(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Thanks for the update Jialing! I asked hb to go and buy Pampers.. He say no hurry, running out then buy, at most run out already use other brands... Easy for him to say, he's not the one who has to keep changing diapers and washing off leaking pee/poo from his body and bb's clothings everyday.. bah...


Any mummies went for the OG close door sales yesterday?

I wanted to get the Avent blender there, but u-turn after seeing the super long + not moving queue outside OG. :S

I went for lunch first hoping the queue might be shorter after that. But how wrong I was, the queue became longer and "thicker". omg

Morning Mummies,

Heavy rain this morning.. feel like continuing my sleep in the bed. Hee.. busy busy at work these few days.

Just to share, my girl had learnt how to flip from lying on her back to her tummy just early this week. Now we are very wary when she goes to bed cause she kept trying to turn herself over when she's lying on her bed. Last night, she slept lying sideways on her own. Quite funny, cause she kept fidgeting on her bed trying to sleep and she finally managed to make herself sleep at that pose. Hee.. we also remove her cot and placed her mattress on the ground with another single mattress beside it so that my mum or anyone of us can sleep just beside her to monitor her. Don't dare to leave her to sleep alone now.

Mummy lian: Im eating those instant oatmeal (the red packaging from quakers), just add boiling water to it. Same as jc_bb, I'll add a package of milo 3-in-1 together. I found it more tasty and convenient, just add the 2 together with hot water and its ready to serve, so easy to prepare at office. Heehee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlemay: I can understand how you feel too. Since my girl is out from my tummy, I also have not sleep for more than 4-5hour (non-interrupted). Very tiring, but still got to preserve if we want to continue bf-ing. Several weeks ago, I happened to see a slogan on pigeon breastpad box. Its saying something like 'Breastfeeding is the best gift a mother can give her baby.'. It really spur me to continue despite all the tiredness. I gave myself short-term target also, like try for 3months, supplement with fm if not enough and currently, its try to meet at least 6months which is the recommended period by most pd, nurses, hospital etc.. hee..I still got 2mths more to go..if I can achieve that, then maybe have another target. So far, just try to take it easy and not take it too hard on myself.

Yugal: Yes, these's alot of things to lug to work for us mummies nowsadays. For me, my hb bought me 2 manual pumps for me to bring to work. I like to use them as I find that they can empty my breast much much faster than my electric pump and much lighter also. So this makes my pumping at office more efficient. Hee.. but my first try with the manual pump at home was bad, super tiring on my hands. But slowly, I learnt how to pace myself so now my hands doesn't ache as much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Pumping

I think Im the weird one around. I pump like 40mins when Im using my electric pump at home. I know the recommended pump time is 15-20mins but I found that my breasts are still quite full feeling after 20mins. I think my let-downs are quite slow, so I continue my pump time until I feel my breasts are softer. But I usually don't tune the suction power too high so as to save my nipples from soreness.

I also had a pair of manual pump, and I only need to pump 10mins to achieve the same amount from the 40mins electric pump. I think they are more efficient to stimulate the let-downs, and can clear better than my electric one. But I also observed an interesting pattern, sometime after using my electric pump, I can feel abit of hardness, no matter how I massage during the next electric pump, its still there. But when I used my manual pump, somehow they can help to soften my breasts, can really feel that the hardness is gone. But on another occassion after my manual pump session, I found that a certain part of my breast is still slightly hard and its only gone after using my electric pump. Seems to me, the two pumps are complementing on each other.

raspy, thanks for the advice! My wife feared the tiredness of manual pump, thats why we were looking at battery operated ones. Which brand of manual pump you are using?


u're a SAHM so u actually dun need to pump right? the only reason u're pumping is cos yr bb will choke and cry at the fast flow? or so that u hv some spare in the freezer and someone else can feed bb too?

if it's only because of bb choking, then actually u shd not pump, otherwise u will always hv to pump that extra time. My LC taught me not to pump cos that will stimulate extra supply which bb is not drinking. What she taught me was to just hand express out a bit before each feed so the flow becomes more manageable for bb. If breast gets too engorged then just apply a bit of cold compress to relieve the discomfort. If ducts get blocked, also just hand express out until the lumps are not so hard, then let bb latch and clear out the rest of the lumps.

