(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Oh.. today is our 4th wedding anniversary. So fast! Tomorrow my boy turning 7months. Sometimes I'm still amazed that he is our creation. Heheh..


Dbaby, I have no choice, but to do the basic in the morning, if not I have no face to see the world without my paint and Cement[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ha!! ha!!

eoneon, stefie, thanks. i'm not sure how much milk my bb is taking cos i'm latching her on. i've fed peas and sweet potato so far. will try pumpkin next.

self feeding

i started my elder child on gerber graduate puffs and also baby biscuits for that. i feel that it's still a bit early for them to self feed with a spoon at this stage cos they may accidentally jab the spoon too far into their throats and hurt themselves. but if u're letting your bb self feed with a spoon, besides being more vigilant, u'll also have to make sure u choose bb-friendly spoons that won't choke them or get chipped off if they bite too hard. bbs tend to be very enthusiastic and creative with spoons!

play yard & playmat

the korean ones for sale in the bp are very good!

tbf babies

has anyone given your bbs water yet?

klitz, i will try porridge this weekend when i got time to cook, thanks!

now i mix her cereal with milk she still only at 2 spoon, nthg more haiz..

hope after the porridge will increase her appetite abit, the PD is rushing me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

xuanting, i have given my girl water liao, coz after starting her on semi solids, she takes almost 4-5days to poo..

muddy, old folks are like that, they have a certain mindset in regards how to bring up children, coz of their 'experience'. But many times, they don't understand their experience could be outdated. My MIL also like that, say Leah shld wear long pants and top with sleeves when sleeping, but we don't sleep with aircon on! That poor girl always sweat alot in her sleep coz of that.

klitz, haha! They always like to go with the flow (their mom's) but they don't realise the underlying current coming up (their wives'). =P

Stefie, heheee... thank you ah! No hurry coz I still have backup stocks to use.

halo mummies, was laughing when reading the past 1/2 days post abt skincare and makeup,keke..:p

Hiaz me too after becoming SAHM also too lazy to maintain but still trying cos I need to use anti aging skincare liao cos gng to be 34 next mth!! Dun want to look older then hb cos we same age. Actually my cheeks is sagging after giving birth to #2, so sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my lines at the side of my mouth is so deep

Ya some mummies here really hv good complexion n look so pretty/radiant in my opinion like oshgosh, yuzzif (she seldom post here) & ribena, these mummies really hv good complexion and dun need makeup one, make me so envy!! I cant cos I will look haggard n 'yellowish'..I am still bfing, if I stop bfing, will take anti aging supplements lor like Fancl collegen drink.

Anti aging: taiwan skincare brand order frm online, nu ren wo zhui da

Makeup: Ettusias

hee Stefie, dunno when I go back work, will i be hardworking like you for skincare n makeup or nt? hiaz...

oh yes BB cream is very good, brighten up haggard skin[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xuanting, yes I giving my boy water too since he start solid, he is driknig 50 ml to 100ml of water daily depends on his mood

yest bought my boy for 3rd dose of prenvar jab, he is 9.5kg liao

haa today he turn 7 mths old on 7/7 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ask pd his amt of water intake sufficient or nt he said 100ml wil lbe better so will try to 'force' him to drink more since weatger so hot plus he perspire during day too

thanks mummies for the well wishes and encouragement.. I really look forward to have fun with him this trip.. :)

Juliana: I was right! You gave such a detailed Malacca write-up, making me feel like going up to eat.. :p I don't think the Bersih campaign will be that bad to stock up food, but it's not going to be peaceful either.. I received an update of road block, so, if you are going up, do avoid the Istana side..

1) Federal Highway towards KL

2) From Old Klang Rd to KL

3) From Jalan Bangsar/Jalan Travers to the City Centre

4) From Jalan Mahameru to City Centre via Museum route

5) From Sg Besi towards Istana area

They set-up the road blocks starting Fri Jul 8 midnite..

Dbaby: you are so young.. :)

bbribena/stefie: both of you like beauty ency.. hahaha..

stefie: I may need your recommendation.. my advisor is fighting so I can get car allowance for easy commuting to customers', but I have never thought of getting a car.. if I really have to, I'll get a small car like you do.. any recommendation?

Klitz: I wanted to drop you a sms this morning coz have not seen you posting or did I miss your posts? You started work already?

cindy: I guess we can take what PD says with a pinch of salt? I mean, if our little one not ready, then don't rush into it.. jiayou!

