(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Jolin, yes yes that's the good thing rite u can go any day and timing which is good in case u cant make it on that timing/day rite?

i tink its jsut for us.


EonEon, yr scan is next week .. mine is another week later. It's like very very long liao .. beanie how r u?

Yah .. thanks. I'll keep it up .. and hope all other mummies too! Jiayou *o*

Jiahui, I'm wk 10 .. the last in the Q .. hang on we'll be reaching T2 soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lilsunshine: yes, yes.. so excited. i missed my beanie so much. maybe thats why fall sick so have excuse to see gynae.. haha. so i just saw my little beanie on tuesday. so happy. heard his/her heartbeat for the first time. so excited!

after that our appointments will become once a month so i cant imagine how to survive the wait for so long.. wahaha

yes, lilsunshine.. reaching soon, so much jia you!

eon, my last appt was last Monday and already i'm wondering how my baby is doing. still have to wait another 15 days to my next visit to Dr Woody... dunno how i'm going to tahan the suspense!

I am craving for royce chocolate chip now :p

Jiahui & Lilsunshine, me too 10.5 weeks now..let us endure[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah rite .. T1, fatigue and MS make us feel worn out and mentally fuzzy. I hope it'll improve as we move on to T2.

Yes .. I can only look at the scan pics when missing beanie & super low morale. Sigh! dunno wat's happening inside now.

yeah, crystal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew...try to put your hands on yr belly and talk to the baby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will be fine. don't worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all the mummies Jia You !!

time will flies when you least expect it..

now my belly is quite protuding liao..

we will survive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

nw den gt time to log-in. juz cm bk to work after MC for 1day, but my morning doesnt start well...rvc call frm my dad tat my grandmother hd passed away tis morning n wif my current condition i cant go bk to send her off...sigh...a bit sad.=(

mummies who bought cherries muz remember to choose those dark red n firm ones den its nicer, since NTUC one cm it boxes so it quite hard to choose, yest i bought a big mango frm NTUC,its abt $2.49.Golden kiwi is nicer aso, so try to eat more.

Poor mine, PSH. Maybe you next time then pray to her. Now better don't go back. Take care.

Crystal, I think cannot. Got pineapple. Maybe you ask them no to put pineapple. I also like sour sour stuff leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes yes i can ask them not to add pineapples rite? the soup base is okie rite? evening time is also bad for me so i hoping to find someting sour sour spicy spicy to eat...

Crystal, I think got Ginger flower cannot eat. Maybe check with your mom.

Aiyah, Maybe just eat what you want. Really too many things to worry. Just eat everything in moderation. I also want to eat penang Laksa[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hubby will be late, cos he just left office. I want my duck[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH, dont be sad okie... ya, my grandpa passed away on my mum's bday some years back.

yes, stefie is right, too many things cannot eat and some are due to pandang somemore. v hard for us to avoid all. jus eat moderate and be happy!

dewdew: very difficult leh. i also always want to see beanie but cant have impromptus visit. very expensive.. wahaha

crystal: just eat. moderate will do.

psh: sorry to hear that. take it easy.

I also agree, just eat whatever u crave, as long as not in excess is fine.

Yah loh, every gynae visit very expensive leh, at least ~$200 fly away. So once a mth is OK, baby will be fine as long as no bleeding, don't worry too much.


i try nt to tink too much...its a stage whr everyone hd to go thru...dun worry abt me =)

me nw prefer to think wat to eat tonite after reading tat stefie gg to hv peking duck, muz b vy yummy...hehe=)

i LOVE penang laksa - i still hv a holiday to penang in september, just to whack the penang food there. dun care whether got pineapples or not, eat first! LOL! too pantang no good lah, if scared just eat a bit bit to satisfy craving. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think pineapple if cooked is ok. ppl scared is the raw fruit that might trigger something.

psh: you have cravings mah? go after your cravings loh. stefie's cravings is a bit far for me.. wahaha..

dewdew: raw pineapple also can eat just remember moderation will do...