I did that for the first mth, sometimes waking up every hr to hand express and relieve discomfort. but at least now, i totally do not need to pump and my supply has more or less adjusted to bb demand.

here is more info for u


but of cos, if u want to hv spare in the freezer then that's a totally different story lah.

sometimes i cannot understand my supply...yest pump only 50ml fr both breasts... n when latch bb .. he seems not drinking enough n want to keep drinking... but he being suckin for one hr liao... haiz...

n now i am worry that my ss cannot keep up to his dd..cos now everyday has been supplementing with my frozen EBM and my EBM is running very low liao...

now i have been pumping every 4 hrs... and today i going to try pumping 3hrs int in order to increase ss... stress leh.. i thinking mayb can start to introduce FM but at same time hope to achieve my target feeding BM for 6 mths... still another 3 mths to go...

something to share... yest nite after latching bb at my MIL pl.. i say bye bye to my bb... (cos going bk home) n he start to get cranky... my mil carry him but his body keep leaning towards me and hold my finger tight in his fist... at that moment, i can feel he don wan me to go ... i feel so sad but need to go .... ah yo... he seems to know his mummy is leaving the hse...

Hey mummies, morning!!

Thanks for all the concern.. Nw am waiting for the time to go KKH for my boy review, at the same time waiting for my sis to update if she has board the plane..

Btw mummies who wan buy bags (Coach, KS, Gucci)

They having a sale of up to 70% at scape tis sat frm 11am - 5pm.. I really want to go but then no one help to look after my kids.. I am aiming to see wat Gucci might haf le!! Arrgghhh...


really hats off to you for handling 2 kids on your own! How do you manage to bring 2 of them out plus carry all the barang barang?

I can't, i need either my hb or helper ard if i want to bring 2 out.. if not, i usually leave the small one at home and bring big one out.

must teach me how to manage..

or maybe cos my no1 still needs to be carried sometimes, esp when she gets into one of her moods, so i can't imagine how i can carry 2 kids, plus the diaper bag!

so coincidental, but i was planning a japan trip in May too, around the 2nd or 3rd week of may.. but haven't booked anything yet.. tats the trip i mentioned in FB tat i not intending to bring the 2 kiddos..

u're amazing tat u haven't left your gal for more than a few hours since she was born! so far, i have been on 2 trips w/o her already.. and she also stay over many many times at my inlaws or parents place so tat me and hub got some couple time..


mummies, not to scare you, but this lack of sleep thingy will be with us for a few more years! since April 2009 when my no1 was born, i think i havent been able to sleep for longer than 6 hrs at a stretch.. even now, with jus 3 or 4 hrs stretch, i'm totally used to it liao.. no longer feel tired even though i dun take naps too.. i guess mummies will just get used to not much sleep after awhile.

i keep telling myself that when they are both 4 or 5 yrs old, i can relax and start sleeping properly!

Letting baby cry,

i'm quite bad.. i always let her cry for awhile b4 i tend to her.. of cos if it gets too hysterical or when she starts turning red i'll go and carry her, if not i'll just continue whatever i was doing (bathing/eating/reading newspapers/watching online shows, etc) instead of rushing to her.. in fact she looks so cute crying that i'll let her cry abit longer just to see her face, haha.. bad mummy..

dewdew: for me no problem of bringing him alone maybe also becuase i bring him out alone quite frequent in sg already by taking bus, mrt, taxi, walk for shopping n makan ... so, practise make perfect

hi littlemay,

if u see specks of red, even though it's little, pd said must go for check up. my boy had that when he was abt 3 months old, had specks of red in his poo. it could be due to tear in anus (due to constipation) or could be something serious like intestion blockage. usually it's due to tear in anus but it's better to do a thorough check up.

hi jialing,

thanks for informing us abt the ntuc sale. will go marketing tmr. going to buy pet pet to try cos the packaging looks different from the one with the sticky tape.

hi roz,

thanks for the link.

hi dbaby,

hope ur boy is alright and need not go for another op.

