(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt, some time back I posted to let go my extra Sophie the Giraffe teether toy, and there were many inquiries. Sorry to disappoint some of you when I ran out of it.

I managed to get a few more, those interested please transfer $28 to DBS SAVINGS PLUS 0179074618 with your full name and email me your address to:

[email protected]

Normal local postage is included. TQ!



rac> if you go early, be prepared to queue....coz that's when all the older folks go before or after their breakfast hahaha. Last time I went was like late noon..nobody. Express service..a bit lonely lah.

My polling station is at the void deck right next to my block :D :D, isit cannot bring BABY in ah?

Baby Clothing Sales

Wow... Fox BB Sale, Gap BB Sales.... I am dyin to go man!! but logistically haf to really arranged.. AM so gonna go to Gap sales as i really got a lot of good deal last year when i went.. Plus an additional of 20% for 10pc of clothings which means $8 per pc... i hope by the time i managed to go will haf a lot of designs left still...

BB Fall

Really have to be extra careful then.. Sometimes i also scare when i left him sleeping on the bed during his afternoon naps.. I will corner the bed with a lot of pillows all over...


i was told cannot even bring INFANT into polling station.....xianz....i will be alone with my 2 kids on sat. dunno how to squeeze in voting also.

maybe ask my neighbour to help me watch the kids for awhile while i chiong downstairs to vote.


tks for sharing the gap deal, i am goin to pop by after i drop my gal at PG n do a fast one... i hope nt too much crowd before 12noon... YEAH!!!

debbie: what time did u bring kiddo? I bring liz during late morning. Start by dipping her feet into water, then progressed up to her tummy. After that, I would transfer her to d big pool. She may eek initially, but would just relax in d water after that.

Anyway, does kiddo use d neck float? Maybe d float is making him uncomfortable? Or d sun is too bright?

My gal not flipping n still hates tummy time though can last longer on tummy now. She's turning 6 mths in 2 wks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone knows of any intro-to-solids talk?


Yar, today when i went it was very very crowded, i reached around 12nn. Everyone was grabbing the clothings and put into their shopping bags. Quite a lot of 6mth-12mth and 12-18mth clothings, but i was only looking at the girls' clothings, not sure abt boys'. Maybe becos today is the 1st day. Actually some of the clothings is the same as the last bb gap sales. But the price this time round is cheaper, $8 per piece if you get more than 10 pieces, so i think very worth it.

Voting centre cannot bring bb?? Then how?? Ah ya.. I bring n see how.. But going w hubby.. The most he vote I wait n vice versa...

Talking abt sophia.. My bb just not keen.. He rather eat his fist... I buy a teether but he also not keen.. He rather pull my blouse n eat.. Hmmm

Hi mummies

Tmr mid week already, yeah!

Klitz, its good that a decision is made and you can move on, you must be going thru a tough time, be strong for yourself and bb's sake. Anytime you need to rant, talk, do come in here...we are more than willing to listen...jia you!

Juliana, Lena, my baby also got such episodes of inconsolable crying at night. It happened last week, usually at night if he does wake up and doesn't want to sleep in his cot, I just need to carry him and let him sleep on our bed. But last week, it did not help and he kept screaming away....I think it could be due to change of environment cos he sleeps at my mum's place from Sun to Wed, I only bring him back on Thurs nite...now his sleeping pattern is changed and I really dislike that but what to do...

Rachel, my bb also , like to put his fists into his mouth..just now at my mum's place very funny, he was lying down quietly in his cot which was quite unusual then heard his choking...he was actually sucking his fists and think he choked a bit..

melissa, that's good to know. so how, what did PD say? maybe it's heat rash or milk rash?

re: polling

yep, cannot bring bb in. maybe just bring both kids there and ask the polling agent to look after or policeman to jaga while u vote? hahaha... worth a try. ;)

Debbie, my bb have not flip yet .. only half flip and then on her back again.