PSH, yes I am still thinking about moi duck. Really hungry now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take it easy about your granny passing. She will be in heaven looking after you and beanie leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just got back from visit to gynae for my cramping in the tummy... gynae doesn't know the reason for the scraping feel, but the cramps is prolly due to the tummy expanding. Well, bottomline is Kiddo is ok. Saw kiddo in some awkward yoga-impossible position, and despite gynae's prodding, it refused to open up its legs for us to see if it's a boy or gal.

Now got huge huge migraine..........

muddypaws: good to hear that your little kiddo is doing fine. haha, must be hilarious to see kiddo in that position. now you are rest assured liao.

take a warm bath and relax bah ^_^


i crave for spaghetti n baked potatoes...cook these for dinner...nw super full!!haha


thks so much for yr console...enjoy yr peking duck!!hehe...=)

psh: wah! you are very hardworking leh. nowadays i hardly cook. even if cooking, also cook those simple soupy stuff like beehoon soup, marcaroni soup..etc

glad that you enjoy your dinner ^_^


i will try to cook if possible...normally i will aso cook at least one soup n one veg...at nite i dun hv much appetite so cant cook too much...

psh: thats good loh. me still mustering the strength to cook at night now. before preggy, i will cook almost every night if hubby is in singapore but ever since preggy with all the ms and fatigue, i hardly cook. dabao our food most of the time liao. think i need to start cooking again since now im into 2nd trimester, feeling better. hehe..


ya ya...during 1st tri i aso dun feel like cooking...everytime after cooking i feel vy tired n complaint to my hubby...so can onli cook simple meal, i aso nw in 2nd tri den gt e mood to cook more ting to eat...

try to cook simple meal, always eat outside nt healthy.

All this talk about food is making me hungry.. just had laksa last night (not penang one).

Just woke up and now still waiting for hubby to come home to bring me out for dinner. I wonder if I am very hungry will beanie feel hungry too?

yo... i managed to buy the last box of cherries from my mum place jus now! and now... i am hooked to it! its so sweet and yummy! haha

tomorrow morning will be going to hunt for more *drool*

i didn't manage to get any cherries! so sad... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] will try again tmrw. jiayou! haha...

Hi Milo, i did the swab test on tue nite, so far the clinic has not called me yet, I checked on Thurs but results not out yet. How's your infection, all cured ald?

Btw mummies, when do u all confirm which hosp to deliver? so far I have not done any research on this yet but I have frens who deliver at Mt A and seems the feedback is good...

Ethan - so far I have been seeing my gynae every 2 weeks. but even 2 weeks to see beanie like have to wait very long.

Btw can we take green bean dessert?

sharon, what type of dessert do you mean? green bean is very liang so try to avoid. but if really cannot resist then take a bit bit.

hey moms, thanks for the advise on pumps! din know abt rental services, but yar, wat u guys said makes sense, i wouldn wanna spend so much den find out i got no milk.

Dew dew, i also crave cherries! weird... i love salmon too, but only in sashimi form as well as raw oysters but i'm scared tt eating them may hurt baby.

i have heard v gd feedback abt mt A too, super service, food and room-sgl.

Good morning!! Rest day for us, happy!!

I heard Mt A & TMC are both good, price almost the same. Gleneagles & Mt E should be OK but more pricy. I think most people will choose gynae first then decide which hospital to deliver. Anyway we are staying in hospital for 3D2N only while we are seeing the gynae for 9 mths.

Good Morning Mummies, After reading the posts about food yesterday, i was so tempted to eat too and i went to buy cherries at NTUC and Roast Duck(Half) from Lor Ah Soo... Wahaha... Just to inform you all the the cherries promotion has ended on thur so i bought it at $5+ ytd...

