together. it is a delicious and nutritious drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crown, ya ahhaha i agreee with eoneon hahah altho i love apple and i can eat them every day haha but i onli eat selected type of apple hahaha..

i also eat grapefruit but i split 1 grapefruit into 2 times and eat them. cant eat all at one go hhaha..

eoneon, u sound soo happie hahaha... soo happie for u 2 that your hubby is comg back soon. so u confirm wont ahve monday blues next week.

o mangoes... somehow indian mangoes are in season but i bought one a benichan? or benihan? hahah ayways soemthing that start with B its NOT GOOD le it leaves a bitter aftertaste. i switch to thailand rainbow mangoes and they are VERY GOOD... sweet and fragrant.

eon, think some ntuc still selling bah... i gotta chu dong my mum to help me look for it! when a preg woman wanna eat, its no joke. haha. when is ur hubby coming back?

crystal, ya lor, quite disturbing. cos once we reach hm hor, wanna slp also hard la. so for the few days in the hosp stay, i quite lazy to be feeding bb every few hrs :p per visit is abt 200+ lor, sigh, i so heartache now. thinking of switching to a cheaper gynae but my condition like so laychey, worried abt bb well being. this mth is the worth lor, oscar 300+ then paid 400+ last wed for the glucose tolerance test and wat not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

crown, dun eat so late ya. u are eating for 3 person so dun get too hungry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

duno what my dh is doing la, until now still dun wan to come back. before i get P, our breakfast always become lunch. duno what is this family doing....so piss now

jus came back from my scan and blood test.. scan looks fine, can see baby kicking and punching away so cute!

blood test result will only know nxt week..

gynae says look like i'm having another girl! was actually hoping can get a boy to play soccer w my hubby, but as long as i have a healthy baby, good already.. 2 girls also quite cute, can save $ on clothes..

but gynae say not accurate, so not confirmed..

anyway, i haven't put on weight yet, which is worrying to me cos i'm already underweight.. i hope to eat more when my NS subsides..

hear u guys talk about all ur cravings makes me wonder why i dun hv any.. for my first one, also no craving..

crown: i will try that next time but now i still dare not drink milk, scare i puke. now have phobia towards milk. hope this phobia wont last for too long.

wow! mango and durian... i love too.. but heaty so i must refrain now until i fully recover.

crystal: i have not seen hubby since 20 may... very very happy! hehe....

still will have monday blues cause while i was away, a xiao ren actually tried to paint a bad picture of me in front of my boss. 2nd time already. told boss that i have not completed my month end. the last round told boss that i have not forward him the stuff he needed when i have already emailed him. this time accused me of not finishing my job. wah piangz! since when i stepped on his tail! so angry...

hahhaa milo, u good le u can still chu dong ur mom hahaha

ur gynae visit cost is like mine le... mine is close to 300 each time. so reallie can feel the pain hahaa... i also thot of changing but then dh feels that my gynae is good le and he's experienced in case got anything u noe u are in safe hands. sighh.... u said u got gestational diabetics previously rite? is that why u doing the glucose test?

crown, u wan to call dh? ya its realie going to be brunch soon liao le... not good for u and beanie too to ren hunger for soo long...

Eoneon, for TMC, their hospital pkg is 2 nights for natural delivery. But I heard KKH stay 1 night only if doc think u can discharge the next day.

Wow... got Lychee & mangoesteen too ah... nice leh. Later go & buy.

oshgosh, oooo soo exciting u noe the sex liao arh?? hahah.. gal good le hahah... i tink mine very likely to be boy hahaha... gal can doll nice nice hahah...

boys always t-shirt shorts hahah

ahhaha ours not exactly craving la more of trying to eat healthy so that we wont put on too much wt. hahah my gynae will go thru the roof if i put on too much ahha so i sharing pointers with the rest also lo.

eoneon, y ur that cols so one kind one... he trying to replace u issit?

crown, dun be pissed cos men are really moh one... mine still promised to wake up at 630 to buy me prata breakfast before he go to work hor... ended up 730 then wake up, change and chiong off to work le! wait for him, i er si le :p

eon, some ppl are jus so one kind lor. i got plenty of them in the office... sigh, now tat we are preg and awaiting our 4 mths, buay song also must lun. jiayou jie mei! work for 5 more mths and we have 4 mths of paid leave :p

crystal, same sentiment here.. i feel safe in my gynae hand so ex also no choice. can only try to save in other aspect. for the sake of bb, money can always earn back.. haha must psycho myself more :p

yup, i got family history of diabete so tested for the glucose at week 28 during my 1st preg and tested +ve. very mild one though. so this 2nd one, gynae asked me to test on week 15... if -ve, week 28 test again.. cham!