TenQ, my bb hates tummy time too, she thot I'm torturing her T_T

Rachel, my bb only interested in her fingers/fists .. sucking her time away. As for teether, I nid to hold for her to suck leh .. sigh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Klitz, ýou are a great mother [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care & jia you!!

Polling> haha dun think the polling agent will help...think someone in the papers suggested setting up a play corner for the kids? Lol...just avoid the crowd lor.

Today might be going rally...my hubby is quite interested in the foreigner issue. If u all hv Leely on ur FB, she's been volunteering qt the rallies too, with baby in tow!! Appear in papers even..

Roz, thanks for the info on the sale. Hope I have time to chong there today I have loads of things to do sigh. Let me plan and see how hopefully can go there during lunch time although sure to be crowded.

Lena, o I see now I get ur concerns hmm then maybe u might need to monitor more. Poor mummy sayang sayang.

Any mummies still swaddling ur baby? How do I get my bb used to not being swaddled? Ethan can't sleep at nite without his swaddle but he's outgrowing them so quickly hahah how how? I thot of buying those Velcro kind but it's only up to like 8-9 kgs max which is his wt now not going to last arggh

Starting solids> JL is selling the Magic Bullet blender for $79...it's very handy for blending purees and porridge for ur little one, my mum was using a similar one from U-like.

Lilsunshine, tenQ, strangely my boy loves tummy time now but still half flip only. Think he too heavy for his age. 7.4kg so maybe delayed motor skills.

Muddypaws, that day it rained in the morning so it was almost 12 when I brought my boy to swim. There was a slight sun. My boy also eeekk when his stomach went into the water. Maybe next time I try it on hot day during late morning.

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

crystal: i think you have to slowly introduce ethan to sleep without swaddle liao. maybe try swaddling half his body now instead of whole... then gradually let go of the swaddle...

eoneon, but ethan's hands canot stop moving hahahaha

its like he move and move his hands until he stop himself from sleeping. soo tempted soemtiems to tie them down hahaha... ya okie i tink i need to start some where and half body is good i guess.. if not he can never have sleep overs cos no one else noe how to swaddle him hahahah

my boy is having stomach flu ..watery poo for about 10 times a day .. according to doc, it is the season .. so, mummies n daddies, please take note of this .. nothing much the doctor can do. now, have to let my boy take soy milk n breast milk only .. he reject the soy milk .. sigh

amelia, yes stomach flu is rampant now, esp. when the weather is hot one moment, cold and wet the other. poor boy, hope he gets well soon. and u also take care, stomach flu is airborne disease so please wear a mask when taking care of him. dun fall sick yourself!

amelia u poor thing and ur boy too. remember to help him put more drapolene at the bum bum. must be very painful for him to keep pooing.

Crystal> when you say 'swaddle', you mean still wrapping him up like dumpling or just loosely cover?

Amelia> take care hor, both of you! keep hydrated!

amelia: based on the attached article: http://www.parents.com/baby/health/flu/rotavirus-stomach-flu/

Rotavirus is one of the causes for stomach flu in babies. Has kiddo taken his Rotavirus shot? My PD asked me to let Liz take the shot when she was 1month old as there was then a stomach flu epidemic.

Maybe you can boil some rice and let kiddo drink the water for hydration?

debbie: yeah, maybe the water was cold after the rain. Best to swim on a sunny day. Put sunblock!

roz, hahah wrap him up like a burrito hahaha altho he will slowly move out of it as he sleeps but at the initial sleeping phase he needs to be swaddled.

thanks everyone for the concern .. i will take good caren myself n him

crystal: drapolene doesnt work .. i m using it as regular .. desitin not working as well .. his bum bum is super duper angry red .. showed pd yesterday, she commented not too bad, as least the skin doesnt flake .. OMG ~~~~ anyway, she gave me a Himalaya nappy rash cream .. it works wonder .. u can see that the redness reduce after 1st attempt

muddypaws: my boy took his 2nd dose of rotavirus already .. i m not sure is it because of the side effect of the dosage or nt .. coz he took last monday, he started to hv diarhhoe on thursday/friday ..