Hi Win: I think Mt A is slightly cheaper than TMC... I'm considering between the 2 hospital too... Cant make up my mind.... My gynae seem closer to TMC so dunnoe can get free upgrade anot and i thinking of Mt A becos of the good feedback and it's cheaper...

morning everyone ^_^

psh: yah, i agreed with you. always taking outside food very unhealthy. so i must start to cook again. else will seem like im neglecting hubby's tummy also. haha...

aiko: wah! you having dinner at such late hours arh. ever since preggy, my dinner hour has been very early. around 6pm. else my tummy will growl so fiercely that people around me can hear.

i dont know if beanie will be hungry along with us but im always telling hubby "mummy & beanie are hungry! what time is dinner?" haha.. always using beanie as excuse.

milo: lucky you! i will have to wait till tomorrow then go in search of my cherries.. hehe. enjoy!

dewdew: jia you! you can find your cherries de. ransack a few supermarket will do.. haha..

sharon: for me, i have no choice, my gynae is with tmc so i have to choose tmc for delivery. choosing another hospital other than tmc will cost additional. but so far, mount a and tmc have got good reviews.

can take green bean dessert but take in moderation. for me, cause im sick, so mum cooked one big pot of diluted green bean soup for me on wednesday. i finished the whole pot and ran toilet more than 15 times for small business.. haha, mum said get rid of the heatiness and toxic within me.

bubblezz: me too craving for sashimi and raw oysters but cant take now. if wana take must make sure its thoroughly cooked.

win: yes, yes.. agreed with you that most of us will choose gynae first then choose hospital. eh, but hospital stay is 2 nights mey? not 1 night for normal delivery arh? my mum said only stay 1 night for normal delivery. or change liao?

lena: really arh, the promotion ended le arh.. so sad.

huh, can get free upgrade de mey? never heard of before leh. how does it works?

morning everyone,

seems like not many of us are around on weekends usualy hahah.

the free upgrade i heard from my fren before also but u got to choose a 4 bedder then depending on availability they may upgrade u to 2 bedder its not a confirm thing. but if u get it then u pay the 4 bedder price for a 2 bedder room lo.

dewdew, eon & lena, ya lor, the cherries promotion ended... i paid 5+ also but its really yummy! went to the ntuc downstair and was told no more selling le... so sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sharon, i did my swab test on tues and sat clinic called me say mild infection. so went down on the following wed to insert med.. shld be all cure le bah. most impt bb will not be affected [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no news = good news ya.

huh... no more cherries... never mind la got lychees hahaha... i bought a basket of lychees yesterday quite sweet and juicy too ahhaha...

been weighing myself consistently since my last visit. i reaslise that eating fruits and raw vegs is reallie good. i get full in between meals and i dont put on much wt. hahaa... downside is need to constantly replenish supply hahaha cos perishables dont keep long.

milo, that is good news to hear...

eoneon, that's the way it works la so unless haha u noe that the day u delivering not many ppl hahah then u can opt for the 4 bedder hahaha if not cannot imagine 4 bedder le how to sleep ahah...

crystal, yeah i saw lychee also! seems like we all love fruits ya! must control my wt gain alittle else later hard to lose all the excess fats LOL

i got a 2 bedder last round and really find it hard to rest. i was recovering from my c-section wound so nurse didnt bring bb to me... but the mummy next to me kept having her baby push in every few hrs, abit disturbing leh... so i am contemplating a single bedder this time but see how first bah. every 2 weeks visit to gynae is quite siong on me already so must try to cut on somewhere [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Eoneon: Ya... What they explain is right... Cos i heard from my colleague too... It's not possible to predict ba... By luck i guess but maybe we can also ask our gynae... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Milo: Glad you recovered liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yup, the cherries are quite yummy... I went to the NTUC outside Hougang Mall and they still got stock... Not sure abt now though...

I'm quite surprised so many mummies replied cos normally it's quite quiet on saturdays... haha