anyone taking calcium tablet can reco me? i tinking of taking additional cos my gynae ban all milk products for me cos he say will make me fat. sighh... i scared not enough calcium later my teeth all drop ahhaha...

crystal & crown: both of you are tempting me with your mango leh... aiyoyo.. i must ren ren ren..

milo: haha... must chu dong your mum some more... hubby coming back on monday ^_^

crown: your hubby went breakfast with the whole family huh? thus it take so long isit?

oshgosh: good to know scan went well. so fast can see the gender liao mey? you have not been eating much isit? dont be too stressed. did you check with gynae how else to increase your weight? i think not everyone has cravings bah... hehe

milo, dun worry bot the diabetics okie... jsut watch wat u eat lo.. if u take jam there are jam for diabetics one with no additional sugar. i jsut bought 1 yest. no artificial sugar also. i paranoid haha..

Hi Eoneon: I'm working half day today.. Hmm... That xiao ren so bad... Hate this kind of ppl, pushing blame on others...

Hi Crystal: No la... i work on alternate saturdays... So sian... 1 of my sisters is my real sister so she knows... I also wonderin should i tell the rest today anot so they know and can help me more on that day... You tin i should tell them?

Hi Crown: Wow... i like avocado milk shake too but i nv buy the fruit to do it myself before? How to choose and tell when it's ripe? You got anything sour like sour plums or something to eat to lessen the nauseou? Try to get something hot like milo or cereal to drink first... Will helps too and at least will fill your tummy for awhile... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Durian and Mango are heaty fruits and got higher suger contents so dun eat too much k... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Oshgosh: Feel so happy for you that you BB is growing so well... If reali another girl for you, you can save alot of money on clothes liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Milo: you still cant sign up for package so you dun have to pay everything you see your gynae? I thought most gynae allow you to sign up once you reach 2nd trimester...

Lol... Seems like the mummies here always 'accidentally' tempt each other with food... Haha... helps to increase our cravings...

eon & crystal, chu dong my mum also no use! she run faster than me! calling her since 9am already bo lang at hm! she really cant wait to get out of the hse looking after kaeden after mon-fri!

crystal, my ca tablet is prescribed by gynae so dun think can be purchased outside. ur gynae have? nowaday surprisingly i love plain water! blessings in disguise manz

eon, happy right? hub coming back.. hehe at least something to look forward to other than seeing baby. think ur hub misses both of u too. not easy to be working overseas.

lena, my gynae package starts from 20 weeks... still a long long way. think i must hint to him tat i getting pok soon, can stretch to 3 weeks once bo... hehe

heng we all dun stay tat near to one another else will see one bunch of preg woman fighting for the same food in the same area!

Lena, i cant take sour stuff, make me hungry easily.

he is finally back with fried carrot cake but i cant eat much cos no appetite liao

make the shake at home is cheaper, outside so ex. the skin of the avocado must be dark in color and when you press, it is of the soft side.

hi mummies! wow, the thread is so active today! usually it's just me and lena on saturday morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i see everyone's enjoying their fruits. so lucky! i must go to a few supermarkets today to find my cherries. i won't give up! lychee also can, i also like. hehe...

Jolin, my SIL said $3k+ includes the doctor's fee at Gleneagles. so if you're planning 2-bedded, no epidural, then it should be ok to go there. just FYI, my nephew was in NICU for 4 days, the bill for him came up to $6k+! that's before deduction from medisave. after deduction they had to pay about $2k+ for baby's expenses.

crystal, if you're worried, maybe u can drink milk just twice a week? that way shouldn't get fat. calcium tablets - can go for GNC ones.

oshgosh, congrats on knowing the gender of your baby already! so exciting! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eon, usual stay is 2N after delivery. packages with hospitals are also for 2 days. i think if C-section is additional 1 more day (but not very sure about that).

crown, if u dun like apples or oranges, maybe u can buy some fruits of your own and bring home. your FIL should get an idea. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he's very sweet to always give u fruits. just tell him u now have craving for other types, he should understand. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

win: thanks thanks.. cleared my doubts le. cause mum keeps saying one night nia where got two nights. then i told her i heard you gals talking about two nights leh.

yah, now all the exotic fruits in season. i love them. but but but need to control else i will be eating too much again. wahaha... i really must learn the art of controlling food intake.