Amelia> maybe you want to keep a bottle of hand sanitizer next to your baby, coz stomach flu is very infectious.

crystal> aiyoh so big still can wrap ah..heehee...maybe can try putting him to sleep on his tummy?

amelia: did you ask PD if there is side effects from the rotavirus jab? I don't think it's side effects though as side effects usually happen within 48hrs.

amelia, O dear.. thankfully at least the PD gave u some cream to apply. that's not too bad then hopefully wont get worse.

roz, ya can u imagine? its like my giant burrito hahaha... cannot he cant sleep on his tummy. he is those that sleep with hands open legs open kind on his back.

Good Morning Mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dew / muddy / roz / debbie - Brought Kayleia to the pd last night at Pasir Ris and queue for almost 2 hours.

PD says its just sensitive skin and gave us some cream to apply.

Could be due to sweaty palms and feet.

Pd says its not due to any allergy from food.

Hopefully it will clear up soon.

debbie / tenq / lilsunshine - don't worry about flipping. My girl hates tummy time to the core and I was very sure she will skip her flipping phrase. But to my surprise/horror she flipped suddenly one day at about 5mths and couldn't be stopped ever since!

I guess every baby has their own milestones. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

roz - oooooooooo, feel like going down after work! dunno if there are still nice stuff left!

crystal - I only swaddle my baby for 2 weeks. Now she sleeps with her hands wide open.

amelia - poor thing. take care of your boy. Hope he recovers soon.

crystal: haha.. my gal will move till she is awaken from her sleep but there is nothing we can do as need to let them get used to it. hehe..

amelia: gosh, your boy must have felt lousy. did doc says how we can prevent it? hope your boy recovering soon and you have to take care cause you are the caregiver.

Noon mummies!

jus added a number of mummies on FB ac. in case u wonder who is this ZAyne Leow who added u, it's me =D. optional to add me lah. Jus tat long time nvr login tat ac, n saw quite a number of dec mums so decided to add u gals.

Mommies, just wanted to whine a little... hubby and I had some friends over at our place on Sunday. I went to pump my milk half-way through and was packing them into the milk-trays for freezing when one of his friends came by to say bye, and asked me what i was doing. Before I could answer, he thought it's white chocolate, lifted the tray and all my milk spilled onto the table! I was so furious that I wanted to yell at him. His wife tried to calm me down by helping to clean the table. He kept apologising but I refused to listen, and after they left, I cried. I used to pump 3-4oz each time, but now 10-30ml. It's a struggle but I'm still doing it for liz. Seeing the spilled milk makes me heart ache. Hubby, of course, tried to calm me down which I eventually did, but I still hold a grudge against his stupid friend.

Anyway, does anyone plan to register kiddo into the weekend parent-accompanied playgroup classes soon? I'm thinking of getting Liz to attend one at about 8-9months. ANy recommendations?

muddypaws, sayang sayang... gosh, that man ah! i'd smack him if i were his wife! haizz... really gotta hand it to u for perservering! btw, i hv sacred tea and a few more tablets of domperidone. u want? i'm not taking them anymore. dunno what to do with them now.

Oh dear Muddy..haiz. You know how some friends can just be so goofy sometimes...and they probably won't understand why such a big deal over breast milk until they go through it themselves. Hope you feel better soon..not good to hold grudge coz they kinda take up a lot of your time, make you angry for nothing when the guy prolly already forgot about it >.<

Roz, thanks for your advice.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TengQ, I tin Polyclinic do conduct the intro to solid talk at times... Cos i saw one at Seng kang poly last time

Sharon, how come you only bring BB back for 1 day? u got to work on weekend too? I tin BB reali not used to slpin at ur place cos too used to your mum's too...

Crystal... Hmm, tin like wat Eon said, try half swaddle n gradually remove lo... If Ethan keep movin, jus let him move awhile than make him slp lo.. tin he will slp when he feel tired alfter movvin so much... Mi also have hard time makin Clarissa slp cos her style is keep movin n flippin till her battery flat than willin to slp.. Oh ya.. sometimes i will placed my hand on top of hers so she feel nice n moved lesser, maybe you can try? Even my mum also scared to make her slp cos reali will used up alot of energy lo... lol

Amelia, poor gal, hope ur boy recover soon... I did ask the Pd abt side effect of rotavirus and he mentioned that there shouldn't be any side effect.

