(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


dun be too upset.. Men are like that diffcult to ask them to change. Do find a suitable time and have a talk with him. Telling him how you feel and the suffering you are going thru. Tho there is nothing he can do but at let be more considerate.. Coz after bb born his status will change and bb will see him as an example..


Yah Sharon, it's not easy (almost impossible) to change, esp a person's temper. it's only with rigid self-control that a person can keep it in check. is his temper the same with everyone? temper also mellows with age, so take heart. in the meantime just avoid his temper outbursts and do your best to be happy. good luck!

Agreed with dewdew. My husband also have a bad temper. He can just angry me or scolding me for small issues or nonse things. He will scold me in the public as well. But i just ignore it cos i dun really have a mood to argue with him.. just try to act blur and busy with my own thing... Then for sure, he will calm down himself after that as he will feel kinda 'bo liao' cos i keep ignore and act blur to him... haha... dun keep this in ur heart... be happy.. be a happy mum.. dun let this 影响 ur mood..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lena, the diaper money refers to us. I,m not sure if it's a dialect thing. It's like to thank them for having us so that our hubby canmarry us.


Am I wrong to say that my fil spoilt his daughter until

rotten? I really dun like the idea of washing woman undies with the clothes. And I also dun like the idea why everything must do Sui Sui for her and she do nothing. Why my house have to leave her a room! Like that I get scolded. He ask me to go and think abt it myself. He dun wan

2 evil kids

Who scold you crown? Your hb or fil?

If your hb then something wrong with him.. It your house why are you being evil? And what has it got to do with your kids !!!!

My dh lor. He say I shouldn't be so evil, like that treat his Sis. Whatever his dad wan to treat his daughter, let it be. Dun care. But if they continue like that, she will be even more lazier. So next time I have to take care of her la

he say if I always think that, our kids will be like that

My goodness crown, u having twins le they will grow up le they also need space ma why wan to crowd the whole house. I support u to go on strike dun do anything for her anymore. Sigh poor u sayang sayang .

She is a pest lor, can't get rid. If she dun stay with us, my in laws will stay with her! So taking care of her is more impt than their grandchildren

crown arh... i dunno bot u but if financial allows, i rather employ maid or a nanny instead to look after my children then to have to put up wiht pest like her. she doesnt contribute and treats u like her personal maid.


ask your hb to be fair.. It's a children's responsibility to take care of their parents not the other way.. And you will not want your twins to grow up like her and you guys got to take care of them till old? Coz they learn not so good things very fast..

Crystal, financially we can't afford the flat. Somemore now got twins, lagi can't afford. Need my in law to rent out the condo and help us abit.

E square, I also dun wan my kids to end up like that

crown, i think it's like that - when we criticise a member of their family, it's like criticising them and they'll react defensively. i get that whenever i say something about hubby's family also, so now i just keep quiet until i cannot tahan. occasionally will drop hints here and there.

for eg, your SIL's panties, if they ask u to wash, u just put in a pail and tell your hubby to wash. see how he feels. anything unreasonable they want u to do for your SIL, u pass it on to your hubby. right now you're doing everything so he doesn't know, he doesn't need to care. can close one eye and pretend never hear, never do so it didn't happen.

pass it on to him, say it's difficult for u to do 'cos back pain, really tired, cannot squat etc. all kinds of pregnant reason just bring out and tell him u cannot do. then see how long he can tahan.

hihi morning all

Sharon...cheer up!!! my hubby also use to be very hot temper...but aft married i will try to trained him up...cos he is spoilt by his mum being the youngest in his family...he won't do any house work...so wht is do is...i dun wash his clothes, till he had nothing to wear he will get his bum up and do his own laundry..me sound very bad ar...and when he throw his temper i will do it worst then him...so whether he cool down will explained to him wht mistake he make...hehe me sound very bad ar

wow crystal...whr u get the oil fr, which part of chinatown???

Crown...my hubby alway say i dun seem friendly toward his family...especially aft my wedding i dun even talk to his sis, but he dun understand we live in two family diff backgound, we will tend to forgive and forget whether our sis/bro make mistake...but not his family

so maybe u can try to put this idea to ur hubby...and ur hubby shld not say thing like u r being evil...he shld understand u r hving twin..and need more space for ur children

dewdew i agree with u. crown dun be soft hearted pass evrything to ur hubby lo since he so side the sister. let him do. see how long he can take it. he dun do u dun do.

chris, i bought it from the corner shop on the 3rd level.. meili or meley or somethign like that haahha... die cannot remmeber haha

i went to check out swanston and ocean. swanston is more expensive.

its the first shop if u walk in from the direction of chin swee road carpark on the 3rd floor. not super crowded one.. the shop owners is a husband and wife and a couple of chinese ladies but they are all very courteous. sorry i cant remember the name. its near to a very crowded 6 dollars hair cut shop. the prices for their clarins products are stuck there on the shelves before disc. they indicate there also 35% discount.

hi chris, no worries. heee good deals must share haha... its quite substantial savings i tink esp cos we neeed it for quite a while.

Chris, you never use beansprout pillow during baby before? I think it is good. My mum used to be baby sitter, every baby also use that. But now long time she never take care and become lazy le hence I never thought of asking her to take care of my babies

morning mummies,

Hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend. Its almost lunch time and i'm waiting for hubby to bring lunch home after his golf session. Spent the morning sleeping in then went for a swim in my bikini with my big tummy....luckily in the pool mostly kids not adults. If not damn pai seh...