crystal: i think so loh... everyone is eyeing the positions in singapore to get away from the big boss in australia. so the position here is very tempting to them de.

milo: my hubby will promise me sumptuous breakfast too and the next day, slept till almost lunch.. wahaha

im just scare my position in the company will be lose loh. sianz! i dont wish to have this kind of unnecessary stress.

crystal: how come your gynae ban milk products? you need them leh. so long its those low fat ones, should be alright de arh. plus you are small size, if i never remember wrongly. not as if you are fat like me. why must restrict?

me just started on my calcium pill from gynae. its called calcidan. im taking once nightly.

lena, if u ask me i would say tell cos they are there to help u if they noe they can help u better and look out for u more esp they will remind u to keep taking fluids so u wont get thirsty and also give u snacks etc thruout so u wont get dizzy. cos our requirements now are different from non preggie so i tink it will help if your "sisters" can help u lo.

eoneon, dont worry la he cant kick u away now from your position your co. cant sack u also unless u resign on your own.

my gynae is a health fanatic hahaha... he gave me a long "talk" on the down side of drinking milk. i'm underwt to begin with and i'm still underwt hahah but cos he onli give me a quota of 10kgs for the whole preggi so i need to watch my wt lo. maybe i can ask my gynae for calcium tablets when i see him next. he funny lo he told me u dun put on much wt u dun neeed stretch mark cream cos your skin wont overstretch u noe like popiah skin? u put too much filings at one go u roll all break. dunno wan to laff or cry over such a description haha.

lena, my package also start onli on week 16 which is thankfully my next visit ahha...

crown, o dear.. can keep and then eat later? i tink got to heat up tho cos of the oil if not will be too oily.

dewdew, i took yoghurt during my week 10 that time and i put on 2 kg le... kinda "scolded" left right centre by gynae so i stop hahaha...

crystal: ya loz.. missed him so much.

lena: ya loz... xiao ren! furthermore, he just joined the company nia loh. scheming ang moh!

yes, we always accidentally tempt each other with our food cravings. wahaha..

milo: your mum is those very active senior citizen hor.. thats good leh. better than cooped at home.

true loh, not easy for hubby too. he always love to ask me what is beanie doing. i will be like "huh, how i know?" "you ask beanie yourself loh.".. wahaha

wah, your package starts so late arh. im so happy to hear that my package will start with my next visit which is july. very siong to be paying so much each visit leh.

haha, milo.. that picture you painted of us fighting for food is so hilarious!!! wahahah....

dewdew: yes, yes.. what you said is exactly what win said. so its a package to stay in hospital for 2 nights loh. haha.. okok..... ming liao!

eoneon, unfortunately ang mors is like that one lo and they tend to be more "vocal" worst thing is after that tehy will say O i didnt mean it that way.. its like BS la...

milo, but i think a no. of mommies do stay at sengkang/punggol that side rite? maybe those who stay that area have seen each other before many many times liao ahahha just dunno each other onli.

crystal: ya loz... but i dont like the feeling of being maligned and being blacklisted for nothing and just because one stupid xiao ren is trying to get me jobless. angry!

your gynae is so funny leh.. hahaha... popiah skin some more. but you need the nutrients mah. low fat milk is ok de. my gynae asked me to drink low fat milk. but now i dont even tough milk.. haha..

lena: yesyes. on the part of telling your sisters. i agreed with crystal. they will be in a better position to care for you once they know that you are pregnant. and since they are your sisters, they should be your closest friends, they will feel hurt if you are pregnant yet never tell them. since you are into 2nd trimester le, can freely tell them loh. hehe

Hi Crown: Hmm... Maybe he should have bought something less oily for you since you feeling nauseous already... Got anything else to eat or maybe cook some porridge so you can eat whenever you feel hungry... I like to do that too...

Thanks for the info ya... Will try making the avocado milk shake one of this days... Hehe.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Crystal: Thanks for the advice... That's what i'm thinkin so i'm considering to tell them cos i did not tell most of my friends yet... Hao ba... Will heed your advice and announce to them later... hehe... I find myself very weird, though i know my tummy will be very obvious at the wedding but i somehow feel very proud cos BB is sharing the joy with me in a way... hahaha

Wa... First time i heard of this kind of extreme health concious gynae... Not sure whether it's good or bad anot cos you somehow gotta control your diet becos of gynae?


my bloody sil really KNS. i left her half of my carrot cake to eat. She eat liao, leave the plates at the basin. Really waiting for maid to wash ah. F*** sia