Osh Gosh,lee

I think i m more gungho la. i didnt think that much whenever i wanna go out with e babe. I was more worried like u for no1, so i didnt go out alone with her till she is 3mths old, cos i am also very panicky about stroller,bag and stuff.

But after 3yrs of "training" with no1, i brought my no1 and no2 out when no 2 hit the 1mth. Brought em out for playdate, to beach,bookshop. Maybe because no1 been used to going out with me alone in e day and she knows i wont carry her if she is with me (of cos if father around its diff stories). So she ll walk beside me or around me, and quite good behaviour.Obviously she will whine sometimes when she wants something but usually easily diverted.

iAnd i bought my no1 alone to the zoo a couple of times, will do that when no2 is older. But no2 already gone zoo with us a couple of times recently.

Same as osh gosh, with my no1, i dont think i slept like 6hrs stretch till she is 16mths!

Grumpus, i think we met once or twice before the first time was at T3 when our babe was 5,6mths old, with the rest of e sahm. The anth time was at united square right?

I am still in contact with some of the sahm around my east area.

U just delivered no2 too?


Yes I remember the meet up at T3 n united square! Wow yr memory is very good to remember all the mummies. Sad to say I hv lost touch with most of the SAHM except for one who is my neighbor. I just deliver no. 2 in Jan 11. Same as u I am used to bringing no.1 n no.2 out alone cos hb is always traveling n if I dun do it I will be stuck at home all the time.

Hey, would love to meet up with more SAHM. Any meet up or playdate next time, hope u dun mind including me.

Good after mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went NTUC to stock up pampers for my dear Alexis.

Jialing, thank u for the promotion update, I just chong to NTUC to buy XL size pampers. I was tempted to get pet pet, seems like not bad. Haiz later hubby going to nag at me for getting something else. Maybe the next trip to NTUC then see how[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, I find huggies is slightly smaller cutting than pampers. Alexis is using Huggies dry comfort L, after this pack will use back Pampers L. I prefer Pampers actually. Huggies can tahan only 2 hrs.

Pampers vs pet pet size:-

Mommies is their size the same or Pet pet bigger?

Grumpus, our gals the same name[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oshgosh, you are not bad mommy. I also do that since I am putting her in IFC, the teachers will not attend to her immediately. I don't even carry her much, I just sayang her on the bed. Cos worry again the teachers will not keep carrying her. Since she is with daycare now, I will carry her as much at night, then hubby will play with her awhile before I sayang her to sleep. My cousin mentioned before it is good for baby to cry abit more cos it will open up their lungs.

dewdew, Gwen drinking Nan Pro HA or Nan pro now? 6 days still okay, as long as her tummy not bloated.

Dbaby, Poor mommy, hope everything will be soon soon heng heng. Do bring your "ATM" aka hubby to buy the bags. Need to spoilt yourself abit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rachel, it is not easy, weekend try to spend more time with your boy. Weekdays wise also bond with him when latching. Be mommy in SIN not easy, Jia you okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all,

wanted to bring bb out this morning but rained, so in the end we slept in until 8am. shiok! y'day she woke up at 6:45am, so i was quite afraid she'll do the same today. hahaha...

stefie, my gal just switched back to Nan Pro y'day. and she finally poopoo! 2 big ones! hahahaha... so happy. i was feeding her gripe water when i saw her face macam concentrating on something, so i did the "ng ng" sound and told her to push. wow, explosion after and i was all gabra.. lol! had to leave her on the toilet floor just so i could take off her cloths and diaper. then after wash off, i wrapped her in my towel and prepared her bath, she poo again! my towel all kena, but i was happier still, kept praising her. lol... the things that makes me happy nowadays... *shake head*

i couldn't see the NTUC promotion link. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] got mamy poko?

