(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Ribena, mine this bottle can last for long long time cos I only use during weekend. I do like the smell, not so baby smell. I missed the promotion just few weeks ago. I officially banned myself from TBS, cos I will buy alot.

Eon eon, I forget what Mrs Wong taught. Return to her liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I just use few drops on the tub, so no need to rinse. I guess have to bathe them like that till they are 1 year old.


I can only use Bath oil for my eczema prone boy. No bath wash at all. So sad.. the bath oil is like milky once drop into the water. And it's abit oily.

Jul: Poo culture to test if he has any viral infection or etc.. cuz he diarrhoea for like 10-12 days already.

stefie: thanks! frequency ok since 2-3 times.. but still watery/ pasty..

bubbky: i sending out videos?!!!?? noooo.. not me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] what kind of videos?goshhh... must be some virus..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] btw, have a safe trip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littleredsg: Jovan using Softouch.. cuz he got enzema.. softouch from PD.. last time i use J&J cuz my gf works there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so i get free products from her.. but PD stops me.. so i use softouch from PD.. body cream, he using physiogel..


Belle using sebamed for soap and shampoo. Body lotion using mustela. Previously tried sebamed and california baby. Shampoo changing to mustela soon once finish.


Most likely getting the LG one from the bp here. Waiting for hubby to return from overseas then decide the size

stefie: me too! i remember some and forgot some.. hehe

juliana: me too planning a road trip to malacca... thanks for the tips! wanted somewhere further but colleague advised me against and recommended malacca. hehe.. see when i can make it happen.

not even those mild mild kind like kodomo?

Leelee: Oooohh.. ok.. good to know.. hehe..

Eon: Oh m'cca trip huh? Good good, enjoy yah! Welcome to my cosy but getting more n more bz hometown. It used to be quite a sleepy town, quiet. But now, so many tourists, so alot of traffic congestion. Ppl r generally nice.. heheh..It can be quite hot, have to warn u.. hehe.. if stay Equatorial area, very convenient coz shopping nearby, Jonker Walk also quite near. Then, at Dahtaran mall got Brands, FOS outlet, they sell branded baby clothes like GAP also. Sometimes can be quite cheap.

Ya, he cannot use anything with soap coz it's drying. I even tried Sebamed baby range but his skin got worst. So i just stick to Bath Oil with oatmeal. Don't wanna risk his skin getting worst. But recently his mouth area very very red n rough don't know why. Then he kept rubbing, making it worst. I hope it's not smthing the IFC introduced. They just intro porridge with Chicken or Fish and cereals with ikan bilis. They didn't tell me. So just now i called them, tell them to intro one by one and wait 1 week at least b4 intro another new type of food. See his skin like that, aiyo.. heartpain..


oh, non-rinse type. i wasnt aware. i din attend mrs wong class at all. only met her during the pigeon seminar.


lil emma also using sebamed for body wash now. previously on jurlique.

was thinking of taking the sebamed for shampoo too. does it smell nice? oh, y r u chging the shampoo to mustela?


ya, if lil one has enzema, always better to use something which the PD approves.


well if the bath oil works well for your boy, guess stick to it. dun bother going ard trying for sweet smelling wash lo.

will your lil ones outgrown the enzema eventually?


so we can use this for head and body lo? it be so much easier if it is 2-in-1!!! tt's y i m considering to switch back to Jurlique which is for both body and shampoo wash.


i read abt it too! really impossible la. too qua zhang le!

Jul: my boy also in IFC and only the two sides of his mouth is red and have rashes.. we are suspecting its the bedsheet and his salivia that causes it..

if its food, the rashes, it will spread to other parts of the body.. not just one area..

hmmm rashes on the mouth, could be due to the bib or wash cloths? do you all provide your own? if not do the ifc uses mouth wipes??

or could it be due to pacifier? use whole day?

or the spoon? metal spoon?

Juliana, my eczema flared up when I use Sebamed body wash for sensitive skin. Look out for ingredient 'Sodium Laureth Sulfate' in the ingredient list, this foaming agent tends to dry out the skin causing eczema to flare up. Look out for moisturising ingredient 'Glycerin' listed in the top 5 ingredients in the pdt ingredient list, this ingredient is a moisturising ingredient, good for eczema skin.

Littleredsg: Ya lor.. just stick to it. The dr said, if lucky by 2 yrs old he will outgrow. Next one, is maybe primary school. If not, then i think he said secondary school.

Leelee: Really? Your boy too? At my IFC, only my boy has the rashes near his mouth. He still drools alot but weekend when I take care, usually ok one leh.. Bedsheet, change every week coz every Friday we have to bring back to wash. He come back fr IFC i will try to nurse him back to normal, wipe n put cream. I try to avoid steroid cream but recently so bad that no choice but to apply. Then next day fetch him, red again. So so sian..