Ribena, anytime[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will scoop some into clean small ziplock bags for you and I have some samples. If you don't mind[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mango, I don't have natural beauty and good skin so I have to be extra handworking to have the "natural" look. I guess your workplace is okay about whether you makeup or not cos alot of "dead wood" right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie, wat is deadwood? well sometimes makeup is nt for ppl to see, is to make ownself feel good and happy, cos at least look more 'jing1 shen2' lo

mangogal: wow.. Baby Trevor has got good weight.. :) good job mummy.. the collagen drink? Part of the reason I want to stop bf-ing also coz I want to eat collagen, at first I plan to buy Imedeen, but Fancl works?

re: BB cream

Coz I have dark complexion, I have not found one that is suitable le.. I am using Shu-eumura mousse now as the base.. :-S any recommendation?

mummies who are SAHM to FTWM, how long did u take to adjust back to working life?? I am dragging to work again, phobia :p

Bubbly, I am driving old model Honda Jazz auto, left with 4 years only, I bought at $31K from 2nd hand car dealer. I bought in Jan-2011, till now only drive 5,000Km, ha!! ha!! Road tax about $295 every 6 months. Insurance is $1.7K per year cos I have not owned a car before.

The mileage I am getting is about 12.9Km/L (me 'new' driver), my colleague can get about 14Km/L. I pumped SPC, cos cheaper, remember to get the SPC card for discount.

HDB Season parking is $90 for covered carpark.

Btw how much is the car allowance, how much petrol you can claim?

If I miss anything out please feel free to ask. I am like tap, everything I kmow will flow out automatically without thinking. Ha! ha!!

Mango, deadwood is a term given to staff who has been working in a company for too long and does not contribute much to organisation. Have no use at all. Govt sectors tends to have alot of deadwood. Correct me if I am wrong.

I think even without makeup, I need to conceal my eyes area and chin (cos I have hormonal outbreaks, with alot of headless pimples). If not I will look like 1 week never sleep liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly, u gng for trip wif hb? where n when? njoy![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thks ,haa...so worried he will 'lose weight' once in IFC cos I think I feed him too well :p He really like his steam vege[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey mummies

super busy at work wf year end closing plus my colic had to be on leave cos his wife is delivering today!foresee more OT coming up.. BUT i still need to pop in to share good news!

Chloe's poo culture test came back ok, no bacteria! Yipee!!! HUGE relief.. i have been feeling restless and unsettled bout her poo.. after changing to soy,can see that her poo freq has reduced from 6-7x to 4x ytd.. hopefully it continues and shoo shoo the bad virus..

Muddypaws - Liz poo freq ok aldy??

Leelee - all the best to Jovan's test too, is he still pooing alot?

Stefie - saw the 'poison' bout clinique's tinted sunblock.. can share the link again?? i need it badly.. realised more pigmentation and wrinkles when i smile.. boohoo... child bearing reali make us age very fast!!!

oh I see Stefie, ok la my dept not alot of deadwood cos our policies keep changing n most of staff are involve in the diff projects cos of chaniging policies, pace n changes are very fast cos we change minister mah, my colleagues warn me be prepared the drastic changes in Oct, i ask them wat they dun want to tell me n ask me to njoy now, hiaz[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

god's child, as per request. Wow you make me want to get more stuff from this web. Ha!! ha!! I can just use this sunscreen after my moisturizer during weekend, no need any makeup liao, cos it will brightens up our skin. I have used this for 3 years, am still loving it. Must use moisturizer before this cos it is very light.


Good to heard that Chloe is okay. Maybe just monitor her poo frequency, I guess could be passing phase bah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

God's child, yes woman age faster after giving birth!

I saw Jamie Yeo, Glen ong 'ex wife 2 weeks ago at compasspoinit bb roadshow,she was buying diapers , she look dark ,skinny n no makeup, look very dull leh..even celebritiy also age!

hey thk God ur bb poo is normsl, hope leelee's boy also![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but i must say Zoe Tay looks good even 40 now wif 3 boys for the 9pm show now

stefie: Current car allowance to my other colleagues only $500!! Advisor fighting to be on par with another division, which is almost 1.2K.. but I think "siong dou ji sao".. correct or not.. so, imagine, giving me $500 and I need to cough out a few hundreds more to "be able to commute to customers" sounds crazy to me.. furthermore, my house is just less like 5mins drive away.. :-(

mangogal: not with hubby, with zaizai, going home to KL this weekend :)

hi mummies,

just checking in. now we're onto anti-aging products and lamenting at how motherhood ages us? hahahahha... man, we've got to record all these down and give our children the guilt-trip whenever they get naughty! lol!

anyway, i think we age faster after child-bearing is 'cos we don't get enuf sleep! that is the no.1 killer. if we can get enuf sleep (and have lots of tonic like zoe tay) then i'm sure we'll not age that fast and that bad. i heard zoe tay eats lots of birds nest and some fish thingy for collagen. if only i'm that rich. :p

god's child, great news for you and Chloe! oh, hv i mentioned b4 that i love that name? hahaha... it's so feminine! so now u can have peace of mind. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway, stefie, u can achieve 14km/l if u dun rev your engine. just travel steadily at a constant speed and u can do it. my parents and hb always burn their petrol 'cos they rev but when i drive, it's slow and steady. lol... so i tend to pump less than them!