Btw mommies, I find that Dec-10 babies seems like have a lot of hair. I was thinking what I ate that actually let my Alexis to have so much hair, then I realised I ate 2 eggs every day, ha!! ha!! Then I shared with my pregnant friend, see whether her baby will have lots of hair or not. Ha!! ha!!!

Ha!!Ha!!! dewdew babies poo are like precious gold now right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] At least all the 6 days poos came out, she must be very song now...... Then better stop Nan pro HA liao (HA maybe too thick) and stick to Nan Pro. Nan pro will help to regulate soon soon poos[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No promotion for mammy poko on the ad, I saw something at NTUC some Must buys on Mammy poko. $20.65 1 pkt.


hi everyone, been MIAing cos just got back at work.. and busy clearing up loads and loads of mess...

athena, u're welcome. hope it works for everyone tt tried. have to take 2cups of water boil with one teaspoon of herbs, den simmer for 10mins, drain of herbs and drink. i think boil shld be better ba, can release the herb effects?

dewdew, ya... so happy when dey finally poo. now my BB will "ren" her pee n poo till we put her over the potty. bad thing is when we're outside and she's wearing diapers she'll also wait for us to put her over the potty... haha...

yugal, i'm using avent manual pump at home and medela's electric pump at work. medela's suction power is very strong, so if u keep using it to pump it gets real painful. avent's pump has the massage cushion and the let down in fast. mayb u can try avent's electric pump? having used both, i prefer avent pump, can pump out abt 50ml more for me.

Lactating mummies, i still hv sample pkt of anmum materna, similac mum, friso mum, enfamama. Anyone interested? In total abt 14 pkts.. Gotta self collect cos to bulky to send by post.

Hi mummies, you are most welcomed! Good deals must share cos costly to raise child in Sgp :p

Stefie, Julien dun have much hair unfortunately. Haa, everyone who see him will ask me if we just shaved his head although we haven't done anything to his hair yet. He's quite a botak, lol.

Dewdew, the mamypoko pack still seems rather ex. Pampers cheaper after comparing the offers so u may want to consider buying that. I never thought I'll be so happy over poking but when Jul can't poo for a day and can't drink well n looks upset, I'm really relieve when he poos. Haa..simple joys in life!

Admire all the mummies who can bring their babies out on their own. I still haven't try n also worried about bringing bb to crowded places as there are viruses, very kiasee.

dew, wat's e colour of her poo? My boy's poo is still green (maybe like wat esqaure said, colicky bb poo is green). By right wat is the colour of their poo if on total FM?

stefie, wow u went ntuc again!! i wanted to go but raining.. Wanna bring reyes there to but dunno whether if i can managed 2-3pkt of diapers..

hi mummies! finally my hb 1 mth reservist is over! my body feels like an old woman now. i start to feel okay and getting use to bb routine now. sometimes it feels better without seeing my hb in the house as i will expect him to do something on helping with bb. without him, i did it all by myself but with him around, i tend to see and want him to help. actually, all i need sometimes is jus appreciation. tats simple yet will make me feel good to knw he appreciates hw i tired myself out to take care of baby. dewdew, i always bath at night only after baby gets into deep sleep as her usual routine. but there's one night where she really screamed from sleep while i was showering and yes, i jus wash off the shampoo from my hair and wrap the towel to run out! lol...

sure, yvaine, i will take more pics nxt time when we hav gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amuro, always see ur fb with ur 2 darlings making me so envy. the nxt step, i will hav to learn to bring her out so i will not bored myself at home.

im going back to offc for abt 5-6days and hb will be penguin daddy full day. haa! hope tat when i'm back, he will learn to knw hw tired i am and sacrifice to face 4walls everyday.

dbaby, hope ur boy will be alright. u must be v heartache too. hugs!

rainbow, think mamypoko and petpet abt the same. they r ok for my girl but drypers will leave her with red marks.

stefie, for now, i think petpet M cutting abit bigger than pampers M for my girl.

klitz, u saw my fb msg? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jialing, botak still cute leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, I like aunty lor, bought 3 pkts of pampers, wow very heavy. You want to bring Reyes lagi poor thing, Reyes plus heavy diapers. Ask your hubby to buy lah.