Stefie, what is frontline? This is the first time I'm thinking boarding them due overseas as my other family members may not be available, so check for option first.

Hi mummies, hope all is well n happy! :D

btw grapes ok for bb now? tried to google seems is yes n no.. sigh ( i fed my bb this afternoon)

Jul: oh, jovan not just mouth area.. face also will kena.. yes, u are right.. when we take care, such things wont happen.. mine the bedsheets also bring back and wash every friday then monday we give clean bedsheets for IFC.. try to ask them dun use wet wipes.. use ur own hanky or bib..

Moon Sky: frontline is drops for dogs who has ticks..

Ribena: ooh.. ok thx for the info. Will take note. SLS is used in shampoo usually right? Glycerin.. ok will check this when i buy his skin care.

Littleredsg: I provide bips/washcloth everyday. 3bips, 3washcloth everyday but they don't use all. Recently they have not been giving my boy pacifier leh... but still the skin like that. So poor thing..

I just spotted 1 or 2 pearlies spotted on his lower gum!

sian...why teeth start to appear? earlier than his sis[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dbaby, oh dear, hope ur ger no more fever, drink more water cos weather so heaty!

My boy drool alot!! n his shirt and bib will be super wet, so I will apply buds baby bath wash and cream to clear n red rashes reduce alot, maybe u mummies can try?

ya bloom may, they drool alot during teething period, err I feed my #1 grapes after she turn one

Looks all most mummies here use skincare pdt. I'm super lazy one. No use any pdt. No toner, no moisturer.. Only facial foam from NTUC.. Last time I did buy a set someone recommended. But too lazy to use. Put till expired.


Fancl is so so.. Try GNC ones not bad.. I am taking quite a few brands too and also sheep placenta too.. I am old Liao... Age creeping up... Those below 30 no need to take

Muddypaws- pd din give explanation lei, he only say to continue the probiotics n also asked if Chloe is better. Hb told him she's slightly better so he said ok.. I was stupid la, gave her fruit even tho she hasn't recovered fully and prolong the diarrhea.. Only stopped the fruit n changed to soy Tis mon.. Praying tat it b norm soon.. Her upper teeth seems to b cuttin thru too, felt a lil bit hard..


Those times u saw me i sure had something on my face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Either laneige bb cream or bare minerals mineral veil powder... Hee more things for mummies here to buy.

But since i used the bb cream, my goin out routine v simple cos i dun put sun block or foundation, jus moisturise, bb cream, blusher (bentint! The best i think) and loose powder.. Then can achieve quite natural look.

Actually its true hving kids really make us age.

Recently i met 2 separate friends who i hvnt seen since b4 i had no1, both said i look older/different/motherly!! I think they meant i look haggard!

Today took urgent leave cos no1 suddenly came down high fever.. Now dunno if can go work tom cos when she's sick she doesnt want anyone else except me or daddy, n daddy is away, sigh

hello...quick post.... u mummies still have weekly meetup? I gg to apply leave on 27 Jun WED coz FIL got medical appt. Was thinking if the SAHMs or other mums wanna meet on that day.


Ya, i think its the weather & heaty.. She had 2 seeds of durian on sun & mon. Then had liang teh on mon & wed, nutella tis morning.. I guess too heaty aldy.. Been 'bluffing' her to drink more, make soupy macaroni with stars shaped and she had a big bowl!!!


Makes me so tempted to buy the Laneige BB Cream.. Will it be cheaper at DFS?? HB at europe, so asking him to buy if cheaper.. Gt diff shades ma?? Is it like cream, u jua apply an wont feel sticky or oily??? Cos u look so natural each time i saw u.. Dun think u look haggard le... Good figure & complexion!!


I bought the cream fr dfs tat time, they had offer for pack of 2. Cant remember the price though..

Think got 2 shade but u can try the Natural one, tats the shade i'm using


My no 1 fever still v high after panadol, how ah? I forced her to wake up jus now to give her nurofem cos panadol not working,,temp abt 39.2. V scared it spikes higher.

Dunno why she has been falling so sick every other week.


Forgot to answer ur qn, ya it doesnt feel oily.. I got oily skin so i cant stand products tat make my skin look shiny.

This one quite matt.. B4 using this, i was using the clinique sunblock as base b4 applying foundation when i go work, but somehow no matter how light the foundation was, i always felt like got something on my face, no comfortable..

This bb cream i dun feel like i hv any product on my face..

Wah i like sales promoter suddenly.