SPC - also rbr to get POSB Everyday card. more discounts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, no lah, i only started using Niks products earlier this year. in between got stop for about 4 yrs. hahaha.. but over the counter products are not as good as Niks, at least i've stopped getting breakouts and that's good enuf for me!

ok, back to chiong at work 'cos i'm going to watch Transformers 3D tonight! yippeee!!!

Bubbly, no car allowance better. Since your workplace is so near your house. No point having 2nd car in a family. I have no choice, if given the choice I would rather save the $$$ for Alexis "fund" leh. haiz.... I am Alexis "driver"

$500 only, wow your co still in the 80's. $500 not even enough to cover just your insurance and season parking leh.

Thanks dewdew, will try[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy your show hoh and couple time with hubby.

Okay I will check out Niks product soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly, i would love to ignore PD's words, hes making me very stress, my girl is not even 7kg now at 7mths, maybe thats y the pressure of her semi solids haiz!

i've just came back from KL abt 2 weeks ago, wow i really love shopping at KL haha!!

movies: i went with hubby and brought clarice along, wow terror haha! she gets irritated with the noise when she tries to slp, end up hubby n i take turns bringing her out for 'fresh air' haiz!!

stefie: ya lor.. that's why buying a car is never in my mind.. and furthermore I am trying to "get out" if you get what I mean.. 500! duhz! I'll see how it goes.. the most, die die say I can't afford, let them adjust my pay? :p :p my hubby's comp paying the car interest, erp, season parking at office, petrol, the comp already paying 500 lor.. sianz..

cindy: little C has your gene.. :) haiz.. our worry never ending, really.. jia you ya! must be a big damage shopping in KL.. :p

re: movie

I suggested to hubby to bring zaizai to movie together, coz he loves watching tv.. hubby says, if zaizai decided to be cranky and make noises, then I'll have to entertain him outside the cinema, and ends up hubby will have to watch alone, which he will not want! :-( really want to try.. hehehe...

Bubbly: Hehe.. I'm not a very good tourguide coz if u ask me what's nice there, I can't really say much except on food that I myself love.. hahaha..

Stefie: I'm planning to buy car soon also. Planning to get 2nd hand coz now new COE so exp.. But I heard ppl say buy 2-3yrs old car more worth it.. Just wondering if buy 4-5 yrs one, is it still ok? Coz anyway, I won't drive to work, just gonna use it for weekends or occasionally on weekdays. So don't wanna buy something too exp.

bubbly, haha she needs to grow abit now i guess, PD's worry makes me headache haiz!!

i will just feed her more cereal meals, see how she takes to it, her feeding still very erratic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ya haha KL always do big damage to hub's pocket, but i still love KL! 5 days enough to burn a hole haha!!

movie, have to 'time' their slping time abit then hopefully can enjoy haha :p

klitz: good!! then can chat with us.. Boss not ard is the best liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jul: so good. got screen protector.. i must be very discrete..

mangogal: your boy is in good weight!! keep it up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly: you got dark complexion.. in pic, u dun look like.. i also very very tan.. and sometimes when i wear green, they say i very dirty :S

God's child: u still remember [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I sent the poo on tues.. should be out 3 days later.. hopefully negative.. Yesterday he poo twice.. so i guess he's pooing lesser liao.. **fingers crossed**


Young in age but not looks le!!!


Ya, i also feel the few mummies u mentioned look so radiant. Actually ur complexion also nt bad.. I dun haf pimples outbreak (Thank God) but my complexion dull & so much freckles!!

Zoe looks good in the 9pm show but the wrinkles and aging can be seen.. Its the make up i think.. So i guess maintaining & the 'paint & cement' stefie mention really plays a part!!


So good to be able to drive.. Those trips i made with 2 kids, along with my GM help when HB nt arnd. It really makes me so determined to take my license once Rayshon is 1!! I dread the part lugging bags & considering the 'amt' of shopping tt i can haf when out w/o HB.. Cos if too much shopping, i can managed with a pram, #1 & my bag etc... So i feel kinfa frustrated, knowing tt i haf a car lying in the carpark & i haf to take MRT/Bus/Cab when HB overseas.. Damm!!! I seriously regret not being 'hardworking' during my poly days to take my license!!


Bubby/cindy- u r adventurous.. I brought #1 to movie when she was abt 16-18M during the Incredible something cartoon.. Majority of the time, haf to keep her occupied with tibits lo... Hahaha.. After tt, scare liao cos we dun get to enjoy!!

Leelee: Ya I was surprised too. Hehe..