Poo colours as long as no blood or black colour then should be normal. Black colour means have blood in poos.

Cherrry, reyes used to use drypers than both thigh kanna red marks.. haha. than i switch to strictly mamypoko.. now thinking of getting petpet for day.. U're right, staying at home is really bored. Heng tmr gng to my friend's bb full month. Anyone heading to expo?

and thanks mummies for the feedback on freestyle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

by the way, any toys tat can catch bb attention to suck on it than the finger? my bb hav no interest on those toys i got. btwn, sucking thumbs/fist is a natural reflux for bb, it shld be gone by the time they can crawl/play w toys?


I wanna go but i doubt i can. Though i did hint hint to HB tt i feel like going but gt 2 big 'bags' tt i cant. So see hw it goes on sat then.. My 'ATM' has been doing a lot of internet banking transfer for my online shopping lately...

Will update after my boy review later


So u back to work aldy?? Wat u working as??


Ya, hope everything be fine later...

Same as u, if HB nt overseas i also a bit 'pampered' by wanting him to help.. Bad hor?!? But if he nt arnd, miraculously i can manage to do by my own.. Hahah =)

Btw mummies, my sis aldy on the plane back hm.. Gonna meet her at the airport for dinner..


good to hear your sis manage to get on a flight back.. and hope to hear good news about your boy's review soon!


i just came back from my first ever exercise session since 1 year ago.. my goodness, i was totally unfit.. and my stomach really no more muscles left, it was so hard to do situps! i'm going to ache like mad tomorrow for sure..

saw that they having pilates class at the gym, so tempted to join cos the timing is jus nice when i fetch no 1 to school..but problem is i can only join for 2 mths b4 i go back work, sian.


let me know if there are any gatherings in the east.. i think by May when i put my no1 in full daycare, it will be easier for me.. cos now, i have to fetch her after 3 hrs of school.. not much time to meet up.. but i'll be going back to work in June, so no more SAHM for me, will miss the time i spent w my gal for the last 1+ yrs..


i same as u.. my hub travels v often, so whenever he is back, i expect him to do alot more, and i end up becoming so dependent on him.. such tat when he leaves again, i feel v sian tat i hv to do everything myself..

like for the past 1.5 weeks, he has been at home w me, so it feels v good tat he helps w no 1 while i take care of no 2.. but when he goes off again on monday for another 2 weeks, then i have to get used to doing everything all over again.

Beco Carrier,

i finally tried using my beco carrier.. want to ask mummies using it, do you use the infant insert? my bb is about 60 cm, dunno if still should use..

also cos my bb's neck not v strong still, i find tat her neck tends to bob all over, the beco doesnt seem to be able to support her neck cos its quite soft, is it the case for other babies here? or am i using it wrongly?

cos the baby bjorn is stiff enough to support her neck v well, but for beco, i find tat her neck moves way too much, esp when she turns to look at the side..

Manduca - Cherrry, tried manduca at novena sq boutique.. it was like WOW!! My shoulder is sooo relax!! E current one i had given by my friend, after 15-20mins, my shoulder gonna break man.. very tempting to buy but in e end was telling myself how often do i use when i'm trying to train bb to sit in pram.. so walk out empty handed.. and in e end spend 200 plus at kiddy palace.

oh yes, any mummies bought e avent blender?

Littlemay, your baby poo got red specks issit? My boy had red spects on Sunday but my MIL and SIL say nothing wrong as my baby no constipation and still very happy. How ah? You bringing your baby see PD?