I hope my no 1 not suffering fr dengue, seems like an epidemic now.. But no spots on her, jus high fever so far, sigh

juliana_ thanks for the malacca infor... cos only going to spend a day there.. will do some homework of where to eat... i heard there is a very good wanton mee there ...any idea where? my pil want to eat... (yap.. pil going... )

i just ate durians n feel heaty now... hee... too much choc and spicy food for me these few days...


My gal has been on Similac stage 2 for almost a month and I noticed she got bulging tummy now. I heard Similac caused gassiness on babies and that's why the bloated tummy.

Any mummy whose baby on Similac and has the same symptom?

I was recommended to switch to Friso. Any mummy has similar experience? Kindly share...


oshgosh, haa u are too modest abt ur complexion, so much better than mine lor :p

regarding high fever:

think u hv to keep sponging her, so far tried bullet on butt? I hv not and hope I wont never! did u give nurofen or brufen for high fever? sponge her lymph nodes, hiaz ur ger so poor thing..think it is just vital fever aka feak measles , she gt it before? my ger gt it once last yr in Dec during my confinement

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water, eat more fruits and eat your daily vits.

I am getting sick soon. Chicken wings parade since yesterday, yesterday 4 braise, 2 fried, today -just, 4 fried and you tiao. If very good chicken wings. I don't mind, but so-so only, eat already also not shiok. Haiz, will be on Chicken wing diet from now onwards........ Hormones ki siao, craving for all the oily stuff....

stefie, ur chix wings sounds yummy.. hahaha.. but where did u buy 4 chix wings so early in the morning? hahha

dbaby, i also support laneige bb cream hahaha. i've not met osh gosh before but i tink if your skin is generally oki the bb cream is good enough.

Crystal, my new canteen operators lor, some more give me discounts. 4 fried Chicken wings for $1.20, cos I am in the Co. Canteen committee. Ha!! ha!! The new operator food not very healthy, lots of fried stuff, but evening they bring in sandwiches and liang teh, which I will buy home for dinner if hubby is not in town. Not bad leh, fast and quick meal.

Which colour of Laniege BB cream are you using? You and Oshgosh makes me super tempted. Laniege has a waterproof 2 way cakes, seems not bad also. I used to buy the purple Loose powder from Laniege, not bad also. Btw are you from CC or FP forum? I find you some what familiar.... Ha!! ha!! being wanting to ask you, but keep forgetting. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, canteen committee??? soo interesting ur co. hahhaa.. wahh that is reallie cheap pricing. u cannot "test" their food first before engaging them ma? must ask them do more healthy food hehehe.. like the new pri school canteen operators hahaha

i use the snow bb cream. spf 41++ hahha.. err.. natural color. wat's CC and FP? hahahha

Crystal, my co is stand alone building, not under JTC or any developer. And 100% of the time staff are eating in. So need to form canteen committee to kpo on food quality.

We have no say lah, we are just for "show" that co are listening. No more chicken wings liao..... Lunch will be banana only. Ha!! ha!!

Okay will eye on that BB after mine is done[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Have to ren and ren and ren cos, my car needs some repair, another few hundred gone. Need to budget this month.

CC=C*zy Cot (Sorry the * is o, cos SMH don't allows me to put the full name), beauty forum

FP=Flower p*d (Sorry the * is o, cos SMH don't allows me to put the full name), another beauty forum.

good morning mummies & daddies~~

ciindy: i think you no need to worry abt ur baby weight la.. as long as got increase can le. my baby weight was 6.3kg @ 6mths plus. 6kg @ 5mths plus. i dun think he can increase 700g within a mth lo. my PD didn mention abt my baby weight when i visited him for the 6mths jab. only the nurse said his weight gain is slow. but wat to do... he only drinks 4 times a day.

btw, after our baby 6mth jab, the next is 1yr old, right? then how we know their weight?


looks like all mummies here really take care of their skin wor.. me super lazy type. no use toner, moisturer, only normal facial foam from NTUC. last time gt buy some skin care pdts but too lazy to use till it expired. haha~ so i wnt invest on any skincare pdts anymore.. =P

hahaha okie dun tempt u... i zip! on the make up haah

OOO CC yes.. i was on it for a while.. but then later i stop going in liao hahaha i was in there to keep track of the jap mags u are into that too arh?

