(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

stefie: yes, agree! so long we have enough money to spend, eat and a roof over our heads, all else are bonus. i have heard and/or witness the kind of things people will do to get money!


stefie: same goes to my MIL I think.. if she passes on, I think all the 7 other siblings will come and "claim"..

oshgosh: is your helper still the same? dolly?

good morning mommies... hubs flew off on Sat to Vietnam, and I brought maid and Liz to Marina Square and MBS to jalan. Was at Kids21, and saw a Baby Dior romper for S$360!!! and Liz chose that precise moment to start wailing in the store leaving the salesgirls so petrified. Maid and I apologised and pushed liz out of the store, and once out of the store, she shut up...

Liz has not been the happiest baby over the weekend, refusing to drink milk BUT she loves her food. She's been eating 3.5-4oz of porridge per meal, plus dessert (which is a fruit of fruit jelly) and a cookie for snack in-between. She likes her fruit juice cold... and I finally found out why she's cranky. Her upper tooth is coming out. Can see the white bits but not cutting through yet. Poor girl... and she misses her daddy, keeps looking at the door and going dah-dah.

Eon Eon, I want to laugh cos that time my BIL was teaching his nieces 三字经 (San Zi Jing), he don't even practice it and want to teach others. Ha!! ha!!

For mommies who are non-Chinese, San Zi Jing is provided a chain of culture and knowledge that linked centuries of children. The children most often learned the San Zi Jing before they could even read a character. Even if the child did not become a scholar, they knew the basics of the culture and were instructed in filial piety, the need to work hard, and a respect for the classics


Hi mummies, I'm organising a class for us at JWT kids gym. It's for UOB card holder to enjoy the free trial class.

Date: 23 Jul

Time: 1pm

Location: UE Square

Please PM me if you wanna join and I will close this invite once hit 12 pax.

Both parents can join the class. Duration: 45mins


Arranging this, so we will hav our own class of 6-7mths old to play together. Their stage 1 class is for 4-10mths old.


1) Cherry

2) Stretchygiraffe

3) Klitz

4) Yuffizz

5) Rainbow

6) Lee

7) Eoneon

8) Littlepigpig

9) Lovebyte

10) mangogal

cheery, pls add me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sorry today busy gtg...will catch up later

all mummies hv a great day and great week ahead[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Re: Bunnies

Let me know by 6pm today if you can collect tmr @ Sengkang MRT, ard 7pm plus minus. If can meet tmr, I will ask my hub to bring your bunny to his car tmr morning and leave them inside, so it's available for collection tmr evening. This way I don't have to lug them to work. =)) Alternatively, let me know which day you wanna collect the bunny, and I will arrange hub to leave it in his car in that morning.

Bubbly, hehee.. I just ordered the play yard from the SMH seller.

Stefie, I really pity your MIL and your BIL is one of its kind, giving excuses to shield clear of responsibilities to take care of PIL. Your hubby also poor thing, kenna stuck in between. Really, what your BIL meant by his wife went thru alot with her mum? He meant your MIL played favoritism?! How can anyone has the heart to disown their parents? Does your hub's sis even know about it?! It's really a tricky situation lor. I totally agree, even thou you pity your MIL, that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep your distance with her. Please don't end up like me, pity MIL of how BIL and SIL treated her, let her stay with us on weekdays, disagreements and make hub stuck in between.

Oshgosh, sigh.. sometimes men just don't get it. I'm just very glad my hub is alittle more kencheong than me in regards to Leah's stuff. Maid wise.. all I can say that why we rather diy the houseworks, good helper is very hard to find. Does your helper always talk to you like that? Perhaps she has some problem or personal issue hence she lost her patience?

Thanks Lee for the info... Yes, i received call from Singpost, the tax i have to pay for is $101.35, still ok lah... Just pay lor, since already buy... Learnt the lesson, maybe next time dont buy online le...

stefie, wow that's some drama. but seriously its not your BIL's place to disown his wife's parents isnt it? no matter how buay song he is its still not HIS parents anyways. anyway i agree with u la wat goes around will come around. he will noe wat it means when it happens

bribena, i've PMed u can u let me know how to pay and collect? thanks.

Hi mummies, I'm organising a class for us at JWT kids gym. It's for UOB card holder to enjoy the free trial class.