Cherry, drypers cutting smaller and also give my boy red marks. Anyway your hubby so good can be penguin daddy! I can't imagine leavin my boy to my hubby for 3 hours leh! Haha. I also bathe when my baby asleep at night. Sometimes shower when baby sleep and a few times just wrap towel and rush out from toilet to attend my boy when he cry during my bath time haha.

haa.. dbaby, not we bad la, but normal cos i also want hb to help whenever he's at home. lol glad ur sis is back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oshgosh, think we really expect hb to do more hahaa!!

yeah rainbow, its v comfy right. haaa!! when i first use it, i also feel so relax lor. reyes can stay in pram pretty good wor! i use the carrier when in need to go ard the neighbourhood, buy food or walk around. and also to travel from my mum's place. yes, tat day i shared the avent blender at kiddy palace is $159, cheaper than taka fair at $179. but think only NEX hav the bundle same as taka.

Debbie, funny right, run out with a towel! haa! tats only wat mummies will do :p

Cherrry, ya no stress on shoulder at all!!! But e negative part is bb has to face in but reyes prefers facing out otherwise he'll scream he's head off. E sales person keeps assuring me tat reyes will like it and will feel comfy facing inwards but i scare if i buy than he doesn't want, my $$ will fly sia...

I bought from kiddy palace at 159.20 and only e blender lei.. Nex has wat bundle huh??

diapers: hi mummies, i got sms(adv) tat Pampers having 38% discount if u buy 3 packs or more at the Babycare(expo) tomorrow. go n stock up =D

oshgosh: how u find beco carrier? i m thinkin of buying, read thru n many english mummies praise like mad n even swear it better than baby bjorn. is it taxing on shoulder after long use?

rainbow: same as u, my fren gave me Tollyjoy brand carrier n it's very taxing on shoulder after awhile. so tat Manduca brand really gd? weight on hips area?

cindy: ya, u r rite, huggies is smaller cuttin compared to pampers. but i feel tat huggies ultra is more absorbent than pampers.

gathering: so anyone living in west area organising any meet up? saw the pic in FB tat u mummies met up @ GWP, so nice! i haven login for quite awhile liao so missed it.

cherry: how u find petpet? as compared to pampers? my sil asked me to use for day time, but i haven buy to try yet.

Yes Debbie. Today my gals pop got red specks. I'm monitoring and see if it continues. If it does, I will bring her to pd. She's due for her prevanar vaccine next Tues. She doesn't have constipation leh, can poo 2-3 times a day. Maybe she Gek sai too hard?

Just went to Ntuc with my gal to get the pampers. The salesgirl say pampers size m no sale wor! I saw it in the papers. She say maybe different outlet different. #^**.

Stefie, Alexis wearing size L so soon? What is her weight? My gal is still wearing size s. Is that why her thighs are red? But the pampers cover say 3-8kg wor.

hahaa.. rainbow, my girl's head still not as stable as reyes, but i pulled the zip down when i tried to bring her downstair yest. she's alright with looking out and she turned her head to the side, nvr face in to me. hee!

bundle hav 4 VIA cups, a plate and a bottle i think same as taka fair. but dont knw if NEX still hav them now anot. i jus got to knw from a nov mummy tat only nex hav the bundle.

CC, i find petpet is gd enough for day use, to change every 3-4hrs. and use pampers at night to last longer.

my girl having growth spurt now, as her usual sleep at 8pm, now she wakes up at btwn 10-11pm for feed, then 4am and 6am. hehee.. so bb sleeping thru the night, they knw when they r hungry and need the feed

amelia: i m not awas online le, quite hard for me to organise. but wont mind attendin if there is one , provided i come online in time to know. lol

rainbow: $249..wow..abit ex hor...now i m oso using MIM sling. can change various positions but still heavy on shoulder le..tat day i put my boy in sitting position n went shoppin...shoulder wanna break liao man. maybe he heavy oso la..7kg liao. pram is gd but if out alone, prefer carrier lo, easier. tat was once i brought him to vivocity, use pram, then when i wanna go pee, cant push pram into cubicle, gotta quickly pee n come out , scare later pple steal my boy away. never twice! LOL!

cherry: k, maybe can try petpet for a pack.

Thanks Mango.