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

been long since we (hubby & myself) steal some times to go for mac brekkie. just came back from it and sitting here in the office feeling all satisfied.

juliana: yah, heard about the weather part. hope its not too bad. the last time i went to malacca was when i was in secondary school. gosh! 10+ years already!

the mouth area could be the saliva. on some days Chey will experience red patches around the mouth area. so we will up our wiping of her mouth area with wet hanky.

littleredsg: yes, that was what i remember from her class. she said look for non-rinse wash for baby. so i went in search for it before i gave birth.

oshgosh: huh! i think you are very very well maintained despite being a mother of 2 leh. nice figure and complexion!

hope your gal will recover soon.

stefie: wah! chix wings! i like chix wings leh. stop tempting me with food! lol... i cannot make it anymore!! outgrow all my clothes liao and i dont wana give myself excuse to buy new and bigger size clothes. hehe

good morning mummies!

i totally enjoyed the movie last night, it was fantastic!!! my hb said i talked too loudly and gasped too loudly and basically everything also too loud. but... the movie was exciting mah! if no expression then boring right??? siao... some ppl even clapped when the movie was starting, that's enthusiasm for u! hahaha..

so anyway, makeup! i loooove make up. hahaha.. usually i put on sunblock (Niks), powder (MAC), blusher (some chakchak brand from Mustafa), eyeliner (Urban Decay - favourite!) and that's it. i used to put mascara (Dior) but now not bothered unless there's special occasion, haha!

i've not tried bb cream before, are they really good? what do they do?

Moonsky, dog boarding you can try the following:

1) Enhance K9:

This is opened by my friend and location is at East Coast area. It's their house as well.She takes in abandoned dogs and does rehoming for them.


2) Urban Pooch:

This is at Balestier and they have a dog cafe next door. Quite nice.


3) Mutts & Mittens

This is at Pasir Ris Farmway, big and spacious. Lots of dogs there, they also take in abandoned dogs and do rehoming for them.


For most dog boarding you'll need to pay an amount for Frontline application - that is to protect their dogs and yours, in case of ticks.

stefie, chicken wings! wow! hahaha.. making me think of chicken wings at No. 5 / ICB. Yummmm...

bluehime, my gal has been on Similac 2 for quite a while now, but no bloated/gassy tummy leh. if yr gal experiences discomfort and is often crying due to bloatedness then yes, better change. but if she's ok and can pass out the gas (either by burping or farting) then it shd be ok?

just to share:

i'm planing a holiday to Korea with a galfren in Oct! YES! finally i can go on a holiday!!! hahaha... hb is not keen on Korea at all (he said he'll starve there 'cos he doesn't like korean food) so he'll stay in SGP and do daddy duty. LOL!!! can't wait!

dewdew!! envious!! .... go korea with gf is SHIOK!! hahaha... bring more moola and shop and eat!!!

mutts & mittens i like i use them couple of times before. my dog love the place too.

dewdew: you are tempting me again! icb is nice and now im even thinking about the buffalo wings at jerry's... slurp!!!

so exciting! i can never go holiday alone without my family, i guess... before marriage we will still arrange bestie holidays.. now dont have le. all attached/marriage/have kids.

crystal, eon, YAH! i am soooo excited abt it 'cos it's been more than a year since my last trip with my galfren. hahaha... eon, i also thot it's not possible but... ok lah, not say purposely choose korea so that hb can't go but it's cheaper if i go alone than for both hb and i to go. hehehe... besides, a girly trip is always good! we do totally different things as opposed to what couples do! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ooh, buffalo wings at jerry's. i believe u all mentioned before but i've never tried jerry's. hehe... jalan kayu there right?

Dewdew, when bb cream started off as a cream for the ppl who does laser skin surgery because it has soothing and skin-regenerating properties. Supposingly it should have healing and sunscreen properties in the cream. Then there were photos spread on the net showing how some women uses bb cream and over time their skin condition got better. Now I think it has evolves into tinted sunscreen IMO. If you want to try, try skin79 or korean brands. But like some ladies mentioned here, bb cream does not come in a range of color that could easier match everyone of us, so really gotta try it out. Now watson is selling small travel size of skin79, perfect for testing!

dewdew: yes, trip with hubby/family/girlfriends are different. enjoy ya!!!

yes, its yumilious! at jalan kayu.. i can lend you my vip card if you want. hehe!! the wings and fried mushrooms are a must try! go best with a mug of cold cold beer!!!

bbribena, thanks for advise! skin79 travel size, ok, shall check it out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm sold on the travel size. hehehe... small small easy to bring around!

eon, VIP card some more?!?! u really are a regular! hahaha...


Pauline, I have been skincare siao since i started working. So good you can just wash and go. I cannot. Last time was using hazeline snow cream when schooling. Ha!!! Ha!!! Really long time ago.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)

Crystal, just kiddng lah. Please share good stuff here. I will ren and ren and ren [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)I was at CC quite often, until they get more commercialized. I stop logging in.