Date: 23 Jul

Time: 1pm

Location: UE Square

Please PM me if you wanna join and I will close this invite once hit 12 pax.

Both parents can join the class. Duration: 45mins


Arranging this, so we will hav our own class of 6-7mths old to play together. Their stage 1 class is for 4-10mths old.


1) Cherry

2) Stretchygiraffe *

3) Klitz

4) Yuffizz

5) Rainbow

6) Lee

7) Eoneon

8) Littlepigpig

9) Lovebyte

10) Yuening

11) Sharon

12) Lilsunshine

13) Pauline *

14) Juliana

15) Stefie

16) Oshgosh

Stretchy and Pauline, i hav to call and ask then get back to u girls ya. If you dont wanna join le, I will let other mummies take the slot ok.



Will go check out other trial classes and post up soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena, thanks for getting the bunnies for us! i see my bunny in the pic! hahahaha... oops, i meant Gwen's bunny. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pls let me know how to pay u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rachel, so sorry to hear of your maid issue. i think u shdn't be afraid of yr maid at all, and if yr hb is like that, dun get him to deal with the maid. otherwise she'll know who is "afraid" of her and will treat her nicely, and she'll show u attitude. she should be respectful of her employers and abide by the rules you set. that said, i think you shd talk to yr hb again, tell him he shd be standing behind u and not with the maid, otherwise who has the power in the household?

e-square, other weekdays will be better for me. fridays for dinner and drinks will be difficult 'cos i need to rush to my ILs place. and judging from previous time, i dun dare to go out after otherwise the little one will cry and scream for me. haiz... but if fridays are better for all of u, pls go ahead.

stefie, aiyoh... why your BIL like that. even if MIL siao siao also cannot like that right. need to bring to psychiatrist so jia lat? disown?? that's really taking things too far.

i had my share of MIL grievances y'day too, but haiz, just close both eyes lah. afterall i foresee to move in another month's time, so am going to be free soon. yahooo!

cherrry, is the class still available? hehe, i'll sms u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oops! i see i was too late. :p oh well, next time then!

bbribena, i'll come by SK to collect during the weekend can? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, so sad right. like u say, wat comes ard, goes ard. sigh...

haa.. liz is always so cute! looking at the door and call for daddy!! heee! i think i saw white spots at Aly's upper gum but v big spot dont knw if going to teeth again. aaaah!!! cranky days again!

mangogal, i cant add u in alrdy, will let u knw if there's any mummies who dont wanna go le ok.

Ribena, My SIL (Hubby sis) had been staying at their granny since young only back every weekend. And when she was 10 years old then bring her back to stay permanently. My FIL sayang my SIL alot even paid for her hostel and NUS school fees during NUS days, whereas for hubby, he needs to pay for his own stay and NUS school fees(Using MIL CPF and paid using CPF when hubby starts working). So what favoritism??

My SIL also seldom stay at home, just keep going out and treat home like "hotel". She treats her friends better than her own family.

My BIL only use what is to their advantages, find faults till the very 1st meet the parents session. Said my MIL kept saying good things about my hubby, and nothing else about my SIL, like my SIL "suffered" for so long cos my MIL never sayang my SIL. Everything accumulative. The list goes on and on.

Never ending stories one. I just listen to hubby and yes, I will keep my distant with my MIL, cos the closer we are the more conflicts.

I will collect the bunnies from you this weekend, is it okay?

muddypaws: liz is telling you not to even think about spending $360 on that romper. lol

wow! fast fast leh. hope the tooth pop out fast so she doesnt have to suffer long.

stefie: haiz... teach so much also no use when he is setting such a good example to this children. parents are role models hence we must walk the talk. no point teaching one thing and behaving another.

ribena: i cant meet at sengkang on weekdays as need to rush home to my darling. can i choose to meet you on weekend?

LeeLee: thanks for your advice about massaging baby's eyes with BM.. zaizai's sty burst the next day, and now much smaller..

stefie: when you say san zi jing, I thought cursing.. hahahaha.. I bought a collection of CD for this san zi jing, guess what, I fell asleep hearing them.. maybe coz I don't understand a word at all.. but I'll shake my head like those liang san po and juk ying tai era :p

re: helper

Agree with dew that one should be the boss, either the hubby or the wife. For our case, hubby let me to all the supervising, instead of questioning the helper, he'll question me, then I'll have to do my part. Guess this way, he'll never interfere in how I deal with helper.. (except MIL's case I guess..)

dew: yeah! freedom in another month!

muddypaws: Liz is so cute!

good morning mummies!!