What's the poo culture test for?

Dew: Have fun watching Transformers! I enjoyed it.

Bubbly: Ya my friend works at Astro and does traffic reports. So i get my updates fr her fb too. She said today no road blocks. Anyway my SIL updated me, say Mon only will induce. So no point driving up this weekend. :-( Was hoping to b able to relax and shop in KL.

hi cindy, mine is 6.something at 6 mths. 10th percentile and pd also kept stressing that i need to start solids and beef her up. i'm not so worried though cos my elder one was also abt the same size at the same age, but is now taller and heavier than most boys born in the same month. as long as she looks ok and is healthy, i'm happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

God's Child: Yippeeee! So happy that your kiddo's culture test is negative. Did PD suggest why kiddo is poo-ing so much? Maybe kiddo is teething? Liz' poo has returned to normal. Her 3rd teeth broke out on Sunday, so now we suspect it's the teething. But she's still on probiotics and antibiotics.

bubbly: Take the $500 and take taxi. With that money, you may just be able to cover your monthly instalments.

Bubbly, just said you can't afford. I guess they will not force you bah. Siao co. Especially now car is so ex.

Jul, Off-Peak car for you will be good. You can go to sgcarmart.com to see for your option.

I bought my in Jan-2011 at $31K is good buy. I guess now would be more ex. The previous owner only drive 91K for 6 years, very low mileage, plus 6 month road tax paid for. Hubby said cannot find better deal liao.

Leelee, glad that Jovan is better now, 2 times poos normal lah. Everything will be soon soon heng heng no worries okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby, yes Zoe Tay's "cement and paint" is quite thick hoh. Only TCS celebraties with good skin is Fann Wong and Michelle Chong.

Dbaby, it is never too late. Just go for it. It still take awhile to orientate on the road, with not friendly drivers on the road to honk you and bully you. Singaporeans driver not very gracious at all. I kena bullied few times already, as I have more confidence, basically no honks now. Parking also improve alot. Practices makes perfect, just practice and practice. I can do it, so can you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dbaby & ribena: i also didnt manage to keep to my goal of getting married and having kiddo before 30 as hubby was outstationed in brunei and taiwan for a good 3 1/2 years. so all postponed loh.

ribena: have to be careful with fruit wedge as i got a bad scare from Chey on wednesday. i let her gnaw on rock melon wedge and she bit off 3 big pieces off the wedge. i have to keep asking her to spit out spit out!

klitz: im just scare after kai wei, she will not want those bland in comparison baby food le. faint! yes, i think she likes spicy stuff just like moi!

mangogal: wow! Trevor is growing well... good!

god's child: good to hear that there is no bacteria infection.

Juliana: you can go the next weekend.. hehehe..

muddypaws/stefie: ya.. in a way I just hope the car allowance thing didn't get through.. :p

LeeLee: can i ask if your FB is spammed or you really posted the videos?

bbribena: you posted so many laughing babies videos! I wish I can watch now..

e-square: what happened to the jiu-gui gathering? My trip may be rescheduled, if there is any gathering, I want to join.. :-D

Moonsky, you are the most welcome. Maybe better put frontline before boarding them. My 2 dogs kena ticks few times when come back from boarding even Mrs Goh uses chemical to bathe them first. The checmical bathe needs to pay extra. Just my 2 cents. I have be using their services for 6 years, so far the dogs are okay. Just maybe we sway, kena ticks.

littleredsg: we are using J&J for shampoo (the no tears yellow colour), body wash (blue colour), lotion (bedtime)..

I'm officially off work today, after an overseas call.. see you mummies next week!

Cheryl, Alexis skool is using Pureen head and body wash. At home either Body shop baby wash or J&J Head to toe wash.

No body lotion and cream for her.

I apply California Babies Calendula cream when she has rashes. Less is more for her[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

See you bubby. Have a nice trip home[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tks mummies... seems like J&J n pureen is popular.


there is baby wash from BODY SHOP? heehee... not a total fan of TBS so seldom visit. i only use their peppermint foot soak, comb brush and cotton wipes!

Arrggghhh.. Jus as i tot life getting easier & i am havin the chance to catch up in forum. My #1 woke up with sudden high fever of 38.7!!! I jus gave her med & need to coax her with the cooling pad!!! Hope it goes away, jus some heatiness in body!!

Cheryl, yes. $16.90 for 250 ml. 1 bottle can last for long long time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cos each time you only need to put few drops to the water[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Stefie, haha! Leah also using that, we use it on her head too. I also using that coz it's moisturizing! I always stock this up when they have buy 2 get 1 or buy 4 get 2 free promo. =P


littleredsg: i use kodomo cause i remember mrs wong said to use non-rinse type so after searching, i think only kodomo is non-rinse. mummies, correct me if im wrong.