Muddypaws.. Aiyo, can imagine how angry you felt... but cool down k.. cos his friend also didn't mean it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Tin his hand too itchy liao sia...


Strange that we cant bring bb in... any mummies know the reason? Cos i'm curious.. haha.. i first time voting...

muddypaw: Oh..sayang hor..me will also get angry if my bm wasted like dat. yesterday my boy also didnt finish my sacred bm,gotta throw away20ml..so 'she bu de' cos now i only pump twice a day...can only give him 2 feed n sometimes 1 feed only. but i guess i m gonna stop pumpin soon,jus tat wory my mil wonder y i dont wanna give bm anymore.(cos she pretty wanna bb to haf bm)*stress* too..

dew: I've gone back and forth so many times on bf-ing. I stopped bf-ing but went back to it, that's why my supply is so bad now. Maybe I can get the sacred tea from you? Let me know how much so that I can pay you.

dew/roz: I didn't yell at him, but was literally boiling inside. Just felt sad for the spilled milk... anyway, I'm ok now, but I told hubby I don't want that stupid friend in my house again.

lena> coz they scared the child will accidentally reveal whom the parent is voting for...

but if my boy at 4 mths can say that I'm voting for the 'Sun'....I'll be too stoked to really care!

roz, LOL!!! that's true, if my bb can talk, i'll be too thrilled to care!

muddypaws, yah, i rbr u said u were stopping bf before u went to HCM, so am surprised u are still perservering. my sacred tea, lol, i used 2 tablespoonfuls, tried for 2 days before i decide to stop bf at beginning april. :p i'll post it to u. as for $, maybe just $10 will do lah. u want the domperidone? i can just throw it into the package for u.

Roz, hahahha u are so funny but ya hahha if our babies cN talk hahah will make bigger news the election I tink.

Lena, ya I guess I need to do that huh. It's just that I lazy hahah cos now gettig Ethan to sleep is a breeze hahah. Put him down in his burrito form and it's lala land. O well I'll try try try.

Anyone selling off fenugreek from gnc? The sacred tea not reallie working for me this time sigh.

Off to gap sale will update on boy boy clothes later.

CRYSTALLL>>>> if it's not too troublesome for you, if you see a pink polo shirt or shirt for baby boy 6-12 mths....can buy for me?? hot pink or baby pink can..heehee..IF lah..no need to go all out to look for one :D thhxxxxxx

hi mummies who have the swimming tub,

can i ask how do you get the water warm - cause i just use the hot water from the showerhead, takes forever to fill up the tub and by then the water also not very warm coz run out of hot water.

how many days do u reuse the same water in the tub? how do u reheat the water?

trying to figure out how to more effective use this tub.

thks !

Crystal, dun worry la.. i tin Ethan will get used to it soon since he doesn't have much slpin problem like my ger... Mine is nv a breeze other than that time durin CNY cos she's reali tired out from many visitings n we reached hm very late...

Roz you very cute leh. Hot PINK shirt for your boy. Cool cool. I have some friends who adamantly refuse to dress their boys in girly colours. But to me, no big deal lah. And I admire adult men who dare to wear shocking pink or purple/lilac etc & can carry off well. Unlike my husband, boring black, grey, navy blue & white. Bought for him a yellow shirt but he avoided it like plague!


but our bb stl cannt talk aso cannt bring into e polling stn mah??


wah...muz b realli heart pain for u...


can help me see gt any gd deals there??


muddypaws: oh, smack that friend! i am starting to imagine my breastfeeding days. every single drop is so precious.

crystal: im selling, im selling... you wana get from me? brand new... let me know ya.

roz: haha, so funny! some stupid policies. should have set a reasonable one mah. how can baby divulge who the parent is voting.. faint!