I was thinking to read all threads.. but saw its already 10 pple for the JWT trial.. KS mummy register first!!


Hi mummies, I'm organising a class for us at JWT kids gym. It's for UOB card holder to enjoy the free trial class.

Date: 23 Jul

Time: 1pm

Location: UE Square

Please PM me if you wanna join and I will close this invite once hit 12 pax.

Both parents can join the class. Duration: 45mins


Arranging this, so we will hav our own class of 6-7mths old to play together. Their stage 1 class is for 4-10mths old.


1) Cherry

2) Stretchygiraffe

3) Klitz

4) Yuffizz

5) Rainbow

6) Lee

7) Eoneon

8) Littlepigpig

9) Lovebyte

10) mangogal

11) leelee(pinkytann)

cheery, pls add me

Stefie, really proud of your hubby!! Good man!!!

i do agree, your Bil is no one to judge your mil.. and somemore she is his mil, no matter what he should always show her some respect.

I always feel if we love our hubby, we should also love his family, no matter what....

Rachel, hope you are feeling better. Although i do not have a maid, but i also feel you should have a firm talk with your maid, you are paying her to work for you, you shouldnt be afraid of her....

muddypaws: liz is telling you not to even think about spending $360 on that romper. lol

wow! fast fast leh. hope the tooth pop out fast so she doesnt have to suffer long.

stefie: haiz... teach so much also no use when he is setting such a good example to this children. parents are role models hence we must walk the talk. no point teaching one thing and behaving another.

ribena: i cant meet at sengkang on weekdays as need to rush home to my darling. can i choose to meet you on weekend?

i was wondering if we can organise another JWT trial class for the latecomers (like me!). lol... cherrry, can u pls pm me your contact at JWT? this way i can ask them directly and organize for others. thanks!

Crystal, so far only hear everything from my BIL, hubby sis has not said anything. I guess he is acting on behalf lor. I already see their girl also 1 kind, very spoilt baby. So we should see, Heaven have eyes hoh. My BIL never likes my PILs since day 1, so he is happy "disowning" them and wash hand off.

I have a feeling, they will come back begging for help 1 day, nothing is forever, flower will not also be red, what goes up, must come down. I am waiting for that day.

Cherrry, thanks for the arrangement, if full already, then take me out. Thanks again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It is sad, parents go thru all the hardship and kena this kind of treatment. He is a father of 2 also, and he father pass-on since he was young, how can he do such a thing. I think he has no "heart" or it is black.

dewdew, my BIL is those who are "neither here non-there" think he is rich, can do things like that. We should see how things goes, it will be very interesting to wait for karma on him. I am not cursing him, but he should know what hurt he is doing to 2 old parents. Hubby just kept the conversations to me and himself, have not told my PILs yet. Cos he see no point to convey hurt to them.

Don't get mad with your MIL, anyway your "freedom" is getting closer, you will enjoy the smell soon. Don't spoilt your mood with them okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly, sad isn't it. When parents still around, no one will visit, once "sell salted egg", then everyone will come and claim will.

I don't know how you are going to bring the legal will thing to your MIL. Cos my brother died and didn't do any legal will, 60% of his assets was kept by govt.


wah...lucky u sat u didnt go...so drama...i feel tats no matter hw bad e parents r aso cannt say disown them lor, w/o them they wldnt b here...they hd done their parts as a parents bringing up e children up n tis is e way hw they return bk to e parents...so "xiao shun" huh...they better pray hard their own children dun do tis bk to them.

i'm e youngest in my family, frm young i dun like my mum cos she like my bro n sis more n she always tell ppl tat i'm e naughtiest n most stupid one, always like to compare me wif other ppl so i will always do smting to gt bk to her n ended up beating frm her...past few yrs a lots of tings happen n i'm stl bare wif her no matter wat cos i keep telling myself tat she is my mum...on my wedding day (end of e day), she cried (she didnt cried on my sis's wedding), can see tat she is holding bk her tears but she stl cry after she left e hotel den i aso cry after she left.

nw i gt my own kid i can more or less kw hw she feel...but yr SIL gt 2 kids ardy shld b more understanding lor.


hmm... I did not get your PM.. hmm..