Rainbow: I just got the Manduca over the weekend. Now I also abit scared whether I will use it alot or not, to make it worth the $$!! So far, still in box, haven't wash. But me also very impressed by it lor! I just hope my boy will enjoy being carried in it. Tried to find 2nd hand online, cannot find. :-(

Last night I tried cot mobile for my boy but only kept him occupied for awhile. Then he start to cry. Failed to make him sleep on his own! Boo hoo hoo.. Good thing it's rental only, if not bye bye $$!

Today, dunno why my boy, while napping, keep crying in btw. Very sudden. Face red, cry loud with tears. Carry him pat pat, then sleep back. So far 4 times oredi. Anyone experience this? I wonder if there's smthing wrong, pain or itchy or what.. So poor thing!

Btw, anyone knows the vendors who will be there at the baby expo? Tried finding online but cannot find. If not worth it, won't go.. scared alot of ppl. That day went to OG sales, OMG! So long Q to go in and to pay but I got what I wanted, last one on the shelf. If not, I think I would be cursing whole day.

Stefie: I just got my CB calendula cream today. Immediately tried on him. Feels quite good, abit smooth after applying coz it's abit oil based I think. Hope this will help! Pray pray!

Grumpus, you mentioned that your supply meeting bb’s demand right? So do you still pump? I find that my supply just matches bb’s demand as I latched to feed her all the times. But when I want to go out and let mil bottle feed her, I realized I don’t have much supply to pump already.

Jialing, thanks for update on pampers! Just as we were talking about it. ;)

Dbaby, hope everything goes well for your boy. What a relief to know that your sis is back! Enjoy the dinner.

hands sucking

Dew dew, hands got taste? Haha… salty taste?

Cherry, let me know if you found toys to replace hands. I think they should invent some teething gloves for babies!

home alone

Debbie/cherry, I also bath when my gal falls asleep at night or when hubby is back. But there was once I placed her in rocker just outside the bathroom so that I can see her. She ended up sleeping with the splashing sound! But it only worked once. Haha Daily, I sort of skipped breakfast and have early lunch. No time to prepare lunch so will always carrier baby out to buy lunch. I will only defrost the ingredients and wait for hubby to be back before cooking dinner. So far, I’ve been out at least once a week without my gal for ME time. =) my mil will come over to help me take care of her. Otherwise , will be out only at night to meet friends for dinner after hubby comes home so penguin daddy will take care. He is ‘trained’ since my gal is week 5!

my gal just did her first successful roll over today!;) so cute, after she did once successfully, she keeps trying until she is tired and has no strength to flip. Like many mummies here said, must be very careful already.

Flip and swaddle

Need advice: Do you still swaddle babies to sleep after they know how to flip?

BECO carrier:

maybe I am use to use it everyday so I dun find it taxing on my shoulder...yest I went ION orchard wif my boy using Beco carrier for 3 hours...he slept so soundly n I njoyed my retail therapy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tomr I be gng Expo so will be using carrier again. Hee..heavy duty carrier for me!

Littlemay/Debbie, if it is only one time poo wif red specks shld be nothing serious..but if continue, better bring bb to PD, so monitor..

Oshgosh, my boy still on infant insert, I be using until he 6 mths[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby, good that ur sis is hm safely and hope ur boy review will be good, dun worry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hm alone

when I bath, my boy will be on bouncer and I will let him see a musical toy outside my bathroom door open, he wont make a fuss but I still bath within 5 min. Only at nite after my 2 kids zz then I will hv a long bath to relax and njoy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherry, glad ur hb is finally back. U can have a good break n applause he is gng to be penguin daddy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



if u latch to feed all the time, then yr supply will be more or less exactly bbs demand. no extra already. i dun pump at all so i can't go anywhere without my bb...hahaha...

if u want to ocassionally go out without bb, then u need to pump at least once a day to hv some spare.

for me i'm just going to tahan until bb is 6mths, once she starts on solids, i'll be able to run off for awhile. my mum/mil can just feed her solids while i'm away.