Just wondering if any of u experience this, when u apply ur creams at night on ur tummy areas after a while do u get like rubber shavings as though you are rubbing dead skin off your tummy? just wondering if its dead skin cells or my skin too dry.. Never had this problem before not in the past 4 weeks. Is it true that pregnant women need to scrub our skin more often?

E-square, dewdew, woolsley, Chris - Thanks. my hb is the youngest in the family so perhaps its the way he was brought up, the sisters and mum all give in to him. Anyway had a talk with him the next morning and he said will try to control his temper. But alas yesterday outside at Vivo lost his temper again, i sulked till my face long long. After that think he 'liang xin fa sian', and bought the Clarins tonic oil for me. So forgive him ...haha.

Btw recently observe that i got watery discharge often. Is that normal?

sharon, me too and feel like water bubbling at times. worried so went down for a check last wed.

received a call from my gynae this morn tat the lab test show mild fungal unfection wor so this coming wed will be going down for treatment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Crown...me nv use the pillow b4...but saw quite gd thinking to get it

me too hving dicharge...sometime is very watery yellow, sometime white and sometime is brown

chris, the pillow is good for babies, all the babies (my cousins, their kids etc) in my family used it. some will put on the baby's chest to "steady" the baby so won't get frightened easily.

discharge - i think yellowish and whitish discharge is normal. watery ones - better be careful and ask gynae if unsure. brownish - if it comes with cramping, go to gynae immediately. if you are just spotting a bit, immediately stop all strenuous activities and go for bed rest. if spotting continues then go see gynae asap.

Mummies, got a good buy at taka sales so despite being so early, couldn't resist!

Got an avent single uno electronic pump with one bottle, carrier bag, ice pack, battery pack + parts to convert into a manual pump at $150 + additional 10% off! So in total paid $135. Seems like quite a good deal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo, not sure if it's cheaper than philips carnival sale. Bought a set of avent bottle (2new born & 2 6mths above) at $25 and a set of milk bottles(1new born & 2 6mths above) with brush and 2 pacifier at $35.

Suddenly, I am having some brown discharge. This has never happened before in my previous pregnancy. Any other mummies experienced the same thing?

rainbow, ur bottles deal is good! cos if i never remember wrongly, 1 bottle at taka cost abt 13+

i went down to the carnival sale also and they are selling the pump at 239, so i guess taka pump is worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe so exciting right? we are starting to stock up on our bb stuff!

asilmilm have u been walking alot or overwork? my brown discharge was on/off during wk8/9 cos i walked too much and climbed up lots of stairs... took a day rest at hm do nothing and never see the return le.

Hihi mummies,

can i knw when the taka fair & philips fair is til??


Perhaps u might wan to see ur gynae.. Or perhaps monitor a while, if no stop then better see gynae..

I should be part of jan2011 mom group cos I m 6+3 d only.

In wk5 I had pink spotting n a fe drips of blood. Went kk for jab to stabilize. Dr says it's early stage so unstable. It got better with rest n medication. U can ask gynae for jan is feel unsafe.

Are all mummies careful abt food you take? I m still struggling on what can n cannot be taken. I stop alcohol, coffee, sashimi, smoke fish, mussels, clams totally. How abt things like honey bake ham?

Dbaby, today is the last day for philips carnival at toa payoh. u might want to drop by.. Think it ends at 5.30 or 6pm.

milo, tot so e avent bottle quite good deal. for breast pump, my sis insist i shld use hers in case no milk!! lol...

asimil, rest rest rest plsssss...

Milo - what test did gynae do for u? My watery discharge turned to brownish dicharge today, I wonder if its because i walked a lot today, went temple then IMM...got climb stairs also

Thanks.. I'm going to see the gynae tomorrow morning. I had it another 2 times today, though when I wipe there is nothing. Will update.

sharon - does it look dark yellowish almost brown? I had dark yellowish too, looks almost like brown, i got worried, went down to see the gynae and she said its normal as long as its not dried blood color, dark brown or red.

But you should go get a check to get a piece of mind.

Oh Rainbow

Jus saw ur msg, today nvr go.. Hee.. Hopefully another one cum up jus before EDD..


morning ladies! hope you all had a good long restful weekend. did anyone go cheonging with the GSS crowds? me been MIA past week cause so busy with work then with my girl, who has another URTI episode. hopeflly it's just teething blues and will be over soon..

i see new mommies on board! welcome!

piggy - the breast itch is similar to the tummy itch, due to streching of the skin. have u tried moisturiser? not on the nipples but the sides of the breast. something gentle on the skin. as for ice -cream - i still eat it! as longas in moderation should be ok bah..;)

crystal - ya ya my tummy bigger at end of day than beginning. i think during the night time we pass out the excess wind, so usually in the morning i find my tummy flatter, coz emptier more, hahaha... than as the day goes by, it loads up on water n food n some gas so bigger.... hahaha

lilsunshine - so how, did u get your 2 days MC from prof rauff???

Lena when yours big day? if i recall correctly you're moving to SK right? wow sounds like the house has quite a few people! but also good coz next time u have more help in the house (hopefully) when u can't manage. how was your photoshoot that week?

dew dew hows your new little nephew? muz be very cute hor

stefie - hope the puking is better now?

Aiko - sounds like your baby was napping during the scan?? but i know what u mean, i would also wonder if my baby doesn't move in the scan. probably nicely comfortable and curled up in mommy's tummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon and crown - hope you both are feeling better after the weekend?

Raibow - u goign for your gynae visit again soon right?

anyone intending to go Baby fair at Expo this week? if so, pls update after your trip to see whether it's worth going... best is got free samples, hhaahah... cheapo me...