Re: Bunnies

This weekend should be no problem =) But we will be out on Sat morning to celebrate belated Father's Day and Sunday afternoon to my mum's hse.

Stefie, hiyo.. please lor.. how old liao... should have grown up these so-call "sad ill-treated" childhood lor. I was with my uncle and his family for 12 years, went back to mum's house on weekends only. I need to cook dinner/lunch for family during my sec sch days; need to help out mum's hawker during sch holidays; paid for my own uni fees... I think the prob lies in your SIL, how she puts her 'stories' to her hub, just that your BIL is stupid enough to believe everything instead of looking at it objectively. If it isn't your SIL, I don't think anyone would disown their spouse's parents lor.

rachel: dun get upset over maid issues.. hope u feel better today...

bbribena: thanks for the info... JB really sells very cheap for the small small world..even bb fair dont sell so cheap.. if i'm not wrong, BB fair sells abt 160-180 after discounts for the L size.. so i guess the roll one is better than the folded one.. Did u buy the roll one?

bubbly7: no problem... glad it helps zai zai


Re: Bunnies

Let me know by 6pm today if you can collect tmr @ Sengkang MRT, ard 7pm plus minus. If can meet tmr, I will ask my hub to bring your bunny to his car tmr morning and leave them inside, so it's available for collection tmr evening. This way I don't have to lug them to work. =)) Alternatively, let me know which day you wanna collect the bunny, and I will arrange hub to leave it in his car in that morning.

I'm fine with weekend collection, but we will be out to celebrate father's day this sat and will be going over to my mum's hse on Sunday afternoon.

Cash on delivery.

Leelee, yup, I bought the rolled up one. I haven't use it yet coz still waiting for the play yard. =)) So happy! Leah has more space to play in!

Leelee, yup, I bought the rolled up one. I haven't use it yet coz still waiting for the play yard. =)) So happy! Leah has more space to play in!

eon: Yeah, Liz is telling me to leave the atas boutique. Maid and my jaws dropped when we saw the price tag!

hope her tooth comes out quick... have been marinating her gums with teething gel.

Re: Family drama

I believe every household would have their share of family drama... I too had my share of family drama. Moved into my FIL's 'posh holland home' after the wedding, and my BIL and hubs' cousins decided to accuse my hubs and I of sponging off my FIL (even though we pay for the maids, the cars, etc). Mind you, my BILs/cousins are all millionaires, staying in posh properties, but so super petty... So to prove our innocence, we bought a place (the existing HDB) on our own and moved out. That broke my FIL's heart cos my hubs is his fav son. But what to do?

Bubbly, I also want to zzz after reading till 3rd sentences. Ha!! ha!!

Eon eon, ha!! ha!! I think he missed this section:-

035.孝于亲,所当执。Filial piety towards parents, is that to which we should hold fast

C@ndy, you are very good, I am not so wei da. I will repect and support him from behind but I still needs my own space[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie: when we bought over the house recently, there was already a chaos.. but my MIL says doesn't want to make a will.. there's nothing we can do.. at least now, I know the roof over my head will not be taken off us.. everything else doesn't matter.. don't expect her to give us anything, but hope the siblings do not come and make big hooha.. will be ugly scene..

spend the whole day bonding w bb on Sub... still abit piss off w hubby... cos it seems that he don really bond w bb.. rather play FB, forum chat... he got serious anger management prob!! i talk to him n he like not happy w me... sick...

PSH, yes leh. Spare me from all the craps from my BIL.

Yes yes, you are showing good example to Cherlin. No matter what they are still our parents. Once a while see them, give them some money for kopi, bring our babies to see them are must, cos they should enjoy life now, instead of all these craps.

Ribena, I guess so. Either my BIL selective listening or my SIL said only what she think is supporting her hate for his parents. Never ending stories one.

Bubbly, we kena drama case when my ah ma past-on. Everyone shouting this and that should be their share etc etc. I was only 10 years old then, I still remembered how messy it was. Haiz....

bribena, i will collect from you on weekend as well. weekdays is a bit hard for me. No prob u just let me know what time u are around and we will come by to pick up. thanks for helping us make the orders.

stefie, ya man i agree flower will not be red forever. we shall see la.

bribena, your mat is reallie worth it. now i'm so tempted to go to jusco to buy tooo hahaha..

Stefie, really what goes around, comes around. Think your BIL got wagged by his $$$, lost sight of the true. I think it's an insult to《三字经》for him to even teach .

Muddypaws, I think the mindset of millionaires is beyond anyone's understanding... they prob lost track of the reality and how one should live hence they make accusations jus to 'protect their money' .. sigh.

Bubbly, your situation is very tricky lor... if your MIL don't make any will and the money went to govt, the siblings might prob think the money is with you or your hub.

Ribena, don't tempt me with the play yard hoh, hubby said no-no. Ha!! ha!!

I no need to know San Zi Jing, I also know we need to be kind to our parents. Ha!! ha!! I think his brain has kena too much from Economics liao. Demand, supply ha!! ha!!

bbribena: good hor!! i wish jovan has its own space to play... u bought playyards from JB too?

muddypaws: has she been cranky? how long this teething episode lasted so far?

cheery it is ok:0 let me knw any mummies dropping out:p

hiaz...so many ranting this AM, I also gt things to RANT HERE but very busy now with hosework [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] :p

Stefie, ur hb is very steady just like u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oshgosh...hiaz really sometimes cant stand our men arghh!

I seldom rant in forum unless is really piss me off or something really uncomfy or unsettle n need ur jie meis here for opinion or suggest! arghh!! will come in lunch time to rant,ok??

is abt stroller and carseat again, hiaz...remember i rant here before i give birth abt the same issue??

ok gtg,,seeaya in lunchtime!

oooh... class full le. haa! i dont mind continue the list, and can arrange with them for a 2nd class. so we can split out the numbers ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, I'm organising a class for us at JWT kids gym. It's for UOB card holder to enjoy the free trial class.

Date: 23 Jul

Time: 1pm

Location: UE Square

Please PM me if you wanna join and I will close this invite once hit 12 pax.

Both parents can join the class. Duration: 45mins


Arranging this, so we will hav our own class of 6-7mths old to play together. Their stage 1 class is for 4-10mths old.


1) Cherry

2) Stretchygiraffe *

3) Klitz

4) Yuffizz

5) Rainbow

6) Lee

7) Eoneon

8) Littlepigpig

9) Lovebyte

10) Yuening

11) Sharon

12) Lilsunshine

13) Pauline *

14) Juliana

15) Stefie

16) Oshgosh

17) mangogal

18) dewdew

19) leelee

20) PSH

Stretchy and Pauline, i hav to call and ask then get back to u girls ya. If you dont wanna join le, I will let other mummies take the slot ok.

C@ndy, that is blessing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lucky you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mango, busy also good thing leh. Hubby is always very steady one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That's why I married him also. If he is whippy "boy" like my BIL then I rather be single the rest of my life. Ha!! ha!!!

Ribena, Ha!! ha!! Yes yes. If have "good" stories about him, I will share here. Just prepare for pop-corns hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u r showing gd example to yr Alexis aso...yr BIL funni lor teach his gal 三字经...ask him to read to himself 1st den teach his own kids lor


SK a bit out of e way for me lei...may i kw hw much u bought for e play yard??

Hi mummies, I'm organising a class for us at JWT kids gym. It's for UOB card holder to enjoy the free trial class.

Date: 23 Jul

Time: 1pm

Location: UE Square

Please PM me if you wanna join and I will close this invite once hit 12 pax.

Both parents can join the class. Duration: 45mins


Arranging this, so we will hav our own class of 6-7mths old to play together. Their stage 1 class is for 4-10mths old.


1) Cherry

2) Stretchygiraffe *

3) Klitz

4) Yuffizz

5) Rainbow

6) Lee

7) Eoneon

8) Littlepigpig

9) Lovebyte

10) Yuening

11) Sharon

12) Lilsunshine

13) Pauline *

14) Juliana

15) Stefie

16) Oshgosh

17) mangogal

18) dewdew

19) leelee

20) PSH

21) Muddypaws

PSH, we are trying our best as good parents[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think my BIL only know 3 words, 三字经 ha!! ha!!


I haven't got the play yard, I just ordered from the SMH seller but it's out of stock! The stock only comes in end of July. Now searching online, looking for alternative. This impatient Mommy can't wait for Leah to try out the mat! hahahahaha...

PSH, where do you live?

Stefie, I always ready for 'good stories' from your BIL. XD

